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Archive of our own from VIII - X

colaboratori: tintype Mauriacs
                    ˓❦ParlorG̣ạṃẹː Build ʻyourselfʼ out of a story.
                            ˒Anyone can be anyone˓
     ➊: Florence Pughʼs physiognomy with Ṣḥịṿẹṛʼs ingenuity gave rise to: Ṛẹṇ Ạṛq̣ụẹṭṭẹ.
         ➁: Elle Fanningʼs profile with Ḷịṭḥịụṃʼs ingenuity:   F̣ạỵẹṭṭẹ Ḍẹṿẹṛẹạụx̣.
     ➌: E.Clarkeʼs physiognomy with Ịṇf̣ịṇịṭẹ2̣ịṇḥịḅịṭʼs ingenuity equals: Ḳạṭẹỵ Ẉẹḷḷịṿẹṛ.
         ➃: Anika Braunʼs profile with ḷẹṣḤỵḍṛọp̣ạṭḥẹṣʼ ingenuity:  Ṛọṃỵ Ẹḷß̣ḷẹṛ.
     ➎: R.Pankowʼs physiognomy with Ṇịḍạṛọṣʼ ingenuity equals: Ṃạg̣ṇụ́ṣ G̣ụṇṇạṛṣṣọṇ.
         ➅: Matthew Noszkaʼs profile with Ṃạḳṭụḅʼs ingenuity:  Ṇạṛịọ Ṿịṇc̣ẹṇẓọ.
     ➐:   Darwin Grayʼs physiognomy with Ḅṛẹạṭḥẹṃẹʼs ingenuity equals: Ṭạṭẹ Ẓẹịṭg̣ẹịṣṭ.
         ➇: Marion Pascaleʼs profile with G̣ạụḍịụṃʼs ingenuity:  Ṭṛịịṇ Ḳạṛụ.
     ➒: Lorenzo Suttoʼs physiognomy with Ḥẹạṿỵʼs ingenuity gave rise to: Ṣẹḳṣ J̣ạg̣g̣ẹṛ.
         ➉: Giulia Grilloʼs profile with P̣ẹṃḅẹṛḷẹỵʼs ingenuity equals:  Ḍọṛạ ̣Ạg̣ạṛ.
ziua 28772, lesHydropathes nu si a dat seama ca m am indragostit de ea :/
ziua 28772, lesHydropathes nu si a dat seama ca m am indragostit de ea :/

Comentarii album • 2032

Sunt afișate ultimele comentarii. Vezi toate
Nidaros 25 March 2022  
dc pui poze cu roby .
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 25 March 2022  
ca asa a pus leshydropathes ultima oara si am crush pe ea si pe schlecht :-j
Răspunde Raportează
Almighty 25 March 2022  
Alooooo aloooooo ce i aicea sormeo
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 25 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 25 March 2022  
Astept comentarii frumoase de la voi si de sustinere si de love. vad ca nu primesc. :-j.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 25 March 2022  
tsah :-j
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 25 March 2022  
se numește stil. tu n ai :-j
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 25 March 2022  
 tsaaaah-... mă simt :/ cam astăzi, nu intru-n detalii, dar sunt cam căscată și dacă zic ceva aiurea, mă scuz de pe acum. Bine, bine... cred că știți cn sunt, dacă nu, atunci vă las aici pagină de referință ca să vedeți ce fel de putere astrală am dexonline.ro/definitie/guzgan, așa, acum trecem peste asta. Nu am multe lucruri de spus aici, doar că vreau să vă salut într-un mod respectuos și nu prin a folosi translate-ul ca alte persoane care se dau culte pe aici (Margaritta, la tine mă refer, fato. nu te plac deloc, ești prea try harder) sau să-ncep să fiu drăguț, doar ca să vi se pară vouă că-s cineva căruia-i pasă, nu. sunt empatic doar cât ține vb despre soarta voastră conform regulamentului, în rest? puteți să-mi dați update că v-ați făcut outfit nou din 4 scânduri și 5 cuie, că nu mă interesează :-j (bn, o să-mi pese de preferatul meu care va fi top secret și asta DACĂ VA FI UN PREFERAT, dacă nu, la revedere).

 Bun, știu că memez și că trollez, dar ASTA NU-NSEAMNĂ CĂ VOI AVEȚI VOIE SĂ TROLLAȚI într-un mod iresponsabil. ați intrat în acest concurs, țineți-vă de acest concurs, investment, dedication și se(k/x)c(s). Așa că cer de la toți concurenții să fie cât se poate de implicați și să-și dea acordul privind această sesiune, dat fiind că este una-nregistrată la fiecare pas :-j. UPDATES, RĂSPUNSURI etc.-etc.: mă interesează foarte tare să prestați cum trebuie, răspunsurile: 24h, excepții: urgențe anunțate și bineînțeles, cu indulgență, vă mai las 35', dacă ați întârziat, afară, afară, afară. nu mă interesează, cum nici pe voi. | bun, UPDATES, meciul trecut am urmărit din umbră și vreau să spun că cinci persoane făceau updates și nu-mi plăceau majoritatea că erau despre heath (sincer, tu cum te ai născut băiatule???!!!! bn că-mi zici tu de lynch și hiTjCOcK), EI BINE, jocul acesta vreau să văd cât mai multe updates. vreau să văd cum vă creați relații, cum dezbinați relații, cum interveniți and so. vreau să văd dramă, aventuri etc., cum zicea zen malik (bună eliz topește-te),: life is a rollercoaster and so r u sau ce na!bii zicea că am uitat, oricum mai joacă pentru 1D? că am văzut că au intrat în semifinale cu românia transalpina și au meci pe ghencea.
 CONCLUZIA AICI, pentru cine nu citește că știu că mai sunt de-ăștia (eu la munc AHAHAHA):

 vreau să punctăm faptul că se va face 1 excepție/personaj. doar o singură dată poate să lase eliminările-n mâna publicului, nu vreau să mai aud: 'lăsăm pe mâna publicului' așa de des, pentru că nu mi se pare fair. sunteți într-o competiție, iar scopul nu este să vă faceți prieteni, astea-s detalii și picanteriile pt updates, ok?! bine, mulțumesc.

 PREVIEW?! © fetelor (vă știți voi :-j, vă fac plug și thankies mai tz)
 O să fie cât se poate de fun. o să-mbin utilul cu plăcutul, n-o să vă sec incredibil de tare, voi face pe cât se poate de multe pentru a fi eficientă, pentru a vă da posibilitatea să vă exprimați într-un mod creativ și să vă puneți într-o lumină bună. vreau să văd unicitate, să observ chintesența personajelor, cum le personalizați and so. m-am plictisit de 'centrism'. așa că-ncercați să fiți cât mai creativi and so. Știți că sunt o persoană care trollează, dacă vă pun la dispoziție să vă arătați umorul, nu-nseamnă că nu tratați cu seriozitate proba respectivă, spre ex. nu-mi aruncați agheuri, dați-vă interesul. cn nu știe ce-nseamnă agheu, vă mai dau o dată: twitch.tv/faiar.

 OK. CAM ATÂT, DRAGI PRIETENI, LIKE ȘI SUB PE YTB ȘI SUB PE TWITCH, marți, joi și sâmbătă pt voi seelviu faiar.
open.spotify.com/playlist/5VzzxkvTf5B98jqmEEGyzm?si=0bea98a34a264e8b până atunci, vă las playlist.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 25 March 2022  
MIMI, mi-am pus poză de model. bine? bine :-j.
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 20 March 2022  
e luat fai
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 20 March 2022  
stai la coada bro.
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 20 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 20 March 2022  
are iubita maiiiiiii:| stai cuminte
Răspunde Raportează
GiForce 20 March 2022  
restu așa S a nimerit
Răspunde Raportează
GiForce 20 March 2022  
Sincer singura la care chiar m am dat a fost rivage=))))))))))
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 20 March 2022  
what's wrong with u girlie
Răspunde Raportează
GiForce 20 March 2022  
m am luat sio după poze…
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 20 March 2022  
nu gen.......te ai dat la toate nu doar la ea=)))))))) mor
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 20 March 2022  
go poly u do it a lot:-j
Răspunde Raportează
GiForce 20 March 2022  
Ai gresit
Răspunde Raportează
GiForce 20 March 2022  
Coaie ai gresit îmi pare rau
Daca unu cu care ies la date e flirty cu alta tipa poate sa fie ea și chelnerița ITS over
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 20 March 2022  
intreaba l pe heath ca stie cu ce se mananca situatiunea ta
Răspunde Raportează
GiForce 20 March 2022  
“Nu era nimic de genu flirty”
Tot Annie câteva rânduri mai sus “am flirtat și cu tipa astalaltă”
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 20 March 2022  
tu esti secretara its a higher status :|
Răspunde Raportează
poisedchimera 20 March 2022  
ai jucat super bine, mi-a placut enorm! ne revedem sezonul urmator, sper! nu te lasa!
Răspunde Raportează
GiForce 20 March 2022  
morți tai ca ai furat și de lw mine
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 20 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 20 March 2022  
asa dragaa
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 20 March 2022  
locu 3 damn numar norocos
Răspunde Raportează
poisedchimera 20 March 2022  
mai omule, am inceput sa urmaresc activitatea concursului de... foarte putin timp, de cand fusese Amavi eliminata, sau ceva de genul, si Aske mi-a atras atentia din PRIMA CLIPA; dupa asta am dat fuga la citit comentarii, sa intru si eu in tema, si speram atat de tare sa ajungi in finala, deci ai facut o treaba... daca Aske n-a fost pe gustul meu, nu stiu cine altcineva ar fi putut fi. Dar-ar cerul sa mai joci personaje de genul, a fost perfect, pana la ultima runda!
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 20 March 2022  
oh mmmyyyyy gaaawwddd ce scumpa esti!!!!!! another reason why u should join girl
thank uuuuuu ma faci sa mi placa si mie de mine acum fmm
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 20 March 2022  
nsh ce sa zic cred caminti:|
Răspunde Raportează
GiForce 20 March 2022  
nush cn avea cărțile alea și se tot juca cu ele da eu am făcut o de doua ori doar parca
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 20 March 2022  
da dc nu mi-ai rasp la msj btw.
Răspunde Raportează
GiForce 20 March 2022  
apropo ce voiam sa va zic
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 20 March 2022  
cp :********
Răspunde Raportează
GiForce 20 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 20 March 2022  
ce m am certat si cu el :-? voiam sa ti zic marg sa l lasi drc. :|
Răspunde Raportează
GiForce 20 March 2022  
nu chiar ca Paula mi a taiat craca după prima replica
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 20 March 2022  
=))))))))))))))))))))))) cu replica aia la ce te asteptai????
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 20 March 2022  
a da
heath dc ai mintit ca nu esti player.
Răspunde Raportează
GiForce 20 March 2022  
kiss and love
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 20 March 2022  
jur. scarbos mic.
Răspunde Raportează
GiForce 20 March 2022  
Alfred sa știi ca m am luptat ptr tine sa nu iesi pana in ultimul moment
Răspunde Raportează
Nidaros 20 March 2022  
Ce dragut din partea ta, Hercules >:d<
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 20 March 2022  
=)))))))))))))))))))))))) iconic tbh
Răspunde Raportează
GiForce 20 March 2022  
nu mai minti
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 20 March 2022  
daa dar fara mn:-jjj io te ajut
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 20 March 2022  
Temptress nu ma asteptam sa fii Heath morrr cred ca te-am enervat maxim=)))))))))
Răspunde Raportează
GiForce 20 March 2022  
=))))))))))))))) un pic am vrut sa te înjur n am dc sa te mint
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 20 March 2022  
a doar un pic fii sincera.
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 20 March 2022  
juji nu te suport ca baiat scz it's not me it's u:|
Răspunde Raportează
GiForce 20 March 2022  
=))))))))))))))) sincer am știut ca ești Olga din prima secunda
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 20 March 2022  
oare ce m a dat de gol:-j
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 20 March 2022  
da am vzt. cat m-ai iubit :-j
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 20 March 2022  
aha bine
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 20 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
poisedchimera 20 March 2022  
i - Aske (loved the golden retriever, and its descprition; even though I'm a cat person, your answer got me thinking! I've always been attracted to your style, so... come on, the second symbol is a must die for... and the shrew is absolutely cute- not my favorite, not everything that you post is in my top 5, but you did great! Don't know what the penguin is doing there, but the squirrel is-... ugh, amazing. I would surround myself with them. I personally love the weight of thoughts, I've seen this before and it's incredible, I'm so glad you chose that! I also appreciate a lot that you like Aske; if you don't love yourself, no one will love you. And self love is the most important one, Aske. You... deserve to win, and even if you don't, you're amazing, and will always be, don't you forget that!)

ii - Ariel (I've never been convinced to say that I'm touched by what you post, but the red ribbon is... it got me to the point where I feel shivers down my spine. You go, girl! I love the fox, and for a reason I associated you with one, nothing underwater, nothing cold, I just saw you that way. I still do. Don't really understand why you like Aske and why you don't, so better think of a more detailed answer. Even if that's what impressed me, compared to everything you wrote, you deserve this place. You're a great human being, Ariel, best wishes for you!)

iii - Dora (from the first sight of you I thought you were creepy, but not in a bad way all the time- I was sure you were gonna put the crab hands, that's you, in the end. The magic key was one the reasons you deserve to be in the last three ones standing, Dora, you touched me! I like the ostrich, but don't really relate to being surrounded by all those birds- among the creations, the lemon tree was the light in a dark room, that- oh my God, it really got me looking twice or even three times at your choice!! That was amazing, perfect choice! I liked the answer regarding Aske; you gave reasons, you stood up for your answer. That's a great one. You deserve all the best, Dora. Even if you're not my number one, you deserved to be cheerished, I swear.)

Everything being said, may the best one win the season. Love you all!
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 20 March 2022  
esti cea mai misto pers
vino sez urmator
Răspunde Raportează
poisedchimera 20 March 2022  
mersi multtt :)))
o sa fiu parte din audienta cu siguranta. daca te refereai la participare in concurs, deocamdata nu stiu; dar cine stie, pana la urma?
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 20 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 20 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
poisedchimera 20 March 2022  
nu-mi venea doar sa dau voturi fara sa spun si de ce, MAI ALES ca era finala. mersi mult de tot!
Răspunde Raportează
poisedchimera 20 March 2022  
am intarziat- okay.. :))) dar a meritat sa scriu toate astea :)))

Felicitari, Dora! Felicitari tuturor!
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 20 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 20 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Nidaros 20 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 20 March 2022  
ce bunnnnnnnnn
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 20 March 2022  
maktub dc te puneai numai jos crezi ca nu m-am prins
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 20 March 2022  
voiam sa castigi vtm
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 20 March 2022  
mersi dusmanco
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 20 March 2022  
criss pare rau ca te tot puneam jos pe listeee:((
Răspunde Raportează
Nidaros 20 March 2022  
Amalia =))))))))))))))))
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 20 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 20 March 2022  
a10a oara a fost cu noroc:-jjj
mersiii mi-a placut de absolut toti toti congrats!!! :x
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 20 March 2022  
iubitaAAAAAAAAAAAAA i was rooting for u im so f happy morrrrrr ma simt ca la eurovisionul de anu trecut
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 20 March 2022  
same ai fost cea mai scumpa cu mine :(((((((((((((((
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 20 March 2022  
you were my bestie, bestie :-jjj
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 20 March 2022  
as i said since day one dora was my fave❤❤❤felicitari:o3
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 20 March 2022  
❤❤❤ mersi pentru toate voturile fato!!!! ma emotionam
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 20 March 2022  
bv iubita doraaaaa <3
Răspunde Raportează
Nidaros 20 March 2022  
Felicitari iubita <333
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 20 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 20 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 20 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
DoraAgar 20 March 2022  
off off with your head
dance dance till you’re dead
heads will roll
heads will roll
heads will roll
on the floor
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 20 March 2022  
  ³P̣ẹṛṣọṇạḷ Tintypes:  I'm happy to announce the winner of the competition:
    10ᵗʰ seasonʼs winner: Dora Agar, at the helm of Pemberley!
     1. aftertaste: Jess Conte as Emaline Horne.
     2. Sprezzatura: Becu Valeria Alessandra as Margaritta Lidjia „Ydíja” Eötvös.
     3. iMysticFalls: Brian Whittaker as Brody Palmer.
     4. Maktub: Henry Eikneberry as Aske Oswald Heinrich.
     5. Nidaros: Henry Cavill as Alfred Byrne.
     6. YourCreepyUncle: Tupac as Sebastian 'Awake' Kennedy.
     7. breatheme: Zhenya Katava as Olga Angeloff.
     8. heavy: Alyda Grace as Ariel Egilsdóttir.
     9. Temptress: Jacob Elordi as Heath Lynch.
     10. photine: Maartje Convens as Rivage Dumas.
     11. Pemberley: Dora Agar.
     12. lesHydropathes: Joe Alwyn as August Redford.
     13. Seniorita: Natalie Dormer as Irma Sólskin.
     14. Schlecht: Louis Garrel as Patryk Olbrychski.
     15. Complicated: Alexa Demie as Amavi Ramirez.
     16. theHermit: Ryan Reynolds as Felix Columbeanu.
     17. YourCreepyUncle: Robert Downey Jr. as Sheehan Connorway.
Răspunde Raportează
Beijaflor 20 March 2022  
GiForce a fost la 9 da e ok ai temptress
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 20 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 20 March 2022  
Dora :x
Aske <3
Ariel :o
Răspunde Raportează
shiver 20 March 2022  
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breatheme 20 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 20 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 20 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
lesHydropathes 20 March 2022  
1: Dora.
2: Aske.
3: Ariel.
Răspunde Raportează
Nefarious 20 March 2022  
1. Aske
2. Dora
3. Ariel
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 20 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Complicated 20 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Beijaflor 20 March 2022  
1. Ariel.
2. Dora.
3. Aske.
Răspunde Raportează
Nidaros 20 March 2022  
        1ˢᵗ place: Dora
        2ⁿᵈ place: Ariel
        3ʳᵈ place: Aske
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 20 March 2022  
        1ˢᵗ place:
        2ⁿᵈ place:
        3ʳᵈ place:
Răspunde Raportează
ArielEgilsdottir 20 March 2022  
       1  Red ribbon––  Shortly after the guillotine sliced its own bloody version of a necklace into
       the Queen's §Marie-Antoinette–– throat, well-born women of Paris began tying thin red ribbons
       around their necks as a reminder of what they might soon suffer.
       2  Conch shell (the megaphone of Sirens)––  The conch shell is a symbol of water associated
       with female fertility since water is a symbol of fertility and the shell is aquatic.
       3  The Empress Tarot Card––  Sitting on her throne, the blue flames around her represent her
       femininity in terms of the fluid dynamics of water. In her right hand she holds the lotus of Isis,
       representing feminine power, as Isis was the Goddess of Magick. On the dress of the Empress
       we see images of bees. In ancient Greece, the priestesses of Artemis and Demeter were called
       bees. The symbology is clear: bees are a symbol of fecund femininity.
       1  lioness–– It is the female of the species, it is the lioness
                 in you which tends to defend when attacked.
       2  the fox–– She was like a fox, or an olive tree; like the waves of the sea when you look down
       upon them from a height; like an emerald; like the sun on a green hill which is yet clouded—
       3  the red eel–– the mermaid's tail was broad and flat, more like an eel’s than a dolphin’s, [...]
       1  Medusa by Winifred Hope Thomson (c. 1896) imgur.com/a/JMdbHPA
       2  La Belle Dame Sans Merci by Frank Cadogan Cowper (1926) imgur.com/a/ebZr36g
       3  Joan of Arc by Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1882) imgur.com/a/YUVSVcX
       Hm, do I like Aske? To put it in his language...
Răspunde Raportează
AskeOswaldHeinrich 20 March 2022  
Ⅰˢᵗ: Like the symbols associated with the Greek gods and goddesses; what would be your 3 chosen symbols to embody you as a person? (eg: Artemis' symbols included a bow and arrow, a quiver, and hunting knives)
 a golden retriever, the gang's hyperactive child—sweet and obedient, very playful and they tend to get
  along well with other pets and strangers... and let's say, they never have a favorite person
 winged hair under a snapback worn backwards, sidecuts aren't really my thing, i like my hair messy and i'd like to think about my grown sides as some lil wings cause i'm also a muddlehead,  imgur.com/a/rnhHof4
  a shrew,  imgur.com/a/Lqf3plJ  would you even look at this guy? he'd probably do all my dirty work
 cause he's adorable and semi-blind ...y'all should check your jewerly maybe it's not even there anymore...
Ⅱⁿᵈ: Your whistling while you work, what 3 animals would you like to come and join you?
 a squirrel, an african wild dog (sorry ozzy-man) and a penguin, the nothing-to-do-with-one another team
Ⅲʳᵈ: What are 3 art pieces that are in the same aesthetic line with your aspirations?
  the weight of thoughts by thomas lerooy,  imgur.com/a/Q4ccpM3
 yoga chicks by lucia heffernan,  imgur.com/a/CZf0Ez2  aspiring to be that flexible
the hunting by guillermo lorca garcia,  imgur.com/a/4CPrj49  i'd like more chaos in my life
Ⅳᵗʰ: Do you like Aske?
 now that you asked... i think he's a very distinguished gentleman, yes
Răspunde Raportează
DoraAgar 20 March 2022  
i thought it was the hamster...
Răspunde Raportează
AskeOswaldHeinrich 20 March 2022  
and the fish and the frog, even missy&ozzy
Răspunde Raportează
DoraAgar 20 March 2022  
1 ❛ariel❜  like the the symbols associated with the greek gods and goddesses; what would be your
  3 chosen symbols to embody you as a person? (eg: artemis’ symbols included a bow and arrow, a
                                  quiver, and hunting knives)
           ━ a melted clock imgbox.com/WsxxRc3V
             tick, tick, tick sound the melted clocks. and they fall and hit the bottom,
             again, again, again. and the fine stream of time flows like sand over the edge.
           ━ the magic key imgbox.com/GkDQomTe  turning twice and unlocking my being.
           ━ crab hands imgbox.com/TCbBc8Us
             whose pincers grasp the mystery, all that is unresolved and ambiguous in reality.
2 ❛aske❜  you’re whistling while you work, what 3 animals would you like to come and join you?
           ━ ostriches, dodos, and kiwis imgbox.com/5a4RKgyU
             ‘the flightless birds’ i’ll teach them the sensation of flying for the first time.
3 ❛dora❜  what are 3 art pieces that are in the same aesthetic line with your aspirations?
           ━ creation of the birds remedios varo  imgbox.com/JZSTRaL8
           ━ premiere & sixieme peril dorothea tanning imgbox.com/SkqtEOzk
           ━ world full of lemons vitaly urzhumov  imgbox.com/b8AHES10
4 do you like aske?
           ━ and now the hardest question. missy likes ozzy. but me? do i like aske?
             ¿i like my friend who plays with my dolls. buys me a phone. and makes me laugh.
             but i don’t like my friend who never gives me a straight answer and asks me
             about the map. in any case. i do like you aske. although your name’s not a month.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 20 March 2022  
 Final❦Round: Last questions, asked by Ariel. Answer all of them.
1: ARIEL: Like the symbols associated with the Greek gods and goddesses; what would be your 3 chosen symbols to embody you as a person? (eg: Artemis' symbols included a bow and arrow, a quiver, and hunting knives)
2: ASKE: Your whistling while you work, what 3 animals would you like to come and join you?
3: DORA: What are 3 art pieces that are in the same aesthetic line with your aspirations?
4: Do you like Aske?
Răspunde Raportează
Beijaflor 20 March 2022  
1. The muse, always. "I was Josh Safdie’s muse when he write uncut gems”
2. Enjoying a night at the Palace of Versailles ca să îmi fac poze de alea pinterest type.
3. Stumbling upon an abandon victorian castle filled with secrets of the past.
4. Wielding Excalibur.
5. Shakespeare’s a Midsummer Night’s Dream.
6. Poison by Christian Dior.
7. Christian Dior spring 1998.
8. Dressing like a bewitching siren.
9. Hosting a masquerade ball.
10. Vintage classic Chanel handbag.
11. Samodiva from Slavic folklore.
12. Persephone, Queen of the underworld.
13. Perfume making.
14. Art nouveau period.
15. Owning a bookstore that also doubles as a cafe?
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 20 March 2022  
tarziu iubitaa
Răspunde Raportează
Beijaflor 20 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 19 March 2022  
Another contestant has activated Fayette & James card, so the classement is changing once again.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 19 March 2022  
*Fayette & James card was activated by one of the contestants, therefore, the classement is a bit changed...
Răspunde Raportează
lesHydropathes 19 March 2022  
 The poet.
 Enjoying a night at the palace of Versailles.
 Stumbling upon an abandon victorian castle filled with secrets of the past.
 Wielding Excalibur.
 Shakespeare’s Hamlet.
 Poison by Christian Dior.
 Christian Dior spring 1998.
 Dressing like a bewitching siren.
 Hosting a masquerade ball.
 Miu Miu buckle-embellished ballerinas.
 The Rusalka from slavic folklore.
 Circe, Goddess of Magic.
 Perfume making.
 Renaissance period.
 Owning a bookstore that also doubles as a cafe.
Răspunde Raportează
crawlingback2me 19 March 2022  
 The poet / or the muse?
    The poet.
 Enjoying a night at the palace of Versailles / enjoying a day at the Château de Gudanes?
    Enjoying a night at the palace of Versailles
 Stumbling upon an abandon victorian castle filled with secrets of the past / or venturing through an
 enchanted maze to a hidden world?
    Stumbling upon an abandon victorian castle filled with secrets of the past
 Wielding Excalibur / using the shield of Achilles?
    Using the shield of Achilles... if thats a must idk
 Shakespeare’s Hamlet / Shakespeare’s a Midsummer Night’s Dream?
    Midsummer Night's Dream
 Poison by Christian Dior / L’air du Temps by Nina Ricci?
    Poison by Christian Dior
 Christian Dior spring 1998 / Alexander McQueen fall 2006?
    Alexander McQueen fall 2006
 Dressing like a gothic vampire / dressing like a bewitching siren?
    Gothic vampire!!
 Hosting a masquerade ball / hosting a banquet in the forest?
    Hosting a masquerade ball
 Miu Miu buckle-embellished ballerinas / vintage classic Chanel handbag?
    Vintage classic Chanel handbag
 The Rusalka from slavic folklore / the Samodiva from slavic folklore?
    Samodiva from slavic folklore
 Circe, Goddess of Magic / Persephone, Queen of the Underworld?
 Perfume making / theatre costume designing?
    Perfume making
 Art Nouveau period / Renaissance period?
    Renaissance period
 Owning an antique shop / owning a bookstore that also doubles as a cafe?
    Owning a bookstore that also doubles as a cafe.
Răspunde Raportează
poisedchimera 19 March 2022  
 The poet / or the muse? - the poet
 Enjoying a night at the palace of Versailles / enjoying a day at the Château de Gudanes? - enjoying a day at the Château de Gudanes
 Stumbling upon an abandon victorian castle filled with secrets of the past / or venturing through an enchanted maze to a hidden world? - stumbling upon an abandon victorian castle filled with secrets of the past
 Wielding Excalibur / using the shield of Achilles? - using the shield of Achilles
 Shakespeare’s Hamlet / Shakespeare’s a Midsummer Night’s Dream? - Shakespeare’s a Midsummer Night’s Dream
 Poison by Christian Dior / L’air du Temps by Nina Ricci? - L’air du Temps by Nina Ricci
 Christian Dior spring 1998 / Alexander McQueen fall 2006? - Alexander McQueen fall 2006
 Dressing like a gothic vampire / dressing like a bewitching siren? - dressing like a gothic vampire
 Hosting a masquerade ball / hosting a banquet in the forest? - hosting a masquerade ball
 Miu Miu buckle-embellished ballerinas / vintage classic Chanel handbag? - vintage classic Chanel handbag
 The Rusalka from slavic folklore / the Samodiva from slavic folklore? - the Samodiva from slavic folklore
 Circe, Goddess of Magic / Persephone, Queen of the Underworld? - Persephone, Queen of the Underworld
 Perfume making / theatre costume designing? - theatre costume designing
 Art Nouveau period / Renaissance period? - Renaissance period
 Owning an antique shop / owning a bookstore that also doubles as a cafe? - owning a bookstore that also doubles as a cafe
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 19 March 2022  
 The poet
 Enjoying a night at the palace of Versailles
 Stumbling upon an abandon victorian castle filled with secrets of the past
 using the shield of Achilles
 Shakespeare’s a Midsummer Night’s Dream
 L’air du Temps by Nina Ricci
 Christian Dior spring 1998
 Dressing like a gothic vampire
 Hosting a masquerade ball
 Miu Miu buckle-embellished ballerinas
 the Samodiva from slavic folklore
 Circe, Goddess of Magic
 theatre costume designing
 Art Nouveau period
 Owning an antique shop
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 19 March 2022  
1: the muse ca ive never been good with words:-j
2: imi place noaptea mai mult darrr. a day at the Château de Gudanes prea frumos acolo
3: victorian castle filled with secrets of the past
4: using the shield of Achilles
5: shakespeare’s midsummer night’s dream
6: poison by christian dior nsh cum miroase da mi place descrierea de pe net :-?
7: grea decizie hmm :| christian dior spring 1998
8: dressing like a bewitching siren
9: masquerade ball
10: miu miu buckle-embellished ballerinas nu le am cu gentile
11: the samodiva
12: persephone
13: theatre costume designing
14: art nouveau period
15: owning an antique shop
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 19 March 2022  
mersiiiii te pup
Stumbling upon an abandon victorian castle filled with secrets of the pas
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 19 March 2022  
 Ia ca eu vr sa fiu muse.
 Enjoying a night at the palace of Versailles ca cica e haunted
 Stumbling upon an abandon victorian castle filled with secrets of the past
 Wielding Excalibur
 Shakespeare’s Hamlet
 L’air du Temps by Nina Ricci e mai frumy
 Alexander McQueen fall 2006?
 dressing like a bewitching siren
 Hosting a masquerade ball
 Miu Miu buckle-embellished ballerinas
 The Rusalka from slavic folklore
 Persephone, Queen of the Underworld?
 theatre costume designing pare mai cool
 Renaissance period
 Owning an antique shop I WANT ONE FR THO
Răspunde Raportează
Nidaros 19 March 2022  
 The poet / or the muse? the muse
 Enjoying a night at the palace of Versailles / enjoying a day at the Château de Gudanes? enjoying a night
 Stumbling upon an abandon victorian castle filled with secrets of the past / or venturing through an
 enchanted maze to a hidden world? vicctorian castle
 Wielding Excalibur / using the shield of Achilles? excalibur
 Shakespeare’s Hamlet / Shakespeare’s a Midsummer Night’s Dream? MIDSUMMER DUH
 Poison by Christian Dior / L’air du Temps by Nina Ricci? Nina ricci ricci ricci
 Christian Dior spring 1998 / Alexander McQueen fall 2006? Dior
 Dressing like a gothic vampire / dressing like a bewitching siren? sirena ;')
 Hosting a masquerade ball / hosting a banquet in the forest? în padurea cu alune
 Miu Miu buckle-embellished ballerinas / vintage classic Chanel handbag? Chanel handbag
 The Rusalka from slavic folklore / the Samodiva from slavic folklore? samodiva
 Circe, Goddess of Magic / Persephone, Queen of the Underworld? Circe
 Perfume making / theatre costume designing? perfume making
 Art Nouveau period / Renaissance period? Renaissance
 Owning an antique shop / owning a bookstore that also doubles as a cafe? cafea cu carti
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 19 March 2022  
me drunk but ptkode to try
Château de Gudanes
Wielding Excalibur
Midsummer Night’s Dream
L’air du Temps by Nina Ricci
Alexander McQueen
Dressing like a gothic vampire
hosting a banquet in the forest
vintage classic Chanel handbag
The Rusalka
Perfume making
Renaissance pe
owning a bookstore that also doubles as a cafe
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 19 March 2022  
anuntayi daca am ratat ceva
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 19 March 2022  
t ul din anuntati
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 19 March 2022  
tot e bine la cat am baut pana acum=))
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 19 March 2022  
pai femeia e acs cu copilu si tu bei frate
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 19 March 2022  
de fericire ca imi face copil
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 19 March 2022  
 The poet :-jj
 Enjoying a night at the palace of Versailles
 Stumbling upon an abandon victorian castle filled with secrets of the past
 Wielding Excalibur scz ahile
 Shakespeare’s a Midsummer Night’s Dream .......for the aes,,,,dar hamlet for hamlet cause mood boy
 Poison by Christian Dior
 Christian Dior spring 1998
 dressing like a bewitching siren
 Hosting a masquerade ball
 Miu Miu buckle-embellished ballerinas
 The Rusalka from slavic folklore
 Persephone, Queen of the Underworld bitha mea dar circe<3slaps too
 Perfume making
 Renaissance period.............................greu . prea greu :@.
 owning a bookstore that also doubles as a cafe
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 19 March 2022  
poet draga mea ce observanta mai esti
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 19 March 2022  
1. enjoying a night at the palace versailles
2. stumbling upon an abandon victorian castle filled with secrets of the past
3. wielding excalibur
4. hamlet
5. poison
6. alexander mcqueen
7. dressing like a bewitching siren
8. hosting a banquet in the forest
9. miu miu bucle-embellished ballerinas
10. the rusalka
11. circe
12. theatre costume designing
13. art noveau
14. owning an antique shop
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 19 March 2022  
   ˓❦ 14ᵗʰ: Now is time for the audience to complete the same questionnaire...
 The poet / or the muse?
 Enjoying a night at the palace of Versailles / enjoying a day at the Château de Gudanes?
 Stumbling upon an abandon victorian castle filled with secrets of the past / or venturing through an
 enchanted maze to a hidden world?
 Wielding Excalibur / using the shield of Achilles?
 Shakespeare’s Hamlet / Shakespeare’s a Midsummer Night’s Dream?
 Poison by Christian Dior / L’air du Temps by Nina Ricci?
 Christian Dior spring 1998 / Alexander McQueen fall 2006?
 Dressing like a gothic vampire / dressing like a bewitching siren?
 Hosting a masquerade ball / hosting a banquet in the forest?
 Miu Miu buckle-embellished ballerinas / vintage classic Chanel handbag?
 The Rusalka from slavic folklore / the Samodiva from slavic folklore?
 Circe, Goddess of Magic / Persephone, Queen of the Underworld?
 Perfume making / theatre costume designing?
 Art Nouveau period / Renaissance period?
 Owning an antique shop / owning a bookstore that also doubles as a cafe?
Răspunde Raportează
AugustRedford 19 March 2022  
  ¹ᴬ The poet.
  ²ᴬ Enjoying a day at the Château de Gudanes.
  ³ᴬ Venturing through an enchanted maze to a hidden world.
  ⁴ᴬ Using the shield of Achilles.
  ⁵ᴬ Shakespeare’s a Midsummer Night’s Dream.
  ⁶ᴬ L’air du Temps by Nina Ricci
  ⁷ᴬ Alexander McQueen fall 2006.
  ⁸ᴬ Dressing like a gothic vampire.
  ⁹ᴬ Hosting a banquet in the forest.
  ¹⁰ᴬ Miu Miu buckle-embellished ballerinas.
  ¹¹ᴬ The Samodiva from slavic folklore.
  ¹²ᴬ Circe, Goddess of Magic.
  ¹³ᴬ Theatre costume designing.
  ¹⁴ᴬ Art Nouveau period.
  ¹⁵ᴬ Owning an antique shop.
Răspunde Raportează
DoraAgar 19 March 2022  
 the poet.
 enjoying a day at the château de gudanes.
 venturing through an enchanted maze to a hidden world.
 using the shield of achilles.
 shakespeare’s a midsummer night’s dream.
 poison by christian dior.
 alexander mcqueen fall 2006.
 dressing like a gothic vampire.
 hosting a masquerade ball.
 miu miu buckle-embellished ballerinas.
 the samodiva from slavic folklore.
 persephone, queen of the underworld.
 theatre costume designing.
 art nouveau period.
 owning a bookstore that also doubles as a cafe.
Răspunde Raportează
ArielEgilsdottir 19 March 2022  
 the poet
 enjoying a day at the Château de Gudanes
 venturing through an enchanted maze to a hidden world
 wielding Excalibur
 Shakespeare’s Hamlet
 Poison by Christian Dior
 Alexander McQueen fall 2006
 dressing like a bewitching siren
 hosting a banquet in the forest
 Miu Miu buckle-embellished ballerinas
 the rusalka from slavic folklore
 Circe goddess of magic
 perfume making
 Renaissance period
 owning a bookstore that also doubles as a cafe
Răspunde Raportează
AskeOswaldHeinrich 19 March 2022  
1,   the poet
2,   enjoying a day at the château de gudanes
3,   venturing through an enchanted maze to a hidden world
4,   wielding excalibur
5,   midsummer night's dream
6,   poison by christian dior
7,   alexander mcqueen fall 2006
8,   dressing like a gothic vampire
9,   hosting a masquerade ball
10, vintage classic chanel handbag? yeah questioning it..?
11, the rusalka from slavic folklore
12, persephone queen of the underworld
13, theatre costume designing
14, renaissance period
15, owning a bookstore that also doubles as a cafe
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 19 March 2022  
   ˓❦ 14ᵗʰ: This or That...
 The poet / or the muse?
 Enjoying a night at the palace of Versailles / enjoying a day at the Château de Gudanes?
 Stumbling upon an abandon victorian castle filled with secrets of the past / or venturing through an
 enchanted maze to a hidden world?
 Wielding Excalibur / using the shield of Achilles?
 Shakespeare’s Hamlet / Shakespeare’s a Midsummer Night’s Dream?
 Poison by Christian Dior / L’air du Temps by Nina Ricci?
 Christian Dior spring 1998 / Alexander McQueen fall 2006?
 Dressing like a gothic vampire / dressing like a bewitching siren?
 Hosting a masquerade ball / hosting a banquet in the forest?
 Miu Miu buckle-embellished ballerinas / vintage classic Chanel handbag?
 The Rusalka from slavic folklore / the Samodiva from slavic folklore?
 Circe, Goddess of Magic / Persephone, Queen of the Underworld?
 Perfume making / theatre costume designing?
 Art Nouveau period / Renaissance period?
 Owning an antique shop / owning a bookstore that also doubles as a cafe?
Răspunde Raportează
SechsAlastor 19 March 2022  
ariel: you? hell? more like purgatory blood sucking beast, 6.
felix: 5 but go bald
dora: that looks satanic so 10
aske: tf is that buddy 1
august: 3 they seem scarier than any demon i know
Răspunde Raportează
LucasWard 19 March 2022  
Dora, 9 sick aesthetic.
Aske, 9.
Felix, 10.
August, 7.
Ariel, 10.
Răspunde Raportează
GinervaLudovicaManon 19 March 2022  
Dora, 8.
Aske, 7.
Felix, 6.
August, 7.
Ariel, 9.
Răspunde Raportează
CalliopeLykaios 19 March 2022  
Dora, 9.
Aske, 9.
Felix, 7.
August, 10.
Ariel, 10.
Răspunde Raportează
BlaiseDelacroix 19 March 2022  
Dora, 8.
Aske, 10.
Felix, 3.
August, 8.
Ariel, 10.
Răspunde Raportează
AkemiMinato 19 March 2022  
Dora, 10 my fave this season.
Aske, 6.
Felix, 5.
August, 7.
Ariel, 9.
Răspunde Raportează
GaelAnaya 18 March 2022  
ariel, 9. oh we have a lot in common, the taste in men too.
felix, 6.
dora, 9.
aske, 7.
august, 8.
Răspunde Raportează
AnubisElnabawy 18 March 2022  
Ariel: You grew on me after that one-night stand question. 7.
Felix: You seem fun. Let's party together. 8.
Dora: I'm speechless, don't know if in a good way or in a bad way. 7.
Aske: ?! 6?
August: Seems like I don't fancy decent guys, sorry. 6.
Răspunde Raportează
MagnusGunnarsson 18 March 2022  
Ariel: 9, sendir knús frá Íslandi
Felix: 5
Dora: 6
Aske: 8,5
August: 10
Răspunde Raportează
BasilRenard 18 March 2022  
Ariel: 8
Felix: 4
Dora: 10
Aske: 7,5
August: 4
Răspunde Raportează
KayleighDalton 18 March 2022  
Ariel: 7
Felix: 9,5
Dora: 7
Aske: 7,5
August: 5
Răspunde Raportează
IngridSodergran 18 March 2022  
Ariel: 10 (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡ ✧*。
Felix: 4 (乛-乛)
Dora: 10 ♡^▽^♡
Aske: 6,5 (._.)
August: 10 ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
Răspunde Raportează
SabrinaDurand 18 March 2022  
Ariel: 10
Felix: 5
Dora: 10
Aske: 5
August: 4, children are my least favorite
Răspunde Raportează
VictorGauthier 18 March 2022  
Ariel: I once fell for a girl like you. Never again, 4.
Felix: 10. I think we would get along pretty well. Need wine services for your casino?
Dora: I don't like ambiguous women. 4.
Aske: 7.
August: What's up with the kids? 6.
Răspunde Raportează
PoppyRenard 18 March 2022  
Cheater too.
Răspunde Raportează
VictorGauthier 18 March 2022  
Stop spreading lies. Leave.
Răspunde Raportează
PoppyRenard 18 March 2022  
Hocus-Pocus-Preparatus I curse your phallus.
Răspunde Raportează
VictorGauthier 18 March 2022  
He is doing just fine. Free to taste it out.
As usual, at your place?
Răspunde Raportează
PoppyRenard 18 March 2022  
Suck it yourself.
Răspunde Raportează
VictorGauthier 18 March 2022  
I've got others to do that. Bye.
Răspunde Raportează
WinnieLynx 18 March 2022  
Ariel: Your delicacy combined with your sharp & independent attitude. 10 ♥
Felix: 7.
Dora: Literally, a dream crush... 10 ♥
Aske: 8.
August: 9.
Răspunde Raportează
AxelVaughn 18 March 2022  
 Ariel: Too feminist, — Chill. 6 for the colors.
Felix: Boring. 5.
 Dora: Disturbing. Quite my taste. 7,5.
Aske: You’re not a child. Stop acting like one. 4.
 August: I don’t like kids, 5. — Grow up.
Răspunde Raportează
SylvesterBryant 18 March 2022  
Ariel, 8.
Felix, 10.
Dora, 6.
Aske, 6.
August, 9.
Răspunde Raportează
DeniseDeRose 18 March 2022  
Ariel : 9
Felix : 8
Dora: 10
Aske : 8
August : 9
Răspunde Raportează
AndreasMilosevic 18 March 2022  
Ariel: 8.
Felix: 7.
Dora: 7.
Aske: 7.
August: 10.
Răspunde Raportează
EricSchweizer 18 March 2022  
ariel 5 u acting kinda tuff
felix 10 sicker than gigi becali
dora 5 weird sh-t tf
aske 10 mein Kumpel
august 7 kids are a no-no
Răspunde Raportează
NarioVincenzo 18 March 2022  
Ariel: 8.
Felix: 9.
Dora: 10.
Aske: 6.
August: 10, need your contacts right this moment. Probably the best teacher I’ve ever come across, Nova would love you.
Răspunde Raportează
NasrinOnyango 18 March 2022  
Ariel, 10.
Felix, 7.
Dora, 9.
Aske, 5.
August, 10.
Răspunde Raportează
SyxToftgard 18 March 2022  
Ariel: 8.
Felix: 8.
Dora: 10, mind-blowing.
Aske: 9.
August: 9.
Răspunde Raportează
HarrietLensbury 18 March 2022  
Ariel: 10
Felix: 5
Dora: 9
Aske: 7,5
August: 8,5
Răspunde Raportează
NatsukiSaito 18 March 2022  
ariel 10, on'nanoko! ur my personal fav both u and olga ROCKED this season
felix 6
dora 10, id pay to see ur stuff everywhere i go (ノ´ з `)ノcome gimme kiss
aske 7
august 8
Răspunde Raportează
SeksJagger 18 March 2022  
umno no kiss no kiss
Răspunde Raportează
ArnaudCathrine 18 March 2022  
Ariel: 9
Felix: 7
Dora: 6 That's not what you do with a heart.
Aske: 8
August: 9
Răspunde Raportează
SeksJagger 18 March 2022  
come on the piece de resistance is here to judge these suckers poor season you have i raised the bar too high for you f@#ckers
ehhhjjj ariel wtf is that sh!t ew my eyes too much pink too girly tf how the hell is that feminism? add blue or smth to be equality you pissing b---abe ha pissing babe i meant to say not the other b-word dont cancel me i wont give you 1 but 4 from every woman in my life bonus point like
felix yea thats more like it my jam i get you pops here a 9 not ten cause ten its just for jæäger
you women are strange... tf am i even looking at dora the explorer what was the inspiration behind that a fever dream or when youre dead drunk and high on mushrooms cause if so yea i get it hm ill give you a 7 for that
aske you look like a pothead but like youve been a pothead since birth so in a way were alike but at the same time you look like a little pussy so go grow some balls wet blanketer ill give you a 6 and thats the magik number dont you forget it wuss
august you look older than felix i pity you i dont know how you can lead such a boring life with those tadpoles that dont even have hormones circulating through them i give you a 2 for pity
Răspunde Raportează
AxlMoore 18 March 2022  
this right here
is why my bro
is the best motherfcker to
come out of this
fcking show
Răspunde Raportează
SeksJagger 18 March 2022  
where the hell have you been you crazy bastard
since you escaped from prison i dont hear from you no more
do i have to lock you back up so that youd have time for your brother??¿
Răspunde Raportează
AxlMoore 18 March 2022  
i had a whole trial to prepare for bro:(
as my first act as a free man
how about i visit?
feel free to keep me 4ever fcker
'merica is boring anyway
Răspunde Raportează
SeksJagger 18 March 2022  
yeayea you sent me a picture of you dressed to the nines looking like a penguin
come f@#cker hang with us in denmark ill make you a visa
Răspunde Raportează
AxlMoore 18 March 2022  
still pissed they didnt let me
wear just my thong and piercings
what type of stupid rule is that??
denmark here i comeeee
Răspunde Raportează
SeksJagger 18 March 2022  
dont worry your head you pisshead youll be free to walk around in your underwear all day when you come to my place
are you…,, gonna bring,,, … your chick too?¿ im shipping her off to suki
Răspunde Raportează
AxlMoore 18 March 2022  
what?of course not dude
i made a promise fcker,remember?
bros before hoes for lifeee
(gorgeous if ya see this i dont think of u as a hoe, i love ya)
Răspunde Raportează
ValerianLeSieg 18 March 2022  
Ariel: 3
Felix: 10
Dora: 3
Aske: 4
August: 4
Răspunde Raportează
ArthurA 18 March 2022  
Long time no see, hm?

Felix: 9, nice colors.
Dora: That is not how a cat should look like, 7.
Ariel: 5, no further comments.
Aske: 10, love the animals.
August: 6.
Răspunde Raportează
SylvieNoelle 18 March 2022  
Ariel: 6, so much pink.
Felix: 6.
Dora: 10, I am in love.
Aske: 7.
August: 4.
Răspunde Raportează
LeviRainer 18 March 2022  
⼺Ariel: 8. This reminds me of someone, nice.

⼺Felix: 6. It's nice but not my style.

⼺Dora: 7.

⼺Aske: 10, mein Freund.

