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Revisiting past drama with Penn

Sad. But is he available?
Sad. But is he available?
Should we invite them in the new season and have them go on dates?
Should we invite them in the new season and have them go on dates?
Did the restaurant burn down? Did the animals die from famine?
Did the restaurant burn down? Did the animals die from famine?
Bring her back too, it is the season of smooching.
Bring her back too, it is the season of smooching.
She′s completely bonkers?!
She′s completely bonkers?!
I retract the statement, he is way more deranged than the lady before.
I retract the statement, he is way more deranged than the lady before.
What happened next? Did he go? I′m so eager to know!
What happened next? Did he go? I′m so eager to know!
-Marvelous. I just like to add to the suspense.
-Marvelous. I just like to add to the suspense.
That′s a nasty kink to have.
That′s a nasty kink to have.
Are they a "thing"? I don′t get it. I′m too old for this.
Are they a "thing"? I don′t get it. I′m too old for this.
I don′t know what is going on here but why did he mention s*x randomly in the middle; of an on-going conversation?
I don′t know what is going on here but why did he mention s*x randomly in the middle

Comentarii album • 11
OskarSchweiger 12 February 2024  
Wow, whatever this is, Penny, I think Iʼve seen enough of me, donʼt you think? Are you a homosexual too? Should I put you in touch with ḋiỆseḶ?
MattyHealy 4 February 2024  
I do, I do like Ester Expósito better than you.
Tintype 4 February 2024  
Tintype 4 February 2024  
How could you!
AtlasEbner 4 February 2024  
Talk to the warden and get me outta here
MattyHealy 4 February 2024  
You're telling me they sat at that table for 24 hours talking? Couples are MENTAL. Pay me and I would not have stayed at a bloody Chicken Shop Date.
AtlasEbner 4 February 2024  
Go on a date with me, promise it won't be boring! XD A bit illegal, maybe. But you know what they say - "Live fast, die young, bad girls do it well" :*
LeviRainer 5 February 2024  
…I hereby disagree with that statement. mein Gott digga bitte das Skript aendern…
AtlasEbner 6 February 2024  
R u jealous, babe?
MattyHealy 4 February 2024  
They told me you were clinically insane but I didn't expect that level of delusion.
"An aromantic (or 'aro') person experiences little to no romantic attraction towards other people, and has little or no desire to form a romantic relationship." Now piss off!
AtlasEbner 5 February 2024  
I'm not insane! My mom had me tested!
Lack of attraction, either sexual or romantic, does not specifically imply that people on the spectrum can't be in relationships. And nothing can stop me ✨
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