⼺August: 5.
Răspunde Raportează
RedMcIntosh 18 March 2022  
Ariel –– the colors are so lovely, –– if you get past the violence that's evident from the pictures... –– 8,
Felix –– I'm not even going to comment, 1.
Dora –– you're so fascinating! –– and the snake kittens are soooo adorable, 8.
Aske –– you're... cute, –– I mean the pictures are... very cute! –– yes, the pictures! ...10,
August –– oh, I'm melting, –– those kids are such precious ladybugs! 10.
Răspunde Raportează
ValerianLeSieg 18 March 2022  
Desperate as usual.
Răspunde Raportează
RedMcIntosh 18 March 2022  
you mean you, for my attention?
Răspunde Raportează
PoppyRenard 18 March 2022  
Ariel: No one knows better than a witch what patriarchy and the persecution of feminine power means. In any case it is known that any woman with red hair is either a witch, vampire or werewolf, if you don't believe me read the Malleus Maleficarum. A 10 from your soul sister.
Felix: We seem to have similar lifestyles. Have you ever considered financing a sorceress? 9.
Dora: You're such a freak and I love freaks. The middle picture reminds me of a spell of mine. 10.
Aske: You poor thing, you look so flimsy... but still my pet snake Belladonna finds you delicious. We'll arrange a meeting, what do you say? 7.
August: Speaking of food... Are we recreating Hänsel and Gretel for the school play? 4.
Răspunde Raportează
GabrielRyser 18 March 2022  
Dora: 5
Aske: 10
Felix: 5
August: 10
Ariel: 5
Răspunde Raportează
BonnieFitzgerald 18 March 2022  
misogynistic prick
Răspunde Raportează
ElinaBuhler 18 March 2022  
It's not enough that you ve been my favorite in our season
Now you go an insult the misogynistic cheater
Just marry me already
Răspunde Raportează
TrinidadLoughty 18 March 2022  
1. Aske 10/10
2. Dora 10/10
3. August 10/10
4. Ariel 8/10
5. Felix 7/10
Răspunde Raportează
ElinaBuhler 18 March 2022  
★ ° . *   ° . °☆  . * ● Dora: 5
★ ° . *   ° . °☆  . * ● Aske: 3
★ ° . *   ° . °☆  . * ● Felix: 2
★ ° . *   ° . °☆  . * ● August: 2
★ ° . *   ° . °☆  . * ● Ariel: 10
Răspunde Raportează
SilviuFaiar 18 March 2022  
1. Felix 10/10!!!
2. Aske 9/10
3. August 9/10
4. Dora 6/10
5. Ariel 10/10
Răspunde Raportează
LunaFernandezVidal 18 March 2022  
I ve been saying for 2 seasons that I don't see my vibe in any character but finally this season I liked almost everybody so :
Dora: 10 for a fellow artist,a very talented and beautiful one.besos guapa
Aske: 10 for el bombon than loves animals
Felix : I..uhm..9
August: 10 such a kind and beautiful soul that loves kids
Ariel: 10 for the feminist queen.besitos
Răspunde Raportează
ThomasHuntington 18 March 2022  
For Miss Agar a 9
For Mister Heinrich a 6
For Mister Columbeanu a 9
For Mister Redford a 10
For Miss Egilsdóttir a 7
Răspunde Raportează
IsabelleRossi 18 March 2022  
Finally some good characters not smelly rockstars!!!
Dora: 9
Aske: 4
Felix: no longer a pedo so you have a 10 from me
August: cute 5
Ariel: 10
Răspunde Raportează
AndresMarkeviciute 18 March 2022  
Felix 10/10
Aske 10/10
Ariel 7/10
Dora 8/10
August 8/10
Răspunde Raportează
AxlMoore 18 March 2022  
Dora: I like weird dudettes , 8
Aske: 4 animal fcker
Felix : 4 rich fcker
August: 4 summer fcker
Ariel: 5 for the red dudette bcs my Darling is teaching me about feminism lately
Răspunde Raportează
KaidanMagalhaes 18 March 2022  
August 10/10
Dora 9/10
Ariel 9/10
Aske 9/10
Felix 7/10
Răspunde Raportează
AtlasEbner 18 March 2022  
Felix - 6/10 pedo dude?
Ariel - 1/10 feminism is not a personality, girl
Dora - 2/10 i don't get you and i don't even want to
Aske - 8/10 you seem like the type of guy who would cry when a butterfly land on your hand
August - 4/10 i saw kids and i got scared
Răspunde Raportează
ArielEgilsdottir 18 March 2022  
and being an asshole is?
Răspunde Raportează
DurantLievChiminosear 18 March 2022  
Felix 10/10
Aske 9/10
Ariel 7/10
Dora 7/10
August 7/10
Răspunde Raportează
MargarittaLidjiaEotvos 18 March 2022  
August 10/10
Dora 9/10
Ariel 9/10
Aske 7/10
Felix 5/10
Răspunde Raportează
BonnieFitzgerald 18 March 2022  
Felix - 7/10 you look kinda hot for a 40 y.o man ;) (and i heard you have money)
Ariel - 8/10 too girly for my taste tho
Dora - 5/10 too weird for me
Aske - 9/10 you seems like an ACTUAL nice guy
August - 3/10 ugh boring
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 18 March 2022  
    ˓❦13ᵗʰ:ː INFORMATION ABOUT THE VOTING SYSTEM [A mandatory read]
 This round, instead of your regular sunphoto accounts, I’m calling past Tintype characters to vote, and they have to give a mark [from 1 to 10] according to their aesthetic. Ha, hat’s right, it doesn’t matter if you have multiple characters, you can vote multiple times, but make sure to switch your taste according to theirs. Cause I’m watching, and if I know your OC liked girly stuff, and you vote higher for smth gore, I’m not taking your vote into consideration. There is no capacity limit this time, I’ll end the vote whenever I feel like it; so I’m expecting a lot of marks because I want to see you all back, even if it is for a brief contribution.
Răspunde Raportează
FelixColumbeanu 18 March 2022  

(scuzați watermark-ul da' nu plătesc 25 de lei să il scot. dacă mă puneți pe primul loc promit că o să cumpăr aplicația și donez un sfert din profituri)
Răspunde Raportează
FelixColumbeanu 18 March 2022  
Taci că-ți rup gura
Răspunde Raportează
FelixColumbeanu 18 March 2022  
Nu îl pot pune că îs burlac acum și se duc toate femeile la el
Răspunde Raportează
FelixColumbeanu 18 March 2022  
Te draq că nimănui nu îi pasă
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 18 March 2022  
cea mai bună secretară<3
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 18 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 18 March 2022  
da erai tatal meu si ti am zis sa l lasi in pace :@ bad father figure fcking up your kids like that
mor sa stii ca prima oara credeam ca esti tu :-j
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 18 March 2022  
  ˓❦ 13ᵗʰ: Make a mood board, pick nine random pictures that describe your aesthetic.
  (you can make your own mood board or you can find plenty online, mostly on Tumblr)
    ˓e.g. imgbox.com/YCUscnXz
Răspunde Raportează
poisedchimera 18 March 2022  
1. Aske (the books... I'm not into aliens and stuff like that, but the first book, "the stars my destination", got me thinking that I could read that one day. then you GOT ME at the sunflowers- also the peonies, but the sunflower? you deserve this place. after that, the sunsets are amazing, and I see you as a sunset lover for real; clothes for pets, huh? I wouldn't buy one for my cat, but I gotta admit, it's cute af. the messages now: read between the lines, peeps, read between the lines)

2. Ariel (firstly, you got me at "Women who Run with the Wolves" - never heard of it, but good description; secondly, I loved. loved the second and the third flower you mentioned. then, i'm an animal lover, so of course-)

3. Dora (personally, loved the first flower you mentioned; missy is so cute and loveable and- seeing a cat paint is absolutely a must watch; I don't know about the rosy cheeks, but you scored when you showed the garage doors; the message from August was- heartmelting, I swear, it completely pulled me in. you deserve this place!)

4. Heath (at first I thought you're not that... you don't really have feelings, but now that I see those books? You're something else, and you've grown in my eyes the past few days- then, I loved the flowers; weren't you the one that mentioned the bird of paradise before? Again, a pet, Nachos is so cute, I would kiss and hug him 25/24.)

5. Felix (liked the last book you mentioned, loved that detail! I appreciated a lot that you put yourself and Aske at the pretty things list >< don't know how you do it, but you conquer the public, I swear, every. single. time.- not my favorite, but definitely a great participant!)

6. August (I love it when you check the kids' actions as your favorite things, I- what a gentleman, what a kind hearted person you are! I love, love love and again love the last place you've got in there; cold for me, but I would still admire it with something warm in my hands.)
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 18 March 2022  
this is my favorite comment this season!!!!
Răspunde Raportează
Beijaflor 17 March 2022  
1. Dora.
2. Ariel.
3. Aske.
4. August.
5. Heath.
6. Felix.
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 17 March 2022  
da vtm 2 erai mai frumy cu ochelari roz
Răspunde Raportează
Heartless 17 March 2022  
1. Dora
2. Aske
3. August
4. Ariel
5. Heath
6. Felix

Răspunde Raportează
HappyPill 17 March 2022  
1. Aske
2. Dora
3. August
4. Felix
5. Ariel
6. Heath
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 17 March 2022  
1. AUgust vtm
2. Dora geniu
3. Felix
4. Ariel
5. Aske
6. Heath
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 17 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
crawlingback2me 17 March 2022  
1. Aske
2. Felix
3. Heath
4. Dora
5. Ariel
6. August
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 17 March 2022  
1. dora. esti......sublima. spectaculara. te ador fato :| vb serios. ador tot ce dai nsh esti. imaginativa rau deci iubesc t.o.t. tot tine o tot asa.
2. aske ft on point ft in character nsh gen ma amuzi :| mereu cand te vad ...rad?! esti caraghios :-? asta e cuvantul cel mai potrivit pt tine :-? simpatic
3. ariel imi plac cartile, florile st qt asa de pe camp salbatico si :-? ca sa mai zic la pretty things acl nu m-ai dat pe spate bestie
4. august vr shio la gradinita aia,,,???? also ai cea mai frum combinatie florala dpmdv :-?
5. heath m a bufnit rasu la chubby babies ma morrrrr tu si andreas :-j alegeri cam standard si mai deloc personale /simteu/ da frum acel poppy apreciat de o anumita vrajitoare :-"
6. scz am fct eu un pariu si am zis ca daca pune cnv trandafiri la runda asta il pun pe ult loc deci its not u its me felix :| am beef cu florile alea................
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 17 March 2022  
ce ai ma tu
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 17 March 2022  
beef cu toate florile............ bye
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 17 March 2022  
cu trandafirii rtrdto -.-
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 17 March 2022  
a si da am uitat sa mentionez
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 17 March 2022  
1. of dora i'm falling in love:-?????
2. ariel i'm also falling in love......
3. august mda deja stii ce vreau sa zic
4. aske si de tn un pic:")
5. felix de tn nu prea knowing ur history:)))))))))
6. heath apreciez rasp construite dar jur ca nu le regasesc personajului :|
Răspunde Raportează
Nidaros 17 March 2022  
        1ˢᵗ place: Felix :">
        2ⁿᵈ place: Dora
        3ʳᵈ place: Ariel
        4ᵗʰ place: Aske
        5ᵗʰ place: August
        6ᵗʰ place: Heath
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 17 March 2022  
        1ˢᵗ place:
        2ⁿᵈ place:
        3ʳᵈ place:
        4ᵗʰ place:
        5ᵗʰ place:
        6ᵗʰ place:
Răspunde Raportează
AugustRedford 17 March 2022  
  1ˢᵗ: Books that you would recommend everyone to read.
  ¹ᴬ Taka-chan and I: A Dogʼs Journey to Japan by Runcible: Betty Jean Lifton.
  ²ᴬ The Secret Garden: Eliza Hodgson Burnett.
  ³ᴬ The Little Prince: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
  2ⁿᵈ: Flowers you love the most.
  ¹ᴬ jonquil.  ²ᴬ honeysuckle.  ³ᴬ bluebells.
  3ʳᵈ: Things you think are pretty.
  ¹ᴬ Gracieʼs voice when she wants something out of me.
  ²ᴬ Flynnʼs freckles that get more pronounced when his cheeks flush as he talks to Mia.
  ³ᴬ Miaʼs colorful finger-paint drawings.
  4ᵗʰ: Messages you received and loved.
  ¹ᴬ I canʼt show you the actual message, but among my favorites is Doraʼs
     who has entrusted me in it with her very fragile and personal possession.
  ²ᴬ Askeʼs »why do i really feel like one of your kids now« because at this point, I really feel
      like heʼs one of my mischievous kids that I need to guide to keep from doing silly things.
  ³ᴬ Patrykʼs compliment to me: »Ah, yes, a great man is always willing to be little«
      He was, and I quote: »feeling bestowing tonight«
  5ᵗʰ: Places to be in the world.
  ¹ᴬ Kindergarten. imgur.com/a/6S2QfGi, imgur.com/a/UHpJQ0E
  ²ᴬ Gracieʼs favorite cartoon. Itʼs about Momokochan, a peach girl. imgur.com/a/cIDA2aB
  ³ᴬ Lincolnshire during the misty wintertime, when all itʼs serene and still. imgur.com/a/0Wq5Aer
Răspunde Raportează
HeathLynch 17 March 2022  
1ˢᵗ: Books that you would recommend everyone to read.
 The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka.
A harrowing — though absurdly comic — meditation on human feelings of inadequacy, guilt, and isolation, The Metamorphosis has taken its place as one of the most widely read and influential works of twentieth-century fiction.
 The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides.
Rather than investigating a crime, The Silent Patient investigates the mind of a criminal - and what a gripping investigation it is. Is immersive and hypnotic—the kind of confidently drawn suspense story that doesn’t need big, flashy twists to keep you hooked… but that delivers an exceptional twist or two anyway.
 The People’s Act of Love by James Meek.
A darkly epic, grisly, beguiling journey set amid the frozen tundra of wartime Russia. Delicious prose. Once its dirty claws break skin, that icy death grip won’t be letting go anytime soon. Unforgettable.”

2ⁿᵈ: Flowers you love the most.
 Bird of paradise, m.imgur.com/a/2AYXqlc
 Himalayan poppy, m.imgur.com/a/ob594Qc
 Indian lotus, m.imgur.com/a/4Shh0nQ

3ʳᵈ: Things you think are pretty.
 Nachos, my dog, m.imgur.com/a/9wLrgXd
 Mountain sunset, m.imgur.com/a/xNfT8Ym
 Chubby babies, m.imgur.com/a/SHmiwxa

4ᵗʰ: Messages you recieved and loved.
 „I can show love and affection, but only-only if someone manages to sew star dust on my soul, and that's done through promesse, impegno e amore.” from Margaritta.
 „….I would cast you as... well, not a prince, but a demigod, Hercules. The resemblance is uncanny.” from Alfred.
 „Heath. I’m a huge fan of your father. I devoured Twin Peaks as a teen. The Red Room still gives me the willies. Uh-huh, Blue Velvet too.” from August, for obvious reasons.

5ᵗʰ: Places to be in the world.
 Algarve, Portugal, m.imgur.com/a/kuvCIye
 Manarola, Italy, m.imgur.com/a/37LaKuf
 On a movie set, m.imgur.com/a/igqXDi7
Răspunde Raportează
DoraAgar 17 March 2022  
1 ❛books that i would recommend everyone to read❜  
           ━ ‘cinnamon shops’, bruno schulz.
      ‘the sound of a barrel organ rising from the deepest golden vein of the day’
           ━ ‘the last hiccup’, christopher meades.
  ‘he grasped the large punch bowl, ...lifted it above his head and threatened the growing crowd.’
           ━ dorothy parker’s volume of poetry ‘enough rope’.
‘Once, when I was young and true. Someone left me sad - Broke my brittle heart in two; And that is very bad.’
2 ❛flowers i love the most❜  
           ━ asphodel. imgbox.com/9lHaAnQ0
           ━ the crown imperials. imgbox.com/zlRPUnL8
           ━ indian pipes. imgbox.com/IL5Cp2Jz
3 ❛things i think are pretty❜
           ━ missy dipping her paws in paint and then making all sorts of stains on the
             carpet as she walks around the house. imgbox.com/B3mkwhEE
           ━ garage doors photographed by agne gintalaite. imgbox.com/WQ4TP1on
           ━ wet and rosy cheeks but not from sadness.
4 ❛messages i recieved and loved❜
           ━ from august,
           ‘And even if you did, you wouldn’t find a heart half as beautiful as yours.’
           ━ from ariel,
           ‘U and I are going to be good friends, you remind me of Françoise Gilot too.’
           ━ from olga,
           ‘For some odd reason it reminded me of you, it is very old so it's not in the
                      best condition but still; imgur.com/a/8TJe5oV.’
5 ❛places to be in the world❜
           ━ the colourful dunes of lassen. imgbox.com/jRr5DXEP
           ━ the rothschild surrealist ball. imgbox.com/u0D8NNfx
           ━ the bank of a river, fishing with a redhead friend. imgbox.com/t0i3bzYx
Răspunde Raportează
AskeOswaldHeinrich 17 March 2022  
Ⅰˢᵗ: Books that you would recommend everyone to read.
 the stars my destination by alfred bester—the premise is simple, 'what if humans could teleport?' and it's
all about this guy who spends six months marooned in deep space  imgur.com/a/DdfLNAc
                   one of the greatest science fiction novels to ever exist
under the skin by michel faber, an alien who's sent to earth to drug hitchhikers that she then delivers to her
  home planet–but at times it's profoundly unnerving and difficult to read  imgur.com/a/aPMoj9u
 die blechtrommel by günter grass, oskar narrates his life story from a mental hospital in the early 1950s
it's a german masterpiece but as a fact, it symbolizes oskar's protest  imgur.com/a/YUe93Ax
    against the middle-class mentality of his family and neighborhood
Ⅱⁿᵈ: Flowers you love the most. sunflowers are my personal faves, but peonies and magnolias remind me
                           of my mom and sister so there's that
Ⅲʳᵈ: Things you think are pretty. sunsets from the highest point–like a hill or a rooftop, pet's clothes cause
      i love dressing mine in all the weirdest costumes i usually find in pet shops, my 90s bowl cut
Ⅳᵗʰ: Messages you recieved and loved.
 'Aske, you’re funny.' from august....... well, the rest is kind of not matchig with the chosen context but we're
   only focusing on the best parts in life right?
'i know how much you love animals' from dora ...again, the context ain't even close, she was babbling about me stealing her teddies and blah–blah–blah, still focusing on what's really important, reading between the lines
  'Having the demeanour of a total gentleman.' from margaritta ...nothing else to add, just facts
Ⅴᵗʰ: Places to be in the world. kangaroo island in australia, would go back there at any given point
    back at my mom's place cause i'm tired of eating junk food  (ich kann kochen, ich bin nur faul)
 on a rooftop bar in berlin, they're sometimes hidden and a non-judgemental zone—you can wear whatever,
look however and be whoever you want. it's only about good vibes, a great time and a nice company
Răspunde Raportează
ArielEgilsdottir 17 March 2022  
       1  The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan.          imgur.com/a/AbokIOB
       "The feminist revolution had to be fought because women quite simply were stopped
                        at a state of evolution far short of their human capacity."
       2  Women who Run with the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype,
       Clarissa P/Estés. "Bone by bone, hair by hair, Wild Woman comes back. Through night
       dreams, through events half understood and half remembered." imgur.com/a/pLRxkkw
      3  Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys.            imgur.com/a/lkoAE9q
      "Black ants, red ones, tall nests swarming with white ants, rain that soaked me to the skin
              — once I saw a snake. All better than people. Better, better, better than people."
       1  imgur.com/a/R9ZpMHn crown-of-thorns
       2  imgur.com/a/8P9VxDg english daisy
       3  imgur.com/a/39SnYM5 cosmos-flowers
       1  Helgi's Tyr imgur.com/a/EkD4ZvL & nanna's Nanna imgur.com/a/pXGPbi9
       2  imgur.com/a/9Rx1yTL Zoe Buckman's exposition, "Every Curve"
       3  this lítið buddy—imgur.com/a/dYadCIm
       1  DoraAgar
         5 martie 2022, 00:09
         yes. actually, if i take a closer look, you might ❛be destined to be my gradiva.❜
       2  MargarittaLidjiaEotvos
         4 martie 2022, 22:14
         Salve Venere!
         brutality-- can be pure in a feminine form, that's my take. I hope we will thrive against all odds.
       3  AugustRedford
         14 martie 2022, 14:08
         Ariel! What a pleasant surprise. Of course you can play, having a strong girl on the soccer
         team would be inspiring and motivational for my girls.
       1  imgur.com/a/NTxqWFy visiting nanna in Cannon Beach.
       2  imgur.com/a/8tOOvLl the place where we skinny-dipped last year.
       3  imgur.com/a/TONT1HL San Francisco.
Răspunde Raportează
FelixColumbeanu 17 March 2022  
1. s13emagst.akamaized.net/products/100/99928/images/res_79b8afbd2accadcf698c27458a6fef5f.jpg



2. Garoafele. Le-am pregătit pentru voi. Trandafiri roșii și crini.

3. Eu (logic), Aske, modelele Victoria's Secret.

4. "Sure, just kick your wife out of the house."
- Valerian

"You're the most incredible dad ever!"
- Andres

"Comanda dvs a fost livrată"
- Glovo

5. Patul meu, pe faleză in Constanța, la mormântul dușmanilor.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 16 March 2022  
            ˓❦ 10ᵗʰ: Your top 3...
     1ˢᵗ: Books that you would recommend everyone to read.
     2ⁿᵈ: Flowers you love the most.
     3ʳᵈ: Things you think are pretty.
     4ᵗʰ: Messages you recieved and loved.
     5ᵗʰ: Places to be in the world.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 16 March 2022  
*This round was also special for another reason. Given the soccer match between the two players, the score obtained by each in this round determined who won it. So, since August is ranked ahead of Aske in this round, August's team won the match. Congratulations!
Răspunde Raportează
lesHydropathes 16 March 2022  
Heath: 6/40
Ariel: 6/40
Dora: 1/40
Felix: 3/40
Aske: 5/40
Sheehan: 4/40
August: 5/40
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 16 March 2022  
a nevermind
Răspunde Raportează
Nidaros 16 March 2022  
Heath: 5/40
Ariel: 4/40
Aske: 3/40
Dora: 3/40
Sheehan: 4/40
Felix: 3/40
August: 2/40
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 16 March 2022  
dau eu imd
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 16 March 2022  
este egalitate mai trb o lista ms
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 16 March 2022  
Asteapta mult si bn
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 16 March 2022  
Hai sa va arat ce m a amuzat azi vreti
www.instagram.com/tv/CbJCboggF-m/?utm_medium=copy_link Astept caption
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 16 March 2022  
i have something to share tooo
www.instagram.com/p/Ca-iXp-PCjl/?utm_medium=copy_link daca tot
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 16 March 2022  
iiiii dragutii❤️❤️
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 16 March 2022  
when lydia showed them pics of them together last season=))
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 16 March 2022  
nu stiu cum sa ma simt in legatura cu faptul ca am vrut sa l joc initial pe sebastian in locul lui ed:)
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 16 March 2022  
I-am mai zis si eu lu mimi asta mooor te-as fi acuzat de vrajitorie.
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 16 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 16 March 2022  
pt mn axl si genesis au fost impr inainte ca el sa ajunga la parnaie periodt :-?
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 16 March 2022  
this is now canon!
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 16 March 2022  
Si dupa s-a mutat in franta sa n-o mai gaseasca
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 16 March 2022  
Heath 5/40 daca a mintit si a fost casatorit? #plottwist
Ariel 4/40 e hazlie pt mine si o cred:-?
Dora 3/40 macar papusile inainte de culcare tot le pupi
Aske 3/40 warum verdammte Gefühl??
Felix 6/40 ca eu te stiam romantic :-j
Sheehan 5/40 mereu e un Connell care o dezamageste pe Marianne nu ma mira:|
August 2/40 nepatat si sincer:|
Răspunde Raportează
Heartless 16 March 2022  
sheehan 6/40
felix 1/40
ariel 4/40
aske 7/40
dora 3/40
august 5/40
heath 5/40

Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 16 March 2022  
* Ariel gave Aske the middle finger and she defended the girl in front of the refereee because it's not Mia's fault that Flynn is a klutz. When she saw him starting to pick on her girl, she asked for a yellow card too. A huge fight broke out between the children, and August had to intervene to calm them down.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 16 March 2022  
* Aske asked for the yellow card from the referee after witnessing subtle bits of sabotaging. Flynn then began messing with Mia left and right on the field, disrupting and making her dizzy.
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 16 March 2022  
i want an honest update about what is going on romantically with everyone i swear=))too confusing for my brain
also someone please bring marianne in the game asap
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 16 March 2022  
efectiv thats the entire mood of the game in a nutshell
facem runda: fan questions
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 16 March 2022  
pleaseee i need that round now=))
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 16 March 2022  
am trimis referatul la fara 3 minute chiar!!am citit si tot si sa vedem
August: 2/40 foarte evaziv baiatu asta,dar totusi nu as spune ca nu a fost sincer
Sheehan: 1/40 pentru ca nimeni nu te crede ca nu te-ai indragostit niciodata!just call marienne and maybe you can fix it!!! please fix it i ship it now
Felix: 3/40 omu asta a avut grinder si a flirtat cu valerian juma de sezon,enough said
Aske : 2 /40 i wanna believe he is the angel he wants us to think so i choose to believe it,don't disappoint me animal boy:(
Dora: 1/40 girl i would wanna take drugs with you so please let that be a lie
Ariel : 4/40 as everyone said i don't think you are that cold
Heath : 6/40 why the fck you lying?why you always lying?stop fcking lying=)) i had to do it
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 15 March 2022  
1. August: n ai avut tu un one night stand cu vreo mamica? greu de crezut esti prea simpatic sa nu. 3/40 asa pe ochi frumosi ca gen...u know...i kinda like u desi te ai cam abtinut din a da unele raspunsuri crezi ca n am obs? presupun ca nu vrei sa mi frangi inima e ok.
2. Sheehan: frt esti ok? ai fost engaged si niciodata n ai fost indragostit? a fost relatie pr sau ce cn e marianne prea multe intrebari spune ne mai multe despre tine as putea sa zic ca ai mintit la toate sau ca ai spus adevarul esti ca o enigma in momentul acesta. 4/40 pt ca vreau sa stiu cn e marianne si cred ca minti, sigur ti a placut cand ai fost cu shabrina
3. Felix: la tn frate ma astept sa fie toate asa cum le ai si spus pana si nr 26 de fapt cred ca nici n as anticipa viitoarele raspunsuri ca singuri ne mai surprinzi in vreun fel 2/40 am doua dubii le as fi facut trei dar am la un dubiu un alt dubiu si e incert
4. Aske: prea chill ca sa nu existe niste scapari pe ici colo nu mai raspundeti asa cu dublu inteles ca nu suntem toti mimi ca sa ghicim in stele ce vreti sa spuneti de fapt. voi zice 5/40 pt ca hmmm imi fac cu ochiul cateva
5. Dora: tu parca esti opusul lui Felix adica intr un fel nu ma astept la raspunsurile tale dar parca ma astept sa fie f surprinzatoare incat sa le consider imprevizibile... does that make sense??? so far so good iti voi da 1/40 si asta pt ca mai mult decat sigur exista o minciuna pe acolo
6. Ariel: a aterizat si ghetarul din oceanul atlantic care a scufundat titanicul. 7/40 nu ma convinge abs deloc imaginea asta de look at me im colder than everyone combined, de fapt cred ca nici tu nu crezi majoritatea lucrurilor
7. Heath: nu ies ghioceii fara playerul suprem, de la aristotel incoace nu mai cred nimic din ce spui fratele meu. de fapt daca stau bine sa ma gandesc esti foarte...... imprecis wheres ur actual pattern 7/40
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 15 March 2022  
o sa fac si eu imediat lista
am referat de trimis pana la 12 si mai am cateva randuri
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 15 March 2022  
mai cv decat wiz khalifa la lie detector test
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 15 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 15 March 2022  
toti niste scroafe mincinoase
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 15 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 15 March 2022  
give it to me baby like boom boom boom
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 15 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Beijaflor 15 March 2022  
1. August: 4/40 aș fi zis mai multe, nush ft evaziv azi clan cu răspunsurile date și așa pe ocolite.
2. Sheehan: 3/40 mă așteptam la mai puține din partea ta
3. Felix: 1/40, o sig minciună am mirosit că în rest chiar te cred în stare de orice.
4. Aske: 4/40 parcă prea cuminte ești băiatu meu
5. Dora: 2/40 nush de tn sora mea da nu te cred la aia cu droagele și la încă una am uitat care
6. Ariel: 5/40 prea dură mica sirenă și nush csz parcă un pic de fațadă așa
7. Heath: stați că vine nate jacobs acum mincinosu suprem vreți să vă mint. 6/40
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 15 March 2022  
pr târziu:-j
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 15 March 2022  
nu frt mi ai furat tatal nu se compara pretul ...
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 15 March 2022  
august: 3/40 pt rasp ft vagi :-j stii tu care ca doar sunt ft intentionate :-j
sheehan: 2/40 pai cum sa zici ca n ai avut sentimente pt nmn dar tu plangi aici dupa marianne :-j get it together man the fook.
felix: 2/40 chiar nu cred ca preferi ca andreas sa faca altcv si sa nu se ocupe de club:-j si nu cred nici ca nu te ar deranja s o vezi pe luna cu varu tibi acm :-j kissing in a tree (sper ca nu ala construit de august:| sa nu profanati locul ala cu prostiile voastre nesuferitilor)
aske: 3/40 chiar cred ca ai un tatuaj tampit pe undv:-j cu vreo broasca prinzand vreo musca cu limba:-j rasp vag acl la are you available:-j si DE CE annoying girl friends i auzi :-j dar altfel le pupai?????? boy -_-
dora: 1/40 girl nu cred ca n ai :-j luat si tu cv o data la ce idei stranii ai :-j vad lsd trips pictate pe fata ta
ariel: 4/40. mai micuto pr distanta si detatched te dai tu acl :-j
heath: aoleo la tn as zice 40/40 baiete pari mincinos tare da hai..... le iau pe rand csz...... 1. cum adica nu crezi ca esti player?? toate fetele s au plans de tn get a notice? 2. cum adica esti available hello???? sau sa zic???? ciao???? da margaritta a murit sau a fost eliminata ca nu mai inteleg nmc:| 3. nu prea cred ca esti capabil de a .... iubi pe cnv deci minciunica:| 4. pai cum esti singur....... din nou revin la margarina???? 5 pai pursuing who :-j another girl???? vezi esti player frt:-j mda deci 5/50.
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 16 March 2022  
i am dead=)))))
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 15 March 2022  
da smreo heath ca la viata ta personala nu mai intelegem nmc gen keep us updated fa si tu un video ca aia de la challenge explain things cu cn te ship pana la urma????!!! :|
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 15 March 2022  
sau hai la mn o sedinta de terapie te iau pe gratis daca ai nev sa vb si tu cu cnv:-j
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 15 March 2022  
televizată gen
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 15 March 2022  
va fac live pe tintype.ro.... adica sunphoto.ro
Răspunde Raportează
poisedchimera 15 March 2022  
august - 5/40
sheehan - 8/40
felix - 6/40
aske - 8/40
dora - 5/40
ariel - 8/40
heath - 3/40
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 15 March 2022  
7- heath: am numărat... să zicem 7 idontbuythat-s. nici tu nu te crezi la unele :-j
7- ariel: sincer tot 7 idontbuythat-s și la tine :-? nu crek esti asa de. scary. fto :P
3- dora: pretty clean cred că 3 hmm-s dar în rest looks pretty honest to me :-? :x
7- aske: mda 7le pare să fie numărul acestui sezon după 6 ptc și la tine am depistat vreo 7 hmm-s. :|
5- felix: mpis pe mine cum a fost serios la intr 26 out of the blue morrrrrrrrrrr am numărat 5 printre care de fiecare dată când auzeam numele andres :-@ tot dușman rămâne.
3- sheehan: deci nsh da sunt atât de invested cu povestea cu marianne unde e cine e ce s-a întâmplat vreau să știu tot?!!!!! .... i ship ....... :| da acl la fall in love ai mințit clar ptc clar o bești offf deci 3 hmm-s în rest te credem pe cuvânt că ești nou how could we know ai scăpat ușor :-j
5- august- pentru că mi se pare că ai ocolit să răsp la unele întrb. rușinosule we want the tea -_-
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 15 March 2022  
Because the outcome of the lie detector is determined by the audience, you will have to detect the lies of the contestants. If you consider that he or she has not answered a question truthfully, you add a lie, i.e. one point. Thus you give each contestant a score consisting of the number of lies you suspect.
Răspunde Raportează
HeathLynch 15 March 2022  
       1. Do you keep a journal?  No, not yet though.
       2. Do you believe in luck?  No, everything in life is hard work.
       3. Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?  No.
       4. Have you ever did drugs?  Yes, a few times back in college.
       5. Have you ever smoked cigarettes?  Yes, and I’m still doing it         
                                  sometimes at parties.
       6. Have you ever gotten a tattoo?  No, but I'm planning to.
       7. Have you ever had a one-night stand?  Yes, who didn't have one?
       8. Do you find it easy to trust others?  It depends, but let’s go for yes.
       9. Have you ever kissed a boy?  No.
       10. Have you ever kissed a girl?  Uhm, yes? Not a virgin though.
       11. Are you kinky?  You can say that.
       12. Are you a player?  I wanna believe the answer is no.
       13. Have you ever had sex in public?  No, not my type.
       14. Are you available?  Yes.
       15. Ever made out with just a friend?  Yes, unfortunately.
       16. Have you ever been rejected by a crush?  Yes. #heartbroken.
       17. Have you ever had a crush on someone of the same sex?  No.
       18. Have you ever given/received a lap dance?  I received one at my 18th birthday party. The boys
                                               took me at a strip club.
       19. Have you ever had a threesome?  Nope, not that kind of man.
       20. Have you ever been engaged?  No.
       21. Have you ever fallen in love?  Yes, big time.
       22. Do you currently have feelings for anyone?  Not really, but I do fancy someone.
       23. Are you too shy to ask someone out?  No, I always go for what I want.
       24. If you’re single right now, do you wish you were in a relationship?  It's not something I'm
                                    chasing, but if I meet the right person, why not?
       25. Honestly, do you have someone on your mind right now?  Yes.
       26. Is there someone who continuously lets you down?  No.
       27. Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them?  Definitely.
       28. Is there someone you wish you could fix things with?  No, I don't hold grudges. I usually
                                              solve my problems right away.
       29. I bet you kissed someone last night, right?  No, you're wrong.
       30. Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the last person you kissed?  It depends on the                                                                                           
       31. Would you date the last person you talked to?  No, because it’s a guy.
       32. Do you hate the person you fell the hardest for?  No.
       33. Is anyone ignoring you right now?  Yes.
       34. Are you mad at anyone?  No.
       35. Have you ever regretted dating someone?  No.
       36. Do you regret anything?  Yes.
       37. Are you pursuing the person you like?  Trying to.
       38. Do you still talk with the person you last went on a date with?  No.
       39. Have you ever been dumped?  A few times, yes.
       40. Do you miss your last sweetie?  No
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 15 March 2022  
* Mia "accidentally" tripped Flynn, advised during the break by a certain redhead to let loose. That's how she gained enough ground to score a goal.
Răspunde Raportează
ArielEgilsdottir 15 March 2022  
       1. Do you keep a journal?  No.
       2. Do you believe in luck?  No.
       3. Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?  No & Yes.
       4. Have you ever did drugs?  Yes.
       5. Have you ever smoked cigarettes?  Yes.
       6. Have you ever gotten a tattoo?  Yes.
       7. Have you ever had a one-night stand?  Yes.
       8. Do you find it easy to trust others?  No.
       9. Have you ever kissed a boy?  Yes.
       10. Have you ever kissed a girl?  Yes.
       11. Are you kinky?   No.
       12. Are you a player?  No.
       13. Have you ever had sex in public?  No.
       14. Are you available?  No.
       15. Ever made out with just a friend?  Yes.
       16. Have you ever been rejected by a crush?  No.
       17. Have you ever had a crush on someone of the same sex?  Yes.
       18. Have you ever given/received a lap dance?  No.
       19. Have you ever had a threesome?  No.
       20. Have you ever been engaged?  No.
       21. Have you ever fallen in love?  No.
       22. Do you currently have feelings for anyone?  No.
       23. Are you too shy to ask someone out?  No.
       24. If you’re single right now, do you wish you were in a relationship?  No.
       25. Honestly, do you have someone on your mind right now?  Yes.
       26. Is there someone who continuously lets you down?  Yes.
       27. Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them?  Yes.
       28. Is there someone you wish you could fix things with?  No.
       29. I bet you kissed someone last night, right?  No.
       30. Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the last person you kissed?  No.
       31. Would you date the last person you talked to?  No.
       32. Do you hate the person you fell the hardest for?  No.
       33. Is anyone ignoring you right now?  No.
       34. Are you mad at anyone?  Yes.
       35. Have you ever regretted dating someone?  Yes.
       36. Do you regret anything?  Yes.
       37. Are you pursuing the person you like?  No.
       38. Do you still talk with the person you last went on a date with?  No.
       39. Have you ever been dumped?  No.
       40. Do you miss your last sweetie?  No.
Răspunde Raportează
DoraAgar 15 March 2022  
  ❛the lie detector test❜   
1 do you keep a journal? yes. for writing and sketching.
2  do you believe in luck? yes. and believe me an artist needs a lot of luck in his life.
3 do you believe in ghosts? how about aliens? yes. i don’t think we’re the only living
                           things in the universe.
4 have you ever did drugs? no.
5 have you ever smoked cigarettes? yes.
6 have you ever gotten a tattoo? yes. on my arm.
7 have you ever had a one-night stand? no. more like a one night working.
8 do you find it easy to trust others?  no. but i go with my gut.
9 have you ever kissed a boy? yes.
10 have you ever kissed a girl? yes.
11 are you kinky? no.
12 are you a player? no.
13 have you ever had sex in public? no.
14 are you available? yes.
15 ever made out with just a friend? no.
16 have you ever been rejected by a crush? yes. hasn’t it happened to all of us?
17 have you ever had a crush on someone of the same sex? yes.
18 have you ever given/received a lap dance? no.
19 have you ever had a threesome? no.
20 have you ever been engaged? no.
21 have you ever fallen in love? yes.
22 do you currently have feelings for anyone? yes. but not so many cause i broke my
                          heart a while ago.
23 are you too shy to ask someone out? to ask? no. shyness comes when you wait
                          for the answer.
24 if you’re single right now, do you wish you were in a relationship? yes. but if i had
            the lamp i asked sebastian for, i wouldn’t waste my wish on it.
25 honestly, do you have someone on your mind right now? yes. (there’s an awful lot
                       going on in my mind it’s never empty).
26 is there someone who continuously lets you down? no. that would mean having expectations.
27 is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them? yes.
28 is there someone you wish you could fix things with? yes.
29 i bet you kissed someone last night, right? no.
30 would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the last person you kissed? the one i kissed
                                  a while ago? no.
31 would you date the last person you talked to? no. and neither would our animals.
32 do you hate the person you fell the hardest for? no. that’s such a heavy feeling.
33 is anyone ignoring you right now? no? no.
34 are you mad at anyone? yes. at olga and myself for not getting to have our cup of tea.
35 have you ever regretted dating someone? no. it was my choice at that time.
36 do you regret anything? yes. some things.
37 are you pursuing the person you like? i hope i’m not. no.
38 do you still talk with the person you last went on a date with? no.
39 have you ever been dumped? yes. wouldn’t have worked anyways.
40 do you miss your last sweetie? no.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 15 March 2022  
* Seems like in the first half of the game luck was on (the so-called) Aske's side as his smurfy teammates ruled the soccer field and Flynn scored the winning goal before the first period being over. The kids are currently laughing in their teacher's face. Apparently, pre warm-ups do wonders.
Răspunde Raportează
AskeOswaldHeinrich 15 March 2022  
       1. Do you keep a journal? yes, i keep track of all my heartbreaks 24 pages
       2. Do you believe in luck? yes
       3. Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens? yes to both, somehow
       4. Have you ever did drugs? yes, it was bound to happen at one point
       5. Have you ever smoked cigarettes? yes
       6. Have you ever gotten a tattoo? no, i don't want to take away my skin's virginity
       7. Have you ever had a one-night stand? no, i'd rather marvins room and cry
       8. Do you find it easy to trust others? no in general, but yes when it comes to my pals
       9. Have you ever kissed a boy? no, i'm pretty sure i'm more into kissing girls
       10. Have you ever kissed a girl? yes
       11. Are you kinky? no, not really it's not my thing
       12. Are you a player? no, but i play a lot of video games instead
       13. Have you ever had sex in public? no, kinda disgusting
       14. Are you available? to lend a helping hand? always, i'm an expert at doing things wrong
       15. Ever made out with just a friend? no, also disgusting... my girl friends are annoying
       16. Have you ever been rejected by a crush? yes, otherwise i wouldn't have had the
                heartbreaks journal, some things just make perfect sense
       17. Have you ever had a crush on someone of the same sex? no, unless cartoons count
       18. Have you ever given/received a lap dance? yes, i'm always the life of the party
       19. Have you ever had a threesome? no, it's like being poly jealousy flows through my veins
       20. Have you ever been engaged? no, not that i remember
       21. Have you ever fallen in love? yes, my only life mistakes tbh i'm too young for that
       22. Do you currently have feelings for anyone? yes, genau dieses verdammte gefühl
       23. Are you too shy to ask someone out? no, being shy is for the weak
       24. If you’re single right now, do you wish you were in a relationship? yes or not, idk yes?
       25. Honestly, do you have someone on your mind right now? yes
       26. Is there someone who continuously lets you down? no, i'm not into that energy in my life
       27. Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them? yes, happy asl
       28. Is there someone you wish you could fix things with? yes, right this moment
       29. I bet you kissed someone last night, right? no and kinda glad i didn't
       30. Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the last person you kissed? no i'm good we good
       31. Would you date the last person you talked to? no, i'm sure there's something else going on
       32. Do you hate the person you fell the hardest for? that's the thing, i don't i never do
       33. Is anyone ignoring you right now? yes
       34. Are you mad at anyone? yes, august's team faulted mine and that was not alright
       35. Have you ever regretted dating someone? tbh yes cause who doesn't make mistakes
       36. Do you regret anything? no, having regrets is not part of my life plan
       37. Are you pursuing the person you like? n–yes? kinda unclear
       38. Do you still talk with the person you last went on a date with? yes but like... friendly talk?
                       just like the so-called date btw
       39. Have you ever been dumped? yes man i've said that multiple times already is this aimed
                 at me? let's be honest now i can face the truth at this point
       40. Do you miss your last sweetie? no
Răspunde Raportează
FelixColumbeanu 15 March 2022  
1. Do you keep a journal?

2. Do you believe in luck?

3. Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
Fantome nu, extratereștri da spre poate.

4. Have you ever did drugs?
Da în plm. Cine dr@cu nu trage măcar niște legale prin a 9-a că e cool?

5. Have you ever smoked cigarettes?
Da dar acum prefer trabucurile

6. Have you ever gotten a tattoo?
Nu, pielea mea e netedă și curată

7. Have you ever had a one night stand?
Da, am avut și orgii

8. Do you find it easy to trust others?
Nu. Nu am încredere nici în mine

9. Have you ever kissed a boy?
Da dar eram beat și drogat, ok?!

10. Have you ever kissed a girl?
Serios...? ....... DA ÎN PLM

11. Are you kinky?
Da dar nimic super ciudat sau extrem

12. Are you a player?
Tu ce crezi? ;) Dea

13. Have you ever had s*ex in public?
Nu și cred că oamenii care fac asta nu au toate țiglele pe casă

14. Are you available?
DA! Aștept toate domnișoarele să mă contacteze la 0769696969 sau pe Facebook ca si Felix Columbeanu

15. Ever made out with just a friend?
Da, logic

16. Have you ever been rejected by your crush?
Din păcate da dar era în depresie după fostul si înțeleg :P

17. Have you ever had a crush on someone of the same s*ex?
Nu, nu sunt heterosexual de ăla să am înclinații spre bărbați

18. Have you ever received/given a lap dance?
Da, am primit și am și oferit o singură dată drept cadou

19. Have you ever had a threesome?
Da în plm, Natasha și Daniela, Mamaia, 2010

20. Have you ever been engaged?
Da și știți și cu cine...... :|

21. Have you ever fallen in love?
Da dar nu merită, copii. Faceți bani, lăsați dragostea că vă frânge inima

22. Do you currently have feelings for someone?
Nu, sunt complet concentrat asupra mea, a dezvoltării personale și a profita de viață

23. Are you too shy to ask someone out?
Nu ce dr@cu. I want it, I got it

24. If you’re single right now, do you wish you were in a relationship?
Nu, nu-mi mai trebuie angajamente romantice sau serioase o perioadă bună

25. Honestly, do you have someone on your mind right now?
Da, fiul meu, Andres. Mă intreb ce face acolo in Constanța că l-am lăsat să aibă grijă singur de club si are telefonul inchis de aseară de la 22:33. Sper că macar f#te și el ceva si nu lucrează

26. Is there someone who continuously lets you down?
Da, singura persoană care mă poate dezamăgi cu adevărat sunt eu. Și încă un sfat: încetați sa mai aveti așteptări mari de la alte persoane si in schimb faceti-va așteptări de la voi înșivă. De fiecare dată când incalcati o promisiune pe care v-ati facut-o amintiti-va ca tocmai v-ați dezamăgit propria persoană și consecințele va influențează pe voi, in primul rand.

27. Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them?
Da, de fiecare dată cand imi vad reflexia un oglindă. <3 Ah, te referi la altcineva in afara de mine. Andres!

28. Is there someone you wish you could fix things with?
Nu, ce e îngropat rămâne îngropat. Sunt un om dintr-o bucată

29. I bet you kissed someone last night, right?
Nu, dar am făcut altceva ;)

30. Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the last person you kissed?
Nu și chiar dacă se ajunge la mai mult decât un sarut, nu-mi pasă. (Sper să se aleagă cu Chlamydia)

31. Would you date the last person you talked to?
Nu, in niciun caz! Chiar dacă as avea înclinații heterosexuale, Sheehan nu ar fi deloc genul meu ce plm..... Poate Aske că e așa frumușel, un mic Tarzan

32. Do you hate the person you fell the hardest for?
......... Să iti bagi întrebările in c#r...... Gândește-te la puncte, Felix.... Mmmmda.

33. Is anyone ignoring you right now?
Da dar și eu ignor

34. Are you mad at anyone?
........ Ce plm sunt cu întrebările astea???? Credeam ca sunt la un talk show nu la terapeut! Ai pus cumva mai jos si o întrebare gen "Ai fost abuzat/ă se*xual de către o figură paternă în copilărie?" sau ce? M*rții mei, simt că e ceva personal, domnișoară.... Răspunsul meu e da!

35. Have you ever regretted dating someone?

36. Do you regret anything?
Logic, tocmai am răspuns mai sus. Dar in afară de aia, da, sunt cateva lucruri pe care le regret

37. Are you pursuing the person you lile?
Nu că nu există

38. Do you still talk with the person you last went on a date with?

39. Have you ever been dumped?
Să imi bag p....... în ele de întrebări. Da, ok??? S-a întâmplat o dată in liceu, o fată pe nume Viorica îl voia pe varu-miu Tibi

40. Do you miss your last sweetie?
Răspunde Raportează
SheehanConnorway 15 March 2022  
       1. Do you keep a journal?
No, a lion's mind is too busy to keep on track
       2. Do you believe in luck?
Yes, I'm the luckiest man that ever lived, aren't I?
       3. Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
Ghosts? YES! YES! Aliens? Aske looks a little like an alien
       4. Have you ever did drugs?
Everyday's a rollercoaster baby
       5. Have you ever smoked cigarettes?
Tobacco anyone?
       6. Have you ever gotten a tattoo?
27 and counting
       7. Have you ever had a one-night stand?
Too many.
       8. Do you find it easy to trust others?
No. This is a mad world. you never know when somebody will accuse u of having gay p*rn in ur history
       9. Have you ever kissed a boy?
yes.......... unfortunately.
       10. Have you ever kissed a girl?
yes.......... fortunately.
       11. Are you kinky?
only in bed, raw kinky. like nip clips and stuff
       12. Are you a player?
I was, now I'm too old and the casino doesn't work on it's own
       13. Have you ever had sex in public?
yes. restroom, ballroom, highway, by the sea, on the sand, in a sand castle, on a plane, in a restaurant, Mcdonalds, kfc, wendys, my casino knows all about fluids etc etc
       14. Are you available?
       15. Ever made out with just a friend?
       16. Have you ever been rejected by a crush?
       17. Have you ever had a crush on someone of the same sex?
       18. Have you ever given/received a lap dance?
       19. Have you ever had a threesome?
yeeeeeees. gang bangs and all that stuff
       20. Have you ever been engaged?
almost. her name was marianne, she was the sweetest and the purest girl on earth... I'm getting emotional
       21. Have you ever fallen in love?
not yet?
       22. Do you currently have feelings for anyone?
no. unfortunately nope
       23. Are you too shy to ask someone out?
no. I think I have the baaaaaaallz
       24. If you’re single right now, do you wish you were in a relationship?
nah, too much for me. I have to keep an eye on pokerstars
       25. Honestly, do you have someone on your mind right now?
rivage??? she was made for my casino
       26. Is there someone who continuously lets you down?
my illegitimate child
       27. Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them?
felix right now and maybe my cat
       28. Is there someone you wish you could fix things with?
       29. I bet you kissed someone last night, right?
nope, u wrong, I had s*x
       30. Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the last person you kissed?
eh, you gotta do what u gotta do, am I right? and when u cant control urself well
       31. Would you date the last person you talked to?
ah, no, sorry felix no hard feelings
       32. Do you hate the person you fell the hardest for?
nope, never, marianne
       33. Is anyone ignoring you right now?
nope, at all.
       34. Are you mad at anyone?
again, MYSELF!
       35. Have you ever regretted dating someone?
yes, too many times...... courtney, shabrina, aleksa, maddy... etc
       36. Do you regret anything?
yes... being a d*ck AGAIN MARIANNE CALL ME
       37. Are you pursuing the person you like?
nope... idk where she's rn
       38. Do you still talk with the person you last went on a date with?
huh no?
       39. Have you ever been dumped?
       40. Do you miss your last sweetie?
yes :'(
Răspunde Raportează
AugustRedford 15 March 2022  
       1. Do you keep a journal? Yes, but I constantly fail to write in it.
       2. Do you believe in luck? Yes and no, more towards yes.
       3. Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Not really, no.
         But the kids believe so I have to lie that I do too.
       4. Have you ever did drugs? No, that would make me a bad role model.
       5. Have you ever smoked cigarettes? Yes, in high school, but for a very stupid short time.
       6. Have you ever gotten a tattoo? No.
       7. Have you ever had a one-night stand? Iʼm not into that sort of thing.
       8. Do you find it easy to trust others? Yes, I always expect the best from others.
       9. Have you ever kissed a boy? Iʼm going to assume youʼre talking about kissing on the lips. No.
       10. Have you ever kissed a girl? Yes.
       11. Are you kinky? No, I wouldnʼt describe myself that way.
       12. Are you a player? Iʼd like to think Iʼm not.
       13. Have you ever had sex in public? No, thatʼs impolite to the rest of us.
       14. Are you available? Available to what? These days no, I have a tree house to build.
       15. Ever made out with just a friend? If Iʼve kissed someone, itʼs definitely not just a friend.
       16. Have you ever been rejected by a crush? Yes. Probably like Flynn, back in school.
       17. Have you ever had a crush on someone of the same sex? Not really.
       18. Have you ever given/received a lap dance? No, Iʼd feel awkward...
       19. Have you ever had a threesome? No. If I like someone I only like that someone.
       20. Have you ever been engaged? God No, Iʼm in my prime years.
       21. Have you ever fallen in love? Yea-h, probably a few times. Iʼm not That young.
       22. Do you currently have feelings for anyone? Yes. I have feelings for a lot of people.
         Depends on what feelings you are referring to. Try to be more specific next time.
       23. Are you too shy to ask someone out? I donʼt think I resemble Flynn, no.
       24. If you’re single right now, do you wish you were in a relationship? I am indifferent.
         But yes, why not? I love people, especially good company.
       25. Honestly, do you have someone on your mind right now? A bunch of kids!
         And their parents, who Iʼm meeting with this week at the parent-teacher conference...
       26. Is there someone who continuously lets you down? Oliver refuses to eat his vegetables.
       27. Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them? My kids.
       28. Is there someone you wish you could fix things with? Yes, I think so, my father.
       29. I bet you kissed someone last night, right? I kissed the top of Miaʼs head. Does that count?
         She got upset she failed to score in the soccer match.
       30. Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the last person you kissed? Mia? Yes, sheʼs 5.
       31. Would you date the last person you talked to? Aske? Sadly, Iʼm not the one heʼs smitten with.
       32. Do you hate the person you fell the hardest for? No, I donʼt hate anyone.
       33. Is anyone ignoring you right now? I hope not!
       34. Are you mad at anyone? No, I mean Aske just managed to score but weʼre catching up so no.
       35. Have you ever regretted dating someone? No, I donʼt date just anyone.
       36. Do you regret anything? No, I always try not to have regrets.
       37. Are you pursuing the person you like?
         I think so, that if I understood the question. The verb is a bit obscure.
       38. Do you still talk with the person you last went on a date with?
         No, I canʼt even remember the last date I went on...
       39. Have you ever been dumped? Most likely yes. In high school.
       40. Do you miss your last sweetie? No, itʼs been too long.
Răspunde Raportează
ArielEgilsdottir 15 March 2022  
oh come on Mia don't let me down now.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 15 March 2022  
  ˓❦ 11ᵗʰ: The Lie Detector Test: in this round, the contestants are hooked to a lie detector
  and are required to answer truthfully my set of intrusive questions. The public is invoked
       to serve their jury duty today to analyze the honesty-level of the players.

  The jury, in order to then give their verdict, will take into account what they know from the
  updates, the relationships that are emerging in the comments, their personalities and ofc,
    if you have participated in the game, from private chats. So besties, Spot the lies!!!
  The least liar among them wins.   Enjoy the drama, the tea is hot!  * Yes/No answers!

       1. Do you keep a journal?
       2. Do you believe in luck?
       3. Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
       4. Have you ever did drugs?
       5. Have you ever smoked cigarettes?
       6. Have you ever gotten a tattoo?
       7. Have you ever had a one-night stand?
       8. Do you find it easy to trust others?
       9. Have you ever kissed a boy?
       10. Have you ever kissed a girl?
       11. Are you kinky?
       12. Are you a player?
       13. Have you ever had sex in public?
       14. Are you available?
       15. Ever made out with just a friend?
       16. Have you ever been rejected by a crush?
       17. Have you ever had a crush on someone of the same sex?
       18. Have you ever given/received a lap dance?
       19. Have you ever had a threesome?
       20. Have you ever been engaged?
       21. Have you ever fallen in love?
       22. Do you currently have feelings for anyone?
       23. Are you too shy to ask someone out?
       24. If you’re single right now, do you wish you were in a relationship?
       25. Honestly, do you have someone on your mind right now?
       26. Is there someone who continuously lets you down?
       27. Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them?
       28. Is there someone you wish you could fix things with?
       29. I bet you kissed someone last night, right?
       30. Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the last person you kissed?
       31. Would you date the last person you talked to?
       32. Do you hate the person you fell the hardest for?
       33. Is anyone ignoring you right now?
       34. Are you mad at anyone?
       35. Have you ever regretted dating someone?
       36. Do you regret anything?
       37. Are you pursuing the person you like?
       38. Do you still talk with the person you last went on a date with?
       39. Have you ever been dumped?
       40. Do you miss your last sweetie?
Răspunde Raportează
poisedchimera 15 March 2022  
1. Aske
2. Dora
3. Heath
4. Olga
5. Ariel
6. Felix
7. August
8. Sheehan
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 15 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 15 March 2022  
1. August
2. Olga
3. Ariel
4. Dora
5. Heath
6. Sheehan
7. Felix
8. Aske
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 15 March 2022  
1. dora tot ft ft ft bn gandit bn in afr de atena,,, te vad hm, hestia sau euphrosyne sau astroae sau hebe nshh smth, dar in rest e. nsh sa explic... unic, si e tare greu... cand nu e deja un tipar-clișeic-aesthetic pe net ca sa culegi stuff, sa formezi tu o sfera proprie nsh mi se pare. ft wow fato bv tie :x
2. olga gen daca nu era asa inovativa si trudnic to pull off dpmdv dora erai pe unu dar cearta te cu ea nu cu mn oricum cu lejeritate ti a iesit o superbitate
3. ariel ptc e ......scary si intr-un fel... oarecum violenta intr-un mod ft chill si detached :-? si pt sylvia plath daca tot tre sa fac prez despre ea :x
4. august imi aduci aminte de sfarsitul verii in italia si na.... :-j the host knows what :-jjjjjjj im talking about.
5. aske DECI JUR CA ESTI HERMES FRATEEEE cel mai potrivit la greek god tu ai dat dintre toți. so i stan u because of ur mythology knowledge
6. sheehan deci mi se pare extraordinar ca te ai gandit la uraeus si la thoth !!!!!!??? a si cursivitate in raspunsuri gen they match very well!
7. smreo felix ca te pun asa de jos ptc cand am intrat pe linkurile tale mi a aparut straight up porn si chiar cred ca ai ceva de a face cu asta :-jjjjjj bad father figure as always.
8. heath gen. ce trb ai nebunule cu aristotel :| uite asa ma uitam cand am vz *insert emoji de stiti voi ca l folosesc cu tipa ai de sta dreapta in albastru* ARISTOTEL AUZI LA EL
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 15 March 2022  
m a bufnit rasu doar cand am citit descrierea emoji ului =)()())()))))))
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 15 March 2022  
1. ariei
2. dora
3. august
4. aske
5. olga
6. heath
7. sheehan
8. felix
Răspunde Raportează
Beijaflor 15 March 2022  
1. Heath.
2. Aske.
3. Ariel.
4. Sheehan.
5. August.
6. Dora.
7. Olga.
8. Felix.
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 15 March 2022  
        1ˢᵗ place: Dora
        2ⁿᵈ place: Heath
        3ʳᵈ place: Aske
        4ᵗʰ place: Olga
        5ᵗʰ place: Sheehan
        6ᵗʰ place: Felix
        7ᵗʰ place: Ariel
        8ᵗʰ place: August
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 15 March 2022  
nu i prob stai linistita :))) ma asiguram doar
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 15 March 2022  
la 3 presupun ca e aske?
Răspunde Raportează
crawlingback2me 15 March 2022  
1. Heath
2. Aske
3. Dora
4. August
5. Felix
6. Ariel
7. Olga
8. Sheehan
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 15 March 2022  
        1ˢᵗ place:
        2ⁿᵈ place:
        3ʳᵈ place:
        4ᵗʰ place:
        5ᵗʰ place:
        6ᵗʰ place:
        7ᵗʰ place:
        8ᵗʰ place:
Răspunde Raportează
AugustRedford 14 March 2022  
My sincere apologies. The kids...
Răspunde Raportează
AugustRedford 14 March 2022  
 If I were a flower, Iʼd be... carolina jessamine.
 If I were a fruit, Iʼd be... cantaloupe.
 If I were a drink, Iʼd be... white moscato.
 If I were a weather phenomena, Iʼd be... parhelion.
 If I were a sound, Iʼd be... the sound of crickets and frogs heard together on a summer evening.
 If I were a song, Iʼd be... Molly Drake: Breakfast at Bradenham Woods. youtu.be/0T7GtqlCRq8
 If I were an album, Iʼd be... Ma Fleur by The Cinematic Orchestra.
 If I were a movie, Iʼd be... Etre Et Avoir.
 If I were a movie character, Iʼd be... Paul Bratter.
 If I were a tv series, Iʼd be... The Magic School Bus.
 If I were a quote, Iʼd be... »Take notice of what light does to everything.« – Tess Guinery.
 If I were a painting, Iʼd be... anything by Chagall reminds me of my kids: imgur.com/EEhXzgh
 If I were a color, Iʼd be... deep yellow.
 If I were a sculpture, Iʼd be... King and Queen by Henry Moore. imgur.com/a/6L0YQei
 If I were a place, Iʼd be... a citrus grove in Italy.
 If I were a scent, Iʼd be... the scent of green papaya.
 If I were a taste, Iʼd be... my strange culinary invention: persimmon on warm bread with honeycomb.
 If I were a body part, Iʼd be... hands.
 If I were a God/Goddess, Iʼd be... Helios.
 If I were a mythological creature, Iʼd be... fairy.
 If I were a historical figure, Iʼd be... King Arthur.
Răspunde Raportează
SheehanConnorway 14 March 2022  
 If I were a flower, Iʼd be... Cannabis Ruderalis
 If I were a fruit, Iʼd be... Durian
 If I were a drink, Iʼd be... Whiskey on rocks
 If I were a weather phenomena, Iʼd be... stormy thunderstorm
 If I were a sound, Iʼd be... metal bass guitar bridge
 If I were a song, Iʼd be... youtu.be/HWqKPWO5T4o
 If I were an album, Iʼd be... Tha Doggfather, Snoop Dogg
 If I were a movie, Iʼd be... The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
 If I were a movie character, Iʼd be... Don Vito Corleone
 If I were a tv series, Iʼd be... Sopranos
 If I were a quote, Iʼd be... I've come from nowhere, and I'm not shy to go back, Jason Statham
 If I were a painting, Iʼd be... imgur.com/a/iM6NFSg
 If I were a color, Iʼd be... blue
 If I were a sculpture, Iʼd be... imgur.com/a/ZXpgT2y
 If I were a place, Iʼd be... Bellagio - Las Vegas
 If I were a scent, Iʼd be... tobacco bourbon
 If I were a taste, Iʼd be... Tetrahidrocanabinol
 If I were a body part, Iʼd be... muscles
 If I were a God/Goddess, Iʼd be... Thoth
 If I were a mythological creature, Iʼd be... Uraeus
 If I were a historical figure, Iʼd be... Fidel Castro
Răspunde Raportează
ArielEgilsdottir 14 March 2022  
 If I were a flower, Iʼd be... callistemon viminalis tinyurl.com/2p8pj94j
 If I were a fruit, Iʼd be... red currant
 If I were a drink, Iʼd be... flanders red ale
 If I were a weather phenomena, Iʼd be... the tempest
 If I were a sound, Iʼd be... deep sea underwater–– sound youtu.be/fc2QD-Hwmro
 If I were a song, Iʼd be... serpents–– Sharon Van Etten youtu.be/YMSI8lmtVmE
 If I were an album, Iʼd be... Revolution Girl Style Now!–– Bikini Kill
 If I were a movie, Iʼd be... Suffragette (2015)
 If I were a movie character, Iʼd be... Katarina Stratford
 If I were a tv series, Iʼd be... Handmaid's Tale
 If I were a quote, Iʼd be... 3women by Plath–– the poem in its entirety, tinyurl.com/4ddrh8y4 but more
  "Men have used her meanly. She will eat them./ Eat them, eat them, eat them in the end."
 If I were a painting, Iʼd be... a mermaid–– John William Waterhouse imgur.com/a/MIVQnrF
 If I were a color, Iʼd be... imgur.com/a/2KnSMdl
 If I were a sculpture, Iʼd be... any of Jessica Harrison's ceramic-sculptures–– imgur.com/a/xMSJzEw
                more  tinyurl.com/5n6w8hfm
 If I were a place, Iʼd be... the Golden Circle in Iceland–– boiling geysers amid piles of ice
 If I were a scent, Iʼd be... The Sea Foams Blood by Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab
  the scent of blood & seawater–– red-wine/cherry/honey/vanilla/musk/vetiver/poppy
 If I were a taste, Iʼd be... the sour aftertaste of kiwi
 If I were a body part, Iʼd be... throat
 If I were a God/Goddess, Iʼd be... Artemis–– patron of girls and young women
 If I were a mythological creature, Iʼd be... siren
 If I were a historical figure, Iʼd be... Emmeline Pankhurst
Răspunde Raportează
DoraAgar 14 March 2022  
  ❛if i were..., iʼd be...❜   
           ━ if i were a flower, iʼd be... baby’s breath.
           ━ if i were a fruit, iʼd be... a golden berry.
           ━ if i were a drink, iʼd be... sparkling water.
           ━ if i were a weather phenomena, iʼd be... a fallstreak hole.
           ━ if i were a sound, iʼd be... the sound when you turn the handle of a musical box.
           ━ if i were a song, iʼd be... agar agar –aaaaah. youtu.be/zPnSYe2OV0c
           ━ if i were an album, iʼd be... spiral insana, nurse with wound. youtu.be/UTXnju3lEIA
           ━ if i were a movie, iʼd be... cats (1998).
           ━ if i were a movie character, iʼd be... alice (alice 1988)
           ━ if i were a tv series, iʼd be... the shivering truth.
           ━ if i were a quote, iʼd be... ‘sometimes, you just want something so hard you
                  have to lie about it, so you can hold it in your mouth for a minute,
                                  how real hunger has a real taste.’
           ━ if i were a painting, iʼd be... any painting by margaret keane. let’s say ‘the stray’.
           ━ if i were a color, iʼd be... orange.
           ━ if i were a sculpture, iʼd be... michael alfano’s cosmic vision.
           ━ if i were a place, iʼd be... villa epecuén, buenos aires province.

           ━ if i were a scent, iʼd be... the scent that follows after you blow out a candle.
           ━ if i were a taste, iʼd be... apple peel.
           ━ if i were a body part, iʼd be... a wrist.
           ━ if i were a god/goddess, iʼd be... athena.
           ━ if I were a mythological creature, iʼd be... a sylphrena.
           ━ if i were a historical figure, iʼd be... beatrice alexander.
Răspunde Raportează
OlgaAngeloff 14 March 2022  
 If I were a flower, Iʼd be... an Arabian Night Dahlia.
 If I were a fruit, Iʼd be... a pomegranate.
 If I were a drink, Iʼd be... a cherry varenya.
 If I were a weather phenomena, Iʼd be... glaze ice.
 If I were a sound, Iʼd be... a glacier calving.
 If I were a song, Iʼd be... Ar Giyvarvar Me by Eter Kakulia.
 If I were an album, Iʼd be... .Goëtia, Peter Gundry.
 If I were a movie, Iʼd be... When the Circus Came to Town.
 If I were a movie character, Iʼd be... Madame Tetrallini, Freaks.
 If I were a tv series, Iʼd be... Penny Dreadful.
 If I were a quote, Iʼd be... “That brain of mine is something more than merely mortal; as time will show.” - Ada Lovelace.
 If I were a painting, Iʼd be... Miss La La at the Cirque Fernando,  imgur.com/a/riwFjme.
 If I were a color, Iʼd be... dark red.
 If I were a sculpture, Iʼd be... Putting on a Stocking by Alexander Matveev,  imgur.com/a/n26tyIq.
 If I were a place, Iʼd be... the ice caves on Olkhon Island.
 If I were a scent, Iʼd be... Citrus tree blossoms.
 If I were a taste, Iʼd be... black chocolate.
 If I were a body part, Iʼd be... the mouth.
 If I were a God/Goddess, Iʼd be... Erato.
 If I were a mythological creature, Iʼd be... Gamayun.
 If I were a historical figure, Iʼd be... Martha Graham.
Răspunde Raportează
HeathLynch 14 March 2022  
 If I were a flower, Iʼd be… bird of paradise.
 If I were a fruit, Iʼd be... mango.
 If I were a drink, Iʼd be... fi-Ga fiori de guarana.
 If I were a weather phenomena, Iʼd be... a blizzard.
 If I were a sound, Iʼd be... rainforest rain sound.
 If I were a song, Iʼd be... come as you are by nirvana.
 If I were an album, Iʼd be... nevermind by nirvana.
 If I were a movie, Iʼd be... scarface.
 If I were a movie character, Iʼd be... vincent vega from pulp fiction.
 If I were a tv series, Iʼd be... twin peaks.
 If I were a quote, Iʼd be...  "carpe diem. seize the day. make your lives extraordinary." -dead poets society.
 If I were a painting, Iʼd be... the scream by edvard munch, imgur.com/RE0yGuB
 If I were a color, Iʼd be... pine green.
 If I were a sculpture, Iʼd be... rain by nazar bilyk, imgur.com/uNSpPxw
 If I were a place, Iʼd be... pamukkale, turkey, imgur.com/lIi5CJa
 If I were a scent, Iʼd be... oud for greatness, initio. woody, musk, patchouli, nutmeg, saffron.
 If I were a taste, Iʼd be... spicy.
 If I were a body part, Iʼd be... the eyes.
 If I were a God/Goddess, Iʼd be... hércules, thanks to alfred for comparing me to him before.
 If I were a mythological creature, Iʼd be... chimera.
 If I were a historical figure, Iʼd be... aristotle.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 14 March 2022  
* Ariel showed up today at the soccer match after asking August if she can be the striker in the team that plays against Aske. The game has just begun.
Răspunde Raportează
AskeOswaldHeinrich 14 March 2022  
 If I were a flower, Iʼd be... sunflower
 If I were a fruit, Iʼd be... blueberry
 If I were a drink, Iʼd be... krombacher
 If I were a weather phenomena, Iʼd be... fog on an october morning
 If I were a sound, Iʼd be... the snores of a bulldog
 If I were a song, Iʼd be... supermassive black hole by muse
 If I were an album, Iʼd be... demon days by gorillaz
 If I were a movie, Iʼd be... to live and die in l.a. (1985)
 If I were a movie character, Iʼd be... rocket raccoon
 If I were a tv series, Iʼd be... bojack horseman
 If I were a quote, Iʼd be... 'don't confuse me, i can only handle one catastrophe at a time' m*a*s*h
 If I were a painting, Iʼd be... this dog, imgur.com/a/Tog9PT3 from a painting of henri matisse
 If I were a color, Iʼd be... a brownish green
 If I were a sculpture, Iʼd be... the bull fart by chen wenling, imgur.com/a/RH646ZK
 If I were a place, Iʼd be... any zoo in the world, especially europe's
 If I were a scent, Iʼd be... vetiver, it's dry, earthy, woody, leathery and smoky
 If I were a taste, Iʼd be... cheetos' aftertaste
 If I were a body part, Iʼd be... the chest
 If I were a God/Goddess, Iʼd be... hermes
 If I were a mythological creature, Iʼd be... griffin
 If I were a historical figure, Iʼd be... king ludwig II, to own all the castles he built
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 14 March 2022  
* Felix invited Sheehan to a poker match tonight.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 14 March 2022  
A new card, the X card, was activated after a contestant's exit. You'll find out later what the card implies, but until then... Say hello to our new contestant, Sheehan Connorway!
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 14 March 2022  
* Felix broke up with Luna, packed her bags and kicked her out of his home and Constanța. Once again, Felix is a bachelor.
Răspunde Raportează
FelixColumbeanu 14 March 2022  
 If I were a flower, Iʼd be...
                   Hooker`s Lips (Psychotria Elata)

 If I were a fruit, Iʼd be...
                   Dragon Fruit.

 If I were a drink, Iʼd be...

 If I were a weather phenomena, Iʼd be...
                   Volcano Lighting

 If I were a sound, Iʼd be...
                   A$$ cheeks flapping.

 If I were a song, Iʼd be...
                   Mihai Mărgineanu - Paraschiva

 If I were an album, Iʼd be...
                   Dan Bălan - Freedom, Part 1.

 If I were a movie, Iʼd be...
                   The Hot Chick

 If I were a movie character, Iʼd be...
                   Stanley Ipkiss/The Mask

 If I were a tv series, Iʼd be...

 If I were a quote, Iʼd be...
                   "A lion doesn't concern itself with the opinion of sheep." – George R.R. Martin

 If I were a painting, Iʼd be...
                   The Ugly Duchess, Quentin Massys

 If I were a color, Iʼd be...

 If I were a sculpture, Iʼd be...
                   Peeing Guys by
D. Cerny (Prague, Czech Rep.)

 If I were a place, Iʼd be...
                   Red Light District, Amsterdam.

 If I were a scent, Iʼd be...

 If I were a taste, Iʼd be...

 If I were a body part, Iʼd be...

 If I were a God/Goddess, Iʼd be...
                   Loki, the God of Mischief.

 If I were a mythological creature, Iʼd be...
                   a genie.

 If I were a historical figure, Iʼd be...
                   Caligula, împăratul roman nebun.
Răspunde Raportează
FelixColumbeanu 13 March 2022  
Ok zoomer
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 13 March 2022  
* Heath is taking Ariel to visit the set for his new movie.
Răspunde Raportează
AmaviRamirez 14 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
MargarittaLidjiaEotvos 13 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
AskeOswaldHeinrich 13 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
FelixColumbeanu 13 March 2022  
Câștig fenomenal de bine ms
Imperiul Columbeanu vine de la Felix, nu Irinel care a dat faliment ca b-o-u-l
Răspunde Raportează
FelixColumbeanu 13 March 2022  
Hai lsm
M-am săturat de voi ăștia Gen Z cu glumele voastre "based"
Plătiți >2000 lei anual pt facultate ca să întrebați "Aici sau la pachet?"
Răspunde Raportează
FelixColumbeanu 13 March 2022  
Diferența dintre noi e că pe mine mă place lumea, Ana
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 13 March 2022  
One of the players used Andreas Card and brought in one of the former contenstants to try, once again, to lead the way as an influencer figure. Maybe you've betoken already who, but Tintypes, I'm happy to announce that none other than Felix Columbeanu is restablished in the competition as from now. Wish him good luck — or don't.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 13 March 2022  
* Aske and the hostess went out on a date. They milked cows, then had a picnic and ate gelato, directly from Italy because thatʼs the only ice cream she likes so Aske got it for her. (✿◠‿◠)
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 13 March 2022  
˓❦ 10ᵗʰ: If I were..., Iʼd be...
 If I were a flower, Iʼd be...
 If I were a fruit, Iʼd be...
 If I were a drink, Iʼd be...
 If I were a weather phenomena, Iʼd be...
 If I were a sound, Iʼd be...
 If I were a song, Iʼd be...
 If I were an album, Iʼd be...
 If I were a movie, Iʼd be...
 If I were a movie character, Iʼd be...
 If I were a tv series, Iʼd be...
 If I were a quote, Iʼd be...
 If I were a painting, Iʼd be...
 If I were a color, Iʼd be...
 If I were a sculpture, Iʼd be...
 If I were a place, Iʼd be...
 If I were a scent, Iʼd be...
 If I were a taste, Iʼd be...
 If I were a body part, Iʼd be...
 If I were a God/Goddess, Iʼd be...
 If I were a mythological creature, Iʼd be...
 If I were a historical figure, Iʼd be...
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 13 March 2022  
*Felix Card was activated by one of the contestants, but it got cancelled. Lydia Card was also activated, by another contestant. Therefore, the classement is a bit changed...
Răspunde Raportează
Beijaflor 13 March 2022  
1. Margaritta.
2. Ariel.
3. Dora.
4. Heath.
5. August.
6. Aske.
7. Olga.
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 13 March 2022  
        1ˢᵗ place: Ariel
        2ⁿᵈ place: Aske
        3ʳᵈ place: Dora
        4ᵗʰ place: Margaritta
        5ᵗʰ place: Olga
        6ᵗʰ place: August
        7ᵗʰ place: Heath
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 13 March 2022  
1. ariel
2. dora
3. olga
4. margaritta
5. august
6. aske
7. heath
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 13 March 2022  
1. Olga
2. Ariel
3. Margarina
4. Dora
5. August
6. Aske
7. Heath
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 13 March 2022  
2 August
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 13 March 2022  
1. ariel iar minunata
2. aske iar minunat
3. august iar minunat
4. dora iar minunata
5. olga iar minunata
6. heath iar minunat
7. margaritta iar minunata DAR. fato ft frm alegerile le besk dar nu mi se pare ca se potrv deloc personajului :|
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 13 March 2022  
2 August
Răspunde Raportează
crawlingback2me 13 March 2022  
1. Olga
2. Aske
3. Margaritta
4. Dora
5. Ariel
6. August
7. Heath
Răspunde Raportează
poisedchimera 13 March 2022  
        1ˢᵗ place: Olga
        2ⁿᵈ place: Aske
        3ʳᵈ place: August
        4ᵗʰ place: Ariel
        5ᵗʰ place: Margaritta
        6ᵗʰ place: Dora
        7ᵗʰ place: Heath
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 13 March 2022  
        1ˢᵗ place:
        2ⁿᵈ place:
        3ʳᵈ place:
        4ᵗʰ place:
        5ᵗʰ place:
        6ᵗʰ place:
        7ᵗʰ place:
Răspunde Raportează
HeathLynch 13 March 2022  
1ˢᵗ:   to the royal masque, imgur.com/PwkIudP
2ⁿᵈ:  to revel with witches, imgur.com/X05q1dV
3ʳᵈ:  on a garden stroll, imgur.com/undefined, ignore the mask tho
Răspunde Raportează
HeathLynch 13 March 2022  
3ʳᵈ:  on a garden stroll, imgur.com/gLH0UZy wopsie
Răspunde Raportează
DoraAgar 13 March 2022  
1 ❛to the royal masque❜
            ━  imgbox.com/SxdEiQGN
            ━  imgbox.com/gc6yllmV
2 ❛to revel with witches❜  
            ━ imgbox.com/eghr5I3h
3 ❛on a garden stroll❜   
            ━ imgbox.com/Q3L7vkD3
            ━ imgbox.com/Ygy0aSfo
Răspunde Raportează
AskeOswaldHeinrich 13 March 2022  
  what would i wear,
to the royal masque,  imgur.com/a/K1fMZmh
to revel with witches,  imgur.com/a/r6ETOzv
on a garden stroll,  imgur.com/a/yO9kgr8  ozzy wanted to join
Răspunde Raportează
OlgaAngeloff 13 March 2022  
           What would I wear...
      ⒈   ...to the royal masque?
   Один_  [ℜ: imgur.com/a/mrRwBo8
      ⒉   ...to revel with witches?
   Два_  [ℜ:   imgur.com/a/j11F1HR
      ⒊    ...on a garden stroll?
    Три_   [ℜ:   imgur.com/a/t0ahhwF
Răspunde Raportează
ArielEgilsdottir 13 March 2022  
  to the royal masque imgur.com/a/kpgqn9c
  to revel with witches imgur.com/a/OHm21Hc
  on a garden stroll imgur.com/a/nBSRB93
Răspunde Raportează
MargarittaLidjiaEotvos 13 March 2022  
           ...What would I wear?!...
 ⸻ [ℝisp.]  ⅰˢᵗ, to the royal masque?
          imgur.com/a/2vuJGtP ― Countess Natasha's frock, a glance of royalty
                   tangled with an intricacy of exquisiteness refinement.
                        Touch of an enigma: argento grezzo.
 ⸻ [ℝisp.]  ⅱⁿᵈ, to revel with witches?
          imgur.com/a/XGzzugi   ―       To the most cherished witch,
                      I cannot begin with how much I stumble, writing
                     down a few notes to you. To be as short as I can,
                     tell me if there is any chance ―you will lend me
                     this iconic, - quintessential outfit, since a witchy
                     jamboree requests... ― a chivalrous appearance.
                     ...An unpresuming descendat of Eve and Yours.
 ⸻ [ℝisp.]  ⅲʳᵈ, on a garden stroll?
           imgur.com/a/kcWKlF6 ― Debra Shaw's pieces, Thierry Mugler:
                      A blue Tink'.    Spring/Summer 1999.
          sipping rooibos tea while ― 'Brucia la Terra' plays stifled&dramatically from
                    a balcony nearby, merging with nature's whispers.

   ₈PS: All my love and warm regards to the
         goddess, ― Poppy Renard ♥.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 13 March 2022  
* Things are getting tense: Margaritta and Heath, another 'jealousy and pride' drama.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 12 March 2022  
* Ariel declares a riot against Aske.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 12 March 2022  
* Still in confinement: Heath and Margaritta's heart? Only Tinkerbell knows.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 12 March 2022  
* Margaritta suggested August to go thrift shopping for a new pair of socks.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 12 March 2022  
      ˓❦ 9ᵗʰ: What would you wear...
         ...to the royal masque?
         ...to revel with witches?
         ...on a garden stroll?
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 12 March 2022  
* Lydia Card was activated by one of the contestants. Prince Card was also activated, by another contestant. Therefore, the classement is a bit changed...
Răspunde Raportează
HappyPill 12 March 2022  
Heath played by Amavi's choice.
Ariel played by Margaritta 's choice.
Patryk played by Dora's choice.
Dora played by August's choice.
Aske played by Heath's choice.
Margaritta played by Olga's choice.
Amavi played by Margaritta's choice.
Olga played by August's choice.
August played by Ariel's choice.
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 12 March 2022  
            Heath played by Amavi's choice.
            Ariel played by Margaritta's choice.
            Patryk played by Margaritta's choice.
            Dora played by Aske's choice.
            Aske played by August's choice.
            Margaritta played by Amavi's choice.
            Amavi played by Dora's choice.
            Olga played by Margaritta's choice.
            August played by Ariel's choice.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 12 March 2022  
Încă o listă ms.....
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 12 March 2022  
hai dau eu că am fost invocată
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 12 March 2022  
            Heath played by amavi's choice.
            Ariel played by aske's choice.
            Patryk played by dora's choice.
            Dora played by ariel's choice.
            Aske played by olga's choice.
            Margaritta played by amavi's choice.
            Amavi played by ariel's choice.
            Olga played by margaritta's choice.
            August played by ariel's choice.
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 12 March 2022  
schimb la
Dora played by august's choice. :-?
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 12 March 2022  
dau io imd
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 12 March 2022  
este egalitate mai trb o lista ms
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 12 March 2022  
Woke up on the 17th drunk as hell you tellin me
Heath played by Amavi’s choice
Ariel played by Aske’s choice
Patryk played by Ariel’s choice
Dora played by Margarina’s choice
Margarina played by August’s choice
Amavi played by August’s choice
Olga played by Aske’s choice
August played by Ariel’s choice
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 12 March 2022  
La Olguta August de fapt
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 12 March 2022  
da zi si pt aske cr alegi ma
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 12 March 2022  
Eram sigura ca am uitat pe cnv
Ce a zis Amavi
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 12 March 2022  
las ca a zis si eliza sa o asteptam sa dea
votu decisiv no pressure
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 12 March 2022  
            Heath played by Aske’s choice.
            Ariel played by Olga’s choice.
            Patryk played by Ariel’s choice.
            Dora played by August’s choice.
            Aske played by Olga’s choice.
            Margaritta played by Olga’s choice.
            Amavi played by Margaritta’s choice.
            Olga played by Dora’s choice.
            August played by Ariel’s choice.
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 12 March 2022  
u r cuckoo
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 12 March 2022  
oribil sa dai lista de pe telf :-j
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 12 March 2022  
            Heath played by Amavi’s choice.
            Ariel played by Margaritta’s choice.
            Patryk played by Margaritta’s choice.
            Dora played by Aske’s choice.
            Aske played by August’s choice.
            Margaritta played by Dora’s choice.
            Amavi played by August’s choice.
            Olga played by Dora’s choice.
            August played by Olga’s choice.
Răspunde Raportează
Beijaflor 12 March 2022  
Heath played by Amavi’s choice.
Ariel played by Aske’s choice.
Patryk played by Margaritta’s choice.
Dora played by Ariel’s choice.
Aske played by Heath’s choice.
Margaritta played by Amavi’s choice.
Amavi played by Heath’s choice.
Olga played by August’s choice.
August played by Ariel’s choice.
Răspunde Raportează
AmaviRamirez 12 March 2022  
the only one trying is you befriending everyone just to be part of the game, bad-mouthing little b!tch
Răspunde Raportează
Complicated 12 March 2022  
Heath played by Amavi's choice.
Ariel played by Aske's choice.
Patryk played by Olga's choice.
Dora played by Heath's choice.
Aske played by Heath's choice.
Margaritta played by Amavi's choice.
Amavi played by Margaritta's choice.
Olga played by Aske's choice.
August played by Ariel's choice.
Răspunde Raportează
crawlingback2me 12 March 2022  
Heath played by Margaritta's choice.
Ariel played by Aske's choice.
Patryk played by Dora's choice.
Dora played by August's choice.
Aske played by Heath's choice.
Margaritta played by Amavi's choice.
Amavi played by Margaritta's choice.
Olga played by August's choice.
August played by Ariel's choice.
Răspunde Raportează
Nidaros 12 March 2022  
            Heath played by Olga's choice.
            Ariel played by Olga's choice.
            Patryk played by Dora's choice.
            Dora played by Margaritta's choice.
            Aske played by August's choice.
            Margaritta played by Aske's choice.
            Amavi played by Dora's choice.
            Olga played by August's choice.
            August played by Ariel's choice.
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 12 March 2022  
Heath played by Amavi's choise
Ariel played by Aske's choise
Patryk played by Margaritta's choise
Dora played by Aske's choise
Aske played by August's choise
Margaritta played by Amavi's choise
Amavi played by Margaritta's choise
Olga played by Dora's choise
August played by Ariel's choise
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 12 March 2022  
faine si potrivite alegeri unele au fost ft grele.
pt Heath alegerea lui Amavi
pt Ariel alegerea lui Aske
pt Patryk alegerea lui Margaritta
pt Dora alegerea lui Ariel
pt Aske alegerea lui August
pt Margaritta alegerea lui Amavi
pt Amavi alegerea lui Ariel
pt Olga alegerea lui Dora
pt August alegerea lui Olga
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 12 March 2022  
Heath played by Amavi's choice.
            Ariel played by Aske's choice.
            Patryk played by Margaritta's choice.
            Dora played by August's choice.
            Aske played by Olga's choice.
            Margaritta played by Heath's choice.
            Amavi played by Olga's choice.
            Olga played by Ariel's choice.
            August played by Margaritta's choice.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 12 March 2022  
˓❦ 8ᵗʰ: The audience must choose which version they like best from the options given by the players.
            Heath played by X's choice.
            Ariel played by X's choice.
            Patryk played by X's choice.
            Dora played by X's choice.
            Aske played by X's choice.
            Margaritta played by X's choice.
            Amavi played by X's choice.
            Olga played by X's choice.
            August played by X's choice.
            [!] X = player, NOT character. Pls.
Răspunde Raportează
AmaviRamirez 12 March 2022  
₁Heath: Danny Zuko-  Grease (1978). Tough and charming, he can also be aloof and self-involved. With luck and charisma on his side, he's usually able to talk himself out of sticky situations. Although he can be exciting to be around, he is what moms warn their daughters about—a bad boy who thinks mainly about himself.
₂Ariel:   Charlotte Brontë- strong-minded, clever and ambitious. She held high moral principles, and, despite her shyness in company, was always prepared to argue her beliefs.
₃Patryk:   Logan Lerman/Ezra Miller-  With his upbeat and often inspiring personality, attracts people from all walks of life. He has a way with words and an uncanny ability to motivate others.
₄Dora:   Amélie Poulain- quirky, kind, and inventive. Amélie doesn’t need real friends—her imagination provides enough entertainment. Her wild, dreamlike fantasies have always given her satisfaction.
₅Aske:  Staley Ipkiss 'The Mask'- role of Jim Carrey, wacky trickster with an energetic, hyperactive, zany, and wild personality who possesses powers with cartoonish humor.
₆Margaritta:   'Clementine Kruczynski'-  Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004). She is intelligent, independent, assertive. While her exterior is carefree and fun-loving, it can be just a cover for a deep core of neuroticism and self-doubt.
₇Olga:  Anna Karenina- Sharply intelligent and literate, a reader of English novels; she is elegant, cultivated, beautiful, the ideal aristocratic wife with great poise and grace. Nearly everyone––male, female, young, old––is magnetically attracted to her. The brilliant center of society.
₈August:   River Phoenix- Self-aware, reserved, emotionally honest who possesses a great talent for creativity and self expression. An artist.
Răspunde Raportează
AugustRedford 12 March 2022  
  I would like to acknowledge my children for helping me compile this list.
  ¹ᴬ Heath as Kevin Levin (Ben 10) imgur.com/a/yt8wwsc
  ²ᴬ Ariel as Kim Possible (Kim Possible) imgur.com/a/qStNjJy
  ³ᴬ Patryk as Rick Sanchez (Rick and Morty) imgur.com/a/R75ZDy4
  ⁴ᴬ Dora as Alice (Alice in Wonderland) imgur.com/a/1yHOTpr
  ⁵ᴬ Aske as Beast Boy (Teen Titans) imgur.com/a/KMjuvIg
  ⁶ᴬ Margaritta as Daria Morgendorffer (Daria) imgur.com/a/275sKEz
  ⁷ᴬ Amavi as Paulina Sanchez (Danny Phantom) imgur.com/a/0OBvzsy
  ⁸ᴬ Olga as Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty) imgur.com/a/ZB2cPF8
Răspunde Raportează
HeathLynch 12 March 2022  
1. Amavi — Catherine Tramell, Basic Instinct.
2. Olga — Mia Wallace, Pulp Fiction.
3. Margaritta — Tinkerbell, we know why.
4. Ariel — Elise Clifton-Ward, The Tourist.
5. Dora — Maude Lebowski- The Big Lebowski
6. Patryk — Danny Ocean, Ocean’s 11.
7. Aske — Mowgli cause talks to the animals.
8. August — Jordan Belfort, The Wolf of the wall street.
Răspunde Raportează
ArielEgilsdottir 11 March 2022  
  Heath  Giacomo Casanova   has made his mark on history as a beacon of suavity, charm
           and smooth operation. His name is a by-word for a lady-killer and a seducer.
  Patryk   Bartleby the Scrivener   a copyist who obstinately refuses to go on doing the sort
             of writing demanded of him. imgur.com/a/Zg7My1R
  Dora    Grete Stern     photographer commissioned to produce photo-montages for the
     psychoanalysis column of the Argentinian women's magazine Idilio. imgur.com/a/z8fA5x6
  Aske    Buddy    from the movie Elf. A "cotton-headed ninny muggins" with
                   behemoth-sized optimism and "no off button" attitude.
  Margaritta    Policarpa Salavarrieta    a Neogranadine seamstress who spied for the  
  Revolutionary Forces during the Spanish Reconquista of the Viceroyalty of New Granada.
  Amavi    Alice Diamond    a confident trickster, the Queen of Forty Elephants, an
                 all-female led gang of British shoplifters. imgur.com/a/mXxx01h
  Olga    Anna Akhmatova    Russia's greatest poets. imgur.com/a/tOLEwgU
  August   Roald Dahl     British author who penned children's books that champion
                   the kindhearted and feature an underlying warm sentiment.
Răspunde Raportează
DoraAgar 11 March 2022  
1 ❛dawson leery dawson’s creek❜  ━heath.
  a young boy’s dream is re-enacted in the body of a starry-eyed dreamer.
this time, following in the footsteps of steven spielberg
2 ❛anne shirley anne of green gables❜  ━ariel.
  ‘you say you like people to be frank, well i’m going to be frank. it’s your
own fault that nobody likes you. *katherine or// you are nothing but prickles and stings!’
                      it’s a delight to hear her talk.
3 ❛victor frankenstein frankenstein❜  ━patryk.
  creator of ‘monstrous’ buildings. enquiring mind and broad vision.
4 ❛a mouse dora’s universe❜  ━aske.
  imgbox.com/3bpHda5f i’m giving you one of my characters. this is sammy and he’s
a lot like you. two youngsters whose antics i’ll never grow tired of. also heavy heart.
5 ❛suzy bishop moonrise kingdom❜  ━margaritta.
  just like margaritta treasures her camera, suzy says her binocs are her ‘magic power’ and all of her close-up looks are imbued with near-mystical significance.
6 ❛anna delvey inventing anna❜  ━amavi.
  also reinventing herself this new season under the same ‘socialite’ archetype.
7 ❛marlena rosenbluth water for elephants❜  ━olga.
  conquers the stage with ease. shines, dazzling audiences with her dangerous tricks.
8 ❛hans hubermann the book thief❜   ━august.
  more of a father than their real father. for flynn gracie and others. perhaps there’s a liesel too.
Răspunde Raportează
AskeOswaldHeinrich 11 March 2022  
Ⅰˢᵗ     heath, vicomte de valmont—dangerous liaisons, a cocky and wealthy aristocrat who
has complete confidence in his superiority, a shameless seducer and he's kind of an evil genius
Ⅱⁿᵈ   ariel, leia organa—star wars, highly intelligent, rebellious and hot-headed, also her
strategic mind and unfaltering sense of justice are used to bring peace back to the galaxy, a
woman of action ready to make positive changes
Ⅲʳᵈ  patryk, the man in the macintosh—ulysses, in reality, nobody knows who he is, where
is he coming from or what is his actual purpose, in one word–he is the mystery but smart enough
to hide his identity and throughout the novel there are multiple proposed identities of the man
Ⅳᵗʰ  dora, sally—the nightmare before christmas, kind, sensible, honest, incredibly clever,
yet inconspicuous woman, restless and intrigued by the wonders of the outside world &big eyes
Ⅴᵗʰ   margaritta, the invisible man, his true self beneath the roles that stereotype compel him
to play makes him 'invisible', he's intelligent, deeply introspective, and highly gifted with language
Ⅵᵗʰ  amavi, daphne monet—devil in a blue dress, companion to rich businessmen and crime
figures, the actual devil in blue dress, described as a chameleon, able to assume different racial
identities and even radically different personalities
Ⅶᵗʰ   olga, bellatrix lestrange—harry potter, fierce and dangerous temper, slavishly devoted,
egotistical and slightly arrogant but enough confidence to knock down a massive wall
Ⅷᵗʰ  august, henry barthes—detachment, substitute teacher with a zen-like calmness who
becomes a role model to his disaffected students, driven to help the teenagers under his charge
Răspunde Raportează
OlgaAngeloff 11 March 2022  
   ⒈  _ Patryk:   ᶦˢThe Catcher in the Rye's Holden, who is a very candid and often-pretentious narrator.
   ⒉  _ Dora:   ᶦˢDorothea Tanning, living in “the infinitely faceted world I must have been waiting for”.
   ⒊  _ Aske:   ᶦˢWinnie the Pooh's Christopher, the adventurous and spirited friend of the animals.
   ⒋  _ Amavi:   ᶦˢVanity Fair's Becky Sharp, a cynical, manipulative with a 'can-do-everything' attitude.
   ⒌  _ Ariel:   ᶦˢTo Kill a Mockingbird's Scout, like her, she believes she has important points to prove.
   ⒍  _ Heath: ᶦˢThe Lady and The Tramp's Tramp, a corny dog; certainly all the girls are mindful of this.
   ⒎  _ August:  ᶦˢHuckleberry Finn, an admirably figure, full of childlike charm, carefree and wonder.
   ⒏  _ Margaritta:ᶦˢTitanic's Jack, a wide-eyed, naïve optimist, but that can see beauty in unlikely places.
Răspunde Raportează
MargarittaLidjiaEotvos 11 March 2022  
  ⁉T: Name a character for each player,
    ⸻ ⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ ⸻
   A)                Circe ― Ariel Egilsdóttir.
      the goddess ʿCirceʾ, Madeline Miller,  [imgur.com/a/MpLrI9Q]

   B)            Tumnus ― Aske Oswald Heinrich.
      the faun from ʿNarniaʾ, C.S. Lewis,    [imgur.com/U7PlOU6]

   C)            Jennifer Check ― Amavi Ramirez.
      the empress: ʿJennifer's Bodyʾ, '09,   [imgur.com/a/dUDd56T]

   D)             Meursault ― Patryk Olbrychski.
      the foreigner: ʿStrangerʾ, A. Camus,  [imgur.com/a/GGwi1Bb]

   E)               Elsa Mars ― Olga Angeloff.
      the artist: ʿAHS: Freak Showʾ, '15,   [imgur.com/a/4GsGb5g]

   F)              Mr. Darcy ― August Redford.
      cordial: ʿPride&Prejudiceʾ, J. Austen, [imgur.com/a/Pa8ultO]

   G)                 Coraline ― Dora Agar.
      the ethereal: ʿCoralineʾ, N. Gaiman,   [imgur.com/hHk4xrQ]

   H)             Danny Torrance ― Heath Lynch.
      the inheritor from ʿThe Shiningʾ, '80,  [imgur.com/XKon0fW]
    ⸻ ⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ ⸻
   Ⅰ. ℕOTES, paradigmatic,
        ...denoting the relationship between 'the chosen&the choice'...

 ¹Ariel, pp. 254: ʿI had felt untouchable, filled with teeth and power.ʾ;
 ²Aske, pp. 6: ʿThis is the land of Narnia,ʾ said the Faun,  ʿwhere we are now; all that lies
  between the lamppost and the great castle of Cair Paravel on the Eastern Sea.  And
                you -- you have come from the wild woods of the west?ʾ
 ³Amavi, min. 1:29: ʿAnd now I'm eating your boyfriend. See? At least I'm consistent.ʾ
 ⁴Patryk, pp. 121: ʿI had been right, I was still right, I was always right.  I had lived my life
  one way and I could just as well have lived it another.  Had done this and I hadn't done
              that. I hadn't done this thing but I had done another. And so?ʾ
 ⁵Olga, S4|E13: ʿYou know my motto: always leave them wanting more.ʾ
 ⁶August, pp. 19: ʿA lady’s imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from
                           love to matrimony in a moment.ʾ
 ⁷Dora, pp. 5: ʿ«I'm an explorer,» thought Coraline to herself.ʾ
 ⁸Heath, min. 4:36: ʿYeah, I guess so. Anyway,
                  there's hardly anybody to play with around here.ʾ

   ₇PS: Scribbling under the gun ―,
       but... suitable enough?!
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 11 March 2022  
      ˓❦ 8ᵗʰ: Name a character for each player, yourself not included.
    It can be from any movie, TV show, book, even real life. The skyʼs the limit.
      At the end, the audience will choose which version they like better.
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 11 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 11 March 2022  
Vreau sa protestez.
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 11 March 2022  
@ariel vino
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 11 March 2022  
mi e dor de apollo
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 11 March 2022  
si lui de tn
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 11 March 2022  
morrrrrrr simt ca am bodyguard :”> uuu fancy
Răspunde Raportează
NatsukiSaito 11 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
SeksJagger 11 March 2022  
mochi youre ruining my reputation as a s3x machine….,,,,,
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 11 March 2022  
noapte buna.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 11 March 2022  
* A contestant used Felix card, therefore the classement is a bit changed...
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 11 March 2022  
doar tu ca restu :-j daca le ziceam odt sa vina la liste nu veneau . :-jjjjjjjj
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 11 March 2022  
a n am vb cu el dar doar dadea topuri si ma intrebam asa......... :-?
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 11 March 2022  
dmne fato eu stateam juma de zi dupa liste wow
acum vad ca pe mine nu ma iub nimeni de pe acest site.
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 11 March 2022  
but we dooo:(
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 11 March 2022  
bn pe tn te cred bff meu axl :x
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 11 March 2022  
ne-ai dresat bine=)))
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 11 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 11 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 11 March 2022  
tu ce vrei de la mn
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 11 March 2022  
hai vezi poate te inec in apa aia.
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 11 March 2022  
ma tu esti unchiu ?
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 11 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 11 March 2022  
de la ea am invatat
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 11 March 2022  
10 e nota profesorului :D
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 11 March 2022  
9 cu stea in frunte
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 11 March 2022  
era mihaela -.-
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 11 March 2022  
offfffff ca nush cum să fac topu ăsta și nici nu voiam da m-a obligat bianca.
        1ˢᵗ place: August................. mai ales că a făcut și rimă la sf......
        2ⁿᵈ place: Olga............
        3ʳᵈ place: Ariel.........
        4ᵗʰ place: Patryk.........
        5ᵗʰ place: Dora............
        6ᵗʰ place: Aske............
        7ᵗʰ place: Margaritta........
        8ᵗʰ place: Heath.....
        9ᵗʰ place: Alfred.....
        10ᵗʰ place: Amavi........

mă simt asa prost simt ca am gresit cu ceva toată lumea a scris superb.
Răspunde Raportează
Beijaflor 11 March 2022  
1. August.
2. Ariel.
3. Patryk.
4. Margaritta.
5. Alfred.
6. Amavi.
7. Aske.
8. Dora.
9. Heath.
10. Olga.
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 11 March 2022  
1. Alfred, cant help myself nici nu ma mai int ce scrie in lista aia you had me at corgis
2. August, pt ca uhm...scooby doo??? si ai un vibe asa misto esti cel mai frumy I LIKED EVERYTHING.
3. Ariel, pt ca imi place absolut tot ce ai scris acolo sincer si esti asa simpatica
4. Patryk, pt ca e rlly spot on and i love sisyphus and moshe safdie si imi plc cum ai descris
5. Amavi, the baddieeeee nu ma asteptam la altceva mai matching de atat medusa is so you
6. Dora, pt ca e iar so you si imi plc mult de tot vibe-ul tau nici nu m-as fi gandit la chestiile alea lol
7. Aske, pt ca imi place ca esti foarte carefree si cu natura si d-astea e simplu si matchy tbh
8. Heath, um sir you make me slowly erase nate from my brain when i see you thank u i like it picasso
9. Margarina, majoritatea chestiilor sunt chiar misto te-as fi pus mai sus dar parca m-au fermecat astialalti
10. Olga, bestie tot ce am inteles e ca iti place sa te uiti pe geam frumoasa descriere tho
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 11 March 2022  
teapa si pe mn ma cheama miruna :p
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 11 March 2022  
        1ˢᵗ place: august
        2ⁿᵈ place: dora
        3ʳᵈ place: ariel
        4ᵗʰ place: patryk, te puneam mai sus dar eu beau cafeaua f dulce :|
        5ᵗʰ place: aske
        6ᵗʰ place: heath
        7ᵗʰ place: margaritta
        8ᵗʰ place: olga
        9ᵗʰ place: amavi
        10ᵗʰ place: alfred
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 11 March 2022  
nsh imi plac toti… o sa pun dupa relatable-ness ?!
1. patryk mda rece ca mn:))()( am crush pe tn. ef u
2. dora asa fain si artistiq vision suflet de pictorita!
3. margaritta cu tarotu mi ai pus capac-.-
4. ariel pe bune ca horror fem vr sa fiu tu.
5. aske cel mai… real sincer i can see u actually being real
6. august dreamy as always si warm imi aminteste de albumu lu kate :| Aerial
7. heath i can see it alright ft cinematic
8. amavi mood sincer… vr bubble tea acum,,, la naiba
9. olga nu am inteles de data asta frumoaso.
10. alfred scz da trb sa premiez efortul
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 11 March 2022  
din pacate pt stapana ei care sta in chrie, stie prea bine sa zgarie usi=)))
o pot invata sa latre?
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 11 March 2022  
ce frm :| frumosilor :| n am energie sa va comentez pe toti da sa stiti ca steti ft cool toti:-j
1. august
2. patryk
3. ariel
4. dora
5. margaritta
6. aske
7. olga
8. alfred
9. heath
10. amavi
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 11 March 2022  
did someone say pug?teddie says hiiiii=))❤
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 11 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
crawlingback2me 11 March 2022  
1. Ariel
2. Dora
3. Margaritta
4. August
5. Amavi
6. Aske
7. Patryk
8. Olga
9. Heath
10. Alfred
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 11 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 10 March 2022  
        1ˢᵗ place:
        2ⁿᵈ place:
        3ʳᵈ place:
        4ᵗʰ place:
        5ᵗʰ place:
        6ᵗʰ place:
        7ᵗʰ place:
        8ᵗʰ place:
        9ᵗʰ place:
        10ᵗʰ place:
Răspunde Raportează
PatrykOlbrychski 10 March 2022  
 Twenty things I like –– the midst of winter, – frosted breaths,
    – Andrew Wyeth, – rows of fresh apple trees in overgrown orchards,
  – ʻA Clockwork Orangeʼ, both utterly repellent and utterly compelling,
    – thunderstorms that you can see in the distance coming across the Rysy mountains,
  traveling over rolling peaks with lightning veining across the dark smearing rain,
    – ʻThe Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essaysʼ, – bitter black coffee, – Max Stirner,
  – coniferous mountain horizons, – philosophy, – ʻThe Book of Knowledgeʼ, by Arthur Mee,
    – the yellow-green eyes of alligators, – thickened trees and unshorn grass,
  – the smell of soil after rain, – carnival lights through fog, – ʻThe Penitent Magdaleneʼ,
    – solitude, – Moshe Safdie, – the crisp sound of ice cubes hitting each other,   –– etcetera.
Răspunde Raportează
HeathLynch 10 March 2022  
1. Nachos, my 7 year old Golden Retriever buddy.
2. Old Hollywood movies.
3. Alfred Hitchcock’s work.
4. Writing comic strips.
5. Long motorbikes rides.
6. Playing basketball
7. Pencils against paper and strike keys on a worn-down piano.
8. Heath Ledger, favorite actor of all times.
9. Traveling, especially to places with amazing history.
10. Psychological books.
11. Tim Burton’s typical animated characters.
12. Leather journals with my writing that have started bending and fraying after constant trips in my bag.
13. Enjoying a glass of 1947 Chateau Cheval Blanc late at night from time to time.
14. Playlists upon playlists, some I forget about only to dig up later.
15. Stephen King writing.
16. Southwestern France vineyards trips.
17. Sleepless nights and too many thoughts matched with too little words to express them.
18. Burnt fingertips against a to-go and cold hands otherwise.
19. Silver rings that click against ceramic cups.
20. Collecting art supplies.
Răspunde Raportează
AlfredByrne 10 March 2022  
soft held hands, Stella Artois beer, floral teacups, romantic poems from the 19th century, daffodils, the smell of ironed shirts, symphonies, fog in the morning, candle-lit dinners, merry-go-round rides, walking on cold sand, cinnamon, potatoes in any form, oranges, Aston Martin cars, cherry pie, fresh bedding, Corgis, succulents and Saturdays
Răspunde Raportează
AugustRedford 10 March 2022  
  ¹ᴬ I like my mother’s Magnolia blossoms by the
  ²ᴬ chipped white porch swing,
  ³ᴬ in summer nights full of otherworldly cicada-songs
  ⁴ᴬ with the scents of fir & oak trees,
  ⁵ᴬ as I am standing here, feeling warm sunshine on me.
  ⁶ᴬ I like the sound of distorted backwards speech through a walkie-talkie,
  ⁷ᴬ and hearing the contagious laughter of children through it.
  ⁸ᴬ I like painting with watercolors with them,
  ⁹ᴬ and eating piles of sugary gumdrops, and salt water taffy,
  ¹⁰ᴬ then going home, with endearing failed polaroids,
  ¹¹ᴬ changing out of my favorite corduroys,
  ¹²ᴬ exchanging plain for mismatched socks,
  ¹³ᴬ eating lemon curd on toast,
  ¹⁴ᴬ and drinking too-sweet meade,
  ¹⁵ᴬ whilst watching reruns of Scooby-doo, the one from 84.
  ¹⁶ᴬ I like Great Expectations, with g and h small too,
  ¹⁷ᴬ and Bill Withers’s voice, on a Sunday afternoon.
  ¹⁸ᴬ I like The Spirit of the Beehive, a Spanish masterpiece,
  ¹⁹ᴬ and Keith Carter’s photographs of broken porcelain dolls,
  ²⁰ᴬ and kids.
Răspunde Raportează
AskeOswaldHeinrich 10 March 2022  
   twenty things i like,
 going fishing, tree climbling, hiking in the mountains–großglockner &more, my room,
annoying my little sister in front of her friends, pet names/nicknames, morning walks with ozzy,
  the news of getting a new role–theatre or any production, reading science fiction books,
 making a new furry friend whenever i get the chance, sleeping with my tv on, exploring caves,
folding origami cranes, german chocolate bars, bienenstich (bee sting cake)–ordering one right now,
  a good ol' rave–especially the djs &the psychedelic vibe, christopher nolan's filmography,
 watching plays at the theatre and cheering at the end, driving at night with the windows down,
riding an atv in the snow with my lil' cousins and making them laugh with fear with every sudden turn.
Răspunde Raportează
DoraAgar 10 March 2022  
❛20 things i like❜
 ━ come up with a name for my furniture: man max marcel paul and there’s more.
   harsh colours. yellow. orange. red.
 ━ altostratus clouds.
    cats purring.
 ━ and me stroke their bushy tails and duchess whiskers.
    nadja by andré breton. ‘convulsive or not at all’.
 ━ to have my (the apparition) picture (the spectre) taken.
    mould polymer clay.
 ━ colorset translucent setting powder.
    convex mirrors that enlarge my eyes.
 ━ heterochromia.
    elephant trunks.
 ━ wet paint that violently stings my nostrils.
    charmed sleep &
 ━ half-remembered dreams &
    the interval from midnight to half past four. (fictive fabricated untrue to life)
 ━ my prosthetic heart.
    gala dalí.
 ━ swiss cheese that smells like the moon.
    hats with brims the size of umbrellas.
Răspunde Raportează
MargarittaLidjiaEotvos 10 March 2022  
         ⸻ 20 things I like ⸻ [imgur.com/a/mgPnXA4]    
  ¹Rembrandt's eyes technique.  ²Cyrenaics philo concepts.  ³Baroque era: tonal phases. 
       ⁴The Ⅳ canonical modes: ʿcangianteʾ, ʿchiaroscuroʾ, ʿsfumatoʾ and ʿunioneʾ.
 ⁵Lito Mayo's printmarking.  ⁶Michel Foucault ― marxism movement.  ⁷Tenebrism, pure form.
     ⁸ʿLes amants du Floreʾ (2006): thematics, feminism.  ⁹Giorgio de Chirico's poetry.  
 ¹⁰Gustave Flabeurt ― activism via literature.  ¹¹Goddess movement: starting with Elizabeth Miller. 
   ¹²Early 90's indie chic&music.  ¹³ʿThe Seven Serpentsʾ.  ¹⁴Sǝx-education in school.
 ¹⁵Down the hill picnics ― at raw dawn.  ¹⁶Phonographs&Vinyls  ¹⁷Old pinhole film photography.
   ¹⁸Retro bottles&corks  ¹⁹Tarot kits, early-modern wicked witches of the west customized.            ²⁰Dalmatinski rafioli (croatian dessert) with a Negroni.

   ₆PS: Pay attention: there is just one eye,
         and, ― no, there's no 1D.
Răspunde Raportează
ArielEgilsdottir 10 March 2022  
 I like...
 Simone de Beauvoir  brutal honesty  slam poetry  playing video games with litli álfur
   feminine-horror  little trinkets and shiny things of pink hues equal rights
 Dr. Pamela Lillian Isley— the "ecoterrorist of global importance" imgur.com/a/t8jkrkp
     from Scandinavian folklore–– Shieldmaidens imgur.com/a/B2GYusN
 carrot-like fragrance emanating from the bruised roots of Queen Anne's Lace Wildflower
   a dip in a hot spring  horseback riding in Eldhestar  the archetypal figure Lilith
       Letters to Cleo and other "angry girl music of the indie rock persuasion"
   grocery shopping with family   dark chocolate with deep burgundy cherry fillings
 looming thunderstorms with torrential rainstorms   record stores   The Lure (2015)
    picking bilberries (bláber), crowberries (krækiber), stone bramble (hrútaber)
Răspunde Raportează
AmaviRamirez 10 March 2022  
₁ Drama ― when they say they don't ike drama, it's a warning about them...
₂ Swarovski crystals ― imgur.com/a/u5jnNLq b!tch, I'm obsessed.
₃ Fashion industry ― starting from everything Vintage to Artsy, Chic or Bohemian styles.
₄ Medusa mythology ― the symbol itself and the meaning behind it.
₅ Greek architecture.
₆ Minimal interior design (with Bohemian twist) ― pin.it/4ytCxGx / pin.it/1x2gFw1 / pin.it/6uuoDLf
₇ Travelling around the world+discovering new cultures.
₈ Italian cuisine, especially shrimp pasta.
₉ Spanish language and everything about Spain (accent, terminology, culture).
₁₀ Psychological thrillers/books.
₁₁ Animals of any kind ― Even Amavi has a heart...:<
₁₂ Tulips and peonies.
₁₃ Givenchy, L'Interdit&Versace-Dylan Turquoise (perfumes).
₁₄ Listening to jazz while enjoying a glass of wine all by myself.
₁₅ Long bubble baths.
₁₆ Sphynx cats and husky dogs.
₁₇ Sunsets by the sea.
₁₈ Sushi and Boba tea.
₁₉ Polaroid cameras.
₂₀ Spending time with myself, reflecting on the good and bad.
Răspunde Raportează
OlgaAngeloff 10 March 2022  
          I like     ...from a day on the road travelling with the circus:
 _  to l͟o͟o͟k͟ o͟u͟t͟s͟i͟d͟e͟ t͟h͟e͟ w͟i͟n͟d͟o͟w͟, to see there s͟l͟i͟d͟e͟s͟ t͟h͟a͟t͟ a͟r͟e͟ p͟a͟s͟t͟ u͟n͟i͟m͟a͟g͟i͟n͟a͟b͟l͟e͟ and forsaken vastness  _
where night is coming on, the s͟u͟n͟ declining in g͟h͟a͟s͟t͟l͟y͟ b͟l͟o͟o͟d͟-͟s͟t͟r͟e͟a͟k͟e͟d͟ grandeur like a public execution across,
it would appear, h͟a͟l͟f͟ a͟ c͟o͟n͟t͟i͟n͟e͟n͟t͟, where live only   o͟n͟l͟y͟ b͟e͟a͟r͟s͟ a͟n͟d͟ s͟h͟o͟o͟t͟i͟n͟g͟ s͟t͟a͟r͟s͟,  and the w͟o͟l͟v͟e͟s͟ who lap
hard ice from w͟a͟t͟e͟r͟ t͟h͟a͟t͟ h͟o͟l͟d͟s͟ w͟i͟t͟h͟i͟n͟ i͟t͟ t͟h͟e͟ e͟n͟t͟i͟r͟e͟ s͟k͟y͟. All white with s͟n͟o͟w͟ as if under dustsheets. And the f͟l͟i͟c͟k͟e͟r͟
of their eyes when they catch a glimpse of you staring. Their h͟o͟w͟l͟ lullaby. The land w͟h͟i͟s͟p͟e͟r͟s͟. Horrors! And,
as on a cyclorama, this uncanny yet prekrasnyy s͟p͟e͟c͟t͟a͟c͟l͟e͟ rolls past as twenty-five-odd miles an hour in a tidy
frame of lace curtains drapes of a h͟e͟a͟v͟y͟ v͟e͟l͟v͟e͟t͟ o͟f͟ d͟a͟r͟k͟, dusty blue. And the c͟o͟m͟p͟a͟n͟y͟ of my people, with their
h͟a͟s͟t͟y͟ t͟e͟m͟p͟e͟r. The j͟o͟u͟r͟n͟e͟y͟ that waits ahead. u͟n͟e͟x͟p͟e͟c͟t͟e͟d͟, the e͟a͟g͟e͟r͟n͟e͟s͟s͟, the d͟a͟u͟n͟t͟i͟n͟g͟ and yet the s͟t͟i͟l͟l͟n͟e͟s͟s͟ that
holds them all. Because ― it― is ― most ― definitely ― a ― Gift, so I like them greatly.
Răspunde Raportează
Beijaflor 10 March 2022  
unde e cassie ca mai ea lipsește
cineva sa o aducă înapoi și pe Cristina
Răspunde Raportează
Nidaros 10 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Complicated 9 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 9 March 2022  
One of the players used Andreas Card and brought in one of the former contenstants to try, once again, to lead the way as an influencer figure. Maybe you've betoken already who, but Tintypes, I'm happy to announce that none other than Amavi Ramirez is restablished in the competition as from now. Wish her good luck — or don't.
Happy hunger games!
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 9 March 2022  
      ˓❦ 7ᵗʰ: Tell us 20 things you like. An example: imgur.com/SxiSVoc.
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 9 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 9 March 2022  
as vrea io nici macar atata drama nu e :| atlas come back :-*
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 9 March 2022  
da mor pt niste amarate de carti pe care oricum nu le fol nimeni
Răspunde Raportează
crawlingback2me 9 March 2022  
marry olga
kiss patryk
kill heath
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 9 March 2022  
roca cand intra pe cont: ..........
morrrr stati sa recalculez msk
Răspunde Raportează
Complicated 9 March 2022  
marry alfred
kiss aske
kill margarina
Răspunde Raportează
Complicated 9 March 2022  
ziceti la cine trb sa schimb ca schimb eu
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 9 March 2022  
daca schimb yo la mn ceva se pune?
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 9 March 2022  
nsh deja am facut tocanita da e fain ca avem gusturi dif tho
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 9 March 2022  
=))))))))))))))))))))))) bye expresia
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 9 March 2022  
roca cea mai proasta idee de runda ever
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 9 March 2022  
rad rau
Răspunde Raportează
itsbuzzofeverx3 9 March 2022  
kiss august
marry ariel
kill alfred
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 9 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 9 March 2022  
vine acum nina
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 9 March 2022  
da ca e intre alti trei da nu vreau sa spun ca sa... aleaga fix din aia stii:| trb sa fie fair
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 9 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 9 March 2022  
stati asa
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 9 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Complicated 9 March 2022  
stai ca dau sio
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 9 March 2022  
multumim amavi salvatoarea noastra
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 9 March 2022  
cum ar fi sa nu dea kiss la niciunu dintre cei cu egalitate tho...
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 9 March 2022  
ai cobit=)))
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 9 March 2022  
its a witchy thing...
Răspunde Raportează
Complicated 9 March 2022  
=)))))))) cred ca asta am facut ca n-am tinut cont
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 9 March 2022  
va plc alb cu challenge?
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 9 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 9 March 2022  
si tu oricum ai o probl mereu
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 9 March 2022  
cu tn doar :-s
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 9 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 9 March 2022  
sho :****
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 9 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 9 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 9 March 2022  
tu esti invidiosa ca n ai aparut
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 9 March 2022  
da chiar cum adica n am pile. unde e SEKS.
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 9 March 2022  
nu exista
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 9 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 9 March 2022  
nu l am pus pe lista ca a enervat o pe suki
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 9 March 2022  
ea e enervata din nastere.
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 9 March 2022  
il ador❤
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 9 March 2022  
frt e egalitate la kiss mai dati o lista ms
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 9 March 2022  
scuze :| nu mi pot iesi niciodata din host-mode.
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 9 March 2022  
ma kiss eu cu altu stai
Răspunde Raportează
Nidaros 9 March 2022  
How the turntables
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 9 March 2022  
ce :-j destrabalata esti miruna
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 9 March 2022  
glumeam gata redevenim oameni seriosi.
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 9 March 2022  
marry aske
kiss august
kill heath
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 9 March 2022  
eu: noi doua n-avem acelasi type la baieti
si tu te mariti cu acelasi ca mn -,----
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 9 March 2022  
ik mie mi plc blonzii da e prea frumos :-jj
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 9 March 2022  
mda e
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 9 March 2022  
pai si ?????????
Răspunde Raportează
Nidaros 9 March 2022  
Marry alfred mimi trb să îl impartim
Kiss Ariel my nordic queen
Kill aske scz da de fiecare data când îți citesc numele mi aduc aminte de o nuvela pe care am avut-o la licenta :-"
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 9 March 2022  
nu-mi plc sa impart barbati -.-
Răspunde Raportează
Nidaros 9 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 9 March 2022  
eu de tita moromete
Răspunde Raportează
Nidaros 9 March 2022  
Tu vrei să taiem copacu și nu știi cum să mi zici mhm
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 9 March 2022  
=))))))))))))))))))))) e si timpul dupa 2 ani.... 2?.....
Răspunde Raportează
Nidaros 9 March 2022  
Nu în seara asta ms
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 9 March 2022  
ok maine
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 9 March 2022  
ce ai ana te ai indragostit de mine
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 9 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
HappyPill 9 March 2022  
Marry Alfred
Kiss Olga
Kill Heath
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 9 March 2022  
marry aske de cand te am vz in euphoria te am placut:*
kiss ariel ca esti o frumoasa <3
kill heath ca de nate nu ne place -_____-
app acum ma uitam la fresh daca vreti sa vedeti cum o ia axl ostatica pe genesis recomand!!
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 9 March 2022  
ce ai zis ca recomanzi.
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 9 March 2022  
nu prea recomand sincer ca n ai venit sa ma salvezi.
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 9 March 2022  
f bun raspuns<333333
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 9 March 2022  
moor tocmai mi-am lasat si eu filmul la incarcat=)))
watch it people! do it for genesis and axl!
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 9 March 2022  
=)))))))) un pont doar sa nu ti iei ceva de mancare cat te uiti.
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 9 March 2022  
* slowly puts the bag of popcorn down* =))))
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 9 March 2022  
Am fost fortata de ana banana.
Marry August
Kiss Aske
Kill Heath
Răspunde Raportează
Beijaflor 9 March 2022  
Marry Alfred
Kiss Heath
Kill August ca nu mi plac blonzii neaparat
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 9 March 2022  
scz doamnelor im here for the guys.
marry alfred ptc e iubi henry mr. ambrose,,,,,, -.-
kiss patryk ca e. misterios si ma atrage k...... :">
kill nsh heath scz da inca l vad pe nate. :|............
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 9 March 2022  
hey lady tineti buzele acasaaa :-j
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 9 March 2022  
da tu pe toti ii vrei smreo
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 9 March 2022  
si pe tn
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 9 March 2022  
pe mn nu ma poti avea pa
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 9 March 2022  
tine ti dorintele in frâu fetita
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 9 March 2022  
pe tn....... nu
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 9 March 2022  
ma duc sa plang in bae brb
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 9 March 2022  
marry patryk and you're not allowed to say no vezi anticipez de dinainte.
kiss ariel mama periculos sarutul asta cu o sirena daca imi faci rau...
kill margarina sincer scz no hard feelings dar -_- fato nu putem nici sa ne casatorim nici sa ne pupam pe 1d scuzeee
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 9 March 2022  
Marry: Dora
Kiss: Heath
Kill: Alfred
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 9 March 2022  
marry: dora tot zic de cateva runde=))
kiss: august
kill : alfred
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 9 March 2022  
     ˓❦ Now, letʼs give the audience the chance to play the game too.
  Marry (one person),     Kiss (one person),     Kill (one person).
Răspunde Raportează
PatrykOlbrychski 9 March 2022  
  Marry August,     Kiss Dora,     Kill Olga, Iʼm sensitive, sorry.
Răspunde Raportează
DoraAgar 9 March 2022  
1 ❛marry❜  ━ariel.
2 ❛kiss❜  ━olga.
3 ❛kill❜  ━patryk.
Răspunde Raportează
AskeOswaldHeinrich 9 March 2022  
1. marry ariel, by mistake
2. kiss olga, on the other cheek
3. kill august, he's gonna feel it on the field
Răspunde Raportează
AugustRedford 9 March 2022  
  A very childish game, Miss-Host.
  Marry, Dora. A True Force. She mobilised spectacularly for the match.
  Kiss, Maggie. Seeing that I don’t understand her language—English or Italian.
  Kill, Aske. In his words: »….hypothetically speaking of course« at the game.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 9 March 2022  
da pai am zis sa fac o runda pe vibe ul tau sa te simti si tu bine :-j
Răspunde Raportează
HeathLynch 9 March 2022  
1ˢᵗ:  Marryܭ Alfred <3 wedding at Disneyland this spring.
2ⁿᵈ:  Kissܭ Margaritta.
3ʳᵈ:   Killܭ Aske to steal his pets.
Răspunde Raportează
OlgaAngeloff 9 March 2022  
        ⒈ _  Marry Margaritta,
        ⒉ _  Kiss Aske, on the cheek, for the flower.
        ⒊ _  Kill Heath.
Răspunde Raportează
AlfredByrne 9 March 2022  
  「⊰ Marry, Heath
      Kiss, Olga
  「⊰ Kill, August
Răspunde Raportează
OlgaAngeloff 9 March 2022  
No you won't.
Răspunde Raportează
MargarittaLidjiaEotvos 9 March 2022  
 Ⅰ,    Marry ― August.
 Ⅱ,   Kiss ― Ariel.
 Ⅲ,  Kill ― Heath.
Răspunde Raportează
HeathLynch 9 March 2022  
uhm excuse me
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 9 March 2022  
tu da com si lasa excuse me ul
Răspunde Raportează
MargarittaLidjiaEotvos 9 March 2022  
Eyes on the game,
sadly, Rivage is missing.
Răspunde Raportează
HeathLynch 9 March 2022  
We don’t do jealousy in this relationship
Răspunde Raportează
MargarittaLidjiaEotvos 9 March 2022  
What relationship?!
Răspunde Raportează
HeathLynch 9 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
ArielEgilsdottir 9 March 2022  
  –Marry Margaritta  –Kiss Dora  –Kill Aske
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 9 March 2022  
      ˓❦ Ḅọṇụṣ: Choose only three characters from this season for the following game.
        Marry (one person),     Kiss (one person),     Kill (one person).
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 9 March 2022  
1. dora girl the vision????? cand am vz ce ti a picat am zis mda ori o da in bara rau de tot ori da cv super cool si ii eclipseaza pe toti ratatii astia mda:-j u did u own the moment!
2. patryk mda eu te as lasa sa regandesti lumea asa dar din pacate nu i alegerea mea i am not the main character:((((
3. olga ft sumbru si intens iubesc:-???
4. ariel ma asteptam in plm la cleo cantand si atragand gloata de baieti la ea acasa fmm fato cf:@@@ ft frm totusi si fara aia mda
5. august sa stii ca da:-???? u did it:-?? ft nostalgic in esenta i love it
6. heath potrivit da da da
7. aske pt tame impala pt ca adoooor dar e si simpatic ales:-? desi ideea in sine e neclara nu inteleg ce le vb cainilor:-j
8. alfred ma asteptam la cv mai ethereal printul meu :-j gen: www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTfeMhyyy5o still cool tho!
9. margaritta daca as avea din nou gandirea de la 12 ani mda sincer asa as fi vrut sa ma indr:-??? in italia pe 1d si eventual chiar unul dintre membrii (nu specific cn vreau sa credeti ca am av gusturi bune si pe atunci :****)
10. rivage asta mi se pare playlist pt casa playboy nici de cum unul pt o seducatoareee vampa:-j
Răspunde Raportează
Complicated 9 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
lesHydropathes 9 March 2022  
        1ˢᵗ place: Olga.
        2ⁿᵈ place: Patryk.
        3ʳᵈ place: Heath.
        4ᵗʰ place: Dora.
        5ᵗʰ place: Ariel.
        6ᵗʰ place: Aske.
        7ᵗʰ place: August.
        8ᵗʰ place: Alfred.
        9ᵗʰ place: Margaritta.
        10ᵗʰ place: Rivage.
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 9 March 2022  
1. Dora
2. Aske
3. Heath
4. Ariel
5. Patryk
6. Olga
7. Margaritta
8. August
9. Alfred
10. Rivage
Răspunde Raportează
LuvingU 9 March 2022  
1.Dora once again can we get married?this is perfect,just perfect
2.August i stan you so much!!Ma faci sa inteleg de ce James ar insela-o pe Betty
3.Heath cred ca pt prima oara sus pe lista mea,dar pur si simplu ador and i guess this is more my style than anything else here.pup
4.Olga doamne ce vibe mi-ai dat fata,ador jur
5.Patryk love love loveee
6.Ariel very accurate and i really like it
7.Aske at this point i just wanna be your friend man.you are really cool
8.Margarrita love it but i expected something else:(
9.Alfred am i mean if i say a little too basic?:(
10.Rivage no comment. i expected something else
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 9 March 2022  
?????incerc sa fiu obiectiva sper ca o sa mi iasa??????
1. Dora, this is the most accurate thing I’ve ever seen and heard la revedere u won sper sa castigi runda asta
2. Olga, mama ce vibe mi a dat ultima wtf mor mi s a fc pielea de gaina:))))))
3. August, sincer daca mi ar da cineva melodiile astea chiar m as gandi la tn fratioare bv
4. Ariel, cu prima melodie as sari sio peste bord vrei sa te mint…
5. Patryk, should’ve been high instead ca sa pot sa mi dau cu parerea e prea smart pt mine
6. Aske, GIVEON OMG i love him sooooo much:((((( nsh nu ascult tame impala ayaye da si bob e cool i like it picasso
7. Margarina, bestie esti in Italia si imi dai versuri in franceza :| also e for effort pt ca esti extra kisss love u sper ca s a indr si el de tn sau ea sau they sau cum le convine
8. Heath, bestie nsh i have mixed feelings obiectiv vorbind but I LOVE personal jesus so there’s that :D
9. Alfred, they do match :-?? dar nu imi plc coldplay deloc si imi pare rau pt ca celelalte doua sunt destul de ok
10. Rivage, cum ar fi fost daca puneai vreo melodie de la august alsina omg hot… sincer te vad pe vibe de jhene aiko
Răspunde Raportează
Beijaflor 9 March 2022  
1. Rivage.
2. Heath.
3. Ariel.
4. Dora.
5. Patryk.
6. Olga.
7. August.
8. Alfred.
9. Aske.
10. Margaritta.
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 9 March 2022  
ma simt prost sa fiu asa de subiectiva dar e muzica deci ma astept sa fim toti asa so… ma astept sa vad clashing lists:-? fun!!!!
1. dora adorrrr bn st eu nebuna dar de cand am deschis primul link m a pufnit rasul si in ac timp eram cv gen wow wtf is this sh!t yall know i love weird music that surprises me the best deci a d o r fetito ador.
2. sunt weak ok. dar heath baiete iti bati joc de mn. deci nu nu nu cum sa dai coverul tu intelegi ca daca dadeai originalul la running up that hill te puneam pe 1 fara discutii?:|||| dar fie inteleg ca e twin peaks bla bla dar boyyy :-jjj nu ma mai dezamagi atata
3. ariel ms ca m ai facut sa vr sa fiu sirena din nou ca at cand ma uitam la h2o adauga apa si ma stropeam cu robinetu incercand sa :| cresc coada. anyway daca puneai ‘ive got a speșăl power’ pe 1 te puneam mamica.
4. patryk ft frumi melodiile ft frumoase mesajele ma asteptam la ceva mai rece si sumbru pian bla bla dar viziunea ta mi se pare asa de artist qul si neasteptat
5. olga deci a treia mel e VISA e sublima o iubesc :||||
6. august nostalgic si frumi si warm asa mda chiar te transporta also we get the augusttt thing now:-jjj sneaky man
7. aske n am inteles :-? ce trb are prima mel dar sunt eu tampita dar a doua e efectiv super potrivita deci props to that si bob marley e… da vibeul tau i guess
8. alfred stai cam mult pe tiktok. atata zic.
9. margaritta nu inteleg:| dc drc asculti 1d in italia?! bestie m ai tampit cu italiana ta si acum cand efectiv iti da hostu the spotlight nu ne dai melodii superbe in italiana?!!? sau nici chiar un salvatore de lana del rey ceva acolo in moodu ala :||| fmm
10. rivage ma asteptam la two feet sho m am gandit cand am vz ce ti a picat la asta :-? da ult mel e cam aiurea bestie :|
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 9 March 2022  
        1ˢᵗ place:
        2ⁿᵈ place:
        3ʳᵈ place:
        4ᵗʰ place:
        5ᵗʰ place:
        6ᵗʰ place:
        7ᵗʰ place:
        8ᵗʰ place:
        9ᵗʰ place:
        10ᵗʰ place:
Răspunde Raportează
HeathLynch 9 March 2022  
1ˢᵗ:  Running Up That Hill, Placeboܭ youtu.be/d-mYX0qKkB8
2ⁿᵈ:  Personal Jesus, Depeche Modeܭ youtu.be/u1xrNaTO1bI
3ʳᵈ:   Iʼm waiting here, David Lynch&Lykke Liܭ youtu.be/3SpG7C4vHZQ
Răspunde Raportează
HeathLynch 9 March 2022  
Forgot to mention I’m a new character in Twin Peaks :).
Răspunde Raportează
PatrykOlbrychski 9 March 2022  
To fundamentally rethink society like Marcus Aurelius as a Stoic.
 Stoicism –– ʻA pragmatic philosophy that focuses our attention on what is possible,
        And gives us perspective on what is unimportantʼ
1、 Iʼd Love to Change the World, youtube.com/watch?v=CTUsFm0BAu8.
    (eh, not so possible),
     ––ʻEverywhere is freaks and hairies/ Dykes and fairies, tell me,
     Where is sanity?/ Tax the rich, feed the poor/ ʼTil there are no rich no moreʼ
2、 Human Behaviour, youtube.com/watch?v=6ml8KDumTO0.
     ––ʻHuman behaviour,/ And there is no map/ And a compass wouldnʼt help at allʼ
3、 Soon Forget, youtube.com/watch?v=o9yYMHqHggQ.
     ––ʻHeʼs living a day heʼll soon forgetʼ
Răspunde Raportează
MargarittaLidjiaEotvos 9 March 2022  
                SPOTIFY PLAYLIST:
     ⸻  summer, you fell in love somewhere in northern Italy  ⸻
         Ⅰ)  The Growlers ― Dope on a Rope;
          ...lyrics /e;    ...youtu.be/qJTcvMJSb-Q...
            ʿSeizing the heartbeat of our lovely reckless time
            Everything changes when
            When the last call lights shineʾ
              ―  per la malinconia che non si adempirà.

         Ⅱ)  Placebo ― Protège Moi;
          ...lyrics /f;    ...youtu.be/78gnqecSEw8...
            ʿPaupières baissées, visages gris
            Surgissent les fantômes de notre lit
            On ouvre le loquet de la grille ʾ
              ―  come dedico la mia anima prematura.

         Ⅲ)  One Direction ― Night Changes (acoustic);
          ...lyrics /e;    ...youtu.be/5GFtYgFRkx4...
            ʿBut there's nothing to be afraid of
            Even when the night changes
            It will never change me and youʾ
              ―  nostalgía. (August Styles, who?!).

   ₅PS: Word 'friends' ― questionable,
      controllando la quarta posizione.
Răspunde Raportează
DoraAgar 8 March 2022  
 ❛inside dalíʼs paintings.❜  
               ━ mr. bungle –goodbye sober day youtu.be/MO2bM4sgE1E
               ━ crumb –locket youtu.be/BqnG_Ei35JE
               ━ fever the ghost –source youtu.be/9RHFFeQ2tu4

and if he were alive today, i bet he’d be a big heavy metal fan. like i am. imgbox.com/7WijgzUn
Răspunde Raportează
ArielEgilsdottir 8 March 2022  
           ––a siren who attracts men with her voice to drown them.
  The mermaid is an archetypal image that represents        ––– imgur.com/a/5znNB5r
    a woman who is at ease in the great waters of life,     she symbolizes our connection
    with our deepest instinctive feelings, our wild and untamed animal nature    that exists
    below the surface of outward personalities.     how many women could have
    identified with those lost goddesses, bearers of a message to which man is afraid to listen.
           –– Live in the Dream–– St. Vincent. youtu.be/jaJ_UtBlvaY
           –– Teardrop–– Massive Attack.   youtu.be/u7K72X4eo_s
           –– Last Night–– Lush.   –––  youtu.be/uMevwxr955M
Răspunde Raportează
AlfredByrne 8 March 2022  
 You stumbled into a fantasy world.
  「⊰ AURORA - Runaway
  「⊰ Ludovico Einaudi - Experience
  「⊰ Coldplay - Atlas
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 8 March 2022  
* Dora is also attending the soccer match.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 8 March 2022  
* On the special occasion of 8th March, Aske and his pets brought all the girls flowers, includig the host, who stole Alvin from him. He and August set a date for a soccer match with August's kindergarteners. Aske invited Ariel too, but it did not go well.
Răspunde Raportează
AskeOswaldHeinrich 8 March 2022  
 sitting in a field talking to animals,
Ⅰˢᵗ: giveon, world we created,  youtu.be/n30BHPW0w3Y
Ⅱⁿᵈ: tame impala, why won't they talk to me?,  youtu.be/yzAjagHwL_4
Ⅲʳᵈ: bob marley, could you be loved,  youtu.be/pOm4MYha9jg
   in that specific order—they're feeling the vibes for sure
Răspunde Raportează
OlgaAngeloff 8 March 2022  
          Itʼs 1888 and I fell in love with an illusionist magician.
        ⒈ _  The meeting, Devil's Trill,     Tartini; youtu.be/z7rxl5KsPjs.
        ⒉ _  as the music dies down,  God topples from the sky, hell's fires
        fade, the realisation settled in, Cursed Riders of Night, Dead Melodies &
        Beyond the Ghost; youtu.be/124UWbvc9Gk,           and the...
        ⒉ _  Dance of the Damned begin, .Goëtia.; youtu.be/mb8hyOw0hP4.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 8 March 2022  
* Olga invites Miss Lydecker and the kids to see the Circus.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 8 March 2022  
* Aske's pet brought Margaritta roses.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 8 March 2022  
* Between Margaritta and August seems to be a sort of tension. Patryk earned the title of: 'alluring reviewer', in Margaritta's point of view. Dora and Margaritta are preparing for a riot, rampage. All the girls are included. Also, the girls created a cult: a feminist cult, thanks to Ariel.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 8 March 2022  
* Dacă nu primesc niciun update până la 12 să știți că voi intra singură la mesaje și le voi lua :-??. E runda 6 n-am niciun update stir up some drama frt :@@@.
Răspunde Raportează
AugustRedford 8 March 2022  
  Each song unlocks an oddly specific childhood memory.
  ¹ᴬ august, Taylor Swift. youtu.be/nn_0zPAfyo8
  ²ᴬ Take Care, Beach House. youtu.be/JL3RcxHiZBY
  ³ᴬ Blindsided, Hovvdy. youtu.be/XWvGff3yCQs
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 8 March 2022  
      ˓❦ 6ᵗʰ: A playlist in the point of view of:
          ...3 songs each.
    Ạṛịẹḷ: Youʼre a siren who attracts men with her voice to drown them.
            Ḍọṛạ: Youʼre inside Dalíʼs paintings.
    P̣ạṭṛỵḳ: To fundamentally rethink society like Marcus Aurelius as a Stoic.
           Ạḷf̣ṛẹḍ: You stumbled into a fantasy world.
    Ṃạṛg̣ạṛịṭṭạ: Itʼs summer, you fell in love somewhere in northern Italy.
            Ạṣḳẹ: Sitting in a field talking to animals.
    Ạụg̣ụṣṭ: Each song unlocks an oddly specific childhood memory.
           Ḥẹạṭḥ: Youʼre a new character in Twin Peaks.
    Ọḷg̣ạ: Itʼs 1888 and youʼre falling in love with an illusionist magician.
          Ṛịṿạg̣ẹ: Seductress with a God complex.
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 8 March 2022  
        1ˢᵗ place: Dora imi plc mult fotoliul pupic.
        2ⁿᵈ place: August desenul :((((((
        3ʳᵈ place: Ariel ce sera frumoasaaaa
        4ᵗʰ place: Olga vr sa vad si caravana.
        5ᵗʰ place: Aske
        6ᵗʰ place: Patryk
        7ᵗʰ place: Heath
        8ᵗʰ place: Margaritta
        9ᵗʰ place: Rivage
        10ᵗʰ place: Alfred
        11ᵗʰ place: Sebi
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 8 March 2022  
bn in concluzie eu mimi si eliza stem 3 fraiereee
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 8 March 2022  
Pardon sister
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 8 March 2022  
speak for urself wtf
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 8 March 2022  
1. Dora brrooooooo why is it so bomb lmaaoooo zici ca e muzeu let me visit
2. August imi da un vibe asa warm si welcoming so summerish ima be there next summer
3. Olga nu e cv ce as pune in mod special in top 3 dar E ASA MISTO zici ca e din filme…..
4. Aske i love it bestie and I’D MOVE THERE RN as vrea sio un loft dinasta sincer
5. Ariel cand ma uit la casa aia ma gandesc direct la ea e asa matchy
6. Heath pt ca yessir :-?? suntem la bogati!!!!
7. Margarina mi a fost cam greu sa inteleg pt ca nu prea ma duce capul dar e for effort baby<3
8. Alfred e chill your girl would be jealous of you if she came in for de d
9. Patryk esti unul din pref mei dar bestie iti plac cam prea mult bolovanii nu ti e frig in casa aia?
10. Sebastian te as fi pus mai sus dar mie imi e frica de pistoale :( who knows if i came in could be loaded :(
11. Rivage e cv ok dar ma asteptam la un strop de exotic daca tot
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 8 March 2022  
frt toate sunt asa on point pt toti??????? lmao bn dar o sa aleg in functie de unde mi ar placea mie sa stau :-j
1. dora fato???? do u need a roomie
2. olga daca nu ma primeste dora poate ma primesti tu dar... nu cred:-s
3. ariel e ft wintery looking imi plc dar :| hai saaa dam posterele cu bowie jos mda un pedo:@@@@@@
4. aske ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft f fT cool imi plc covorul ala maxim:-?? da pune in puii mei poze cu caini in ramele alea .
5. patryk desi e cam rece casa...... ti o incalzesc eu cu prezenta mea:-?? si mai trantim acl o decoratie cv gasim are potential
6. august :))))))) in casa ta pare august mereu :))))) ba dum tssss :)))))) si acl m as muta ptc imi plc vara ma face veselaa
7. la tn heath nu m as muta neaparat dar as veni in vizita:-?
8. alfred la fel:-?
9. margaritta.......... nsh nici eu n o pr inteleg dar imi plc gradina:3 vin sa vbim despre flori daca vreiiiii
10. rivage la starter pack nu pr ma dau in vant dar pe tn te as vedea acl:-?
11. sebi a........da...... da.
Răspunde Raportează
Beijaflor 8 March 2022  
1. Rivage, m as muta mâine.
2. Heath.
3. August.
4. Sebastian.
5. Patryk
6. Alfred.
7. Aske.
8. Dora.
9. Margaritta.
10. Ariel.
11. Olga.
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 8 March 2022  
in primu si n primu rand dc sunt toti acesti concurenti loaded. sezonu bogatilor-.- pt ce aveti nevoie de premiu. nu va ajunge:-jjjj pf
1. dora dream house vr s h o o o
2. olga camere intunecate sign me the f up
3. aske mereu am vrut un loft asa mdea
4. august plc the warmth da eu s liliac
5. ariel mood as always
6. heath mda si o casa in LA asa vr
7. alfred asa in londra vr :-jjjj
8. margaritta frm da nu pr am inteles cum vine casa n am viziune ca patryk crek
9. speaking of patryk gen e fainnn rau dar doar sa vizitezi ca muzeu n as dormi acl m as simti luata ostatica mor
10. rivage imi aduce aminte de selling sunset si d aia nu s mare fana caselor alora tbh
11. sebastian imi e frik de tn care i trb cu pistolu?! oare ar trb sa angajam paza la acest concurs?!… succes… concurentilor…… sa speram ca nu te calca niciunu pe coada…
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 8 March 2022  
        1ˢᵗ place: Heath
        2ⁿᵈ place: Dora
        3ʳᵈ place: August
        4ᵗʰ place: Rivage
        5ᵗʰ place: Alfred
        6ᵗʰ place: Olga
        7ᵗʰ place: Ariel
        8ᵗʰ place: Margaritta
        9ᵗʰ place: Aske
        10ᵗʰ place: Patryk
        11ᵗʰ place: Sebastian
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 8 March 2022  
1.Dora i am so in love. Marry me?
2.Ariel i see David Bowie i am in love
3.Aske can i move in?
4. Patryk very cool
5.Olga love love love this
6. Margaritta can we be friends?
7.August i see yellow i wanna move in
8.Alfred nice but not my vibe:(
9.Heath so not my vibe
10. Sebastian you cool but same as with Heath and Alfred
11. Rivage no comment
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 8 March 2022  
        1ˢᵗ place:
        2ⁿᵈ place:
        3ʳᵈ place:
        4ᵗʰ place:
        5ᵗʰ place:
        6ᵗʰ place:
        7ᵗʰ place:
        8ᵗʰ place:
        9ᵗʰ place:
        10ᵗʰ place:
        11ᵗʰ place:
Răspunde Raportează
MargarittaLidjiaEotvos 8 March 2022  
      ¹Annotation, glad I can show a few samples of my work.
     there are a few preview sketches I want to share,― woefully,
      never had the chance to arise. Patryk, be my guest to
       {galeria}     declare what's right or wrong.
      imgur.com/a/3lGvGil        imgur.com/a/CLs1jXW

 ⸻ [ℝisp.]  ⅰˢᵗ, the exterior of the house,
           imgur.com/a/ELj8WY1, tiny-soignée apartment in Milano,
           ENC: T1 250⁄25° ±1      near Via della Spiga.
 ⸻ [ℝisp.]  ⅱⁿᵈ, my living room,
           imgur.com/a/wpiHAG2, un caos totale di artisti;
            ENC: P2 30⁄40° ±1  without paper or easel.
 ⸻ [ℝisp.]  ⅲʳᵈ, my bedroom,
           pinterest.com/pin/160159330488550064/, grazie, Ariel!
           imgur.com/a/Gp5bgOO, 35mm ― febbraio, 2021.
 ⸻ [ℝisp.]  ⅳᵗʰ, my garden, since I live in a building, the only garden
        {imgur.com/a/yaj6nuj} I know is a small-scaled uncouth yard.
 ⸻ [ℝisp.]  ⅴᵗʰ, 3 most cherished objects in my house,
       A.  ...1978 portraits: Viik&Lydija Eötvös, nonni...
           ―     imgur.com/a/56n6Oan.
       B.  ...6x6 panorama pinhole camera built by my friend...
           ―     imgur.com/a/62s3Gv4.
       C.  ...Evantís, Bacchus' descendant: veno&naturalismo...
           ―     imgur.com/a/c9p5pNm.

   ₄PS: Happens to be a round―,
  dedicato alla natura orgiastica dei sensi.
Răspunde Raportează
HeathLynch 8 March 2022  
1ˢᵗ:   exterior of the house, imgur.com/FoUcHfl
2ⁿᵈ:   living room,imgur.com/vSam6yP
3ʳᵈ:   bedroom, imgur.com/afYPsWF
4ᵗʰ:   the garden, imgur.com/gGmiuKR
5ᵗʰ:   cherished objects, imgur.com/MZmPeVl artwork by pops.
imgur.com/c2B4LeZ family legacy,   imgur.com/fLzcoS7 grandpa's feather pen.
Răspunde Raportează
PatrykOlbrychski 8 March 2022  
1、 The exterior of the House, –– imgur.com/l6Hfvfv.
2、 The living room,   raw, concrete, –– imgur.com/a/ASp8mpP.
3、 The bedroom, –– imgur.com/kWdfHOG.
4、 The so-called garden (not), –– imgur.com/a/rbOwyhL.
5、 Three things most cherished:
      ––A coffee machine, imgur.com/a/0BFozUh.
      ––A sculpture, imgur.com/ndqze6y.
      ––A friendʼs depiction of a brutalist house, imgur.com/hdPiohl.
Răspunde Raportează
AskeOswaldHeinrich 8 March 2022  
Ⅰˢᵗ: exterior of the house,  imgur.com/a/jqbFC0b
Ⅱⁿᵈ: living room,  imgur.com/a/7WT2bpD
Ⅲʳᵈ: bedroom,  imgur.com/a/vK6nkF9  placed right under the living room
Ⅳᵗʰ: the garden,  imgur.com/a/poobmjG
Ⅴᵗʰ: cherished objects,  imgur.com/a/1OsvOM7  ozzy's best friend, theodore
   imgur.com/a/PK34Svl  just realized i forgot to actually add the pictures
  imgur.com/a/lXkQHhN  coolest thing i own, also very useful–i recommend
Răspunde Raportează
AugustRedford 7 March 2022  
  ¹ᴬ The exterior of the House)) imgur.com/a/5uwkfrY.
  ²ᴬ The Living room) imgur.com/a/9g6fZJh
  ³ᴬ The Bedroom)) imgur.com/a/R5Mf27T
  ⁴ᴬ The Garden) imgur.com/a/1RDcxCS
  ⁵ᴬ Three most cherished objects)) imgur.com/a/TMx0zNc
Răspunde Raportează
DoraAgar 7 March 2022  
1 ❛exterior of the house❜
            ━ imgbox.com/6CtcFdxh
2     ❛living room❜  
            ━ imgbox.com/a2j2ozpG
            ━ imgbox.com/wNwhxs2L
            ━ imgbox.com/MJ2aYl3o
            ━ imgbox.com/k3ErHcQa
            ━ imgbox.com/4RK1ix7l
3      ❛bedroom❜   
            ━ imgbox.com/AkZRJGyf
            ━ imgbox.com/ZE9Hxn5H
4      ❛garden❜ 
            ━ imgbox.com/T6aXbAst
            ━ imgbox.com/Cu3jr0gn
            ━ imgbox.com/QYmmlJIQ
            ━ imgbox.com/nJH8wYlK
            ━ imgbox.com/idiEFiI7
5 ❛most cherished objects❜
            ━ imgbox.com/M0vW1QMM
            ━ imgbox.com/S8HQfR5M
            ━ imgbox.com/2PoWs7QL
Răspunde Raportează
AlfredByrne 7 March 2022  
 1ˢᵗ: The exterior of the House,
  「⊰ imgur.com/ocNNVJH
 2ⁿᵈ: Your living room,
  「⊰ imgur.com/a/BLNOvb8
 3ʳᵈ: Your bedroom,
  「⊰ imgur.com/2VdJDKy
 4ᵗʰ: Your garden,
  「⊰ imgur.com/9ooWR2O
 5ᵗʰ: What are the 3 most cherished objects in your house?
  「⊰ imgur.com/a/DTO76eK
Răspunde Raportează
ArielEgilsdottir 7 March 2022  
  house-exterior  imgur.com/a/6KE7Hne
  living room  imgur.com/a/7PwK3rh
  bedroom  pin.it/5fbJH6h. footnote: I live with my family, so it's easy to understand
                 the discrepancy between my room and the rest of the house
  garden  imgur.com/a/FSZVxrs   mother's greenhouse
  3-cherished-objects  imgur.com/a/pqyM2Nk. my friend's ceramics
            imgur.com/a/s75v1s0. collection of pins and patches
      imgur.com/a/CwTfrZZ Puck, the elf who guards our house
Răspunde Raportează
OlgaAngeloff 7 March 2022  
     The little circus caravan isn't much; I'll show you my russian dacha.
            ⒈ _  The house,  imgur.com/a/0fGNbmH;
            ⒉ _  The living room,  imgur.com/a/DbysXY5;
            ⒊ _  The bedroom,  imgur.com/a/aHzZENf;
            ⒋ _  The garden, imgur.com/a/VIp2swW;
            ⒌ _  Cherished objects,  imgur.com/a/TPu4Rsn.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 7 March 2022  
      ˓❦ 5ᵗʰ: Create your own little world... and invite us in!
            1ˢᵗ: The exterior of the House,
     2ⁿᵈ: Your living room, 3ʳᵈ: Your bedroom, 4ᵗʰ: Your garden,
      5ᵗʰ: What are the 3 most cherished objects in your house?
                     * PHOTOS ONLY.
Răspunde Raportează
AlfredByrne 7 March 2022  
  「⊰  Heath, orange, I'll make your dreams come true.
     Ariel, grey.
  「⊰  Patryk, white.
     Rivage, teal.
  「⊰  Sebastian, red.
     Margaritta, black.
  「⊰  Olga, dark blue. Predicted?
     Aske, purple.
  「⊰  Dora, yellow.
     August, green.
Răspunde Raportează
MargarittaLidjiaEotvos 7 March 2022  
             {ℂolor}        {ℕame}
             ¹rosa, pink   ―   Heath.
      ʿI am asking you if you wanna make out & build a life togetherʾ
             ²bianco, black   ―   Rivage.
           ʿmutual I'll let bite me, no questions askedʾ
             ³rosso, red   ―   Olga.
              ʿpls DM me I want to be friendsʾ
             ⁴arancia, oranj   ―   August.
              ʿwhat if we dated... mutual?ʾ
             ⁵azzurro, ˡblue   ―   Aske.
          ʿmutual who talks a lot sometimes too muchʾ
             ⁶grigio, grey    ―   Ariel.
       ʿmutual that is so smart and cool and i love to hear your thoughts
           pls continue to share your musings w/meʾ
             ⁷bluscuro, ᵈblue ―   Patryk.
  ʿmutual who i am very confused where i stand with them. sos what do you want from meʾ
             ⁸viola, purple   ―   Sebastian.
        ʿmutual who i think is funny but they think they are hilariousʾ
             ⁹bianco, white   ―   Alfred.
             ʿmutual you’d commit a crime withʾ
             ¹⁰giallo, yellow   ―   Dora.
                 ʿgood vibes mutualʾ
 ¹Heath, we'll see about that, not so fast, prince.
 ²Rivage, sei una signorina esorbitante, nient'altro da aggiungere
 ³August, nothing extra, just the tendency to add an annotation.
 ⁴Aske, but in an amazing way.
 ⁵Patryk, I would like to hear more about you.

   ₃PS: Intrigued by labels, but―,
   never by stereotypes. Apropriado?!
Răspunde Raportează
HeathLynch 7 March 2022  
1ڑ Arielミ Orange, what if we... dated?
2ڑ Patrykミ Grey, so smart and cool.
3ڑ Askeミ Green, over a stupid and random thing most probably.
4ڑ Margarittaミ Light blue, mutual who talks a lot.
5ڑ Augustミ Yellow, good vibes only, working with kids and stuff.
6ڑ Alfredミ White, we would hide the dead body at Disneyland.
7ڑ Doraミ Black, I prefer to keep it for myself.
8ڑ Rivageミ Pink, just saying.
9ڑ OlgaミDark blue, truth has been spoken.
10ڑ Sebastianミ Purple, that meme was the real deal.
Răspunde Raportează
PatrykOlbrychski 7 March 2022  
dark blue、Margaritta.
light blue、Rivage.
dark blue、Sebastian.
Răspunde Raportează
ArielEgilsdottir 6 March 2022  
  White  Rivage
  Light blue  Patryk  footnote: sarcastically
  Teal  Alfred
  Green  Aske   footnote: stop it
  Red  August
  Yellow  Dora
  Dark blue  Heath
  Grey  Margaritta
  Black  Olga
  Purple  Sebastian  footnote: with the crazy thing
Răspunde Raportează
AskeOswaldHeinrich 6 March 2022  
1.   ariel, orange, what if we.....? hold hands....?
2.   patryk, light blue, on the contrary my guy
3.   margaritta, grey, so smart and kühl
4.   august, green, i'll be winning this match for sure
5.   alfred, yellow, good vibes disney dude
6.   dora, black, highlighting 'no questions asked'
7.   rivage, dark blue, just confused in general
8.   heath, white, i'd commit a crime with ya
9.   olga, purple, but with 'think' as the key word
10. sebastian, teal, still trying to figure out what you do
Răspunde Raportează
OlgaAngeloff 6 March 2022  
   ⒈  _ Green, Sebastian, it has to do with your unsavory comments, yes.
   ⒉  _ Light Blue, Alfred, every so often predictable.
   ⒊  _ White, Rivage, if... I'd strike you in the head with a throwing knife.
   ⒋  _ Grey, Patryk, I admire the monolithic forms from afar.
   ⒌  _ Dark Blue, August, can not tell if you're still trying to trick me into saying... something.
   ⒍  _ Purple, Aske, well hardly ever, but in the few times you do I crack a little laugh.
   ⒎  _ Red, Ariel, pretty self explenatory.
   ⒏  _ Teal, Heath, your allusion from before makes me think there is ...nadeyat'sya.
   ⒐  _ Yellow, Margaritta, but I'll be more convince once we share some words.
   ⒑  _ Orange, Dora, since you so rightly said it.
Răspunde Raportează
DoraAgar 6 March 2022  
1 ❛ white mutual you’d commit a crime with ❜  ━rivage.
  i mean, she does it every day. with those eyes those curves.
2 ❛light blue mutual who talks a lot sometimes too much ❜  ━august.
  yeah stop with those insightful answers.
3 ❛ teal mutual with questionable taste but you think there is hope for them❜  ━heath.
  i’d rather like to see you direct your version of some of your father’s.
4 ❛ green mutual you would probably fight if you met irl❜  ━aske.
  for food. in the jungle.
5 ❛ red pls dm me i want to be friends❜  ━patryk.
6 ❛ orange what if we dated? mutual❜  ━olga.
  we didn’t get a chance to meet. that’d be nice.
7 ❛yellow good vibes mutual❜  ━sebastian.
  you’re giving me the warm l.a. vibes. :)
8 ❛ dark blue mutual who i am very confused where i stand with them. sos what do you want from me ?!❜   ━ margaritta.
  it was one funny party.
9 ❛ purple mutual who i think is funny but they think they are hilarious❜  ━alfred.
  i’ve never been to disneyland. maybe that’d change my mind.
10 ❛grey mutual that is so smart and cool and i love to hear your thoughts pls continue to share your musings w/me❜  ━ariel.
  i’ve got nothing else to add.
Răspunde Raportează
AugustRedford 6 March 2022  
  Ariel)) White—she looks to me like a fine recusant.
  Patryk) Grey—but come on, man, Marx?!
  Margaritta)) Purple—funnier than me and my socks? Clearly not!
  Aske) Teal—I mean, you still look like a kid to me.
  Alfred)) Red—don’t you want to meet my kids?
  Dora) Yellow—the sweetest ‘erratic’ ... or ‘heretic’
  Rivage) Black—don’t really want to, but it sounds like it fits your column.
  Heath)) Pink—that’s how big a fan of your dad I am!
  Olga) Green—a meanie for no apparent reason with this good ol’ man!
  Sebastian)) Dark blue—we don’t talk unfortunately.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 6 March 2022  
      ˓❦4ᵗʰ: Tag the players with a color and phrase youʼd like from this list:
       At random to each phrase, there is a different score assigned.
             One different tag per person, 12 total.
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 6 March 2022  
1. ariel
2. patryk
3. august
4. alfred
5. margaritta
6. heath
7. rivage
8. dora
9. aske
10. sebastian
11. bro-dy
12. olga
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 6 March 2022  
am auzit ca e runda cu zodii si am venit sa va judecccc
1: patryk, bc i love my intjs <3 & pt harvey specter; nu ma omor dupa zodia ta dar restul imi plac
2: aske, libra sun & george weasley da... are sens :| plus u hot
3: dora, u re literally so dreamy :-? aries sun & pisces rising AND infp :|
4: august, leo man.... fac exceptie pt ca mi plac oamenii nascuti pe 1 :* si mi a plct si ce ai scris :-?
5: ariel, femeile fecioara st cam dificile dar tu pari cool
6: olga, sincer tu pari f challenging nu cred ca ne am intelege:-? my type of women :*
7: alfred, imi place chartul
8: margaritta, too much virgo...
9: rivage, pari cool :-?
10: heath, imi place moon ul
11: brody, moon in pisces si scorpio ascendant... too much water:-j love the taurus sun tho
12: sebastian, babe... gemini man... nope
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 6 March 2022  
ne pacaleste rusoaica e trimisa de putin va zic io
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 6 March 2022  
1.aske pt ca enfp si marty mcfly
2.august pt ca enfp taurus moon si scorpio rising
3.brody pt ca taurus sun si scorpio rising
4.sebastian pt ca remus lupin
5.patryk pt ca harvey
6.ariel love the characters
7.margaritta omg sam and luna hiiii
8.dora love the pisces rising and the infp(my 3rd favorite personality)
9.alfred taurus rising si infp nice
10.heath nairobiiiii and enfj is my second favorite personality
11. rivage omg satine is perfect for you
12.olga taurus sagittarius scorpio sun
Răspunde Raportează
Nidaros 6 March 2022  
        1ˢᵗ place: Aske libra sun :-*
        2ⁿᵈ place: Alfred
        3ʳᵈ place: Dora
        4ᵗʰ place: Patryk
        5ᵗʰ place: Margarittq
        6ᵗʰ place: Rivage
        7ᵗʰ place: Ariel
        8ᵗʰ place: August
        9ᵗʰ place: Brody
        10ᵗʰ place: Heath
        11ᵗʰ place: Sebastian
        12ᵗʰ place: Olga
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 6 March 2022  
        1ˢᵗ place: margaritta( i love luna!!!)
        2ⁿᵈ place: ariel
        3ʳᵈ place: brody
        4ᵗʰ place: august
        5ᵗʰ place: aske
        6ᵗʰ place: heath
        7ᵗʰ place: rivage
        8ᵗʰ place: dora
        9ᵗʰ place: alfred
        10ᵗʰ place: patryk
        11ᵗʰ place: sebastian
        12ᵗʰ place: olga, tot nu inteleg, taur, sagetator dar e 11 noiembrie....
Răspunde Raportează
OlgaAngeloff 6 March 2022  
My mistake, Sun in Sagittarius and Moon in Taurus*, I have mixed the two of them.
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 6 March 2022  
11 noiembrie e scorpion... ;(
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 6 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 6 March 2022  
puteți reface cu condiția să vă ștergeți comul înainte să dați lista refăcută ca să nu încurce la numărat
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 6 March 2022  
okie dokie
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 6 March 2022  
taurus a scris la sun, deci e zodia taur

si la intrebarea cu On this day, in History: what happened the day you were born? a pus 11 noiembrie, asta inseamna scorpion
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 6 March 2022  
1. aske pt libra sun same
2. dora tot caut intp și asta e cel mai aproape i guess i'm one of a kind
3. patryk aproape și el
4. și alfred îmi plc
5. ariel i love kat
6. rivage f on point
7. margherita de la clejani
8. august nice
9. brody ok
10. heath meh
11. sebastian meh
12. olga că nu înțeleg dacă e taurus sun sau născută pe 11 noiembrie
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 6 March 2022  
!!!!! cred ca esti singura care a observat asta omg cu olga, acum m-am intors sa citesc si eu iar!
Răspunde Raportează
Clairvoyant 6 March 2022  
1. Margaritta.
2. Ariel.
3. Heath.
4. Patryk.
5. Rivage.
6. Dora.
7. Aske.
8. Olga.
9. August.
10. Sebastian.
11. Brody.
12. Alfred.
Răspunde Raportează
Beijaflor 6 March 2022  
1. Ariel.
2. Margaritta.
3. Rivage.
4. Heath.
5. Patryk.
6. Alfred.
7. Olga.
8. August.
9. Aske.
10. Dora.
11. Brody.
12. Sebastian.
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 6 March 2022  
1. Ariel
2. August
3. Alfred
4. Brody
5. Margarina
6. Dora
7. Olga
8. Aske
9. Patryk
10. Rivage
11. Sebastian
12. Heath
Răspunde Raportează
LuvingU 6 March 2022  
i am starting to think i should :))
Răspunde Raportează
LuvingU 6 March 2022  
at this point i am asking myself
should i be scared that i've been dating a gemini for 6 years?=)))
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 6 March 2022  
btch, you better be joking
Răspunde Raportează
LuvingU 6 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 6 March 2022  
deci o sa fiu mega:-? biased runda asta si o sa judec dupa stereotip sorry puteti spune ce vreti nu mi pasa. :@

1. margaritta gen imi plc si chartu e echilibrat si mbti-ul besk infj si personajele :-? se potriv tot perfff 10+
2. dora infp iiiiiii!!! da eu as fi pus melancolic pe acl nu se poate :-j infp fara melancolie
3. alfred alt infp hihi<3333 si manny mor
4. brody ptc e taur sun pisces moon adica eu. ascendentu in scorpio ma nelinisteste teribil tho
5. patryk sincer as vrea sa fiu ca tine n viata… pari… ca legit nu ti pasa my dude. in afr de capricorn aia deja se duc spre. psycho
6. heath :-? pare… ceva echilibrat si normal… i respekt it
7. august… pari… sunshine-y rau
8. aske si tu la fel frt prea multa pozitivitate -.- unde s melancolicii??? fmm vreau runda de emo dupa
9. rivage… nu ne am intelege din cate vad in chartu ala :-?
10. olga scz draga mea entj sunt opusii mei…:-) da apreciez ca ai taur :-? in sun totusi aries si sag meh..
11. ariel si la tn ac probl… entj… :/
12. sebastian esti gemeni… atat am avut de zis, ghinionu tau…
Răspunde Raportează
Complicated 6 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 6 March 2022  
        1ˢᵗ place:
        2ⁿᵈ place:
        3ʳᵈ place:
        4ᵗʰ place:
        5ᵗʰ place:
        6ᵗʰ place:
        7ᵗʰ place:
        8ᵗʰ place:
        9ᵗʰ place:
        10ᵗʰ place:
        11ᵗʰ place:
        12ᵗʰ place:
Răspunde Raportează
HeathLynch 5 March 2022  
1. Your zodiac Sign. Sun, Moon, and Rising Sign. Sun in Virgoミ Moon in Aries, Rising Sign in Aquarius.
2. MBTI Personality. Protagonist, ENFJ-Aミ imgur.com/HAqWOvi
3. sanguine/ phlwgmatic
4. The death of Titian
Titian, the greatest Italian Renaissance painter of the Venetian school, who was once described as “the sun amidst small stars not only among the Italians but all the painters of the world,” died this day in 1576.
5. Brown O’Connor, Fast&Furious
Nairobi Money Heist
Kiara Outer Banks
Răspunde Raportează
PatrykOlbrychski 5 March 2022  
1、 13.01.1991, Capricorn with ascendant Taurus, & Sagittarius moon.
2、 Architect (INTJ)––easily thwarted, provoked, disturbed · implacable, or nonexistent.
3、 True Phlegmatic, meaning––a pondering, less practical or somber nature.
4、 On this day in History, Émile Zola's “J'accuse” is published. Other than that, not much.、  
Just a bunch of artist dropping dead:   Sophie Taeuber-Arp, Aino Aalto, Jan Bruegel the Elder,
  Marcel Camus, Edmund Spenser, James Joyce, Lyonel Feininger, Jacques Lemercier etcetera.
5、 Harvey Specter (Suits), Rick Blaine (Casablanca), Raymond 'Red' Reddington (The Blacklist).
Răspunde Raportează
DoraAgar 5 March 2022  
1 ❛my zodiac sign❜  april 10, 1996 5:05 a.m ━aries sun, capricorn moon, pisces rising.
2 ❛mbti personality❜  infp-a ━vibrant passionate inner lives they can explore that inner
nature as well as their place in the world through imaginative landscapes & may reveal their
innermost thoughts and secrets through metaphors and fictional characters sometimes feel lonely
or invisible nd to avoid feeling frustrated unfulfilled or incapable they need to make sure that they
                  take steps to turn their dreams and ideas into reality.
3 ❛one of the four temperaments❜  ━phlegmatic-sanguine.
4 ❛what happened the day i was born❜    ━astronomers released the first-ever image
             of a black hole which is in the centre of the massive galaxy M87.
                    ━haiti officially recognized vodou as a religion.
━99.7% of austrians approved the anschluss (union)- the political unification of austria and germany.
━the american author f. scott fitzgerald published ‘the great gatsby’ which became a literary classic.
   ━people in nebraska celebrated the first ‘arbor day’ planting more than one million trees.
                   ━bananas went on sale for the first time in london.
5 ❛characters i am❜  ━ruby tiffany sparks (ruby sparks): 88% ━jesse (before sunrise): 87%
                      ━marianne (portrait of a lady on fire): 87%
Răspunde Raportează
MargarittaLidjiaEotvos 5 March 2022  
⸻ [ℝisp.]  ⅰˢᵗ, birthed on september 20ᵗʰ, 1998 [...] 2:19 after midnight.
              ☉ virgo,  ☾virgo,  ↑cancer
                26°48'43" 18°33'5"   23°55'58"

⸻ [ℝisp.]  ⅱⁿᵈ, MBTI personality,
                  INFJ-A ― Diplomat
                  Confident Individualism
                  14%      86%
               Extraverted      Introverted
                  79%      21%
                  Intuitive      Observant
                  22%      78%
                 Thinking      Feeling
                  68%      32%
                  Judging      Prospecting
                  51%      49%
                Assertive      Turbulent

⸻ [ℝisp.]  ⅲʳᵈ, il tipo di temperamento,  …Phlegmatic⁄Melancholic, imgur.com/a/mIAKwix
                               mental state in a nutshell.

⸻ [ℝisp.]  ⅳᵗʰ, momento storico in una breve affermazione   …traduzione…
                    ― historical moment in a brief statement
   settembre 20ᵗʰ, 1870                  Rome incorporated into Italy
     Ⅰ   On this day in 1870, Italian troops occupied Rome, leading to the eventual
     incorporation of Rome into the Kingdom of Italy and the limiting of papal governing
     authority to the Vatican itself and a small district around it.
               {galeria}   imgbox.com/U5ZUNkxU, imgbox.com/vOK9otBk
  Rome, auguri ― 2018, DBNK T19 250⁄25°,  imgbox.com/ywNRYugk, imgbox.com/2Egv8OPg

   settembre 20ᵗʰ, 1948                 Festival du Cannes major delay
     Ⅱ   Delayed because of World War II, the first Cannes film festival began, and it
     became one of cinema's major annual events.
               {galeria}   imgbox.com/DsyP0ou8, imgbox.com/J6JQVspE
  Côte d’Azur, matina ― 2015, 25mm P2 26⁄437°,  imgbox.com/rkcrkUl3, imgbox.com/3ObxkEFQ

   ...preservation: the finest defines a glorious ending, three implies sorcery and enchantment...
   settembre 20ᵗʰ, 1519         An emblematique feminist was born: Elizabeth Miller
     Ⅲ   Known for... In the U.S.―,     ...Elizabeth Smith Miller designed an early
     version of pantslike clothing for women around 1851. It consisted of a skirt extending
     below the knees and loose “Turkish” trousers that gathered at the ankles, and it was
     worn with a short jacket on top. Known as “bloomers,” ― this garment took its name
     an early advocate of Miller’s design, Amelia Jenks Bloomer.
               {galeria}   imgbox.com/AIfKI8wg, imgbox.com/EC79f1yf
  FMNSM, salve Ariel ― uknown: mixed, pentimento technique;  imgbox.com/8Ai0yHA5

⸻ [ℝisp.]  ⅴᵗʰ, top 3 characters, Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter): 91%, imgbox.com/ldss7khZ
          Sam Button (The Perks of Being a Wallflower): 89%, imgbox.com/rf9eEY8t
               Amélie Poulain (Amélie): 88%, imgbox.com/jU1qPRDn

   ₂PS: I made an exception―,
  anche se l'italiano è la lingua dell'amore
Răspunde Raportează
AskeOswaldHeinrich 5 March 2022  
Ⅰˢᵗ: Your zodiac Sign. Sun, Moon, and Rising Sign. libra; sun in libra, moon in taurus, scorpio rising.
Ⅱⁿᵈ: MBTI Personality. ENFP-A, campaigner—extraverted, intuitive, feeling, and prospecting personality
 traits; true free spirits, outgoing, openhearted, and open-minded; with their lively, upbeat approach to life,
   they stand out in any crowd; but even though they can be the life of the party, campaigners don't just
 care about having a good time, they also run deep.
Ⅲʳᵈ: One of the four temperaments. sanguine; boisterous, bubbly, chatty, openly emotional, social extroverts
                                   keine einzige Lüge.
Ⅳᵗʰ: On this day, in History: what happened the day you were born?
 october 8, on this day in 1871, the Great Chicago Fire began in the barn of Patrick and Catherine
O'Leary, and, by the time the blaze died out two days later, a large swath of the city had been devastated
  and some 300 people killed.      ¡alles raucht!! sogar in der Geschichte....
Ⅴᵗʰ: Which character are you? Top 3.
 marty mcfly (back to the future): 89%; george weasley (harry potter): 88% ; richard castle (castle): 87%.
Răspunde Raportează
AugustRedford 5 March 2022  
  ¹ᴬ 1 August 1993)) Sun in Leo. Moon in Sagittarius. Rising in Capricorn.
  ²ᴬ Campaigners (ENFPs) are true free spirits – outgoing, openhearted, and open-minded.
  ³ᴬ Four temperaments: Phlegmatic/Sanguine.
  ⁴ᴬ On this day, in History...
  1)) American author George R.R. Martin published A Game of Thrones.
  2) American writer Herman Melville—best known for his novel Moby Dick (1851)—was born.
  3)) The Beatles finish recording their first record "Hey Jude".
  4) English chemist Joseph Priestley discovers oxygen by isolating it in its gaseous state.
  5)) Slavery Abolition Act 1833 comes into effect, abolishes slavery throughout the British Empire.
  6) Anne Frank's last diary entry; 3 days later she is arrested.
  ⁵ᴬ Which character are you?
  1)) Eugene Fitzherbert (Tangled): 90%
  2) Augustus 'Gus' Waters (The Fault in Our Stars): 88%
  3)) Robin Hood (Robin Hood): 86%
Răspunde Raportează
ArielEgilsdottir 5 March 2022  
 Virgo Sun,  Leo Moon, Cancer Rising.
   ENTJ-A:  tinyurl.com/4y7m82k2
  Choleric score: 21,   Sanguine score: 16,  Phlegmatic score: 11,  Melancholic score: 8.
    I share my birthday, 6th of September 1999, with some notable women:
  ––American social reformer and pacifist Jane Addams, winner of the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1931.
  ––Margaret Sanger, founder of the birth control movement in the United States.
  ––Carly Fiorina, American business executive, the first woman to head a company listed on the DJIA.
  ––Sawa Homare, Japanese soccer player who led Japan to victory in the 2011 Women’s World Cup.
  ––Catharine Beecher, an American educator and author who popularized and shaped a conservative
    ideological movement to both elevate and entrench women’s place in the domestic sphere.
  ––Frances Wright, Scottish-born American social reformer whose revolutionary views on religion,
    education, marriage, birth control, etc. made her both a popular author and lecturer and a target.
  ––Margaret Dreier Robins, labour reformer who helped improve the condition of women and children.
  ––Marie Elizabeth Zakrzewska, German-born American physician who founded the New England Hospital
    for Women and Children and contributed greatly to women’s acceptance as medical professionals.
  It also marks the death of two other remarkable women:
  ––Kate Millett, American feminist, author, and artist, an early and influential figure in the women’s liberation
    movement, whose first book, Sexual Politics, began her exploration of the dynamics of power.
  ––Eugenia Charles, lawyer and politician who served as prime minister of Dominica from 1980 to 1995.
    She was the country’s first woman lawyer and the first woman prime minister to serve in the Caribbean.
  Kat Stratford (10 Things I Hate About You): 86%
    Selina Kyle (Gotham): 85%, Jo March (Little Women): 83%
Răspunde Raportează
OlgaAngeloff 5 March 2022  
            ⒈    Your zodiac Sign. Sun, Moon, and Rising Sign.
   Один_  [ℜ: Taurus ♉︎|   Sun in Taurus, Moon in Sagittarius and the Rising Sign in Aries.
            ⒉          MBTI Personality.
   Два_   [ℜ:   ENTJ-A, Commander, imgur.com/a/lJPvOpm; В тихом омуте черти водятся.
            ⒊       One of the four temperaments.   
   Три_   [ℜ:  Choleric; imperious, irascible, extreme in everything. O my enemy. Do I terrify?
            ⒋  On this day, in History: what happened the day you were born?
   Четыре_[ℜ:  November, 11, on this day in 1918, the Allied powers and Germany signed an
    armistice document, putting an end to World War I. In 1992, the Church of England voted to
    ordain women as priests; the first ordination took place two years after. 1996, Gemini 12, the
    last spacecraft in the Gemini series and the first to make an automatically controlled reentry
    into Earth's atmosphere, was launched. 1920 marked the Armistice Day, the anniversary of
    the end of World War I. In 1872, Maude Adams was born. And in 1865, the physician Mary
    Edwards Walker became the   | first |   woman to be granted the U.S. Medal of Honor.
            ⒌         Which character are you? Top 3
   Пять_  [ℜ:  Olenna and Margaery Tyrell, GOT, [90%/88%]; Veronica Lodge, Riverdale [89%].
Răspunde Raportează
AlfredByrne 5 March 2022  
 1ˢᵗ: Your zodiac Sign.
  「⊰  23th of November, 1989
       Sagittarius ☀, Libra ☾, Taurus ꜛ
 2ⁿᵈ: MBTI Personality.
  「⊰  A Mediator (INFP-T); for Mediators, an ideal relationship of any kind is one in which both people feel comfortable sharing not just their wildest hopes and dreams but also their secret fears and vulnerabilities.
 3ʳᵈ: One of the four temperaments.
  「⊰  90% Phlegmatic, 10% Sanguine
 4ᵗʰ: On this day, in History: what happened the day you were born?
 「⊰  1990, British author Roald Dahl—who was best known for his irreverent children's books, which included James and the Giant Peach (1961) and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (1964)—died in Oxford, England.
      1963, the first episode of the British science-fiction television series Doctor Who aired
      1936, the first issue of Life was published
      1935, Lincoln Ellsworth landed on Ellsworth Land, Antarctica
      1992, Miley Cyrus was born
 5ᵗʰ: Which character are you?
  「⊰  1. Hernando Fuentes (Sense8): 90%
       2. Esme Cullen (Twilight): 88%
       3. Manny Delgado (Modern Family): 88%
Răspunde Raportează
BrodyPalmer 5 March 2022  
1ˢᵗ: I was born on May 9th 1999. I just asked my mom the time I was born so I can read my whole natal chart, and she didn't want to tell me. She looked scared, I wonder why, but she told me after I insisted..
So, my sun is in Taurus, my moon is in Pisces and my ascendant is in Scorpio.


The sun determines your ego, identity, and "role" in life. It's the core of who you are, and is the sign you're most likely to already know. Your Sun is in Taurus, meaning you are fundamentally stable, deliberate, and practical, though somewhat stubborn. Your sensual side takes comfort and pleasure very seriously—you appreciate nice things when they're useful and meaningful. People appreciate how reliable you are. It's in your seventh house, meaning you feel the need to distinguish yourself from others through close relationships and long-term partnerships.

Your ascendant is the "mask" you present to people. It can be seen in your personal style and how you come off to people when you first meet. Some say it becomes less relevant as you get older. It changes every two hours, so if it doesn't make sense, reconfirm your birth time to be sure. Your Ascendant is in Scorpio, meaning you come across as passionate, incisive, cunning, strategic, and perceptive. Your intense and tenacious drive comes off as intimidating and powerful if not malicious or aggressive.

The moon rules your emotions, moods, and feelings. This is likely the sign you most think of yourself as, since it reflects your personality when you're alone or deeply comfortable. Your Moon is in Pisces, meaning your emotional self is empathetic, dreamy, sensitive, and gentle. You feel vulnerable much of the time, and desperately wish for a partner who deeply understands you. It's in your fourth house, meaning you find security and safety through your home and family.

2ⁿᵈ: ibb.co/b10tJMH - Entrepreneur (ESTP-A) - Assertive Entrepreneur;
Confidence is a key quality of the Assertive Identity for all personality types. It’s no different for Assertive Entrepreneurs. Many of them see themselves as making fewer mistakes than other people. Does this mean that they are less prone to making errors? That may be, but it’s not necessarily so. Identity is about how personality types see themselves, and that can be subjective – with people seeing what they expect to see.
Assertive Entrepreneurs are more likely to see things as a challenge rather than a difficulty when things go wrong or become harder. Most say an obstacle increases their motivation.
Assertive Entrepreneurs are more likely to see themselves as capable, based primarily on their confidence.

3ʳᵈ: Sanguine; Choleric - temperaments.fighunter.com/?page=sanguine#Choleric ;

4ᵗʰ: May 9th: www.britannica.com/on-this-day/May-9

1502: Fourth and final voyage of Christopher Columbus launched
On this day in 1502, master navigator and admiral Christopher Columbus, long considered the “discoverer” of the New World, set sail from Cádiz, Spain, on his fourth and final voyage, hoping to find a passage to Asia.

1800: American abolitionist John Brown—who led an assault (1859) on the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia, that was the main precipitating incident to the American Civil War—was born in Torrington, Connecticut.

1860: Dramatist J.M. Barrie—best known for Peter Pan, the title character of which is an eternal boy—was born in Kirriemuir, Angus, Scotland.

1918: American television interviewer and reporter Mike Wallace—who, while on the show 60 Minutes, became known for his aggressive and bruising style—was born.

1936: Seven months after invading Ethiopia and driving Emperor Haile Selassie I into exile, Italy annexed Ethiopia as part of Italian East Africa.

1939: American track-and-field athlete Ralph Boston, the first man to jump more than 27 feet (8.23 metres), was born in Laurel, Mississippi.

1958: Alfred Hitchcock's psychological thriller Vertigo, starring James Stewart and Kim Novak, premiered in San Francisco and became widely regarded as one of the greatest movies ever.

1960: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first birth control pill. - Look, my ladies!!!

1974: The U.S. House Judiciary Committee began formal hearings in the impeachment investigation of President Richard M. Nixon.

1980: The horror film classic Friday the 13th, about summer camp counselors being hunted by a masked killer, was released in theatres, and its huge success led to a popular franchise.

5ᵗʰ: The best match between the self assessment you provided and the profile of a fictional character as rated by other people who have taken this survey is the character Brian O'Conner (Fast & Furious).

1.Brian O'Conner (Fast & Furious): 89%
2.Joe Bradley (Roman Holiday): 86%
3.Jim Halpert (The Office): 85%
Răspunde Raportează
Complicated 5 March 2022  
imi placea irma
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 4 March 2022  
      ˓❦3ʳᵈ: You shouldnʼt judge people according to their zodiac sign... or should you?
 1ˢᵗ: Your zodiac Sign. Sun, Moon, and Rising Sign.
 2ⁿᵈ: MBTI Personality. 16personalities.com/free-personality-test
 3ʳᵈ: One of the four temperaments. temperaments.fighunter.com/?page=test
 4ᵗʰ: On this day, in History: what happened the day you were born? britannica.com/on-this-day
 5ᵗʰ: Which character are you? Top 3. openpsychometrics.org/tests/characters/
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 4 March 2022  
e stai asa ca trb sa elimine
Răspunde Raportează
Complicated 4 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Complicated 4 March 2022  
dau si eu comm stai
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 4 March 2022  
glumesc era call me by your name;)
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 4 March 2022  
de groaza.
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 4 March 2022  
sorry inca odata:o3
i just wanted to help
acum fug acasa ca era sa iau vreo 3 pomi in brate=))))
p.s: the batman is sooo good
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 4 March 2022  
e ok stai linistita:)))
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 4 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 4 March 2022  
am incercat sa ajut ok?=))) inca 2 minute si e gata lista mea
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 4 March 2022  
        1ˢᵗ place: Ariel
        2ⁿᵈ place: August
        3ʳᵈ place: Olga
        4ᵗʰ place: Patryk
        5ᵗʰ place: Heath
        6ᵗʰ place: Alfred
        7ᵗʰ place: Aske
        8ᵗʰ place: Margueritte
        9ᵗʰ place: Dora
        10ᵗʰ place: Sebastian
        11ᵗʰ place: Brody
        12ᵗʰ place: Rivage
        13ᵗʰ place: Emaline

am copiat mesajul mirunei ca era ultimul si sunt la film sorry
sper ca se trimite din sala
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 4 March 2022  
sper ca la batman :|
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 4 March 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 4 March 2022  
a fost frumos robert???
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 4 March 2022  
fato da nu e corect asa :| fa lista dupa ce iesi de la film, oricum mai trb inca una
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 4 March 2022  
imi era ca ai nevoie de commuri:o3
incerc cum ies daca mai e nevoie
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 4 March 2022  
        1ˢᵗ place: Ariel
        2ⁿᵈ place: August
        3ʳᵈ place: Olga
        4ᵗʰ place: Patryk
        5ᵗʰ place: Heath
        6ᵗʰ place: Alfred
        7ᵗʰ place: Aske
        8ᵗʰ place: Margueritte
        9ᵗʰ place: Dora
        10ᵗʰ place: Sebastian
        11ᵗʰ place: Brody
        12ᵗʰ place: Rivage
        13ᵗʰ place: Emaline
Răspunde Raportează
Nidaros 4 March 2022  
        1ˢᵗ place: Ariel I stan you nordic queen
        2ⁿᵈ place: August
        3ʳᵈ place: Alfred
        4ᵗʰ place: Patryk
        5ᵗʰ place: Aske
        6ᵗʰ place: Olga
        7ᵗʰ place: Margueritte
        8ᵗʰ place: Heath
        9ᵗʰ place: Dora
        10ᵗʰ place: Rivage
        11ᵗʰ place: Brody
        12ᵗʰ place: Sebastian
        13ᵗʰ place: Emaline
Răspunde Raportează
Beijaflor 4 March 2022  
1. Ariel.
2. Patryk.
3. August.
4. Heath.
5. Olga.
5. Alfred.
6. Dora.
7. Margaritta.
8. Aske.
9. Rivage.
10. Brody.
11. Sebastian.
12. Emaline.
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 4 March 2022  
1. Ariel esti mai misto decat toate mistourile pe care le am fc eu in viata mea wtf
2. Patryk you had me at the statues damn desi ma asteptam sa mi arati cladirea aia misto
3. August daca nu ti merge cu copiii aia putem face noi unii oricand :*
4. Olga cause you’d eat men too suki said hello sister si???? citatul??uu??? wow russia go-go
5. Aske lmaoooo cele mai misto cuvinte de final my type of guy <3
6. Alfred the hey buddy tho:((((((((( anyone else in tears??????
7. Dora scurt si la obiect tbh i like you simpatico + citat misto
8. Margarina esti misto bestie dar daca stiam sio limbile alea era si mai misto
9. Heath zici ca esti tipa aia care prezinta cursele pe la Disney, ateptam filmul tho thx
10. Sebastian bestie ily but the east-west side rivalry tho:(((((
11. Rivage stiu pe cnv caruia i ar fi placut de tine :*** tot God e
12. Brody esti simpatic da am tot auzit aia cu telecomanda si...I wanna fly while I’m still alive:(
13. Emaline esti prea flower power pt mine la propriu, totusi iti voi oferi o floarea-soarelui:*
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 4 March 2022  
1ˢᵗ place: Margaritta
        2ⁿᵈ place: Aske
        3ʳᵈ place: Heath
        4ᵗʰ place: Ariel
        5ᵗʰ place: Emaline
        6ᵗʰ place: Brody
        7ᵗʰ place: Sebastian
        8ᵗʰ place: Rivage
        9ᵗʰ place: Alfred
        10ᵗʰ place: Dora
        11ᵗʰ place: August
        12ᵗʰ place: patryk
        13ᵗʰ place: Olga
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 4 March 2022  
ce ati baut ce ati mancat sau mai bine zis de ati fumat.......... we ascending
1. ariel nsh fato ce sa ti zic doar ca esti........... ft mood sincer
2. august of ce nostalgic trb sa te numesti septembrie
3. patryk wow baiete........m ai fct sa vr sa merg in polonia
4. mărgărița data viit foloseste tu google translate nu noi fa
5. aske si mentionez ca ai cele mai bune last words dintre toti.
6. alfred ne ai dat caine da tu ai numele pisicii hostului
7. olga fato...as fi vrut sa te pun mai sus dar...esti din rusia mamica...
8. dora te saluta poppy si te invita la o cafea in buenos
9. heath as fi vrut sa fie mai ...personal suni ca un agent turistic
10. sebastian i cracked up la last words im sorry
11. rivage sez trecut ai fi fost mai apreciata iubita
12. brody prea pozitiv si motivational pt mn :-j cant relate
13. emaline we love the good vibez tho
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 4 March 2022  
1. patryk
2. august
3. ariel
4. heath
5. alfred
6. olga
7. dora
8. aske
9. margaritta fato erai mai sus pe lista daca scriai si tu in engl ca tot omul :-j
10. sebastian
11. rivage
12. bro-dy
13. emaline
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 4 March 2022  
        1ˢᵗ place:
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Răspunde Raportează
PatrykOlbrychski 4 March 2022  
1、 Wrocławʼs little and badly–drawn dwarfs, the remnants of an anti–communist counterculture that fights the absurdities of an oppressive system. Youʼll find them lurking in the alleyways, peeking out from the doorways, swinging from the lampposts, and all that and whatnot imgur.com/a/RjWgQ7I.
  Przejście or ʿThe Anonymous Pedestriansʾ, slowly disappearing into the earth imgur.com/a/Zewr3bN, whilst on the other side of the road they emerge from it imgur.com/a/w0NgLUR.
  Panorama of the battle of Racławice, a cycloramic stroll through Polish history  imgur.com/a/8gyTVaT.
  The tower of St. Elizabethʼs Church, from where you can see the gray uniformity of Wrocław, with its fusion of socialist realism, post–war modernism from the ʿrotten Westʾ, and-so-forth, with Leopoldyńskaʼs richness of wall paintings and carvings, with..., with..., with..., eh. You got the scheme.  imgur.com/a/Wv0uFmX.
2、 ʿLifeʼs but a walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more; it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.ʾ
3、 ʿGood–bye. I am leaving because I am bored.ʾ
Răspunde Raportează
AugustRedford 4 March 2022  
  ¹ᴬ Boston╺ New England ╺ The Athens of America.
Antipelargy)) For as long as I can remember I’ve been teleporting in a new-york-minute all year round,
  back-and-forth, from the window against which my mother’s frail magnolias tinkled, imgur.com/a/5IXHZ5M
  to my father’s aloof, deserted house, in my thin-aired room near Franklin Park. imgur.com/a/0ZbQTr5
Algid)) Every Winter in Charlestown we’d watch the waspish waves crash against the warships.
  And in Franklin Park, the snow melting beneath the wheels of cars into slush. imgur.com/a/9Lon8ey
Aubade)) The chirrup of black-capped chickadee are heard every Spring from the lazy hackberry-branches in
  the park––and I remember Ossie, with a denim cap on and a ball. He wanted to play hop, skip, and jump
  while balling around. imgur.com/a/WuJXAJV
I often walk along the Acorn Street)), the world’s most photographed street with cobblestone the colour of hay
  in the Autumn. imgur.com/a/4mauBt8
On the banks of Boston Harbor and the Mystic River, I see the Agerasia)) of papaw, with his warm smile and
  his tigerish gaze, always directed towards the waterfront. He served in the navy. “Watch over your shoulder
  at all times,” he used to quip, “you never know where the enemy might pop up from!” though we were only
  repainting meemaw’s house the dirty color of dandelions that Summer. A-h, yes, and the houses in East Bay
  Street, all painted in various pastels and dusty colors. imgur.com/a/7C6Gl3F
  ²ᴬ Andrei Tarkovsky: “An artist feeds on his childhood his entire life. The shape and form of [one’s] childhood
  … determines the nature of [one’s] art. But it’s a kind of unconscious dependence and connection.”
  ³ᴬ Very-well. But I beg of You, let me take my pictures with me.
Răspunde Raportează
DoraAgar 4 March 2022  
1  ❛buenos aires❜  means the porteno culture  and is my hometown  aka the city of
balmy nights and of the black & white tiled floors the city of music & milonga and the
spirit of tango piercing the city everywhere the city of empanadas and cocktails of jacarandas
blooming in spring of colors town of leonor fini and jorge luis borges   &my hometown.
imgbox.com/PN5fJr3J imgbox.com/ouhwAujZ imgbox.com/q3JJ4TiU imgbox.com/53SsYXiP
                    imgbox.com/vynepsVB imgbox.com/gM9W1tIF
2 ❛my philosophy of life❜  ‘they thought i was a surrealist but i wasn’t. i never painted
                       dreams i painted my own reality.’
                                ━frida kahlo
3 ❛my last words❜  ‘all i see is blue. that means i should land on a cloud, right?’
Răspunde Raportează
AlfredByrne 4 March 2022  
 1ˢᵗ: Some things you like the most about your hometown?
  「⊰  The S̤h̤e̤r̤w̤o̤o̤d̤ ̤F̤o̤r̤e̤s̤t̤, made legendary as the home of the famous outlaw in the ballads of Robin Hood. My favourite season of the year to wander through the woods is autumn. The portrayal of the environment depicts the inner experience that comes with the particular change in weather. T̤h̤e̤ ̤M̤a̤j̤o̤r̤ ̤O̤a̤k̤ will always be a reminder of Robin's courage. The home to the notorious 'mad, bad, and dangerous to know' Romantic poet, Lord Byron, N̤e̤w̤s̤t̤e̤a̤d̤ ̤A̤b̤b̤e̤y̤. (imgur.com/Hut2yJP) A beautiful historic house dotted with Japanese gardens and roaming peacocks. One can explore the poet's private apartaments. Ah, and my most favourite, Y̤e̤ ̤O̤l̤d̤e̤ ̤T̤r̤i̤p̤ ̤t̤o̤ ̤J̤e̤r̤ṳs̤a̤l̤e̤m̤, England's oldest inn. The pub is nestled beneath the cliff on which Nottingham's historic castle stands, and was once a well-known pit stop for crusader knights. (imgur.com/a/0MgDWA7)
 2ⁿᵈ: Your philosophy of life. Only a quote, letʼs keep it simple for now.
  「⊰  “If you don’t know where you want to go, then it doesn’t matter which path you take.” — The Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland)
 3ʳᵈ: What would be your last words?
  「⊰  As I close my eyes, I can picture myself whispering "Hey, buddy!..." (imgur.com/JbJklzf)
Răspunde Raportează
ArielEgilsdottir 4 March 2022  
  Home.  "Fjarlægðin gerir fjöllin blá og mennina mikla."  imgur.com/a/5h39nMu
flatbread, fresh licorice, a kitchen-knife.  fireplace, mother.  honeycrisp apple juice every.single.morning.
Jólabókaflóðið━ every year.  the shelves that seem to fall on me;  Jólakaka.
scraped knees.  Gryla and the Yule Lads.  helmets of vikings.  wind.
hideaway.  volcanoes & icy glaciers, blue-ness all around.  lava fields, red pseudo-craters.
Bolludagur━ cream buns and laughter.  brother chants "bolla, bolla, bolla!" and grabs mother's leg.
  sun hasn't come out for nearly two months.  Northern Lights.
minke whales, humpbacks, porpoises and dolphins.  wind.
lots of beers on March.  Bjordagur.  more laughter.  ice-skating over Tjörnin.
Sólarkaffi━  sun peek-a-boos.  waterfall and fresh air;  green.  sheeps round réttirs.
“ode to the sun”  Mount Esja, in the distance.  “hidden people” like elves & trolls.  I call brother litli álfur.
Magnus Skarphedinsson, a national treasure.  wall poetry.  Puffins at Viðey Island.
drinking “The Black Death” and eating Sharks.  wind.  heated blue lagoon.

A Few Normal Things That Happen A Lot,  Gwen E. Kirby.
  "And then I gave him my wrist and he sucked on the blood, hating himself for it, murmuring, “God will see. God will see.”" — Anne Sexton, “Letters to Dr. Y.,” March 28, 1965.

My last words will be the stage directions from Theatre of Cruelty given by Antonin Artaud to the actress in his short play, Jet of Blood.  "[She bites God in the wrist]"
Răspunde Raportează
MargarittaLidjiaEotvos 4 March 2022  
⸻ [ℝisp.]  ⅰˢᵗ, progettare visivamente, Milano, auguri ― 2020, agosto on film: imgbox.com/P2KUR9wY,
                      imgbox.com/YgcALgbx, imgbox.com/qvJly8aP, imgbox.com/fxtElyif.
              {ℙassagio}  Catturati esclusivamente dal filtro personale di una vecchia
              Polaroid, Viikri Eotvos―e la sua meravigliosa immaginazione mi spingono
              verso il deperibile di regni spettacolari che presentano il paesaggio nelsuo
              epicentro ― unendo l'emarginazione del brutto e― incarnando un'estetica
              speciale.     ʿLa natura può essere un'epopea idilliaca ― o un caos.ʾ

⸻ [ℝisp.]   ⅱⁿᵈ, citazione: „L'énergie même dans les mauvaises passions excite toujours en nous
  l'étonnement et une espèce d'admiration.”; citazione di Prosper Mérimée, la dolce bellezza di Venere, non?

⸻ [ℝisp.]  ⅲʳᵈ, tutte le parole sono superflue, ma: ama con tutto il cuore finché il suo cervello non cede
       …traduzione…:                       ― e si ubriaca del suo sangue;
                love with your whole heart until your brain gives out ―and fuddles in blood.
   ₁PS: Dottorato, chiamami!
  Sono pronto per essere una pesca.
Răspunde Raportează
AskeOswaldHeinrich 4 March 2022  
 1ˢᵗ: Some things you like the most about your hometown?
Birkenkopf, imgur.com/a/Oq9hMdk  hiking through the remains of some buildings overgrown by grass,
 pig museum, imgur.com/a/nddcHTl  batrillions of pigs–stuffed, cartoons, statues, you name it,
   the coolest cars museums, imgur.com/a/mUhG1Ys  i can keep on rambling about it for the rest
of my life  &wilhelma zoo; combo of all things kühl: historical ambience, tropical plants and animals.
 2ⁿᵈ: Your philosophy of life. Only a quote, letʼs keep it simple for now.
'If you are lonely when you're alone, you are in bad company.' jean paul sartre, the myth, the legend.
 3ʳᵈ: What would be your last words?
  'hey.... you guys wanna see a dead body?' and then for obvious reasons..... die.
Răspunde Raportează
OlgaAngeloff 3 March 2022  
      ⒈   Some things you like the most about your hometown?
   Один_  [ℜ: Ah, there are hardly any I can think of, much to my dismay. Maybe
   the smell of salt marshes and the rivers that surrounded my hometown. The early
   feeling of winter in late October. The colorfully painted onion domes; they are said
   to represent burning candles or vaults to heaven   — Бред сивой кобылы, they
   are just pretty to look at. The notion of everything and nothing happening at once.
      ⒉ Your philosophy of life. Only a quote, letʼs keep it simple for now.
   Два_  [ℜ: ״Damn everything but the circus! ...damn everything that is grim, dull
   motionless, unrisking, inward turning, damn everything that won't get into the circle,
   that won't enjoy. That won't throw it's heart into the tension, surprise, fear and delight
   of the circus, the round world, the full existence...״  The words of E.E. Cummings.
      ⒊        What would be your last words?
    Три_   [ℜ: I feel supernatural tonight. I want to eat diamonds and, —oh well,  men?
Răspunde Raportează
HeathLynch 3 March 2022  
1ˢᵗ. some things you like the most about your hometown?
 the Pioneer squareミ Seattle’s oldest neighborhood (it’s where the first settlers built their homes), Pioneer Square boasts some incredible architecture, art galleries, cafés and bookstores, known for its Renaissance Revival architecture. Explore the depth and beauty of Seattle's first historic district. imgur.com/hKr0cgk
 Museum of Pop Cultureミ Celebrating pop culture and science fiction from Jimmi Hendrix to Nirvana and much more, the exhibition space is wrapped inside a fluid Frank Gehry design. Play in your own virtual rock band while learning about the region’s rich rock legacy or geek out in the Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame. imgur.com/5NWhFfc
 Triple Doorミ A beautiful 1920s vaudeville theater that had stints as a burlesque house and blue movie theater, one of the top live music venues, it combines world-class acts with an award-winning restaurant, Wild Ginger. imgur.com/zqHs3sD
2ⁿᵈ. your philosophy of life. only a quote, letʼs keep it simple for now.
 Every viewer is going to get a different thing, that's the thing about painting, photography, cinema. It should be blissful, and blissful doesn't mean just a small happiness. It's huge. It is profound.
3ʳᵈ. what would be your last words?
 The picture's over. Now I have to go and put it on film.
Răspunde Raportează
BrodyPalmer 3 March 2022  
❆ Here are some things I like the most about my hometown:
- the landscapes: ibb.co/pWWSFcF ; ibb.co/7zxzJQV
- the Peace Bridge: ibb.co/Cn7Kc06
- the Bowness Park: ibb.co/S049W05
- the Devonian Gardens: ibb.co/M5rG3rn
- the Prince's Island Park: ibb.co/GnK7NGn
- And lastly, I enjoy the city views from Calgary Tower: ibb.co/ZHBGG8M

❆ My philosophy of life: “Life has no remote....get up and change it yourself!”

❆ My last words would be: “Looks like a good day to fly.”
Răspunde Raportează
EmalineHorne 3 March 2022  
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯ Some things you like the most about your hometown?
....::::**•°✾°•**::::.... the beach ....::::**•°✾°•**::::....
....::::**•°✾°•**::::.... ibb.co/6b3k9KS
....::::**•°✾°•**::::.... ibb.co/hRMctvn
....::::**•°✾°•**::::.... ibb.co/2Kpp0Fh
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯ Your philosophy of life. Only a quote, letʼs keep it simple for now.
....::::**•°✾°•**::::.... “ Always be a little kinder than necessary. ”
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯ What would be your last words?
....::::**•°✾°•**::::.... “ I better see sunflowers on my grave. ” as they are my favorite flowers
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 3 March 2022  
      ˓❦2ⁿᵈ: Get to know our characters better...
 1ˢᵗ: Some things you like the most about your hometown?
 2ⁿᵈ: Your philosophy of life. Only a quote, letʼs keep it simple for now.
 3ʳᵈ: What would be your last words?
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 3 March 2022  
1. Olga
2. August
3. Ariel
4. Alfred
5. Brody
6. Aske
7. Margaritta
8. Patryk
9. Emaline
10. Dora
11. Irma
12. Heath
13. Rivage
14. Sebastian
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 3 March 2022  
        1ˢᵗ place: Aske
        2ⁿᵈ place: Olga
        3ʳᵈ place: Patryk
        4ᵗʰ place: Dora
        5ᵗʰ place: August
        6ᵗʰ place: Emaline
        7ᵗʰ place: Margaritta
        8ᵗʰ place: Heath
        9ᵗʰ place: Alfred
        10ᵗʰ place: Irma
        11ᵗʰ place: Ariel
        12ᵗʰ place: Sebastian
        13ᵗʰ place: Brody
        14ᵗʰ place: Rivage
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 3 March 2022  
who the fck is"yourcreepyuncle" si de ce e si la ziua lui seks?=))))
nu stiu cat de ok o sa fie lista ca sunt la cursuri si nu am apucat sa ma uit bine..dar here we go :
4. Patryk
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 3 March 2022  
ah nu mai e bun=))dar sireteanu cand?
Răspunde Raportează
Almighty 3 March 2022  
        1ˢᵗ place: Sebastian
        2ⁿᵈ place: Dora
        3ʳᵈ place: Patryk
        4ᵗʰ place: Ariel
        5ᵗʰ place: Alfred
        6ᵗʰ place: Rivage
        7ᵗʰ place: Aske
        8ᵗʰ place: Olga
        9ᵗʰ place: August
        10ᵗʰ place: Margaritta
        11ᵗʰ place: Irma
        12ᵗʰ place: Brody
        13ᵗʰ place: Heath
        14ᵗʰ place: Emaline
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 3 March 2022  
1. patryk WOWWWW boy i expect cool photos
2. heath frumuselule hit me up
3. alfred desi imi pari mai mult prince charming ul lui belle dar ok:-?? i have a large imagination we can pretend
4. AUGUST CE NUME DRAGUT I'M ON THE FLOOR totusi naspa meserie pt ca nu mi prea plc copiii:-? poate ma convingi tu pe parcurssss
5. dora tu esti ladybug pt mn de acum inainte, ft scumpica:-??
6. aske O-M-G ce cool unde pot sa aplic si eu pt job ul asta
7. olga step on me woman
8. ariel de tn nu zic nmc ptc e si printul eric prin preajma si mda sa nu se supere pe mn ca ma dau la printesa lui:))))))))
9. irma ft cool ft cool
10. sebastian =)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) pot sho sa intru pe serverul tau???
11. broooooooooooo -dy, bro, tu pare ca ai apartinut unei fraternitati in universitate si........ u drank a lot of beer:-? esti cool
12. margarita fato esti cam multe lucruri u put us to shame sincer i barely got my degree:(((((((((((
13. rivage, sezonul exoticilor a fost cel trecut, ti ai ratat....... oportunitatea:-j
14. emaline ft simpatica:-? abia ast sa ti vad floraria:-???
Răspunde Raportează
Nidaros 3 March 2022  
        1ˢᵗ place: Alfred
        2ⁿᵈ place: Ariel
        3ʳᵈ place: Olga
        4ᵗʰ place: Irma
        5ᵗʰ place: Aske
        6ᵗʰ place: Margaritta
        7ᵗʰ place: Patryk
        8ᵗʰ place: Heath
        9ᵗʰ place: Rivage
        10ᵗʰ place: Dora
        11ᵗʰ place: Emaline
        12ᵗʰ place: August
        13ᵗʰ place: Brody
        14ᵗʰ place: Sebastian
Răspunde Raportează
Beijaflor 3 March 2022  
        1ˢᵗ place: Sebastian.
        2ⁿᵈ place: Heath.
        3ʳᵈ place: Ariel.
        4ᵗʰ place: Brody.
        5ᵗʰ place: Rivage.
        6ᵗʰ place: Alfred.
        7ᵗʰ place: Irma.
        8ᵗʰ place: Olga.
        9ᵗʰ place: Patryk.
        10ᵗʰ place: Aske.
        11ᵗʰ place: August.
        12ᵗʰ place: Dora.
        13ᵗʰ place: Margaritta.
        14ᵗʰ place: Emaline.
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 3 March 2022  
1ˢᵗ place: Alfred iubi :|||||||||| da trb sa te cheme mr. Ambrose -.-
2ⁿᵈ place: Patryk i googled brutalist architecture si e megacool :|
3ʳᵈ place: Heath ai grea responsabilitate pe umerii tai sa ne faci sa nu l vedem pe Nate in tine. ai inceput bine tho
4ᵗʰ place: Aske ai cea mai cool putere magica baieteeeeeeeee
5ᵗʰ place: August este Martie dar te iertam ptc inspiri warmth
6ᵗʰ place: Dora esti… altceva iubita :-? in a good way ofc
7ᵗʰ place: Olga fa un giumbusluc frumoasaaaa
8ᵗʰ place: Ariel legit facem live action movie-ul pt lil mermaid wtf telepaticilor
9ᵗʰ place: Margaritta cel mai gros CV din istoria jocului o bate si pe capu
10ᵗʰ place: Sebastian tu o sa fii crabul in live actionul disney
11ᵗʰ place: Irma sper ca e talkshow comic :x
12ᵗʰ place: Rivage ur hips better not lie
13ᵗʰ place: Brody a trecut iarna esti somer vrei sa zici
14ᵗʰ place: Emaline ptc sunt FOARTE geloasa. im the flower girl here :(((((((((((
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 3 March 2022  
        1ˢᵗ place:
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        14ᵗʰ place:
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 3 March 2022  
            ...You have to create a character; as if you create one for a book or a movie.
            You’ll be both the writer and the actor of your creation. You’ll have to pick for
            your creation: f̣ạc̣ẹ-̣c̣ḷạịṃ ̣(̣c̣ẹḷẹḅṛịṭỵ)̣, ̣f̣ụḷḷ ̣ṇạṃẹ, ̣c̣ịṭy, ̣ạgẹ,̣ ạṇḍ his ̣ọc̣c̣ụp̣ạṭịọṇ.
            After the first round, when you will take a first look at the other competitors,
            you’ll receive your personal account. There you'll find your public 'instagram'
            which you'll have to take care of, and your private board. After that, you are
            free to talk with the other players, comment on their ‘Tintype page' whatever.
            To aid you in building your character’s personality, each round you'll have to
            answer my questionnaire according to his aesthetics; you&the other players
            will be judged by the ‘Audience’ of the game (sunphoto accounts, including
            yours, but try not to get caught! A player can get rid of you if they find out it
            is you who's behind your character's mask); So that's about it. It's the game
            about popularity, strategies, aesthetics, charisma, friendships, love, snakes.
            And the fun part?            ...You get to pick your weapons...
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 2 March 2022  
și eu mai aștept concurenți :@
Răspunde Raportează
Beijaflor 24 February 2022  
Haideți di la jocul meu
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 25 February 2022  
nu pa
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 25 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 24 February 2022  
pai in ritmul asta zic sa ne facem toate fete si sa l aducem pe print si sa ne batem pt el
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 24 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 24 February 2022  
=)()))))))))))))))))))))) sa plang sau sa rad
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 24 February 2022  
ce drc st atatea fete ce v a venit doamnelor
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 24 February 2022  
n am voie pe cont :| si sunt in vacanta
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 24 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 24 February 2022  
in casuta de mesaje*
am intrat sa pun rpd poza la persephone si gata ce atata :|||||
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 24 February 2022  
speaking of which
inca o lista mai trb preceni
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 23 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 23 February 2022  
after 3 weeks its weird not having anything to do on sunphoto
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 23 February 2022  
acum ma ignorati toate mda i see how it is runda viitoare nici nu mai vb cu voi:-j
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 23 February 2022  
i would neveeeer
aici sunt
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 23 February 2022  
Nu te vad...
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 23 February 2022  
mda așa fac :-JJJJJJJ
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 23 February 2022  
mda nesiiiiii
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 23 February 2022  
să nu vă fie teamă :o3
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 23 February 2022  
nu vă sfiiiițiiiiiii
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 23 February 2022  
promit ca vă las și pe voi să câștigați sezonul viitorrrrrr
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 23 February 2022  
taci fa ai castigat si tu odt te crezi invincibila acum:-j
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 23 February 2022  
auzi. te scot prima pe tine
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 23 February 2022  
bring it on baby.
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 23 February 2022  
iar folosești baby cu cine nu trebuie -.-
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 23 February 2022  
Ups, il iau inapoi.
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 23 February 2022  
fă nu mai scrie așa x__________x
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 23 February 2022  
De ce
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 23 February 2022  
că te scot pe trial fără trial
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 23 February 2022  
Hai incearca
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 23 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 23 February 2022  
cum vă simțiți după ce v-a bătut adminaaa :3
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 23 February 2022  
sincer foarte bine
voiam sa castigi
i loved you this season
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 23 February 2022  
best bromance :x
să știi că te shippuiam maxim cu darling
și am încercat să folosesc psihologie inversă
ca să te împing să te gândești la ea :3
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 23 February 2022  
what happens when you put two not controversial or offensive girls to play weird rockstars?
you get the best bromance ever❤
aproape ma impins putin sa nu ma bag pe ea ca imi era frica de reactia ta=)))) si culmea reactia celuilalt bro de care nu imi era frica a fost aia naspa
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 23 February 2022  
MORRR jaggy era insecure că are abandonment issues
dar eu ca mimi aka host aka shipper
i was rooting for you
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 23 February 2022  
well axl would never leave him i promisee
i was shipping seks and natsuki so much
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 23 February 2022  
așa. pinky swear :3
da știu axl era psihologul amândurora poor soul :|
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 23 February 2022  
nu trebuia sa il scot pe doctor love jur=))
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 23 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 23 February 2022  
hejjj oameni faceți listă la albumul persefonei dacă vedeți asta să mai facem runde :3
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 23 February 2022  
wtf puteam sa jur ca facusem lista o_o
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 23 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 23 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 23 February 2022  
bn ma gandesc la tineee
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 23 February 2022  
ce amuzantă eștiiiiiiiii
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 23 February 2022  
sunt infricosatoare
Răspunde Raportează
Nidaros 23 February 2022  
Fa morrr
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 23 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 21 February 2022  
Mi ai zis ‘bro’…..
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 21 February 2022  
daca esti nick accept:”>
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
you made half the memes with pic=)))
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
meme this pic of my dog with tintype season 9 things
saraca am facut cel putin 50 de memeuri cu poza asta si acum vreau si legat de sezon=)))
Răspunde Raportează
Nidaros 21 February 2022  
I cant meme her i love her
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
but she is a meme
*amahle watching the competition after she was eliminated*
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 21 February 2022  
daca ma mai vezi sez urmator:*
te sfatuiesc sa ti ceri scuze de pe acum
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 21 February 2022  
nu ma mai corecta crezi ca am uitat ce mi ai facut
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 21 February 2022  
tony stark
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
ce te ai chinuit să scoți de la mine fraza aia mor
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
care mă
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
ce joc vrei șarpemiu
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
sezonu 10 cand?
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
da pe tine nici că te cred mai repede o cred pe ea
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Temptress 21 February 2022  
De darling mi a plăcut pana m a scos afara
Răspunde Raportează
infinite2inhibit 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
îmi pare răuuuuu am mers pe premisa îl scot pe ultimul clasat
Răspunde Raportează
infinite2inhibit 21 February 2022  
Îmi plc de tn, vr sa fim prietene?
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
bianca, încântată
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
still wanna smoke that blunt surfer boy?
Răspunde Raportează
infinite2inhibit 21 February 2022  
Te-ai ajuns acum, deci nu :*
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Temptress 21 February 2022  
Macar cu tine hai
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
dar nu iti mai arat pla ca am iubita=)))
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
așa stai cuminte
Răspunde Raportează
Temptress 21 February 2022  
stați sa văd cine a fost darling
Răspunde Raportează
Temptress 21 February 2022  
nush csz dar amavi a fost preferata mea
pup u deni
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
da nsh saracu lucas chiar era impins dintr o parte n alta mi era mila de el :-j
a si fost bagat in friendzone.........
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
de cine :| lucas erai tare dam de companie observ :-jjjjjjjjjjjjjj
Răspunde Raportează
Temptress 21 February 2022  
=))))))))))))))) SINCER
Răspunde Raportează
Temptress 21 February 2022  
am fost chiar de teeaba ce vrei de la mine
Răspunde Raportează
Temptress 21 February 2022  
eni cum adică Lucas era îngâmfat
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 21 February 2022  
we still fighting rn
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
derrick nu mai vreau la tine pe barca ca am iubita acum
you don t deserve my nipple piercings anymore
Răspunde Raportează
infinite2inhibit 21 February 2022  
I-a plct de tn, să știi! :(
Răspunde Raportează
infinite2inhibit 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
drq se face că nu meriți
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 21 February 2022  
da ce aveai cu mine?????? eu chiar nu ti am fc nimic
Răspunde Raportează
infinite2inhibit 21 February 2022  
Cn ai fost?
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
infinite2inhibit 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
da tu cu mine ce aveai??
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
pai io stiam sa cenzurez pff
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
infinite2inhibit 21 February 2022  
Ân posterior?
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 21 February 2022  
miru e a mea scuze frt
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
she did told you she is god
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
vreau si eu un vladislav the russian guy
intra in competitie direcr din inchisoare in texas=)))
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
mor cum?=)))) nu mi-am luat niciodata
bine injuram mai mult in privat
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 21 February 2022  
nici n am jucat, eni....
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
asa faci?=)))il pun pe vladislav pe tine=)))
Răspunde Raportează
infinite2inhibit 21 February 2022  
Tintype acum 1 oră
lavinia daca vezi asta u suck:@@@@

=)))))))))) văzut, simțit, cerut scuze, data viitoare castig sezonul, promit!
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 21 February 2022  
eram indragostita de derrick
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
fa da mai termina te.
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 21 February 2022  
yeye gioia tinder mai zic?
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
eeee macar n am folosit cuv ‘indragostit’ cu altcineva :@
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
u literally suck and i don't want to speak with u ever AGAIN
Răspunde Raportează
infinite2inhibit 21 February 2022  
Egzistă o explicație, Ok?
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
ah deci el era crushul=)))
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 21 February 2022  
vezi ca mi a plc de tine runda asta :*
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
nu vorbisem cu el ok?=)))
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 21 February 2022  
eni........ :@
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 21 February 2022  
nu vom uita cum isi injura ouroboros singura personajul
historical event
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
si ea si eni=))))
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
oh easy there cowboy
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
make love:-? to gael:-??
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 21 February 2022  
it s a date
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 21 February 2022  
chiar joc faiiiii CE ARE
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
si nu ti-a placut ce ai vazut?=))))
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
da chiar
runda urmatoare tot printu il aducem inapoi da?
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
da smr sa nu l mai scoateti:-j
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
vorbeste cu amavi si atlas=)))
eu am fost cuminte
doar pe arnaud si amahle i-am scos=))
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
ah pardon amavi si levi l-au scos cred
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Nidaros 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
pass si la derrick ca m a lasat cu ochii in soare:-j
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
smash printu ej neboon
sa l aduceti in toate sezoanele pana si face gagik
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
smash darling
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 21 February 2022  
si lol cand
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
eni ti-am dat lista
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 21 February 2022  
mana sus cine inca crede ca denise era la misto
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
biggest troll
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 21 February 2022  
am crz ca e la misto si serioasa in acelasi timp fmmmmm
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 21 February 2022  
era giforce
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 21 February 2022  
ce jocuri te mai joci?
stie tot sunphotou
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
ma simt bine ca am indus 2 persoane in eroare=)))
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
să i dea cineva lista săraca :)))))))))
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
dar vreau sa stiuuu
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
e ok ca si eu voiam sa te demasc=)))
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 21 February 2022  
@x7captivate cum merge facultatatea
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 21 February 2022  
mi a mancat ficatii de abia astept sa o termin.
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 21 February 2022  
bn ea ma termina pe mn hihi
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 21 February 2022  
sincer..... pe mine ma termina procedura civilaaaaa
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 21 February 2022  
eu nici n am intrat la orele alea ca mi a fost frica=)())))))))))))))
pe ce ai tema de licenta??
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 21 February 2022  
=))))))))))))) mood
noi nu mai dam lucrare de licenta de cativa ani, deci avem doar examen
ce tema ti ai ales?? st curioasa
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 21 February 2022  
nici nu ti mai zic ca nici n am ce sa scriu la ea la revedere
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 21 February 2022  
=)))))))))))))) girl nu recomand......
scrie cv de la procedura penala:-j
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
da msj morrrrrrrrrrr
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
sincer acum
cat de evident era ca sunt axl?=)))
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
dacă era evident sunt o proastă
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 21 February 2022  
dupa primul spatiu inexistent intre semnul intrebarii si cuvant
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
imi place nu seb ma da de gol
ma da spatiu=))))
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 21 February 2022  
eu sincer nu m am prins :| stiam doar ca ti place seb
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
cel mai morrrrrrrr
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 21 February 2022  
seks era cam uratel da imi placea de el ca stiam ca ajunge sus
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
mda pt seks e natsuki… cum am spus paula?? a da
‘this weeks f@#ck’
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 21 February 2022  
A DA?!
ok frt ramai cu toate uratele tale:))))
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
still in natsuki mode i see
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
iti dau una vezi ce zici de colegu meu de trupa
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
e bine sa schimbi facultatea=))) ca altfel eram si eu cu licenta acum x_x
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 21 February 2022  
nu erai la drept?
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
ba da
am fost 1 an la publicitate inainte si acum anul 2 la drept
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 21 February 2022  
la unibuc???
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
ma ofer
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
=))))))))))))))))))))))))))) pai st urat
da frumos
the french way
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 21 February 2022  
ce yes sarpe te dadeai catelus pe langa mn si ma puneai numai jos
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
mihaela dragostea mea
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 21 February 2022  
ne auzim cand termin licenta
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
ce minti fa
nu acum cateva zile
ziceai ca vrei sa te faci stiitucine. hai lsne cu d astea
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 21 February 2022  
mai ai putin si spui cine :|
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
nsh numele ca as spune
Răspunde Raportează
Nidaros 21 February 2022  
Dacă io am dat si am și participat, puteti și voi
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 21 February 2022  
succes ;3
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
daca o termini...=)))))))))))))))))))))
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
girl sorry u have issues daca ti plc de nebunii aia 2 morrrr
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
l as fi detestat pe seks :|
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
sho pe sechs...
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
appppp pare rau pt numele axl
nu era lista cu sezonu 7 pusa si uitasem
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 21 February 2022  
its ok :-j
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
vreau sa stiti ca eu voiam sa l joc pe acest seks din septembrie cand trebuia sa facem runda da n am mai facut o si l am numit seks de atunci si dupa mi ati stricat voi treaba deci voi m ati copiat pe mn da va dreaq.
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
am uitat de tn aia e
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
nu ti am spus ca nu vr sa influentez concurentii :-j
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
i ve been dating a gemini for 6 years
sebastian is a leo
my best friend gio is a cancer
pun toate astea 3 la axl si imi zic singura" ies ultima ca sunt un walking red flag" ce se intampla?toata lumea imi spune ca sunt un walking red flag=)))
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
a da sa stiti ca ati fost ft rautacioase cu numele lui seks si ce frt n avem voie:-j sa avem nume lfl............
la andreas si andres n ati facut asa relelor
nici la alekzandre si alexandre
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 21 February 2022  
sunt posesiva paulaaaaaaa
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
a............ ok axel...........scuzeeee
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 21 February 2022  
nu i nimicc
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
n am nimic cu numele DOAR M A DERUTAT ptc nu credeam că ar alege un nume așa de similar așa de repede
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
macar cu asa ceva to throw people off…. ca altfel,,,,….. las ca runda viitoare nu ma ghiciti :@
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
e nuuuuu dacă nu era numele nici nu mă mai gândeam de 2 ori :))))))
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 21 February 2022  
me seeing all the comments about cancer men while dating one and thinking if I know him well or not =))))))))))))))))))
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 21 February 2022  
omg girl are u ok.
io s rac si frate miu geaman si :-j e challenging sa ai pe cnv in preajma rac baiat morr
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 21 February 2022  
i am but the fights between us are intense =))))))))))))))))))
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 21 February 2022  
ik :-j ce zodie esti??
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 21 February 2022  
varsator ++++
ascendent in scorpion si leo moon =)))))
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 21 February 2022  
uuu this can be both very difficult and exciting:-?
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 21 February 2022  
yesss ;3
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
eu cu gemeni=))))
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 21 February 2022  
da cica varsatoru cu racu s toxici =))))))))))

ascendentu meu e scorpion, al lui e pesti
Răspunde Raportează
Nidaros 21 February 2022  
Să înțeleg ca Atlas a fost Basil, Dimitri și Sechs ?!
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
hai ca n a semanat deloc:-j
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
am iubita
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 21 February 2022  
morrrrrrrrrrrr mda girl in mom ala a fost norocu tau ca mi plc mult si credeam ca e cris
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
daca vreti sa invinuiti pe cnv de runda cu horoscopul au fost link urile lui mimi so go ahead:-????
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
da te drc dupa ce ca te am ajutat cu idee desi TU ERAI HOST :@
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
n am zis ca nu st recunoscatoare :-?????
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
doar eu am intrebat ce sa fac?=)))
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
nu morrrrr
a iscat multa confuzie runda aia :-j
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
app eu radeam ca proasta ca levi era pe canapea la axl uitandu-se la filme porno
si durant imi zicea ca e ace=))))
eram gen" baiatu asta are 2 iubiti ace si el e horny?"
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 21 February 2022  
bro u wanted to bang natsuki
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
mai ace era durant=)))
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
:| uhm escsiusmi
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 21 February 2022  
da ce a avut racu. :-JJJJ
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 21 February 2022  
nu tu bby barbatii rac doar
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
=))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ador
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
hai c am și râs :))))))))))))))))
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
credeam ca ai pus taur intentionat ca sti de mine mimi si miruna=))))
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
bestie i dont think so
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 21 February 2022  
girl...... mai bn!!
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
mincinosu drc
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
were u tho :|
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
ce ai fost mă?? :))))))))))
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 21 February 2022  
frt ati fost cam porno runda asta :-j niciun gentleman pf
puteau fi dar i ati scos rpd:@
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 21 February 2022  
da frt ma suparasem ca am iesit inainte de vday da ce sa fac cu magarii astia:-j
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 21 February 2022  
eu nu stiam daca sa fiu simp pt tine sau pt taica tu.
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 21 February 2022  
you can have both.
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
eu voiam sa vii si tu ca sa te shippuiesc cu lucas :(
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 21 February 2022  
sincer trebuia sa ma fac aron la naiba
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
da jur
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
jur frt trb sa fie aron sa recreeze elite.
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
eeee next time hai tu.
dar ciudat oricum cum ne am sincronizat toti sa fim pe acelasi vibe… sunphoto e witchy :|
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 21 February 2022  
da sa stii :|
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
app de mesajele alea
25 ianuarie 2022, 11:54
i want somebody to remake a wattpad story with. i can be the bad boy and she can me the pure virgin

multumesc mi sa indeplinit visul=))))
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
ma sperie sunphoto………
eu i am zis paulei ca vreau anime chick :-?????? paula the perfect host makes our dreams come true somehow
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
mda i'm the love fairy
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
incep sa cred ca ea trebuia sa fie doctor love
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
da chiar pe la sfarsitu competitie chiar aveam nevoie de dr love :| sau de orice fel de psiholog….
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 21 February 2022  
si cu gioia aia ce faceai ma rog?
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
i tried my best dar axl nu e bun cu cuvintele=)))
incercam si cu natsuki si tot incercam sa va impac
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
=))))))))))))))))) saracu axl era la mijloc intre nebuni moooooor
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
frt crede ma ca pe aia 2 n aveai cum sa i impaci..... 2 nebuni.........
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 21 February 2022  
siiiii…. cn ii baga tura viitoare pe alexandru si suki inapoi?
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
mai supoOOOOOOOoOooOoOrt
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 21 February 2022  
Si totusi mie mi a placut durant mult cand l am vz pe nick robinson cazusem sub birou m am indrag instant da prea erai cu multi si erai leu pff:-j
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 21 February 2022  
+1 si mie mi a plc eni a fost funny
eni dc ai zis ca nu ti plc placebo:-jjj
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
Mauriacs 25 ianuarie 2022
am io o cerere vreau concurenti multi ca sa se simta premiul mai heavy in mainile mele woo woo wooo

v-am zis? v-am zis.
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
bv fa laudaroaso
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 21 February 2022  
bv iubita
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
ce mi plc ft ft ft mult la aftertaste si ourboros e ca MEREU scriu in board frt take some notes how am i supposed to entartain myself daca nu faceti asta :-j
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
spam în mesaje cum altfel
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
app de shiver
fcking telepatia noastra
amandoi tobosari
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
mda de ab astept sa va citesc mesajele :-* sa vad cine m a mai :-* inselat :-* ati pus o cu mn
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
sa nu te uiti la nud urile lui axl zic :|
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
da cate a trimis frate :|
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
și io dc n am primit
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
pentru tine aveam sentimente si nu voiam sa fiu nesimtit
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
io ți am dat... bn un almost nud că era plapuma am zis că na prea mult din prima așa :))))))))
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
una da e raspandita bn:-j
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 21 February 2022  
eu cand ne puneam horoscopurile:

Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 21 February 2022  
a fost un revelion tumultos pt parintii lor.
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 21 February 2022  
artificii pt seks iuhuuu
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
sameee jur
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
also vreau sa o rog in public
de fata cu toata lumea pe shiver
sa nu mai faca chestia aia sneaky cand
se baga in joc si nu voteaza deloc sa nu ne prindem
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
cred ca toata lumea a stiut ca e ea morrr
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
degeaba ca eu stiam ca e ea :-j teapa
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
+1 :)))))))))
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 21 February 2022  
CUM ADICA EA ERA LEVI !!!! nici nu ma gandeam.......................
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
a da sa stiti ca am spionat
atlas avea crush pe natsuki -_______________________-
can we have some words atlas
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 21 February 2022  
eram sigura de aia nu mi a mai rsp la mesaj
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
i ll break his face twice now
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
aha aha vezi stiam eu stiam eu STIAM EU L AM INTREBAT SI A ZIS PFF NU
vezi am simtit ca nu pot avea incredere in tine baiete :@@@@@@@@@
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
il batem da?=))
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
ce banuiam eu
mimi- seks
eliza- natsuki
criss- darling
andie- atlas
eni- durant
si de miruna m-am prins doar ca dupa ce a iesit axl si suki erau mereu ultimi in listele ei=)))
Răspunde Raportează
Nidaros 21 February 2022  
Heiii nu mă dau de fiecare data la tine
Deși cred ca nu mă puteam abtine ptr ca c'mon e seby
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
i auzi miruna u salty :-j
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 21 February 2022  
frt credeam ca m ai scos ca ti zisesem cu o zi inainte ca te urasc….
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
i would never vazusem ca iti place scorpio rising cu cateva commuri mai jos
doar nu stiam pe cine sa scot si a zis si eliza ca nu vorbise deloc cu tine cand ne gandeam pe cine
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 21 February 2022  
mda bine lasa ca m am revansat la topuri:-j (n-a fost personal!!¡¡¿¿?)
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
eu cand am vz 4 rockeri:
eu cand am vz 100000 de oameni din america
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 21 February 2022  
Alexandre ma mai faci printesa…….?
Răspunde Raportează
lithium 21 February 2022  
da logic pov noastra nu s a sfarsit aici ce crezi ….
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
:|||||| fa te sparg
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
tremuram toata cand amavi mi-a luat SECHS CARDUL
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
=))))))))))))))))))))))) si eu ma gandeam ca o sa foloseasca sechs
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 21 February 2022  
prima oara cand am vz toti rockerii nu stiam de unde sa va apuc ca aveati ac stil da v ati dat voi arama pe fata:-j de maktub nu m as fi prins niciodata tho.
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
nici eu nu m am prins fa
i am zis paulei ca e ea si si bate joc de mine.
Răspunde Raportează
lithium 21 February 2022  
sho mi am scris si la album ca natsuki e paula :-?
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 21 February 2022  
sho m am luat de ea ca nu e fair daca s a bagat…..
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
hey :| lady :| i can do whatever i want i'm the host :|
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 21 February 2022  
:))))))))))) acm intelegi gluma …..
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
care glm :| scz inca sunt pe dumb seks mode.
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 21 February 2022  
ti o zic io.
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
doar eu m am prins de maktub frt?
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 21 February 2022  
si dc nu m ai scos ca io voiam sa te scot
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
plin de șerpi în lume bă ce aveți toți cu darling că l chem pe axl să sară pe voi
îmi plăcea de natsuki mi se părea un personaj bun așa că nu am vrut să iasă :))) nu prea joc la strategie mie mi plc personajele bune
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 21 February 2022  
Eu credeam ca i ouroboros.
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 21 February 2022  
Abia dupa ce am iesit am realizat ce asemanari aveam sho cu Denise (desi ii voiam s;anii, asta e partea a2a)
- she s freaking ALEXANDRA in modern family, even tho if they call her Alex, my nickname is Adda but my name is Alexandra.
- e january aquarius ca mineeee
Si eu am fst toate culorile posibile n cap….

Ar fi fost simplu de ghicit ca s io, mor

Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
puteam sa jur ca esti tu de la primul buna
your type of humor
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
sincer voiam sa va descalific pe toate cand ati scos printul chiar ma suparasem :-j
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
a si m am mai amuzat la o faza cand axl a incercat sa i fure toate cartile lui amavi (to be the hero) si aia avea magnus in plm si i a furat ea lui toate cartile byeeee
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
am zis ca mor=))))
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
voiam sa scap de lydia cardurile ei
si speram ca are trial sa incerc sa scap de atlas
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
tips for tricks: cancel works best in acest scenariu ;)
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
alo cine avea poppy card pis pe voi
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
eu aveam mooooor
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
si ce n ai folosit o frate :-jjjjjj pffff weak
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
o tot pândeam pe amavi ȘI A DRQ NU VOIA SĂ RĂMÂNĂ PE ULTIMU LOC
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
toti voiam sa o scoatem pe amavi?=)))
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
vreaus a zic ca trecuse o zi dupa ce arnaud iesise si gael i A RASP LA MESAJ =))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) O ZI
Răspunde Raportează
lithium 21 February 2022  
nu am vazut taci drc ce dai din casa
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 21 February 2022  
nici nu i am deschis mesaju.
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
u should:-j biata s a straduit:-j
Răspunde Raportează
lithium 21 February 2022  
pai chiar m am straduit ca n am inteles o iota din ce mi a zis am stat o ora sa deslusesc. SI DEGEABA
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 21 February 2022  
mooooooor ia sa vad
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 21 February 2022  
ati fost toti naspa nu va mai agitati asa
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
enervanto :@:@:@:@
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
girl bye 16 natsuki m am razgandit
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 21 February 2022  
hai ca am vzt sho acum seks darling gael singurii mei pr restu bye axl natsuki i hate u:-j
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
=))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) meritai mai mult of
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
spre apararea mea
doar cu tine si gael nu vorbisem deloc
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 21 February 2022  
nici nu mi ai trimis poze da mai bn:-j=))))))))))
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
fa imi placea de tine maxim mooooorrr
m am enervat asa de tare cand te au scos smreoooooooooo
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 21 February 2022  
imi plc sa vb cu tn desi nu m am prins de tine:x
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
eu te am ghicit că rămăsesem fără oameni care să aibă sens :))))))))))
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 21 February 2022  
tu ma enerv faiii ce ma injurai atata=))))))))
dar muream cand citeam cathy.
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
deci eu te am ghicit doar ptc ma gandeam: cu cn plm am eu conversatii d astea tampe daca nu cu miruna
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 21 February 2022  
eu te am ghicit ca eram cv gen: numai mimi ma poate baga in seama dintre toti oamenii.
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
=))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) fa eu am vorbit cu aproape toti mooooor
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 21 February 2022  
eu te am mirosit.
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
erai ceva gen: is this mattys and poppys lovechild???
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 21 February 2022  
a fost iar genu ala de relatie cand ne uram da totusi aveam incredere in tn.
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
ah si mai vreau sa zic doar ca sezonu asta mi-a dat anxietate maxima
incerc sa tac gata promit=))
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
si mie pt ca mereu s au depasit cele 24 de ore=))))))))))))))))
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
odata ma gandeam sa folosesc valerian cardu ca nu raspundea natsuki si tot dadeam refresh la pagina
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
runda desfranatilor… ca sa ne spalam pacatele va invit sa fim toti prieteni de ai lui darling sezonul viitor :-?
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
vă aștept
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
vb cel mai mare desfranat:))))))))))))
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
=))))))))))))))))))))))) frt tre sa fiu inger in puii mei sezonu viit
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
daca nu ti iese cu religia te astept in cultul meu
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
o sa ma cheme Lucifera
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
i need to wash my mouth with soap
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
same bro :|
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
in concluzie
i loved you all
but seks darling and suki own my heart
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 21 February 2022  
bestieeeeeee party tonite
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
of my bestieeeeeee
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
hey :|
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
and the hot lady in charge of courseee
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
nu au fost chiar toti
doar natsuki,seks,denise,lucas si durant cred=))) cred
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
stati ca darling nu cred ca stie :-j te parasc acum axl :-j
axl a trm:-j poze cu bijuteriile lui pretioase tuturor:-j numai tie si lui gael nu..
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
a fost inainte sa fim impreuna ok?=)))
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
:-??????? deal with it
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 21 February 2022  
y all suck ca mi ati scos iubitii alexandre arnaud lucas :-j
also fetele gael natsuki darling <3 <3 f frumi bvbv
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
♡ ♡ ♡
Răspunde Raportează
lithium 21 February 2022  
te asteptam si pe tn data viit:-j
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 21 February 2022  
daca ma astepti tu poate
Răspunde Raportează
lithium 21 February 2022  
pai eu hai;o3
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 21 February 2022  
ma mai gandescc
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
1. mama gael i think i'm in love???? purify my soul???????
2. wait! the prince?! nvm sorry gael i lied, m am indr de el:(((((((
3. seks u are literally a disgusting pig and i hate men ugh
4. natsuki esti cool dar enervanta tare :-&
5. arnaud :(((((((((((((( ik u the specialist but i can fix ur broken heart
7. axl mama esti asa jos ptc a trb sa bag curaj in tn frate:-j ce fel de barbat esti????
8. atlas erai mood tare pana te ai bagat intr o rel poly as an ase nsh doesn't make sense as character development :-j
9. she's a darlingggggggg :x dar ft chatty ne ai innebunit fato
11. AMAVI AR TRB SA FIE MAI SUS DAR MI E LENE SA SCHIMB ORDINEA *using a felix card iti schimb pozitia cu axl* hands down the most ruthless competitor we LOVE TO SEE IT YESSS
12. levi u were funny sometimes!!!!!
13. lucas replicile tale sunt the BEST SI SUPER CRINGY I LOVE IT (be a boy more often)
14. amahle iubita tu ai iesit pr devreme:-j
15. derrick lavinia u can:-j choke on it cum ar zice pr meu seks:-j
16 chanel girl bye
17 eva tu te ai ratacit pe drum of........
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 21 February 2022  
si daca i hate men dc nu m ai pus pe mn mai sus :|
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
sunt de acord sincer=)))
axl voia mai mult tupeu
dar nu prea sunt eu asa si incercam
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
ne ai aratat barbatia dintre picioare si apoi ai pierdut o:-j asa cv......
Răspunde Raportează
Nidaros 21 February 2022  
Da așa este :-)
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
in concluzie esti simp pentru roca care uraste simpii hai norok
Răspunde Raportează
lithium 21 February 2022  
daca e simp pt mn o accept:-?
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
mda aia e imi asum :-s
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
nu regret nimic :))))))))))))))))))))
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
mda agreed i also hated myself sometimes moooooorrrr
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
u need gael to purify ur soul too :-j
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
imi scoate ochii gagik mea daca ma vede cu desucheata aia goala :|
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
app imi cer scuze pt poza cu distrugatorul=))))
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
eram traumatizata dupa episod si voiam sa nu fiu singura=)))
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
hai că dacă ți dau chatu nostru plângi
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
la cum o stiu isi scoate ochii=))
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
da zi și mie cine credeai că e că tot nu am aflat :)))))))))
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 21 February 2022  
bv barbate
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
mersi my pain in the ass :-j :x
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
ia sa fac sho lista ca n am putut:))))))))))
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
si atlas:-j ce magician ai fost tu n AI FC NICIUN TRICK??????? halal
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
cel mai mare truc al lui a fost ca sa facut singur sa dispara=)))))
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
=)))))))))))))))))))))))))))) JUR
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
pe bune :)))))))))))))))))))))
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
si i summon derrick sa ne faca un tiktok dance
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 21 February 2022  
i summon denise derose sa ne zica daca ea era meme sau nu pt ca i still didnt figured it out
Răspunde Raportează
NatsukiSaito 21 February 2022  
*everyone fighting*
*suki posting thirst traps*
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
a drc na plot twist.
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
fck u
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
de acum înainte ouroboros nu mai există pe sunphoto pt mine am zis :))))))))))
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 21 February 2022  
mama saraca nsh ce ai avut cu ea, era dulce tare, bn vbea cam mult dar... =)))))))))))))))))))
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
mie imi place asa cum eeee
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
ms iubi
Răspunde Raportează
AxlMoore 21 February 2022  
lets party fckerzzz
where is my girl?
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
=)))))))))))))) aveam atacuri de panica cand erai influencer mooooooorrr
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
și euuuu și văd că nu degaba pe cine voiai mă să demaști ???
Răspunde Raportează
NatsukiSaito 21 February 2022  
carried who tf
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 21 February 2022  
vb fa dp contu tau hai :-j iesi din personaj
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
also amavi desi te am scos i kinda was rooting for you ai jucat exceptional si ai facut runda fun esti iconica bi—tch.
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
amavi pare rau=)))
imi era frica sa nu mai ai lydia card
si speram ca poate ai un trial sa il scot
pe atlas dupa ce analizasem alea anonime=))
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
atlas bithu eu ti am furat cartile :”> imi era frica de tine MOOOOOOOR
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 21 February 2022  
:) thanks yall ma duc sa fac gargara cu clor si agheasma acum.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
also i would like to end my friendship to ouroboros..now
not my giiiirl
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
macar cineva a fost surprins ca eram axl=)))
hi sweetheart
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
cred că erai efectiv ultima persoană la care mă așteptam mor :))))))))))))))))))
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
credeam ca e evident pt ca seb sincer
i loveeed you this season i swear
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
și euuu dumnezeuleeee
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
to no one
tremuram toata ca nu am innocent card tot jocu=)))
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 21 February 2022  
lavinia daca vezi asta u suck:@@@@
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 21 February 2022  
bn nu chiar all.......
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 21 February 2022  
bye loved u all
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 21 February 2022  
  ³P̣ẹṛṣọṇạḷ Tintypes:  I'm happy to announce the winner of the competition:
    9ᵗʰ seasonʼs winner: Seks Jagger, at the helm of heavy.

                1. Sprezzatura: Nick Robinson as Durant Chiminosear.
                2. Ouroboros: Ezra Miller as Atlas Ebner.
                3. aftertaste: Sebastian Stan as Axl Moore.
                4. heavy: Lorenzo Sutto as Seks Jagger.
                5. Maktub: Lee Yuan as Natsuki Saitō.
                6. Nidaros: Erinn Westbrook as Amahle Naidoo.
                7. Giforce: Manu Rios as Lucas Ward.
                8. Pemberley: Raff Law as Arnaud Cathrine.
                9. Amnesia: Kendall Jenner as Chanel Richards.
                10. leSeignur: Megan Fox as Evangeline Daugherty.
                11. Complicated: Alexa Demie as Amavi Ramirez.
                12. lithium: Maya Poon as Gael Anaya.
                13. infinite2inhibit: Vinnie Hacker as Derrick Wooley.
                14. iMysticFalls: Ariel Winter as Denise DeRose.
                15. shiver: Andy Biersack as Levi Rainer.
                16. gaudium: Dorit Revelis as Darling Stratton.
                17. lithium: Finn Wittrock as Alexandre Grimaldi-Coste.
Răspunde Raportează
lithium 21 February 2022  
seks natsuki axl
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Nidaros 21 February 2022  
            Iˢᵗ place: Seks
            IIⁿᵈ place: Natsuki
            IIIʳᵈ place: Axl
Răspunde Raportează
Complicated 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 21 February 2022  
            Iˢᵗ place:
            IIⁿᵈ place:
            IIIʳᵈ place:
Răspunde Raportează
NatsukiSaito 21 February 2022  
 the 3 members of the band called sleepqaralysïs m/…(>.<)…m/
the lead vocalist and showmanship ruler is david lee roth,  imgur.com/a/vo2plPU
 kazu makino takes the keys and rhythm guitar,  imgur.com/a/0guJwqs
  and the versatility of percussion cindy blackman on drums,  imgur.com/a/nz3dVmn
 the soon to be released single: earthen gate ええ、性交! youtube.com/watch?v=0RfAK5ly0Q4
the cover of the single:  imgur.com/a/1WRAS1C
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 21 February 2022  
n o lua personal nu vreau pe nmn :|
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 21 February 2022  
nu ms i’m good single:-j
Răspunde Raportează
AxlMoore 21 February 2022  
make your own band :
I. 3 members :
• taylor momsen - lead singer
• pete wentz - bass
• ayron jones - guitar

+ • axl moore - drums
II. a name
III. demo song
the instrumental is gonna sound
like this
and the song s gonna be called
• jail time
IV. image
Răspunde Raportează
SeksJagger 21 February 2022  
im starting a rock band called ミstinkbugs
nd the members areミ
  sandy west is gonna play the drums just like yeye plays in our band imgur.com/a/HQjhq8X
  eddie van halen will take tates place and play the guitar imgur.com/a/HjjznRG
  and iggy pop will take the microphone from my hands imgur.com/a/LsljEWA
the band will have the nektars sound cause they are the greatest rock band on the planet
nd the single will beミ odyssee: rons on / never never never / da-da-dum
and heres the image for itミ
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 21 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 21 February 2022  
         Final❦℟ᵒᵘᶰᵈ ... Last question, asked by Seks and Axl:
    Make your own band: pick 3 members (celebrities), pick a name
      for the band, a demo song and an image for the demo song.
Răspunde Raportează
AmaviRamirez 20 February 2022  
thank you, BrOtHeR
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 20 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
AmaviRamirez 20 February 2022  
It was fun being the bad guy :)
all the love
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 20 February 2022  
* Felix Card has been activated by one of the players... But however, Seks activated all his cards at once, one of them being the CANCEL Card, granting him the ability to cancel another player’s card after he uses it, so the voting system remains unchanged, and Ship Card, granting himself and Natsuki immunity. Axl gained his own immunity by winning so...
The competition says goodbye to Amavi Ramirez.
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 20 February 2022  
Ed and Eddy’s psychedelic dream
Răspunde Raportează
Complicated 20 February 2022  
dysfunktional & dystort reality
Răspunde Raportează
Temptress 20 February 2022  
Ed și eddy
Răspunde Raportează
Highsnobiety 20 February 2022  
ed and eddy’s psychedelic dream
Răspunde Raportează
heavy 20 February 2022  
Ed and Eddy’s psychedelic dream
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 20 February 2022  
ed and eddy's psychedelic dream
Răspunde Raportează
Nidaros 20 February 2022  
ed and eddy’s psychedelic dream
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 20 February 2022  
dysfunktional & dystort reality
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 20 February 2022  
 11th❦℟ᵒᵘᶰᵈ ... I invite the public to pick their favorite artwork:
  dysfunktional & dystort reality: imgur.com/a/gAErRvy
  ed and eddy’s psychedelic dream: imgbox.com/22JsKJh0
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 19 February 2022  
* ♫ under a leaf
two mantis kiss
cause the female one
is stark raving mad
and wont shut
up ♫
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 19 February 2022  
 11th❦℟ᵒᵘᶰᵈ ... This round is a little special. First, you will have to form teams. Each pair has to make their own artwork to present later to the public. The public will then bid for your paintings, and the art who collects the most money will provide immunity to the winning team.

Q: How are we going to make our paintings? First, the head of the team will start the project on his own, but he will not finish it. He has to leave space for you. After he uploads his version to imgur, you will take the unfinished piece of art and you will finish it on your own, then you will upload it here, in the comments. [talk to your partner about how you're going to name it too]

The Teams are: Seks (C) & Axl, Natsuki (C) & Amavi.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 19 February 2022  
The competition says goodbye to Darling.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 19 February 2022  
* Seeing that the competitors refuse to eliminate someone, I’m inviting the public to take the decision in their hands: Who’s road got to an end? Nominate who to eliminate between Darling and Axl.
*Amavi has immunity.
*Dati mesaj privat cu alegerea.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 19 February 2022  
Alright that’s it thank you for coming I’ll see you next season bye muah muah
Răspunde Raportează
ViggoVanEyck 19 February 2022  
Axl, you are in cognitive regression. 1
Amavi, what have you got to do with Hamlet? 1
Natsuki, if you have to proclaim yourself to be what you call a ‘man eater’
you‘re most probably not. 2
Seks, eh, a character out of a Vonnegut novel. 6
Darling, you‘re living in a fairytale. 4
Răspunde Raportează
CapucinedeVargnes 19 February 2022  
Axl: 1.
Amavi: 7.
Natsuki: 6.
Seks: You do not deserve it, but you are family. 10.
Darling: Very delicate, I grade you with 9.5.
Răspunde Raportează
KenzoWoodward 19 February 2022  
It's your boy lil Kenzo Kenz
Axl: 8,5 Cool!
Amavi: 8 for Carolina Herrera
Natsuki: 9 otherwise I would question my friendship with Poppy!
Seks: Smells like feces but 8
Darling: Donna 8.
Răspunde Raportează
SyxToftgard 19 February 2022  
Axl: 7
Amavi: 8
Seks: 10 LEGEND
Natsuki: 7
Darling: 2
Răspunde Raportează
WinnieLynx 19 February 2022  
Axl: 4.
Amavi: 9. U remind me of Blaise. ♥
Natsuki: 8.
Seks: 6.
Darling: 10. My kind of girl.
Răspunde Raportează
NarioVincenzo 19 February 2022  
Axl, ?? 2.
Amavi, I'm a single dad 10.
Seks, I can...see...the...vision...8.
Natsuki, I have a dog? 8.
Darling, my kiddo likes the same things she's 2, 5.
Răspunde Raportează
GenesisSeydoux 19 February 2022  
Axl: I might know you from somewhere... 7?
Amavi: Did I read something I shouldn't have? 6.
Natsuki: 7...
Seks: 7 cause I love a good song.
Darling: I have a lovely gift for you! 9
Răspunde Raportează
LydiaWheeler 19 February 2022  
imgur.com/a/ACDBMF9, UhMmm exposed?
Răspunde Raportează
AxlMoore 19 February 2022  
handsome fcker
but i dont look
like that
Răspunde Raportează
GenesisSeydoux 19 February 2022  
I appreciate your Photoshop skills, Lydia,
but no.
Răspunde Raportează
SylvesterBryant 19 February 2022  
Axl: 0,5.
Răspunde Raportează
AxlMoore 19 February 2022  
i think
i might know ya too
wonder from
Răspunde Raportează
GenesisSeydoux 19 February 2022  
That will remain a conundrum.
Răspunde Raportează
SylvesterBryant 19 February 2022  
No you didn't.
Răspunde Raportează
GenesisSeydoux 19 February 2022  
Hope you enjoyed your date.
Răspunde Raportează
SylvesterBryant 19 February 2022  
I'm putting out a warning for ...idiots.
Răspunde Raportează
GenesisSeydoux 19 February 2022  
Say it loud and clear, please.
Răspunde Raportează
SylvesterBryant 19 February 2022  
I love you Genesis Seydoux.
Răspunde Raportează
VictorGauthier 19 February 2022  
Axl: 2. Go back to your prison.
Amavi: 7, I might like you. You too seem crazy.
Natsuki: 8.
Seks: 6. Stay away.
Darling: 6, too cute. I only like crazy women, (witches), sorry.
Răspunde Raportează
EricSchweizer 19 February 2022  
Axl: 9 forta jilava heyhey
Amavi: hot but what doe 7
Seks: 10 fyyyeeee
Natsuki: damn more like the 8th pls? 8
Darling: u in kindergarten bbygrl? 4
Răspunde Raportează
ValerianLeSieg 19 February 2022  
  ౹: Axl, 9.
 ੨: Amavi, 3.
 ੩: Natsuki, 8.
 ੫: Seks, 10.
 Ƽ: Darling, That's abominable 1.
Ugh my fellow competitors were all a bunch of assholes.
Răspunde Raportează
NasrinOnyango 19 February 2022  
Axl: 1.
Amavi: 10.
Seks: 1.
Natsuki: 3.
Darling: 10.
Răspunde Raportează
AxelVaughn 19 February 2022  
Axl, 6.
Amavi, 8.
Natsuki, 8.
Seks, — Obscene. I like it, 9.
Darling: 4, — with indulgence. Bleah.
Răspunde Raportează
AndreasMilosevic 19 February 2022  
Axl: 6.
Amavi: 6.
Seks: 8.
Natsuki: 6.
Darling: 1.
Răspunde Raportează
InezdeOliveira 19 February 2022  
Axl: 7¸
Amavi: 8,5¸
Natsuki: 7,5¸
Seks: 6¸
Darling: 8,5¸.
Răspunde Raportează
SylvesterBryant 19 February 2022  
Axl: I'll tell you from experience, you're f#cked up man, 5.
Amavi: Putting married men at risk, 7.
Seks: You're that kid who had access to television past 12am I see, 7.
Natsuki: Strong example of a wrong path taken anime kid, 6.
Darling: We sure this girl exists??! 3.
Răspunde Raportează
MajaJonsson 19 February 2022  
Axl: It's conflicting, truly, 4.
Amavi: You foxy-little-thing, 8.
Seks: I'd love it if it weren't so vulgar, 5.
Natsuki: You eat men like aer too? 9!
Darling: So cherubic, 10!
Răspunde Raportează
LucasWard 19 February 2022  
Axl: 5.
Amavi: 10.
Seks: 8.
Natsuki: 9.
Darling: 8.
Răspunde Raportează
LydiaWheeler 19 February 2022  
Axl: You are 30 but yet we can tell you grew up on Tumblr, 4.
Amavi: Sure. Works. 7.
Seks: Another one......................................... When is this going to end? I propose a round where only 12 different 6 fight. To death. Maybe that way we will get read of you all. 6.
Natsuki: Hell yes woman eater 10.
Darling: No woman is that cute, 3.
Răspunde Raportează
KayleighDalton 19 February 2022  
Axl: 7
Amavi: 8
Seks: 9
Natsuki: 9
Darling: 5
Răspunde Raportează
BasilRenard 19 February 2022  
Axl: 10
Amavi: 5
Seks: 10
Natsuki: 10
Darling: 5
Răspunde Raportează
MagnusGunnarsson 19 February 2022  
Axl: 6
Amavi: 7
Seks: 6
Natsuki: 6
Darling: 8
Răspunde Raportează
IngridSodergran 19 February 2022  
Axl: 5
Amavi: 9
Seks: 5
Natsuki: 6
Darling: 10 ♡
Răspunde Raportează
TateZeitgeist 19 February 2022  
Axl: It's asshole you kitty, rad, 7.
Amavi: Ra..........— can't tell, 5.
Natsuki: RAD 10.
Seks: Bro, hella rad, 10.
Darling: Too cutesy to be rad, 6.
Răspunde Raportează
SeksJagger 19 February 2022  
bro i know righttt
Răspunde Raportează
NatsukiSaito 19 February 2022  
atlastimthehotonenotyou: -7
Răspunde Raportează
AtlasEbner 19 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
GarciaAlvaro 19 February 2022  
Axl: 8
Amavi: 6, because you're hot
Seks: 10
Natsuki: 7
Darling: 5
Răspunde Raportează
SabrinaDurand 19 February 2022  
Axl: 8
Amavi: 6
Seks: 8
Natsuki: 10
Darling: 6
Răspunde Raportează
EmilieAtangana 19 February 2022  
Axl - 4
Amavi - 8
Natsuki - 4
Seks - 4
Darling - 7
Răspunde Raportează
BonnieFitzgerald 19 February 2022  
Axl: 9
Seks: 8
Natsuki: 10
Darling: 6
Amavi: 7
Răspunde Raportează
ValerioLopez 19 February 2022  
seks 2
axl 1
amavi 10 sexy mama
natsuki 10 imagine how our kids would look like
darling 8
Răspunde Raportează
SeksJagger 19 February 2022  
ill rip the sheepskin off your head boy
watch your mouth
Răspunde Raportează
FelixColumbeanu 19 February 2022  
Axl: 7
Seks: 5
Natsuki: 9
Darling: 8
Amavi: 9
Răspunde Raportează
AtlasEbner 19 February 2022  
Axl: 10 i luv u
Seks: 9
Natsu btch: 7
Darling: 4
Amavi: 2
Răspunde Raportează
AxlMoore 19 February 2022  
bch what???
Răspunde Raportează
AxlMoore 19 February 2022  
im gonna love
fcking ur face up
Răspunde Raportează
AtlasEbner 19 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
AmaviRamirez 19 February 2022  
thx bRoThEr
Răspunde Raportează
AtlasEbner 19 February 2022  
nO pRoBlEm SiS
Răspunde Raportează
RedMcIntosh 19 February 2022  
Axl, –– I know one person who should be there with you in the cell, – charged with being mean and gross and UGH! – for that I give you 3.
Amavi, –– the butterflies! – the golden powder! – it's a 10.
Natsuki, –– are you... are you alright my dear? – a 3...
Seks, –– there is too much going on, – I don't know where to look! – I like the bug though, – it's cute. – A 4.
Darling, –– so pretty, – wonderful, – wonderful! – Alice in wonderland, – and the bunny, –– the bunny! A 10.
Răspunde Raportează
SilviuFaiar 19 February 2022  
vreau fetite anime.
10 natsuki
7 darling
6 axl si seks
4 amavi ca e passe ce vad acolo
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 19 February 2022  
nu mai dau si de la Thomas si Nik ca aia va dadeau 0 cred=)))
Răspunde Raportează
TrinidadLoughty 19 February 2022  
10 Axl n Seks
9 Natsuki
5 Amavi n Darling
Răspunde Raportează
AntoniaSilva 19 February 2022  
Natsuki 10
Darling 10
Amavi 10
Seks 1
Axl 1
Răspunde Raportează
ElinaBuhler 19 February 2022  
Gabe- 0
10- Natsuki Axl Seks
9- Amavi Darling
Răspunde Raportează
GabrielRyser 19 February 2022  
10- for the singers Natsuki Axl Seks
9- Darling
8- Amavi
Răspunde Raportează
PoppyRenard 19 February 2022  
Axl: 8, I loveeeee a rough guy.
Amavi: 8, You seem possessed. Sometimes I am too.
Natsuki: 9, You and I could be best friends. I too am a man eater.
Seks: 10, Where'd you get the 1st pic 2nd row? I don't remember giving that photo of me away to anyone.
Darling: 6, You seem soft, though I heard you like it rough. Naughty girl, show your true colors. It's exhilarating being sexually liberated.
Răspunde Raportează
VictorGauthier 19 February 2022  
No, You don't. Shut up.
Răspunde Raportează
KaidanMagalhaes 19 February 2022  
10 Seks
10 Darling
9 Natsuki
9 Axl
8 Amavi
Răspunde Raportează
LunaFernandezVidal 19 February 2022  
Not my style but everyone is amazing
Axl- 10
Amavi- 10
Natsuki- 10
Darling - 10
Răspunde Raportează
AndresMarkeviciute 19 February 2022  
10 goes to Seks,
8 goes to Natsuki,
7 goes to Axl,
6 goes to Amavi,
and... 3 goes to Darling.
Răspunde Raportează
IsabelleRossi 19 February 2022  
Ughhh why so many rockers?I thought this used to be a classy show.
Axl- 1
Amavi - 1
Natsuki - 1
Seks- 1
Darling- 10
Răspunde Raportează
DurantLievChiminosear 19 February 2022  
 Darling: 10.
 Seks: 9.
 Amavi: 7.
 Natsuki: 8.
 Axl: 6.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 19 February 2022  
    ˓❦10thRoundː INFORMATION ABOUT THE VOTING SYSTEM [A mandatory read]
This round, instead of your regular sunphoto accounts, I’m calling past Tintype characters to vote, and they have to give a mark [from 1 to 10] according to their aesthetic. Hahahahahaah, that’s right, it doesn’t matter if you have multiple characters, you can vote multiple times, but make sure to switch your taste according to theirs. Cause I’m watching, and if I know your OC liked girly stuff, and you vote higher for smth gore, I’m not taking your vote into consideration and vice versa. There is no capacity limit this time, I’ll end the vote when I feel like it; so I’m expecting a lot of marks [I repeat, from 1 to 10] because there were many of you, and I want to see yall back, even if it is for a brief contribution.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 19 February 2022  
* Natsuki's band will be opening Amavi's fashion show with a yet to be released single called 'Vamp'.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 19 February 2022  
*Darling is attending Amavi's next fashion show wearing her creation: imgur.com/a/mycRXV0 and Natsuki will join as well*
Răspunde Raportează
AmaviRamirez 19 February 2022  
i miss my lucas
karen if you see this i love you
Răspunde Raportează
LucasWard 19 February 2022  
you will always have my heart regina george
Răspunde Raportează
SeksJagger 19 February 2022  
forgot when you wanted to blow me pretty boy
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 19 February 2022  
aoleo ia ti talpasita te rog, strici momentul.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 19 February 2022  
i ship ♥
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 18 February 2022  
    ˓❦10thRoundː Make a mood board: pick nine random pics that describe your aesthetic.
    (you can make your own mood board or you can find plenty online, mostly on Tumblr)

    ˓e.g. imgbox.com/YCUscnXz
Răspunde Raportează
AtlasEbner 18 February 2022  
Did you like my magic trick? ;)
Răspunde Raportează
AxlMoore 18 February 2022  
fck off
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 18 February 2022  
=))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) pa
Răspunde Raportează
DurantLievChiminosear 18 February 2022  
nice to meet y'all
love you, have a safe trip
may the best one win and stop fightin', 'cos there's no way to get somewhere if y'all keep doin' that
I'll do my best and create a new NFT collection for y'all
kisses and goodbyes >///<
Răspunde Raportează
AtlasEbner 18 February 2022  
Now let's go to a date, baby!
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 18 February 2022  
hey back off she mine >:P
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 18 February 2022  
The competition says goodbye to Durant.
Răspunde Raportează
AtlasEbner 18 February 2022  

Răspunde Raportează
RedMcIntosh 18 February 2022  
I'm in this meme –– and I don't like it.
Răspunde Raportează
AtlasEbner 18 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 18 February 2022  
stati sa mi fac popcorn besties
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 18 February 2022  
* °axl burned his bdsm kit from atlas°
Răspunde Raportează
AtlasEbner 18 February 2022  
Nobody kills me, only I have the right to take my own life!
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 18 February 2022  
Alegeti doar dintre Durant si Natsuki :)
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 18 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 18 February 2022  
* Darling, Atlas have accused you of fraud. The accusation was false, therefore you are safe, and he is eliminated.
Răspunde Raportează
DurantLievChiminosear 18 February 2022  
:'( I have a song
Răspunde Raportează
AtlasEbner 18 February 2022  
Baby, this one is 4 u cuz you might come home with me after votes end:
Răspunde Raportează
DurantLievChiminosear 18 February 2022  
prolly :'(
I'll nevah leave anybody so >///<
ly all
especially you!
Răspunde Raportează
AtlasEbner 18 February 2022  
I'm waiting for u @ home. ;)
Răspunde Raportează
DurantLievChiminosear 18 February 2022  
this goes to u
Răspunde Raportează
AtlasEbner 18 February 2022  
Me everytime I see u:
Răspunde Raportează
AxlMoore 18 February 2022  
friendship over!!!!
Răspunde Raportează
SeksJagger 18 February 2022  
ed edd & eddy destroyed
now comes the battle of our chicks
man i hate this game
Răspunde Raportează
AtlasEbner 18 February 2022  
Bro she be keeping u on a leash....
Răspunde Raportează
AxlMoore 18 February 2022  
ya know im all
about bros befire hoes
but thats my girl man
low fcking blow!!!
fcking scker
Răspunde Raportează
DurantLievChiminosear 18 February 2022  
cmon guys
there should be no hard feelings
everyone deserves love x
atlas, we love u
axl, we love u
darlin', we love u
durant, we adore u U ADORABLE PUNK
kee-kee, we adore u goddess
we love u 2 amavi
AND SEKS?! hm, debatable...
we love u yo prick
Răspunde Raportează
AxlMoore 18 February 2022  
he broke my
trust penguin
Răspunde Raportează
DurantLievChiminosear 18 February 2022  
cmon axl
isss gonna be just fine!
we'll handle this 2geda
stop fightin'
Răspunde Raportează
AxlMoore 18 February 2022  
whats to handle?
he is a pssy
Răspunde Raportează
DurantLievChiminosear 18 February 2022  
c'mon, axl
let's take a chill pill and remember the good times, fine?!
Răspunde Raportează
AxlMoore 18 February 2022  
good times?
he played me
Răspunde Raportează
DurantLievChiminosear 18 February 2022  
u know I love y'all
and I cannot stand u fightin'
Răspunde Raportează
AxlMoore 18 February 2022  
im sorry penguin
ya dont deserve this
but i hate ur bf now
Răspunde Raportează
DurantLievChiminosear 18 February 2022  
:'( hope everythin's gonna be fine..
Răspunde Raportează
AtlasEbner 18 February 2022  
No she a psycho dressed in silk & ribbons.
Get ur sh/t together, bro.
Răspunde Raportează
AxlMoore 18 February 2022  
so it was ya
just go and fcking
ur out anyway
bye fckeeeer
Răspunde Raportează
AtlasEbner 18 February 2022  
That chick brainwashed u more than Jared Leto's cult.
Răspunde Raportează
AxlMoore 18 February 2022  
man shut the fck up
i got nothing to say to ya
Răspunde Raportează
AtlasEbner 18 February 2022  
Well your mouth ain't shutting up :/
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 18 February 2022  
* Seeing that the competitors refuse to eliminate someone, I’m inviting the public to take the decision in their hands: Who’s road got to an end? Nominate who to eliminate between Durant, Natsuki and Atlas?
*Amavi has immunity.
*Dati mesaj privat cu alegerea.
Răspunde Raportează
shiver 18 February 2022  
1. Durant
2. Axl
3. Seks
4. Natsuki
5. Darling
6. Atlas
7. Amavi
Răspunde Raportează
shiver 18 February 2022  
Ah sh it scuze
Răspunde Raportează
Temptress 18 February 2022  
1. Atlas.
2. Natsuki.
3. Axl.
4. Seks.
5. Amavi.
6. Durant.
7. Darling.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 18 February 2022  
ai dat dupa ce am socotit.........
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 18 February 2022  
          Iˢᵗ place: Axl
            IIⁿᵈ place: Seks
            IIIʳᵈ place: Natsuki
            IVᵗʰ place: Durant
            Vᵗʰ place: Amavi
            VIᵗʰ place: Atlas
            VIIᵗʰ place: Darling
Răspunde Raportează
lithium 18 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 18 February 2022  
1. Atlas 7 rings e vtm
2. Durant
3. Seks
4. Natsuki
5. Axl
6. Amavi
7. Darling
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 18 February 2022  
1: natsuki
2: durant
3: seks
4: axl
5: darling
6: amavi
7: atlas
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 18 February 2022  
1. axl
2. seks
3. durant
4. natsuki
5. darling
6. amavi
7. atlas
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 18 February 2022  
7. amavi parca vedem iar un lydia card jur=)))
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 18 February 2022  
1. seks
2. durant
3. axl
4. natsuki
5. amavi
6. darling
7. atlas
Răspunde Raportează
Nidaros 18 February 2022  
            Iˢᵗ place: Axl
            IIⁿᵈ place: Seks
            IIIʳᵈ place: Natsuki
            IVᵗʰ place: Durant
            Vᵗʰ place: Darling
            VIᵗʰ place: Atlas
            VIIᵗʰ place: Amavi
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 18 February 2022  
            Iˢᵗ place:
            IIⁿᵈ place:
            IIIʳᵈ place:
            IVᵗʰ place:
            Vᵗʰ place:
            VIᵗʰ place:
            VIIᵗʰ place:
Răspunde Raportează
AmaviRamirez 18 February 2022  
     genre: Action
Title: (Chess) Queen don't die (ik it's 'doesn't' but this is a new statement)
 Plot: Woman passionate about chess plans to murder every
  player who underestimates her (not before winning the match).
 wardrobe: imgur.com/a/M6gvft1
imgur.com/a/Q3NqvW5  imgur.com/a/CGDhJ7x
 images that match or inspire the movie:
imgur.com/a/459lur5  imgur.com/a/hFJcLrV
   movie soundtrack: www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOZuxwVk7TU
Răspunde Raportează
SeksJagger 18 February 2022  
type of movieミ noir cause i am cursed at least the ladies were hot

skide outfitsミ mostly this imgur.com/a/9xOzOX2
covered up sometimes by this imgur.com/a/NRTuCsT
and whatever the f@#ck adam ant wears cause hes gonna be the lead imgur.com/a/8uXpfdv

skide aestheticミ imgur.com/a/9giXhAl
plot -- just watch the f@#cking movie
i can only give you a visual synopsisミ imgur.com/a/lB0R84y
and this is gonna be the posterミ imgur.com/a/8R9zqUt

im not a movie director im a musician so i made a full playlist for the soundtrackミ
if you dare listen to it you can take in the plot or something the climax is track 12
track_01 skalpel -- asphodel youtu.be/JFYdlyja6KM
track_02 flaming stars -- new hope for the dead youtu.be/qLKAtnyWJas
track_03 bad dog no biscuits youtu.be/mDqW81sDGLg
track_04 grinderman -- no pussy blues youtu.be/HhUhWrqv9Js
track_05 crime and the city solution -- six bells chime youtu.be/DvzY5qJCJck
track_06 deaf center -- new beginning (tidal darkness) youtu.be/_KwhvmmYRbY
track_07 crime and the city solution -- my love takes me there youtu.be/IOiqP1Ce8RU
track_08 jesse jo stark -- fire of love youtu.be/0wvX1E_uYhs
track_09 cousteauX -- the innermost light youtu.be/G7MOMU0K5c4
track_10 these immortal souls -- marry me (lie! lie!) youtu.be/-1mlKUKPgTo
track_11 rowland s howard the golden age of bloodshed youtu.be/0wOaboANKiY ?
track_12 anna von hausswolff -- ugly and vengeful youtu.be/Bp2VfPAhnOY
track_13 the birthday party -- deep in the woods youtu.be/-kJ7KzDqudk
track_14 portishead -- silence youtu.be/3Eiv4UyXW7Q
track_15 gallon drunk -- dust In the light youtu.be/uQMZTVH7Lak
track_16 tom waits -- tom traubert's blues youtu.be/X9rmGay0epo
track_17 nick cave & the bad seeds -- hallelujah youtu.be/EUanBUuAM1I
Răspunde Raportează
NatsukiSaito 18 February 2022  
     genre: romance
 a week in the life of a faithless married couple and their steadily deteriorating relationship
いち, wardrobe department: three outfits you would see in the film:
  imgur.com/a/9IRFclq   imgur.com/a/UxJlOSc   imgur.com/a/w6nmMDe
に, images that match or inspire the films ~vibe: theyre filthy rich but that doesnt change much ¯_(ツ)_/¯
  imgur.com/a/bjxXNX0   imgur.com/a/WqLL6is   imgur.com/a/gMOwxAe   imgur.com/a/vy90cNc
imgur.com/a/wH0L28K   imgur.com/a/pAHSx6X   imgur.com/a/HNtYMOm   imgur.com/a/XoL8Awi
      imgur.com/a/f10GY4J   imgur.com/a/nuXDd5U   imgur.com/a/YZsdwWk
さん,  the films soundtrack & featured songs: the soundtrack and the main thrill is owned by the band 'cigarettes after sex' (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) hazy and romantic with a noir edge underneath gregs androgynous voice
fade into you by mazzy star  youtube.com/watch?v=avv2IIdDnnk
soft touches of falling by julee cruise   youtube.com/watch?v=9li9GeDHc2s
it ends with 'apocalypse' whose lyrical impact will sweetly rock any spectator into a listless stupor
extra spice coming from miles davis as well as john coltranes jazz ambiance
youtube.com/watch?v=ylXk1LBvIqU   youtube.com/watch?v=r594pxUjcz4
Răspunde Raportează
AxlMoore 18 February 2022  
•genre : comedy
•plot :
chick n dino r rivals mascots
chick works for a diner
and dino for the dinosaur museum
both on the same street
watch a story about this
epic rivarly
between a dino and a chick
they fight make up and fight some more
but chick has a secret
he is also a camera boy
known as flamingo boy
and also
dino s favorite camera boy
will they fight to death as
or will dino make chick rich
on videochat?
coming soon in cinemas
or on my next drugg trip
wll see
• poster

I. wardrobe department: three outfits we would see in the film 
imgbox.com/0PSP1VAS &
II. images that match or inspire your film’s ~vibe ?
+ where the idea came from
III. what’s the film’s soundtrack like? which songs would you want featured ?
• like a trip on lsd
gets weirder by the sec
Răspunde Raportează
AtlasEbner 18 February 2022  
Movie name: Wicked, Wild, Wonderful
Genre: Drama
Plot: The story revolves around three young women who have been best friends since childhood. They are beautiful, rich and successful. Behind the perfect image, every one of them has their own secrets. Luce has a secret affair with Tina's fiance, Charlotte is pregnant with her stepbrother and Tina accidently killed her boss. While trying to cover up the murder secrets start to rise up at the surface and their friendship is put through trial.

I. ibb.co/1sQcMZd

II. Mood:

III. Soundtrack:
Taylor Swift - I Did Something Bad

Denmark + Winter - Secret

Ariana Grande - 7 rings
Răspunde Raportează
DurantLievChiminosear 18 February 2022  
                                 GENRE: Horror.
      RͅOͅLͅEͅ!ͅ authorial character,
      capable of caution due to fear of preserved authenticity given his own temperament.
      PͅLͅOͅTͅ!ͅ gothic supernatural horror film,
 In Cali, a young boy named Durant is adopted from an orphanage. 30 years later, adult Durant)returns to the closed orphanage, accompanied by his seven-year-old brother, Julian. he plans to reopen the orphanage as a facility for disabled children. Julian claims to have befriended a boy named Milo, and draws pictures of him as a child wearing a sack mask. Social workervisits the house to inquire after Milo, and it is revealed that Durant is Milo's step-bro and that he is seropositive. Incensed at social worker's intrusion, Durant asks her to leave. Later that night, Durant finds SW in the orphanage's coal shed, but SW flees the scene. Later, Julian teaches Durant a game which grants its winner a wish. Clues lead the two to Julian's adoption file. Julian becomes angry, and says that his new friend told him that Durant is not his biological brother and that he is going to die soon.

 During a party for the orphanage's opening, Durant and Julian argue, and Julian hides from her after she slaps him in the face in a fit of frustration, which he immediately regrets. While looking for him, he encounters a child wearing a sack mask who shoves him into a bathroom and locks him inside. When Durant escapes, he realizes that Julian is missing and is unable to find him. That night, Durant hears several loud crashes within the walls of the orphanage. Police psychologist Monty suggests to Durant that the SW may have abducted Julian.

 Six months later, Julian is still missing. While searching for him, Durant spots SW, who is then struck and killed by an ambulance. The police find evidence that SW worked at the orphanage, and that she had a son named Milo, who also lived there but was kept hidden due to his facial deformity. A few weeks after Durant was adopted, the orphans stole the mask that Milo wore to conceal his deformed face. Embarrassed, Milo refused to leave his hiding place in a nearby sea cave, and the rising tide drowned him.

 Durant asks for the assistance of a medium named Carla in the search for Milo. Carla conducts a seance during which she claims to see the ghosts of the orphans crying for help. Durant discovers the remains of the orphans he grew up with in the orphanage. SW poisoned their meals and killed them for having caused Milo's death and hid their remains in the orphanage's coal shed.

 Durant makes the orphanage look as it did thirty years ago and attempts to contact the children's spirits by playing one of their old games. The spirits lead him to the door of a hidden underground room. Inside is Julian's corpse, wearing Milo's mask. Durant finally realizes what happened: while searching for Julian the night he disappeared, Durant moved pieces of construction scaffolding, blocking the entrance to the secret room. The crashes that night were caused by Julian trying to get out. He fell and fatally broke his neck.

 Durant appears to take an overdose of sleeping pills. Then, apparently dying, he begs to be with Julian again and the children's spirits appear, with among them. Julian tells Durant that his wish was for him to stay and take care of the orphans, he then happily tells them a story. Sometime later, a lost friend of Durant's visits the orphanage, Julian and the orphans. the friend (Allure) returns to the orphans' old bedroom and finds a medallion that he had given to Durant. He turns to look as the door opens, and he smiles.

  Ⓐ Wardrobe department: three outfits we would see in the film (images or descriptions)!
    ⅓, scene Ⅰ, arrivin' at the orphanage,
     [pin.it/4D6MYE1]   a wannabe paternal figure with chic.
    ⅔, scene Ⅳ, goin' places: the witch's ravine,
     [pin.it/5jALABL]    important because of the spiritual connection.
    ⅔, scene Ⅺ, FINALE, finally becomin' a,
     [pin.it/6FUlNai]    paternal figure on my own, deprived of human ordinary love.

  Ⓑ Images that match or inspire your film’s ~vibe ?
    insert:       ibb.co/CbX49bt
    this type of vibe:  jstor.org/stable/community.31893775?seq=1
            „In the dark shadow of the grove, on the margin of the brook,
           he beheld something huge, misshapen and towering. It stirred not,
            but seemed gathered up in the gloom, --- like some gigantic
           monster ready to spring upon the traveler. Hair of the affraighted
            pedagogue rose upon his head with terror.
                             What was to be done?”

  Ⓒ What’s the film’s soundtrack like? Which songs would you want featured ?
     insert:      youtu.be/3rYoRaxgOE0
    expl.: from the classic music boxes that offer that air of darkness,
       to a commercial rock that can capture the simplicity of the
          supernatural with which the complexity is explained.
                 the end represents an embrace. why?
       because the protagonist assumes that he always wanted 2
       be praised by those he lost, a continuous lack of paternal
       affection (foster kid),    which he finds among the spirits
       of those who will end their  suffering  from  the
       p o w e r       o f        d a r k n e s s.


  CAST:    Evan Peters as „Durant”;  a younger version of Gaten Matarazzo as „Julian”;
        a younger version of Thomas Barbusca as „Milo”;  Frances Conroy as SW;
        Jessica Lange as „Carla”;     Olly Alexander as Durant's lost close friend.
Răspunde Raportează
DurantLievChiminosear 18 February 2022  
Name: Foster Spooks
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 17 February 2022  
     9th❦℟ᵒᵘᶰᵈ...     Lights, Camera, Action! Tintype in theaters, Feb 2022.
 1. Wardrobe department: three outfits we would see in the film (images or descriptions)!
 2. Images that match or inspire your film’s ~vibe ?
 3. What’s the film’s soundtrack like? Which songs would you want featured ?
    *Every genre will be different and will get selected through a randomizer, you
        can expect to receive yours in a private message.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 17 February 2022  
The competition says goodbye to Levi Rainer.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 17 February 2022  
* Seeing that the competitors refuse to eliminate someone, I’m inviting the public to take the decision in their hands: Who’s road got to an end? Nominate who to eliminate between Levi, Axl, Atlas, Darling, Natsuki and Durant?
*Send the name in a private message.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 17 February 2022  
But players, what I didn't revealed is that the competitors with the most NEGATIVE reviews will decide who gets eliminated. You are in the hands of Amavi and Seks.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 17 February 2022  
The results are in...

First Review,        to Seks from Anonymous:
we had a few convos and i realized we cannot connect but it's nothing
personal i bet he is a nice guy under that leather jacket • ᵕ •
RATING: ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆

Second Review,      to Natsuki from Anonymous:
Gonna be honest, no one, why? Because I have a pretty good relationship
with everyone. that's that, I have nothing to say. If, however, an answer is
really needed, I would say Natsuki just because I haven't established a friendly
relationship with her, but it's nothing personal. I like her quite lots, but from a visible
distance - there is no close relationship between us. I'm not sure how this algorithm
works or whathever the f******k it's called, but 5 stars / 5, (if that's the highest score?,
like credit or whatever, 'cause I do like her, again, but... yeah)
RATING: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Third Review,      to Darling from Anonymous:
Darling, Darling, Darling... Where do I even start? A white girl who swings too much
into that cottagecore/80s highschool president vibe. I think croquet is her personality
and it's not even an interesting activity. The way she writes makes me want to vomit
and stab my eyes simultaneously. Why so many hearts? You know, I have a theory:
girls who act like this are actually evil. Bet she's a psychopath who trains her rabbit
to rip out men's throat on command.
RATING: ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆

Fourth Review,     to Amavi from Anonymous:
amavi ramirez, the american latina designer is... what is amavi? who is amavi? i'll
do you one better actually. why is amavi? since i am sure nobody got to talk enough
with her i am sure we are all wondering that. still love her so
RATING: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

Fifth Review,      to Amavi from Anonymous:
She doesn't really do her best to answer the questions and this is not fair to the other
contestants. We've all figured out her strategy of always purposely dropping to the bottom
of the leaderboard and then using the Lydia Card to twist the top in her favor. If she really
wants to stay in the competition that badly, she should try harder by responding like everyone
else to the demands given by the host and win on merit, not through these lazy strategies.
RATING: ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

Sixth Review,      to Seks from Anonymous:
its not even dislike at this point its a whole i despise you situation. i cant stand him and his
ungrateful undecided ass he definitely needs some cooling down who even let this man in
the game¿ the host definitely wanted to terrorize us and our little feelings うっ! & dont get
me started on the weirdness and freakness part his bandmate is way cooler. beautiful hair
and nice hands anyway
RATING: ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ (1 is too much already)

Seventh Review,     to Levi from Anonymous:
Dislike is a strong word. I usually find something to like in everyone and here is no exception.
Since I have to say a name anyway, I'll choose the person I interacted with the least, Levi Rainer.
I sadly didn't get to know him too well, so he remains a mysterious figure for me. Still, he seems
like a cool guy. He certainly looks the part.
RATING: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

Eighth Review,     to Amavi from Anonymous:
I don't really know her. She's been very strategic so far, she's been to the top two times in a row
in the last rounds. And I still don't know anything about her. It's worse when you don't know
anything about the person you're competing against. She took two people out... And you can
never know who'll be next.
RATING: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Răspunde Raportează
SeksJagger 17 February 2022  
thats so not true
i have nicer hair than tate
his hair stinks
i think whoever wrote that review is more mad at himself for falling in love with this. beautiful. hair.
Răspunde Raportează
SeksJagger 17 February 2022  
unless its about yeye and i have to admit that her hair is very pretty and smells like apricots
Răspunde Raportează
SeksJagger 17 February 2022  
and if this anonymous person is talking about my hair and my hands...
i see

so you are fantasizing about them hm
Răspunde Raportează
AxlMoore 17 February 2022  
who the fck
talk like that
about my darling?
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 17 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
AmaviRamirez 17 February 2022  
to the 8th review: you’re next
Răspunde Raportează
FelixColumbeanu 17 February 2022  

Am auzit de runda voastră frumoasă și am decis să mă autoinvit și să răspund și eu la cerință:

Amavi: avea bunicu' o vorbă, "de frumoasă, ești frumoasă. de deșteaptă, ești frumoasă".

Levi: te cunosc! te-am văzut vara trecută în gară printre drogații ăia emo. căutai monede de 50 de bani pe jos să îți iei țigări la bucată. ce a ajuns tineretul ăsta satanist...

Axl: cum dr@cu te-au băgat ăștia în emisiune, băiatule? nu am nimic cu pușcăriașii, jumate din cunoscuții mei au frecventat pe la Jilava dar tu ești un caz particular de pericol pentru societate. eu as avea grijă în locul vostru, ăștia ca el par de treabă până când o iau razna deodată și scot săbiile și topoarele la tine. (nu te fac țigan, nu sunt rasist și nici misogin)

Atlas: alo băiatu', ai greșit emisiunea. Bravo! Ai Stil e pe Kanal D. sau mna, orice alt program special pentru ghei.

Darling: pari destul de normală dar îmi aduci aminte de stepmom Monica că ești la fel de fițoasă.

Natsuki: ești hot hot hot super bombă de cartier! un stil mai ciudat dar atrăgător. dacă nu aș fi cu Luna, ți-aș cere numărul. dar speri că nu ești de aia care mănâncă câini.

Aleksandre: da' ce-ai făcut, boss? ai intrat și tu în sezonul ăsta ca virginii când o fac prima dată. cu prinți ca tine, nici nu e de mirare că s-a dus pe pu|a monarhia în lume.

Durant: ai nume de brand pentru prezervative sau baterii. ciudățel tu așa. îmi aduci aminte de Edi din clasele primare care mânca albine și ardea furnicile cu lupa. da' ești simpatic, nuj dacă se datorează personalității sau pentru că ți-o iei in fund de la doi bărbați.

Seks: nu ești pe vibe-ul meu (cred ca nici nu știi ce e muzica de calitate, nu cred că ai ascult vreodată un Florin Salam) dar știi să stai în lumina reflectoarelor și să atragi atenția. și asta e important, Se_xule. da' mai tunde-te și tu nițel că dacă te dăm cu ruj arăți ca mama. când era vie și tânără, mă refer.

Gael: nu știu ce să zic despre tine... speram sa ne arăți niste mișcări de dans înainte să pleci.

Denise: tu ești cea mai normală și vreau să îți zic ca te aștept cu drag la mine la club in vară daca vrei sa trăiești o experiență socio-culturala mișto in alta țară. una din stripteuze a rămas însărcinată. ★★★★★

Arn...... Francezu': na, ai incercat și tu să faci o schemă a la "Iartă-mă" și să te dai drept un guru al dragostei. mai bine îl aduceau pe Radu Vâlcan în locul tău. acum ce faci? vinzi cristalele alea in piață?

Lucas: tu cine erai?

Derrick: băiatule, se pare că nava ta s-a scufundat. sună-mă dacă ai nevoie de un loc de muncă, am niste relații prin Deltă.

Amahle: de ce numele tău e aproape anagrama perfectă la Mahala? e un mesaj subliminal? și nu înțeleg de ce ești pilot, e o slujba pentru bărbați puternici nu pentru femeie gingașe ca tine.

Chanel: nu mai aveți buget la emisiunea asta și v-ați decis să aduceți dame de companie? mie de ce nu mi-ați spus când eram înscris că avem și eu niste prietene care aveau nevoie de publicitate. dar revenind la subiect, ce ați avut cu săraca fată?

Eva: fii tu Eva si eu voi fii Adam. (e o glumă, Luna, iubirea mea) la cat de atrăgătoare ești aveai potențial dar ai fost exact ca expresia "sarea in bucate". unde era sarea, elementul ăla care trebuia să ne intrige și să te facă interesanta? că jobul tau sigur nu era asta. dar cum am zis, am rămas fără o stripteuză și îți propun aceeași ofertă: 0769696969.
Răspunde Raportează
DeniseDeRose 17 February 2022  
i ll call u , i wanna know more about the salary!
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 17 February 2022  
i feel u girl i'm just as bored
Răspunde Raportează
Temptress 17 February 2022  
Ați avut ceva cu printu de la început
Răspunde Raportează
lithium 17 February 2022  
lasa ca ma tot intorc pana trec de prima runda cu bn
Răspunde Raportează
PoppyRenard 17 February 2022  
What business do you have with my cat?
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 17 February 2022  
pleaca mi e frica de tn
Răspunde Raportează
lithium 17 February 2022  
yea that’s the point we’re in this together girrrl
Răspunde Raportează
lithium 16 February 2022  
cred ca te lupti cu el pt titlul ala
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 16 February 2022  
     8th❦℟ᵒᵘᶰᵈ...    Let's find out more about your relationships.
  Players, send a short description of a character you dislike the most in
   the competition (in few lines) and a star rating from 1-5. The answers
       will be made public but you will remain anonymous.

* Răspunsurile se dau într-un mesaj privat. SĂ DENUMIŢI PERSOANA ÎN CAUZĂ.
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 16 February 2022  
ai pierdut 5 ore din joc????inebuneam jur
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 16 February 2022  
The votes are in…
Amavi: 28
Levi: 46
Axl: 54
Atlas: 61
Darling: 62
Natsuki: 62
Alexandre: 73
Durant: 73
Seks: 81
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 16 February 2022  
* The votes are closed.
Lydia Card has been activated by one of the players.
When I’ll be revealing the votes, they will be upside down.
Răspunde Raportează
Norserunes 16 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Eloquent 16 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 16 February 2022  
pot sa ne spuna si noua norserunes si eloquent cine sunt?va rog=))))
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 16 February 2022  
ms și eu voiam să știu :)))
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 16 February 2022  
jur:| daca aflu ca cnv a folosit conturi duble va descalific.
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 16 February 2022  
data viit. vă cerem id-ul ca să faceți listă ca la alcool
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 16 February 2022  
           Iˢᵗ place: Alexandre pt buni in special ❤️
            IIⁿᵈ place: Durant pt fresh :|
            IIIʳᵈ place: Darling
            IVᵗʰ place: Atlas
            Vᵗʰ place: Seks
            VIᵗʰ place: Levi imi plc sa te citesc.
            VIIᵗʰ place: Natsuki
            VIIIᵗʰ place: Amavi
            IXᵗʰ place: Axl
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 16 February 2022  
cam batator la ochi fetelor..........cam batator la ochi
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 16 February 2022  
ce frumos ar fi să veniți mereu atâția rpd să faceți listele :-jjjjjjj e lună plină sau ce
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 16 February 2022  
lmao chiar e lună plină
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 16 February 2022  
nu uitați că sunt vrăjitoare și simt chestiile astea.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 16 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 16 February 2022  
Dau sho stai
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 16 February 2022  
1. Alexandre bn ai venit Majestatea ta
2. Axl
3. Seks
4. Natsuki
5. Atlas
6. Darling
7. Amavi
8. Durant
9. Levi
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 16 February 2022  
4. Axl
5. Natsuki
7. Levi
8. Alexandre
9. Amavi
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 16 February 2022  
1. durant
2. alexandre
3. darling
4. natsuki
5. seks
6. axl
7. atlas
8. levi
9. amavi
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 16 February 2022  
1: alexandre hey are u free on friday bc i am ok come pick me up at 8 thanks
2: seks
3: atlas
4: durant
5: natsuki
6: levi
7: darling
8: amavi
9: axl
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 16 February 2022  
auzi stai la coadă
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 16 February 2022  
stai tu
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 16 February 2022  
nu tu!!!!!!puteai să fii și tu prințesă dacă... știi tu ce
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 16 February 2022  
ba nsh, zi mi:-?
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 16 February 2022  
e pa
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 16 February 2022  
1. alex m am îndrăgostiiiiiiiiiiiit fmm
2. seks
3. natsuki ador perele alea
4. darling te pupă meti bitha
5. durant
6. axl
7. atlas pe tn te pupă heri
8. levi
9. amavi
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 16 February 2022  
1. Levi.
2. Durant.
3. Amavi
4. Axl
5. Atlas
6. Darling
7. Natsuki
8. Seks
9. Alexandre
Răspunde Raportează
lithium 16 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Nidaros 16 February 2022  
            Iˢᵗ place: Darling
            IIⁿᵈ place: Seks
            IIIʳᵈ place: Alexandre
            IVᵗʰ place: Axl
            Vᵗʰ place: Durant
            VIᵗʰ place: Natsuki
            VIIᵗʰ place: Atlas
            VIIIᵗʰ place: Levi
            IXᵗʰ place: Amavi
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 16 February 2022  
            Iˢᵗ place:
            IIⁿᵈ place:
            IIIʳᵈ place:
            IVᵗʰ place:
            Vᵗʰ place:
            VIᵗʰ place:
            VIIᵗʰ place:
            VIIIᵗʰ place:
            IXᵗʰ place:
Răspunde Raportează
LeviRainer 16 February 2022  
Meine Top-3-...

⼺ Lieder: Popular Monster - Falling in Reverse
You Give Love a Bad Name - Bon Jovi
Paint it, Black - The Rolling Stones

⼺ Filme: The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
Pulp Fiction (1994)
WALL·E (2008)

⼺ Promi-Schwärmereien: Taylor Momsen, Charlie Hunnam, Avril Lavigne

⼺ Obst: Raspberries, melon, cherries
⼺ Gemüse: Bell pepper, mushrooms, green chili pepper
Răspunde Raportează
AmaviRamirez 16 February 2022  
3 songs: Aaliyah - Age ain’t nothing but a number;
Beyonce - Naughty girl; Selena Gomez- Hands to myself.
3 movies: the Wolf of Wall Street; Crazy Stupid Love; King Kong.
3 celebrity crushes: Robert Pattison; Zac Efron; Antonio Banderas.
3 fruits: pomegranate; apple; kiwi.
3 vegetables: potato; lettuce; eggplant.
Răspunde Raportează
NatsukiSaito 16 February 2022  
いち, top 3 songs: your time is gonna come by led zeppelin  youtube.com/watch?v=5cvEVivHVsU
gns by tricot  youtube.com/watch?v=HrjCQ1eyjxs
all the things she said by tatu  youtube.com/watch?v=ujpvNvSgcic
に, top 3 movies: train to busan (2016)  imgur.com/a/aPqOdeN one of my favorites korean movies
(ノ´ з `)ノ thrillingly unique in my opinion
grave of the fireflies (1988)  imgur.com/a/2Ju45T0 seen first with my dear ojīchan when i was 9, the
saddest to have ever been made but it has revolutionized the world of animation
wild zero (1999)  imgur.com/a/EfDOwwh a japanese horror with unexpected peak comedy oh あー!
and it introduces to the public a trans character which was very rare in many films of that period and genre
さん, top 3 crushes: chrissie hynde imgur.com/a/UGwyLVD
izzy stradlin  imgur.com/a/WJfBTrB
takamasa ishihara  imgur.com/a/lB8Hbpx
よん, top 3 fruits: nashi pear, kinkan (orange like fruits & you can eat it without peeling), peach
ご, top 3 vegetables: maitake mushrooms, wasabi, shishito peppers (っˆڡˆς)
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 16 February 2022  
3* :)
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 16 February 2022  
4 hours and you're out with no regret whatsoever.
Răspunde Raportează
AlexandreGrimaldiCoste 16 February 2022  
Top three songs: ‘Money Is the Name of the Game’, youtube.com/watch?v=Zgdk16PQstY
‘Guilty’, youtube.com/watch?v=XoWSmStvMR8
‘St. James Infirmary Blues’, youtube.com/watch?v=HrMUsKa0JHA

Top three movies: Rear Window, —1954,
couldn’t have missed the opportunity to honour my beloved grandmother, Grace Kelly.
Pay Day, —1922,
It may lack the erratic kinesiology of other Chaplin films, but — imgur.com/on44GIE, Chaplin did it first.
The Beautiful and Damned, —1922,
‘Here’s to alcohol, the rose colored glasses of life.’

Top three celebrity crushes: Carole Lombard, imgur.com/a/jSKlVdX
Mia Farrow, or the greatest ‘golden girl’ Daisy Buchanan, imgur.com/a/9Yuvxhh
Barbra Streisand, imgur.com/M6IYVm5

Top three fruits, top—three—fruits?, Who’s selecting these questions?
Ben, c’est comme tu vous voulez... Apples, the golden ones, whose theft gave rise to the Trojan War,
Peaches, or an expansion of life some say,
Apricots, the old Yellow Plum, ‘Moon of the Faith’
—If my references are cryptic to you,   read a book.

Top three vegetables,   And, here we go again... Enfin bref,
Maize, an element in ‘the story of creation’
Red potato, sweet yet savoury, simple yet complex,
Zucchini, entry at ‘Marrow’
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 16 February 2022  
* Jæäger and Durant are going to a strip club together!
Răspunde Raportează
SeksJagger 16 February 2022  
skide songsミ
 1 -- bat out of hell by meat loaf youtu.be/x7ES7ueI7p0
 2 -- super stupid by funkadelic youtu.be/oVHrvx-Ua68
 3 -- my guitar wants to kill your mama by the mothers of invention
skide moviesミ
  1 -- imgur.com/a/GymsjKV heavy metal 2000 (2000)
  2 -- imgur.com/a/fe6qczz ninja scroll (1993)
  3 -- imgur.com/a/Fetb7ZI the toxic avenger (1984)
skide crushesミ
  1 -- imgur.com/a/m8kVrmx phoebe legere
  2 -- imgur.com/a/0qbhtLU atsushi sakurai
  3 -- imgur.com/a/Yc7Ygnk poison ivy rorschach
skide fruitsミ
  1 -- lady finger banana
  2 -- plum (umeboshi)
  3 -- quince (marmalade)
skide vegetablesミ
  1 -- mushroom (psychadelic)
  2 -- beetroot (pickled)
  3 -- endive (brine -- pickled)
Răspunde Raportează
AxlMoore 16 February 2022  
I. top 3 songs
• guns n' roses - welcome to the jungle
the matron from the
foster home i grew up in
told me my ma was
a fan of guns n' roses
and so was my pa
and thats why they
named me axl
growing up i used to
listen to them and imagine
a different life
sappy ik
but i still love the band
• black sabbath - god is dead?
the matron was a religious
and im an atheist now
pretty obvious why
also love ozzy so yeah
• bring me the horizon - can you feel my heart
used to listen a lot
to it in jail
sorry for making
ya depressed fckerz
kinda have a bad trip today
i blame molly

also a recent fave
outside my top 3
to make ya less

II.top 3 movies:
• quadrophenia
• school of rock

or ya know if ya want
something more spicy
i can give ya my favorites
from this week

III.top 3 celebrity crushes
• pamela anderson
•riley reid
•aaron thompson

IV.top 3 fruits
• kiwi
• peach

V. top 3 vegetables
• cucumber
• carrot
Răspunde Raportează
AtlasEbner 15 February 2022  
I. Top 3 songs:
One Republic - Everybody Loves Me

Gang Of Youths - Atlas Drowned
(Please don't drown me, I'm too hot.)

Panic! At The Disco - House Of Memories

II. Top 3 movies:
Inception; Shutter Island; Se7en.

III. Top 3 celebrity crushes:
Chris Evans; Taylor Momsen; Harry Styles.

IV. Top 3 fruits:
Pomegranate; dragon fruit; raspberry.

V. Top 3 vegetables:
Sweet potato; tomato; eggplant.
Răspunde Raportează
DurantLievChiminosear 15 February 2022  
  Ⓐ Top 3 songs:
          ⅓,  { THE SMITHS: youtu.be/TjPhzgxe3L0 | HEAVEN KNOWS I'M MISSERABLE N }
           expl.: even if I'm chaotically hilarious and really nice as a person, people tend to
               think otherwise, especially when I'm just being friendly —
                                          such as in
                tryin' to establish new friendships,  
                              'cos they tend to think there's a reason
                well, there isn't and you're makin' me feel upset.
                         and Morishsuewd (irrelevant name) makes me feel
                           better. it's also a very  M E M E I S H song.

          ⅔,  { CHILDISH GAMBINO: youtu.be/Kp7eSUU9oy8 | REDBONE }
           expl.: I can see myself on the road, eatin' takis, smokin' some
               joints with my good pal, axl-... mexico, here take us.
                           [despite of w/e allegations about donald, okay?!]

          ³,  { TAME IMPUYA: youtu.be/DbE38P2D8Wc | THE LESS I KNOW THE FRESHER }
           expl.: found this artwork back in Romania at my date with granger, it's amazin'
                 thank you, real oG(OD) for this man, Puya! also, a note: more of a
               recommandation, try his wine, it's delightful.   [ibb.co/Jt7DxWK]
         +P: [youtu.be/CuklIb9d3fI] — that's how my brain sounds like, thank you, BTS!


  Ⓑ Top 3 movies:
          ⅓,  Eternal Sunshine Over The Spottles Minds, ♥╭╮♥.
           excerpt': ˃You can erase someone from your mind.
                    Getting them out of your heart is another story.˂

          ⅔,  Iron Man III, (。♥‿♥。).
           excerpt': ˃You walked right into this one: I've Dated Hotter Chicks Than You.˂

          ³,  Frozen II, ★~(◠‿◕✿).
           excerpt': ˃Men are six times more likely to be struck by lightning than women.˂

  Ⓒ Top 3 celebrity crushes:
          ⅓,  Thomas Elms ♥♥♥♥♥,  [ibb.co/cNGLrHs]
          ⅔,  Emma Watson ♥♥♥♥♡, [ibb.co/g9RhnkT]
           ³,   Hunter Schafer ♥♥♥♡♡, [ibb.co/J5fDw4X]

  Ⓓ Top 3 fruits:
          ⅓,  uathamelon-melooon!, — tastes like the sun of July  [ibb.co/QkvNgCc]
          ⅔,  goin' bananas, — best aphrodisiac, assured. [youtu.be/j5C6X9vOEkU]
           ³,   chicken nuggets — east 2 west, chicken's the best [ibb.co/yS8C3Gh]

  Ⓔ Top 3 vegetables:
          ⅓,  cucumber with salt, — bf 4 penguins in town  [youtu.be/dRGlon_ezvU]
          ⅔,  tomato-to-too!, — ketchup but twist: alive! ;o.  [youtu.be/thleMGobncc]
           ³,   carrotie-carrots, — remind me of barbie movies?!  [ibb.co/xG524RP]
Răspunde Raportează
BasilRenard 15 February 2022  
Me 5.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 15 February 2022  
vezi ca se pune armata lui de domnisoare pe tine...
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 15 February 2022  
me 4!!!!!!!!
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 15 February 2022  
si eu cu isabelle si facem burlacu
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 15 February 2022  
si eu cu red pls
Răspunde Raportează
Temptress 15 February 2022  
Poate cineva sa ma bage și pe mine înapoi cu Blaise ca vreau sa ma dau la prinț
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 15 February 2022  
One of the players used Andreas Card and brought in one of the former contenstants to try, once again, to lead the way as an influencer figure. Maybe you've betoken already who, but Tintypes, I'm happy to announce that none other than the Sovereign Prince of Monaco, Alexandre Grimaldi-Coste, is restablished in the competition as from now. Wish him good luck — or don't.
Happy hunger games.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 15 February 2022  
         8th❦℟ᵒᵘᶰᵈ...    Your top three.

           1: Top 3 songs:
           2: Top 3 movies:
           3: Top 3 celebrity crushes:
           4: Top 3 fruits:
           5: Top 3 vegetables:
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 15 February 2022  
The votes are in…
Atlas: 19
Amavi: 32
Levi: 39
Gael: 64
Durant: 64
Seks: 69
Natsuki: 71
Darling: 74
Axl: 75
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 15 February 2022  
* The votes are closed.
Lydia Card has been activated by one of the players.
When I’ll be revealing the votes, they will be upside down.
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 15 February 2022  
            Iˢᵗ place: Levi ❤️
            IIⁿᵈ place: Gael
            IIIʳᵈ place: Durant
            IVᵗʰ place: Seks
            Vᵗʰ place: Natsuki
            VIᵗʰ place: Darling
            VIIᵗʰ place: Amavi
            VIIIᵗʰ place: Atlas
            IXᵗʰ place: Axl
Răspunde Raportează
lesHydropathes 15 February 2022  
            Iˢᵗ place: Gael.
            IIⁿᵈ place: Natsuki.
            IIIʳᵈ place: Seks.
            IVᵗʰ place: Darling.
            Vᵗʰ place: Durant.
            VIᵗʰ place: Axl.
            VIIᵗʰ place: Amavi.
            VIIIᵗʰ place: Levi.
            IXᵗʰ place: Atlas.
            Xᵗʰ place: Andreas.
Răspunde Raportează
AndreasMilosevic 15 February 2022  
1. Romy (Piggy) Elßler.
2. The warmth of my soft bedsheets.
3. Juniors.
Răspunde Raportează
RomyElssler 15 February 2022  
XIᵗʰ place*
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 15 February 2022  
Sunt de acord cu ultima pozitie.
Răspunde Raportează
Temptress 15 February 2022  
1. Amavi.
2. Natsuki.
3. Darling.
4. Axl.
5. Seks.
6. Gael.
7. Durant.
8. Levi.
8. Atlas.
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 15 February 2022  
1. Axl
2. Gael
3. Durant
4. Amavi
5. Natsuki
6. Seks
7. Darling
8. Levi
9. Atlas
Răspunde Raportează
lithium 15 February 2022  
1 levi
2 natsuki
3 darling
4 axl
5 gael
6 seks ur mind is dirty.
7 durant ur mind is dirty too.
8 amavi
9 atlas
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 15 February 2022  
1. durant
2. axl
3. gael
4. seks
5. darling
6. natsuki
7. levi
8. amavi
9. atlas
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 15 February 2022  
6. gael
7. amavi
8. levi
9. atlas
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 15 February 2022  
1. axl cel mai bizar ship din istoria jocului but I ship it so much :-?
2. durant mor cu tineeeeee=))))))))))))))))
3. seks
4. natsuki
5. gael
6. darling
7. levi
8. amavi te omoara genesis fato
9. atlas
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 15 February 2022  
* Atlas, Durant and Levi are in a poly relationship.
Răspunde Raportează
Nidaros 15 February 2022  
            Iˢᵗ place: Seks
            IIⁿᵈ place: Axl
            IIIʳᵈ place: Gael
            IVᵗʰ place: Darling
            Vᵗʰ place: Natsuki
            VIᵗʰ place: Durant
            VIIᵗʰ place: Levi
            VIIIᵗʰ place: Atlas
            IXᵗʰ place: Amavi
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 15 February 2022  
            Iˢᵗ place:
            IIⁿᵈ place:
            IIIʳᵈ place:
            IVᵗʰ place:
            Vᵗʰ place:
            VIᵗʰ place:
            VIIᵗʰ place:
            VIIIᵗʰ place:
            IXᵗʰ place:
Răspunde Raportează
GaelAnaya 15 February 2022  
₁sechs alastor — sorry atlas?, or let’s split it in half…the time.
₂ruby falls, chattanooga valley
₃descending the twenty-six gory stories into the haunted cavern —then maybe do the high point adventures, a combination of zip line and ropes course,
oh and we can’t miss the underground waterfall (1200’ below), ‘the colorful heart of lookout mountain’ — imgur.com/a/ArGsTtn.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 15 February 2022  
* *Atlas and Durant are in a poly relationship.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 15 February 2022  
* Levi is going to Axl's place with pizza to watch porn on his biggest screen. Two bros chillin' on a couch... staying 5 feet apart from each other... 'cuz they're not gay. Not for each other, at least.
Răspunde Raportează
NatsukiSaito 15 February 2022  
いち, *sighHHhH* ...ill obviously take jäggy / 私は強制されます
に, im flying over to denmark for this and well be going to rosenborg castle  imgur.com/a/KH5NYit
oh and then to the moesgaard museum cause i genuinely want some pictures to be taken there  imgur.com/a/XHwGaRC  ill tell everyone hes mick jaggers son..... free passes for the both of us
さん, they told me the acoustic is great in the castle so ill be playing my surprise to him then we can just ---have a proper fight with the swords¿ also well eat mochis & this way ill teach him how to not choke on them
oh by the way i got in touch with poppy and shell be there doing her tarot magic to put some sense into this man and show him we belong together (´。• ᵕ •。`)
(後記> 私はこの男が嫌いです)
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 15 February 2022  
* jæäger is very sad cause atlas abandoned him for durant last night without saying anyting he thought bros before hoes was their rule but i guess all motherf@#ckers are the same he should join tates losers group of married d!cks
Răspunde Raportează
SeksJagger 15 February 2022  
the personミ against her will natsuki saito also known as 中村なかむら 赤あか眼 also known as 風かぜ継つぐ子 also known as 大混乱 also known as 鬼おに but better known as mochi 餅 mochitsuki imgur.com/a/93h6mYr
location lortミ an icecream - mochi place imgur.com/a/2dCh5mB with shrubbery in hand imgur.com/a/tgBqFns
activity lortミ hopefully¿ eating mochi ᑉᶟ (winkwink) after shell step on me in these shoes imgur.com/a/CZvNVsK that yeye helped me pick up cause :::girls like to dress up::: though id much rather have them :::undressed:::
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 15 February 2022  
* Atlas kissed Durant after their date and they are discussin' poly.
Durant and Axl are flying to Russia, to meet Vladislav, Axl's dear friend.
Durant and Levi are going on a trip together, time will tell.
Răspunde Raportează
AxlMoore 15 February 2022  
texas state penitentiary at huntsville*
Răspunde Raportează
AmaviRamirez 15 February 2022  
1. Sylvester Bryant.
2. Tulip Fields♥ in the Netherlands — imgur.com/a/1VrtlR9
3. Bike ride among those colorful tulips which can end with a picnic.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 15 February 2022  
*Atlas says: "Nevermind, he answered".
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 15 February 2022  
* Atlas contacted the Ghosted tv show to do an episode about Levi who ghosted him after our wonderful magician gave him a dope gift.
Răspunde Raportează
LeviRainer 15 February 2022  
1. Trinidad Loughty, I've been wanting to meet you for some time now...

2. There's one place I've been dying to go with someone, but I just couldn't find the right person yet. Spreewald, Deutschland.

3. We could go canoeing, visit the town, the forest. There are a lot of things to do once we get there. Spreewald is basically our small version of Venice.
Răspunde Raportează
TrinidadLoughty 15 February 2022  
All preppy
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 15 February 2022  
* Atlas kissed Durant at the end of their date.
Răspunde Raportează
AxlMoore 15 February 2022  
ok so i might have
been a pssy
and thats not dope at all
thanks hot lady in charge
for calling me out
i could plan a joke date
with that kayleigh chick
and ask her to spank me
as an activity
but here is what i really
wanna do

I.the person who you re choosing
•Darling Stratton
II. the location
y'all be surprised with
what i can get away
by just telling my lawyer
i need to do something
for the show
another day outta the house
• we going to russia baby
III. activity to do together
• visiting the museum of erotica in st. petersburg
vladislav told me about it
a long time ago
• st. petersburg: winter fairy tale horse ride& tour
• dinner
• boat tour at night
• going to a rock club
tried something between my style
and valentinesy
hope i did ok
but ill let her be the judge
of that

happy vday fckerz
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 14 February 2022  
Mesaj de interes public: veniti si la jocu meu sa trec la urm runda kiss
Răspunde Raportează
AndreasMilosevic 14 February 2022  
1. Romy.
2. My bed.
3. Babies?
Răspunde Raportează
SechsAlastor 14 February 2022  
gael i'm waiting
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 14 February 2022  
* gael told jagger it would have been better if he threw himself in the garbage. and she also called him a pinche pendejo
Răspunde Raportează
DurantLievChiminosear 14 February 2022  
  Ⓐ The person who you're choosing,
              Atlas Ebner         [ibb.co/yFLys2M]
            <⒫inky♥⒫romise>          [ibb.co/j33jVfV]

  Ⓑ The location,        {ibb.co/TmRRKm3}
              Iulia Hașdeu's memorative castle.
              WHY?  Because I wanna get
              you in the spiritism room and do
              whatever it takes --to put a spell
              o n       y  o  u!
                  C H A R M I N G
           We have 2 more stops. Then, we'll get I(scream)
            at a) Ice Cream, You Scream (Metaverse)
          b)  ibb.co/4ds7DjK,  H A R R Y P O T T E R
                     (s)e(x)scape room, Cluj.

  Ⓒ An activity to do together.               (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
    simping over eachother would be lovely, but unfortunately we cannot do that.
       so, we'll do pottery with Brad Pitt, but not Leo DiCapro, 'cos
    well eat icecream together from the other one's body and we'll probably get
       our nails done 'cos I'm addicted to pamper days, [ibb.co/nj5gf3f].
Răspunde Raportează
AtlasEbner 14 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
DurantLievChiminosear 14 February 2022  
aren't we there already?!
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 14 February 2022  
* atlas is crashing yak killer mantis' rehearsals cause jæäger cant stand his bandmates anymore
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 14 February 2022  
* gael late!-gifted jæäger a coloring book but he hated in and threw it in the trash so tatucine cant find it: imgur.com/a/3Nh3OnU
Răspunde Raportează
AtlasEbner 14 February 2022  
I. Sechs Alastor.
II. Aokigahara Forest.
III. Ghost hunting. ;)
Răspunde Raportează
SechsAlastor 14 February 2022  
no thanks, i don't want to die of syphilis so soon, stick with your boy genital-warts-durant
Răspunde Raportează
AtlasEbner 14 February 2022  
I wanted to be the one to take her out... :((((
Răspunde Raportează
SeksJagger 14 February 2022  
thought you wanted to shag gael..¿
man speak up more clearly next time
Răspunde Raportează
AtlasEbner 14 February 2022  

I wanted to take her OUT!!
Bro why you share our secret conversations? And you got it wrong too. Now everyone will think I'm a sl/ut.......
Răspunde Raportează
SeksJagger 14 February 2022  
and its being seen as a murderer better than being seen as a slut¿?
and wheres the shame in that
i -- personally -- am a proud self proclaimed slut
Răspunde Raportează
AtlasEbner 14 February 2022  
If I'm a sl/ut I get STDs, if I'm a murderer I get some permanent quality time on the electric chair.
Good 4 u, bro!!
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 14 February 2022  
    7th ❦℟ᵒᵘᶰᵈ...   Check the date, it's love day!... And is time to celebrate romance and
     and kissy-face fealty; plan your date with another Tintype character (past or present).
        1. The person who you're choosing,
        2. The location,
        3. An activity to do together.

Check the list of the former players down below:
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 14 February 2022  
                1. lithium: Cole Sprouse as Trevor Matthews
                2. kidrauhlox: Barbara Palvin as Alaska Coleridge
                3. breatheme: Robert Pattinson as Finn Harris
                4. Sprezzatura: Bella Hadid as Khalí Rivera
                5. shiver: Florence Pugh as Ren Arquette
                6. 90svibes: Phoebe Tonkin as Kaira Vadon
                7. Maktub: Dacre Montgomery as Jadarius Sinclair
                8. aftertaste: Katya Sitak as Kathleen Jones
                9. kpoper: Doja Cat as Simoné Thickle
                10. Nidaros: Tom Holland as Blaine Halter
                11. iMysticFalls: Innana Sarkis as Karla Szwalek
                12. Benihime: Natasha Negovanlis as Vivienne Deveraux

                SEASON TWO.
                1. lithium: Elle Fanning as Fayette Devereaux
                2. Pemberley: Daisy Edgar-Jones as Genesis Seydoux
                3. breatheme: Aubrey Plaza as Lydia Wheeler
                4. Sprezzatura: Silviu Faiăr as Silviu Iliescu.
                5. shiver: Sam Claflin as Arthur Anderson
                6. GiForce: Kylie Jenner as Khair Princeton
                7. Maktub: Ed Westwick as Sylvester Bryant
                8. aftertaste: Oscar Isaac as James Lauder
                9. infinite2inhibit: Tom Hardy as Jarod Fischler
                10. Nidaros: Anya Taylor Joy as Sabrina Durand
                11. iMysticFalls: Brenda Song as June Zhang
                12. crown: Dylan O'Brien as Jasper Lowe
                13. ASIANdream: Cara Delevigne as Asteria Smith
                14. x7Captivate: Alice Pagani as Serafine Miniati

                SEASON THREE.
                1. lithium: Tintype as The Host
                2. Pemberley: Timothée Chalamet as Kenzo Woodward
                3. heavy: Samantha Robinson as Poppy Renard
                4. Sprezzatura: Michael B. Jordan as Stefan Iokua
                5. shiver: Lily James as Brinley Harper
                6. Complicated: Mila Kunis as Natalie Mayer
                7. Maktub: Jennifer Lawrence as Divya Romanoff
                8. aftertaste: Emma Watson as Isabelle Rossi
                9. infinite2inhibit: Emilia Clarke as Katey Welliver
                10. Nidaros: Tom Ellis as Alvaro Garcia
                11. iMysticFalls: Wentworth Miller as Kevin Peterson
                12. Benihime: Emma Stone as Serena Benevient
                13. ASIANdream: Jamie Dornan as Mateo Ricci
                14. x7Captivate: Avan Jogia as Victor Gauthier

                SEASON FOUR.
                1. lithium: Cody Fern as Dimitri Kagasoff
                2. Pemberley: Emma Corrin as Harriet Lensbury
                3. breatheme: Lea Seydoux as Maja Jönsson
                4. Sprezzatura: Zayn Malik as Kaidan Magalhães
                5. shiver: Blake Lively as Heather Morrison
                6. Complicated: Jorge López as Valerio Lopez
                7. Maktub: Bill Skarsgård as Andreas Milošević
                8. aftertaste: Joshua Bassett as Gabriel Ryser
                9. Nidaros: Lili Reinhart as Ingrid Södergran
                10. iMysticFalls: Madelyn Cline as Jessica Lodge
                11. Benihime: Paris Jackson as Valerie D’Arcy
                12. ASIANdream: Damiano David as Alekzandre Forbes
                13. lesHydropathes: Anika Braun as Romy Elßler

                SEASON FIVE.
                1. lithium: Senait Gidey as Anubis Elnabawy.
                2. Pemberley: Lorenzo Zurzulo as Fantino Bentivoglio.
                3. x7Captivate: Sophie Thatcher as Winnie Lynx.
                4. Sprezzatura: Jesse Rutherford as Trinidad Loughty.
                5. shiver: Shawn Mendes as Declan Wagner.
                6. GiForce: Lily Rose Depp as Blaise Delacroix.
                7. Maktub: Ben Tyndale as Eric Schweizer.
                8. aftertaste: Olivia Rodrigo as Elina Bühler.
                9. Nidaros: Rudy Pankow as Magnús Gunnarsson.
                10. iMysticFalls: Lauren German as Anya Dobrow.
                11. Benihime: Samara Weaving as Bonnie Fitzgerald.
                12. Senorita: Ben Barnes as Tobias Markovich.
                13. lesHydropathes: Sonny Hall as Viggo van Eyck.
                14. xonlyteardrops: Alexandra Park as Remikael "Remi" Henstridge.

                SEASON SIX.
                1. Maktub: Matthew Noszka as Nario Vincenzo.
                2. aftertaste: Emily Alyn Lind as Luna Fernández Vidal.
                3. infinite2inhibit: Ester Expósito as Serrafin Torres.
                4. kidrauhlox: Alejandro Speitzer as Alarico Francisco De León.
                5. Skylord: Ryan Reynolds as Felix Columbeanu.
                6. heavy: Alexandra Savior as Red McIntosh.
                7. Sprezzatura: Ansel Elgort as Andrés Markeviciute.
                8. GiForce: Janice Joostema as Calliope Lykaios.
                9. Pemberley: Dane DeHaan as Valerian LeSieg.
                10. shiver: Bailey Sarian as Raven Harlow.
                11. Nidaros: Emma Mackey as Nora Rotenberg.
                12. Complicated: Francisco Lachowski as Domenico Fiorenzo.
                13. lithium: Finn Wittrock as Alexandre Grimaldi-Coste.

                SEASON SEVEN.
                1. lithium: Owen Lindberg as Apollo Pythios.
                2. Pemberley: Àstrid Bergès-Frisbey as Inez de Oliveira.
                3. x7Captivate: Deaken Bluman as Axel Vaughn.
                4. photine: Sharon Alexie as Emilie Atangana.
                5. breatheme: Darwin Gray as Tate Zeitgeist.
                6. GiForce: Chun Jin as Akemi Minato.
                7. Maktub: Negin Ghalavand as Nasrin Onyango.
                8. aftertaste: Darren Criss as Niklas Holzer.
                9. Nidaros: Jamie Campbell Bower as Basil Renard.
                10. kidrauhlox: Victoria De Angelis as Gioia Dal Cortivo.
                11. lesHydropathes: Monique Alice Bourscheid as Capucine deVargnes.
                12. aftershock: Seo Soo Jin as Tanya Park.

                SEASON EIGHT.
                1. lithium: Connor Tingley as Francis Braque.
                2. Ouroboros: Hailee Steinfield as Caitlyn Hunt.
                3. shiver: Sylvie Noelle as Zoe Kravitz.
                4. gaudium: Marion Pascale as Triin Karu.
                5. breatheme: James Cunningham as Sechs Alastor.
                6. GiForce: Taylor Lashae as Ginerva Ludovica Manon.
                7. Maktub: Lucas White Smith as Syx Toftgard.
                8. aftertaste: Tom Hiddleston as Thomas Huntington.
                9. Nidaros: Sydney Sweeney as Kayleigh Dalton.
                10. infinite2inhibit: James Franco as Dougal Skelton.
                11. lesHydropathes: Erik Otto as Cyprian Bingley.
                12. Complicated: Eiza González as Antônia Silva.
Răspunde Raportează
lithium 14 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 14 February 2022  
* and for Mauriacs too, ibb.co/R6hH9H6.
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 14 February 2022  
mersi fruct-durian ești delicios!
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 14 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 14 February 2022  
* Durant gifts for
natsuki: ibb.co/Y7qgg7x
atlas: ibb.co/TvpwKd2
gael: ibb.co/HY4c5t2
denise: ibb.co/ZxTPMXP
amavi: ibb.co/jMQ9Fvy
axl: ibb.co/0c5Jf4n
darling: ibb.co/FkQv09m
seks: ibb.co/wMBpVnm
levi: ibb.co/myJbXkg

+ this vday's card ibb.co/ZHRwWVF only for the Host
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 14 February 2022  
da mai dă-vă drc că m-am supărat =;
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 14 February 2022  
am făcut rundă "de crăciun" și n-am primit nici măcar un cărbune...
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 14 February 2022  
u received ur own personal hell :|
Răspunde Raportează
AtlasEbner 14 February 2022  
Were you roleplaying as Scrooge?
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 14 February 2022  
efectiv retrag că te-am făcut frumușel acum câteva secunde.
Răspunde Raportează
AtlasEbner 14 February 2022  
I apologize, it was just a joke!!!
You're a wonderful host and we miss you!
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 14 February 2022  
Mama ce se potriv:)))))
1. Seks
2. Amavi
3. Axl
4. Natsuki
5. Levi
6. Atlas
7. Durant
8. Darling
9. Gael
10. Denise
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 14 February 2022  
da eu de ce nu primeam cadouri când eram host? -________________-
Răspunde Raportează
AtlasEbner 14 February 2022  
I wasn't there.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 14 February 2022  
nu te plc nmn aia e:))))))))))))
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 14 February 2022  
hai că poate te detronez.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 14 February 2022  
bring it on baby
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 14 February 2022  
baby cică............................
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 14 February 2022  
a ups tu nu esti baby.......
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 14 February 2022  
1. natsuki
2. gael
3. seks
4. durant *ești albastru în ochii mei cu o dâră de galben!
5. atlas
6. axl
7. levi
8. amavi
9. darling
10. denise totuși, culoarea grepfrutului! Nailed it!
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 14 February 2022  
* Atlas is giving all of you treats for VDay!
To the lovely host: ibb.co/98PyMqN & ibb.co/WFfrL9T
To his beloved Seks: ibb.co/7QSmHmK
To smelly Axl: ibb.co/kmXmbSj
To beautiful Gael: ibb.co/52Gnf1m
To the queen Amavi: ibb.co/tmTsXDw
To scary Natsuki: ibb.co/QbdhbDh
To his date for tonight, Durant: ibb.co/0c6RVL7
To hottie Levi: ibb.co/fd5v6VH
To sweeter than sugar Darling: ibb.co/F0MX0Vb
To cutie pie Denise: ibb.co/RNtS4Dx
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 14 February 2022  
il accept pe primul, pe al doilea poti sa l pastrezi!
Răspunde Raportează
AtlasEbner 14 February 2022  
I will give it to Axl, I'm sure he will love it.
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 14 February 2022  
dă-mi-l mie că mie-mi plac florile :-]
Răspunde Raportează
AtlasEbner 14 February 2022  
Yes, the flowers. :>
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 14 February 2022  
Trust me brother, the flowers.
Răspunde Raportează
AtlasEbner 14 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 14 February 2022  
ești cheesy da te plac frumușelule <3
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 14 February 2022  
tHe FlOwErS
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 14 February 2022  
ești doar geloasă că anul ăsta n-ai primit cadou de la ezra sâc sâc sâc
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 14 February 2022  
adv fir ar :((((((((((((((
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 14 February 2022  
urma să întreb cum de te cunoaște așa de bine concurentul încât să primești asta:-jj
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 14 February 2022  
du te drc=))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 14 February 2022  
Durant gave the Host flowers for V-day ibb.co/3N18hvh ♥♥♥
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 14 February 2022  
1. seks
2. gael
3. darling
4. durant
5. atlas
6. axl
7. natsuki
8. levi
9. amavi
10. denise
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 14 February 2022  
            Iˢᵗ place: Axl
            IIⁿᵈ place: Darling
            IIIʳᵈ place: Natsuki
            IVᵗʰ place: Amavi
            Vᵗʰ place: Seks
            VIᵗʰ place: Denise
            VIIᵗʰ place: Atlas
            VIIIᵗʰ place: Levi
            IXᵗʰ place: Durant
            Xᵗʰ place: Gael
Răspunde Raportează
entouragesprd 14 February 2022  
            Iˢᵗ place: Seks
            IIⁿᵈ place: Atlas
            IIIʳᵈ place: Gael
            IVᵗʰ place: Darling
            Vᵗʰ place: Natsuki
            VIᵗʰ place: Axl
            VIIᵗʰ place: Levi love deadpool
            VIIIᵗʰ place: Durant
            IXᵗʰ place: Amavi
            Xᵗʰ place: Denise
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 14 February 2022  
            Iˢᵗ place:
            IIⁿᵈ place:
            IIIʳᵈ place:
            IVᵗʰ place:
            Vᵗʰ place:
            VIᵗʰ place:
            VIIᵗʰ place:
            VIIIᵗʰ place:
            IXᵗʰ place:
            Xᵗʰ place:
Răspunde Raportează
AmaviRamirez 14 February 2022  
1. the mother of all living, Eve, 'from the Bible.'
Fictional or not, fight me? quick add...the apple was delicious!
2. purple — lillies, orchids, candytuft, cosmos...I'm all for it.
3. Smells like teen spirit, www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTWKbfoikeg
4. 'No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness.'
5. bohemian, free, and gypsy wild mermaids..
Răspunde Raportează
DeniseDeRose 14 February 2022  
1. Ginevra Molly Weasley, Harry Potter. She is forceful, independent and often speaks her mind. She has an energetic, lively personality. She is warm and compassionate. Ginny was very popular during her time at Hogwarts, and drew attraction by numerous boys.

2. Orange. Orange is often representative of creativity, happiness, freedom, success, and the balance that brings it all together. Marketers may use this color to draw your attention to a catchy heading or important note on their website (many “alerts” are orange to catch your eye) —but orange isn’t nearly as bold and enticing as red.

3. youtu.be/B6_iQvaIjXw

4. “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” - Confucius.

5. www.earthrangers.com/public/content/wildwire/feather-star.jpg - Feather star.
Răspunde Raportează
GaelAnaya 14 February 2022  
₁antoinette cosway, from ʻWide Sargasso Seaʼ by jean rhys —
  “alien, disturbing, lovel[y]” ʻtoo lively during the day and too dark at nightʼ “everything is too much”
  “moral[ly] and sexual[ly] indecen[t]”
  &,“deemed mad [...], because of the appetites and excesses she so liberally exhibits”
₂seafoam green — 'the mighty ocean meets the solitary woods'
₃'quimey neuquen' — youtu.be/yJGL1hdl8Cw.
₄ʻdid perpetual happiness in the Garden of Eden maybe get so boring that eating the apple was justified?ʼ
₅leafy seadragon — imgur.com/a/vjyVuES.
Răspunde Raportează
LeviRainer 13 February 2022  
ミ If you’d be a fictional character, which fictional character would you be? … Deadpool... psychotic, sarcastic and brave, talkative and mentally unstable, having a humorous and goofy nature.

ミ What is a colour that best describes your personality? … This shade of green... imgbox.com/V9GuT96c. I've got two words for you: Pickle Rick.

ミ A song that represents "your aesthetic"? …youtu.be/zLlbzlS6_Lk.

ミ Favorite quote? … ❝No sin so dangerous as the sin that is chosen. No sin so glorious as the sin that is shared.❞ – Mr. Jay Kristoff in Empire of the Vampire.

ミ Favorite sea creature? … Sponges, especially this one: imgbox.com/RLXP3STS.
Răspunde Raportează
AtlasEbner 13 February 2022  
I. If you’d be a fictional character, which fictional character would you be?

⸺ Mad Hatter • Alice In Wonderland, but from the version presented by Tim Burton.

2. What is a colour that best describes your personality?

⸺ Purple.
"The color of spirituality and imagination. Purple inspires us to divulge our innermost thoughts, which enlightens us with wisdom of who we are and encourages spiritual growth. It is often associated with royalty and luxury, and its mystery and magic sparks creative fantasies."

3. A song that represents "your aesthetic"?
⸺ Panic! At The Disco - "The Greatest Show".

4. Favorite quote?
⸺ “Dead people receive more flowers than the living ones because regret is stronger than gratitude.” – Anne Frank

5. Favorite sea creature?
⸺ Used to be dolphins until I found out they're usually r/apists. So now I find Christmas Tree worms interesting. They have have multicolored spirals that serve as feeding and respiration structures, which also gives them the shape of little multicolored Christmas trees. This things look like whatever will come out of Seks's and Axl's throats when they hit 60s and the cancer breaks free.

Răspunde Raportează
NatsukiSaito 13 February 2022  
いち, fictional character: akame from akame ga kill!  imgur.com/a/nCxPIgB
aka akame of the demon sword murasame アカメが斬る! strong-willed assassin cold &serious also caring but protective. shes a lil awkward, fearless ...&slightly murderous
に, personality color: black ( ´ ω ` ) edgy ---enjoying prestige and power, artistic and sensitive but very independent and strong-willed individuals that like to be in control of themselves and their surroundings
さん, aesthetic song: raise hell by dorothy  youtu.be/cfKPobjPZSE
people say its a pure illuminati song but it goes a little deeper than that its an ode to non-conformity to the punk mentality and it fuels each of our own unique burning passions
よん, quote: 'sokode kyō wa mina-san ni chotto koroshiai o shite moraimasu' (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)
meaning 'so i would like everyone to kill each other today' from battle royale
ご, sea creature: pufferfish cause its the sea version of mochi imgur.com/a/WZ1EG8O
Răspunde Raportează
SeksJagger 13 February 2022  
fictional character lortミ imgur.com/a/lgZnzEI im eddy
color lortミ imgur.com/a/mPfPWAw yak killer mantissss
song lortミ youtu.be/qwIrXOtZyvQ best. lyrics. ever. tate murdered his fingers tryin do the riff
quote lortミ 'i think chairs are people. it has a character like a person. it has legs and little arms.'
  -- some guy high on crack talking to himself on the subway home after we did a gig last year
sea creature lortミ jellyfish cause they look like mushrooms imgur.com/a/W4ZXdKA
Răspunde Raportează
AtlasEbner 14 February 2022  
Let's not forget about the ladies.
Răspunde Raportează
DurantLievChiminosear 14 February 2022  
but where the penguin at? ;_;
Răspunde Raportează
DurantLievChiminosear 14 February 2022  
hope I'm Plank
Răspunde Raportează
AtlasEbner 13 February 2022  
You nailed it on 1!
Răspunde Raportează
AxlMoore 13 February 2022  
I.  if you d be a fictional character which fictional character would you be?
• lucifer morningstar
hedonistic / immature/ self centered / confident / charismatic / arrogant / sexually promiscous / pansexual / loyal /bold
and some other words
i found online describing
idk a chick once said i remind her
of him
II.what is a colour that best describes your personality?
• black
III. a song that represents "your aesthetic"?
• queen - dont stop me now
IV. favorite quote
• "im into rock’n’roll because rock’n’roll to me means freedom "
- ozzy osbourne
V. favorite sea creature?
• sharks
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 13 February 2022  
* Jæäger kissed Natsuki on the cheek.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 13 February 2022  
* Jæäger kissed Natsuki on the cheek again.
Răspunde Raportează
AxlMoore 13 February 2022  
that s my bro!!
Răspunde Raportează
DurantLievChiminosear 13 February 2022  
 Ⓐ If you’d be a fictional character, which fictional character would you be?
                      Karl Rossman, „America”
   WHY? Karl is complex, Karl is great and I can identify easily with Karl
        because of his mood swings, his gender fluidity and how he
        manages to reflect in the authorial spirit the whole situation of the
                     society from that period, 1914.
         Issa well-known fact, that Kafka's utopian universe is more
      or less dominated by paternal issues, and for that, I can see myself fittin'
         perfectly as his on-stage presence.
               Karl seems scared, is the beholder oh his own
      beauty and also, sees empowerment in women, treats them with respect
         and panick attacks (haha), but he's always strugglin' to do his
      best, thriving for a better society and takes care of a 'minority' problem, that's
               coming with a twist and becomes a 'majority' solution.
   VISUALS:   ibb.co/TvfSMjN             ibb.co/fMFyF7t

 Ⓑ What is a colour that best describes your personality?
                           #FF3800, Coquelicot.
                           Meme-ish, flamin' cheeto.

 Ⓒ A song that represents "your aesthetic"?

 Ⓓ Favorite quote?
             „[Fear] Doesn't Make You A Wimp... Makes You Human.”
                       — Daphne, Scooby Doo.

 Ⓔ Favorite sea creature?
               Axolotl / Mudpuppy / Waterdog / Peter Pan of salamanders.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 13 February 2022  
    6th ❦℟ᵒᵘᶰᵈ...   Players, answer my quick questionnaire.
 1. If you’d be a fictional character, which fictional character would you be?
 2. What is a colour that best describes your personality?
 3. A song that represents "your aesthetic"?
 4. Favorite quote?
 5. Favorite sea creature?
Răspunde Raportează
entouragesprd 13 February 2022  
            Iˢᵗ place: Natsuki
            IIⁿᵈ place: Darling
            IIIʳᵈ place: Gael
            IVᵗʰ place: Axl king
            Vᵗʰ place: Seks
            VIᵗʰ place: Arnaud
            VIIᵗʰ place: Atlas
            VIIIᵗʰ place: Amavi
            IXᵗʰ place: Durant
            Xᵗʰ place: Levi
            XIᵗʰ place: Denise
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 13 February 2022  
* Durant made cookies: ibb.co/SV49Qrp, got the crisps: ibb.co/n8p2yTd, fine wining: ibb.co/kq3fXrZ for Jæäger's party, and gave him this gift: ibb.co/NxwNVWm.
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 13 February 2022  
            Iˢᵗ place: Gael genu de rochii pe care le cumpăr și n-am unde să le port...
            IIⁿᵈ place: Darling f frumoasă cu a doua rochie sunt un pic indecisă...
            IIIʳᵈ place: Arnaud îmi plc cămașa și al doilea outfit!!
            IVᵗʰ place: Seks îmi plc muult costumul mov!!
            Vᵗʰ place: Natsuki n-aș purta neapărat da cool :-?
            VIᵗʰ place: Atlas interesantă paletă de stiluri.
            VIIᵗʰ place: Axl prima e cam..... da celelalte cool.
            VIIIᵗʰ place: Amavi I only see maddy
            IXᵗʰ place: Durant pe mn mă amuză.
            Xᵗʰ place: Levi
            XIᵗʰ place: Denise
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 13 February 2022  
1. axl
2. natsuki
3. atlas
4. darling
7. seks
8. gael
9. denise
10. amavi
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 13 February 2022  
1. Amavi
2. Gael
3. Natsuki
4. Axl
5. Darling
6. Atlas
7. Arnaud
8. Seks
9. Levi
10. Denise
11. Durant
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 13 February 2022  
1. Amavi.
2. Natsuki.
3. Seks
4. Levi
5. Axl
6. Denise
7. Gael
8. Darling
9 Atlas
10 Arnaud
11 durant
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 13 February 2022  
1. axl
2. natsuki
3. arnaud
4. darling
5. atlas
6. gael
7. seks
8. levi
9. amavi
10. durant
11. denise
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 13 February 2022  
adorrrrrrr cum toate ținutele se potrivesc mănușă personajelor leșin
1. gael mi se pare cea mai interesantă viziune mai ales ultima :-? eu una nu m-aș fi gândit să abordez stilul ăla și i se și potrivește dpmdv
2. atlas ai noroc că e ezra iconic și ai de unde alege :-jj
3. natsuki nu mi-o imaginam altfel
4. axl mor cu tine băieteeeeee
5. arnaud semeni mult cu tac tu frumosule :-* punct în plus pentru ultima
6. darling zici că ieși din nori îngerule
7. levi mie-mi plac gifurile :-j
8. seks punct în plus pentru a doua punct în minus pentru ultima că nu văd nimic :-?
9. amavi e ft cool nu mă înțelege greșit dar dpmdv le-am văzut de prea multe ori bitha
10. durant m-ai tâmpit băiete cu NFTurile nu te mai flexa pe noi!!!!!!!
11. denise îmi place totuși că ești wild and young and free ca LDR
mda nu știu cât de bine am făcut această listă a fost ft greu.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 13 February 2022  
            Iˢᵗ place:
            IIⁿᵈ place:
            IIIʳᵈ place:
            IVᵗʰ place:
            Vᵗʰ place:
            VIᵗʰ place:
            VIIᵗʰ place:
            VIIIᵗʰ place:
            IXᵗʰ place:
            Xᵗʰ place:
            XIᵗʰ place:
Răspunde Raportează
GaelAnaya 13 February 2022  
₁st. valentine's day date: imgur.com/tHuxLGI.
₂on a fun (and/or perhaps reckless) night out with your clique?: imgur.com/Gs73nLj.
₃to Seks' birthday: imgur.com/k0FbVqe.
Răspunde Raportează
AmaviRamirez 13 February 2022  
Valentine's day date:

Night out:
imgur.com/a/aJoUpnN ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

Seks bday:
Răspunde Raportează
AmaviRamirez 13 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
NatsukiSaito 12 February 2022  
いち, valentines day date: imgur.com/a/hAjNM9M .....神-なつき
に, night out with my kureijī clique: imgur.com/a/tCeYcra
さん, jäggys bday party: imgur.com/a/PEzH3jj its my partÿ now ≖◡ಎ≖
Răspunde Raportează
SeksJagger 12 February 2022  
on a st valentines day date lortミ imgur.com/a/OJ1C28r this is like my best most expensive suit
  it cant get better than this also look at the zipper its ready for the most important part of the evening
on a fun (and/or perhaps reckless) night out with your clique lortミ imgur.com/a/dxtjCHB
  channeling my inner cruella de vil cause i kill b#!tches with my crane also the dog is rented
to my f@#cking birthday party lortミ imgur.com/a/FJBmrop waiting for you lizards to show up
  as you can see im dressed all in black cause im a year closer to my actual funeral
Răspunde Raportează
LeviRainer 12 February 2022  
Jaaaa, we're here to partyyyy...

       ⼺1. imgbox.com/Ani3qN0d

       ⼺2. imgbox.com/lnJZPk8t

       ⼺3. imgbox.com/cjCtbPtn
Răspunde Raportează
ArnaudCathrine 12 February 2022  
St. Valentine’s day date: imgur.com/a/zQUtLBs
A fun and reckless night out: imgur.com/a/NSfem3P
Seks’ birthday: imgur.com/a/3xB2HHg
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 12 February 2022  
* axl got his bro jæäger :
this jagermeister tree • imgbox.com/RgFcsIrW
this cake • imgbox.com/yjAfbZew
and a few chicks waiting for his at home home after the party
and the big finaleee :
he got his bro s other bro tate a plane ticket to be here for their bro s birthday
Răspunde Raportează
TateZeitgeist 12 February 2022  
Hello, Goodbye,
Tillykke med fødselsdagen dit svin.
Răspunde Raportează
SeksJagger 12 February 2022  
oh f@#ck me
og jeg troede, at jeg var sluppet af med dig i år
Răspunde Raportează
AtlasEbner 12 February 2022  
All he gives me is anxiety.
Răspunde Raportează
AxlMoore 12 February 2022  
i think that s suki
Răspunde Raportează
AtlasEbner 12 February 2022  
No, it's you.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 12 February 2022  
* Jæäger received the dumbest gift from his pal Atlas: hips.hearstapps.com/vader-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/1564081603-il_794xN.1613161561_nqvd.jpg
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 12 February 2022  
mi e frica sa ti deschid link urile
Răspunde Raportează
AxlMoore 12 February 2022  
its safe this time
even doubled checked
i want your opinions
on my piercings
hot lady in charge:(
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 12 February 2022  
they're cute i hope everyone will agree with me :* *coUGH*
Răspunde Raportează
DurantLievChiminosear 12 February 2022  
 Ⓐ ..on a st. valentine’s day date?

 Ⓑ ..on a fun (and/or perhaps reckless) night out with your clique?

 Ⓒ ..to Seks' birthday?
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 12 February 2022  
* Atlas also wanted to watch the japanese version of The Grudge because he loves seeing Natsuki.
Răspunde Raportează
DeniseDeRose 12 February 2022  
1. Valentine's day date: whatdresscodeblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Valntines-Day-Outfit-4-1.jpg
since the person in the pic. doesnt have any shoes, i'll add another link - cdn-images.farfetch-contents.com/16/78/63/02/16786302_34131106_1000.jpg

2. Fun night out: www.outfit-styles.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Simple-Night-Out-Outfit.jpg

3. For Sek's b-day since he already gave me a hint about what should I wear... : stealherstyle.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/ariel_winter01.jpg
Răspunde Raportează
DeniseDeRose 12 February 2022  
Nu functioneaza link-ul de la nr. 1 cu tinuta, doar pantofii, so here it is imgbox.com/nmSmP0yG
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 12 February 2022  
* Atlas invited Gael to his place. She suggested that they should watch Ringu, the original Japanese version of The Ring and they did.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 11 February 2022  
   5th ❦℟ᵒᵘᶰᵈ...    ‘what would you wear- ?’ ask game~
           ( please answer with images ONLY ! )
     ..on a st. valentine’s day date?
     ..on a fun (and/or perhaps reckless) night out with your clique?
     ..to Seks' birthday?
Răspunde Raportează
Temptress 11 February 2022  
1. Amavi.
2. Gael.
3. Natsuki.
4. Darling.
5. Lucas.
6. Seks.
7. Atlas.
8. Durant.
9. Denise.
10. Arnaud.
11. Levi.
12. Axl
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 11 February 2022  
0 knowledge pun sio dupa cum se potrivesc/daca st misto pozele
1. Atlas
2. Seks
3. Darling
4. Amavi
5. Lucas
6. Arnaud
7. Natsuki
8. Gael
9. Axl
10. Denise
11. Durant
12. Levi
Răspunde Raportează
lithium 11 February 2022  
deci o punem pe 1 pe natsuki ca mi place de ea si mi place poza aia wow reddd:3
pe 2 il punem pe seks doar pt ca are moon scorpio we re twinssss desi capricorn acolo bai baiete:)))
3 axl mai bine ramaneai la primele link uriiii
4 darling ca esti draguta si esti balanta ca mn tpup
5 arnaud pt ca mi plac raciiii si mi place si poza ca e cu rosuuu
6 gael aquarius si taurus sunt iubitele melee deciiii
7 levi esti pisces esti acceptabil
8 denise tot pt ca esti libra mna:-?
9 atlas DETEST DETEST DETEST baietii taur iac iac iac oi fi tu o exceptie cn stie
10 amavi
11 lucas
12 durant
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 11 February 2022  
eu am...... hai sa facem schimb :|
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 11 February 2022  
+ fun fact cei cu 22 degrees in chart vedeti ca a zis nikola stojanovic ca puteti fi serial killers.
take care besties
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 11 February 2022  
m-am uitat acum la toți și au: levi, amavi, seks, atlas, natsuki, denise.
juma de cast rip
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 11 February 2022  
inseamna de fapt 'to kill or to be killed'
=)))))) :-ss
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 11 February 2022  
a și vă urăsc numele trebuie să verific de 13 ori că nu vi l-am scris greșit. -_-
doar darling are nume frumos restu sunteți NAȘPA.
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 11 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 11 February 2022  
prea mult leo..........................mă sufoc
1. atlas e taur nu mai este nevoie de alte explicații.
ia știți ceva nu mai dau explicații că deja au fost date unele pertinente despre zodii mai jos!
2. darling
3. axl
4. gael
5. natsuki
6. seks
7. durant
8. arnaud
9. amavi
10. denise
11. lucas
12. levi
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 11 February 2022  
1: durant, pt ca avem acelasi moon, venus, mercury & mars :| & i like the leo sun and scorpio rising combo
2: natsuki, step on me .
3: arnaud, chaotic cancer energy i m scared of cancer men but i support u
4: gael, i love aries women & step on me too
5: lucas, i hate leo men dar pt tine fac o exceptie ♥
6: atlas, faptul ca ai si aries moon si rising ma nelinisteste teribil.... kinda hot tho
7: seks, pt scorpio moon si aries venus
8: darling, u seem sweet & open-minded
9: denise, love that scorpio venus & taurus moon
10: amavi, acel moon in gemini...
11: levi, pisces sun & gemini rising... ouch
12: axl, bestie u re a walking red flag & stay away from me.
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 11 February 2022  
ce diplomata esti eu as lua o la sanatoasa dupa toti.
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 11 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 11 February 2022  
momentu ala cand doi taurii comenteaza unu dupa altu dar parerea lor despre zodi e total opusa=)))
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 11 February 2022  
wait for me the 3rd taurus!!!!
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 11 February 2022  
taurus supremacy!!❤
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 11 February 2022  
Vreau sa ti vad chartu.
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 11 February 2022  
taurus sun; scorpio rising ; taurus moon
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 11 February 2022  
:|||| i hate you
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 11 February 2022  
de pe 27 iulie pana pe 9 august concurentii o tin numai intr-o petrecere=)) chiar imi dau vibe de leu majoritatea sincer
1.Seks pt ca e ziua lui si respectam asta si imi place ce vad
2.Axl pt ca il iubesc si i se si potriveste
3.Darling draga de ea chiar i se potriveste
4.Atlas ca e taur ca si mine
5.Natsuki leu cu rac?daaaa deci chiar pot sa vad si imi place
6.Levi pt ca imi plac pesti
7.Durant alt leu care se potriveste
8.Amavi regina zodiei leu jur
9.Denise ca e balanta draguta
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 11 February 2022  
            Iˢᵗ place: Atlas fără doar și poate zici că citesc chart-ul meu cu mici excepții știu cum e pt un taur să ducă povara atâtor semne de berbec i got u bestie:((((((
            IIⁿᵈ place: Levi, îmi plc suflet de artist cu lună în taur I could handle that:-?
            IIIʳᵈ place: Gael, seamănă cu chartu mamei mă sperie cât aries ai dar mda ne potrivim.
            IVᵗʰ place: Seks, lma și chiar nu-mi pari atât de fioros spre mirarea mea love the scorpio moon:*
            Vᵗʰ place: Lucas, îmi răscolești amintirile cu atâta leo poate puțin înfricoșător dar sexy also that virgo moon >.<
            VIᵗʰ place: Darling, fetele libra st chiar drăguțe ngl și eu îmi ascund sentimentele bate palma :x
            VIIᵗʰ place: Durant, și tu ai chart hot dar toxic avem ac ascendent:*
            VIIIᵗʰ place: Arnaud, mă sperii copile cancer men suck honestly da datorită dianei te-aș putea tempera….
            IXᵗʰ place: Amavi, mă sperii răuuuuuuuu mai ai și gemeni dmne dar puncte bonus că am prieteni născuți pe data aia…
            Xᵗʰ place: Denise, că nu-mi plc combinația de leo cu libra dar taurus moon :x
            XIᵗʰ place: Natsuki, leo cancer cancer…. No words needed.
            XIIᵗʰ place: Axl, combinația fatală leo gemini cancer.

Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 11 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 11 February 2022  
!!!!! nu ca e vorba de mine da e super cool ascendentu asta….
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 11 February 2022  
da, chiar este <3
Răspunde Raportează
entouragesprd 11 February 2022  
            Iˢᵗ place: Darling
            IIⁿᵈ place: Amavi
            IIIʳᵈ place: Axl
            IVᵗʰ place: Gael
            Vᵗʰ place: Natsuki
            VIᵗʰ place: Atlas
            VIIᵗʰ place: Denise
            VIIIᵗʰ place: Durant
            IXᵗʰ place: Lucas
            Xᵗʰ place: Arnaud
            XIᵗʰ place: Seks
            XIIᵗʰ place: Levi
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 11 February 2022  
1. Amavi.
2. Levi
3. Durant.
4. Axl
5. Denise
6. Atlas
7. Seks
8. Lucas
9. Darling
10. Arnaud
11. Natsuki
12. Gael
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 11 February 2022  
            Iˢᵗ place:
            IIⁿᵈ place:
            IIIʳᵈ place:
            IVᵗʰ place:
            Vᵗʰ place:
            VIᵗʰ place:
            VIIᵗʰ place:
            VIIIᵗʰ place:
            IXᵗʰ place:
            Xᵗʰ place:
            XIᵗʰ place:
            XIIᵗʰ place:
Răspunde Raportează
LucasWard 11 February 2022  
july 27th, 1998 at 7:20 am, sydney australia
• astronomy pic — apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap980727.html
• natal chart — www.costarastrology.com/natal-chart/8034741
• moon phase — imgur.com/a/0kWqfNo
Răspunde Raportează
LeviRainer 11 February 2022  
You should have seen the look on my mama's face when I asked her all of these things... She thought another astrology b!tch got me wrapped around her finger again... Not that it ever happened before, nein...

In Ordnung... Here we go:

I was born on 14th of March 1994.

Here is my natal chart thingy: www.costarastrology.com/natal-chart/8034933.

Here you have my moon phase: imgbox.com/ps72cYG2.

And this is the astronomy picture from the same day in 1996 because the website didn't have my birthday, yay, I'm old: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap960314.html.
Răspunde Raportează
SeksJagger 11 February 2022  
ja ja tomorrow is my birthday and im sending the invitations later punks
the astronomy lortミ apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap960212.html pluto as in the crane of atlas
the astrology lortミ www.costarastrology.com/natal-chart/8031215 {♒︎; ♏︎; ♑︎} en masse løgne
the moon lortミ imgbox.com/VrTl97M8 as you can see here im half evil /half divine
Răspunde Raportează
GaelAnaya 11 February 2022  
 march 31st, 1997 at 3:31a.m.
₁astronomy picture of the day I was born, — ʻGhost of Jupiterʼ, imgur.com/ZfBMkWf.
₂natal chart, — www.costarastrology.com/natal-chart/8034634.
          ☉aries ↑aquarius ☾taurus
₃moon phase, — unique waning gibbous, imgur.com/3u0YXyU.
Răspunde Raportează
AtlasEbner 11 February 2022  
On May 17th 1993 this amazing creature was born. ;) Please don't do any spells on me with this info or I'll make you disappear.

I. apod.nasa.gov/apod/image/2105/NGC4565_CFHT_1779.jpg

Because there are no such pictures for 1993 you'll have to settle with one from last year. Maybe next time such details will be highly noted before getting the assignment.

II. www.costarastrology.com/natal-chart/8034409

III. Unique Waning Crescent

After a Full Moon, the Moon begins to wane. This means that illumination is decreasing. Those born during this phase are wise beyond their years and are often the friend everyone goes to for advice. Love under this moon usually occurs after someone turns over a new leaf. Even through hard times, Waning Crescent couples know just how to console each other and find their way back. It is believed that imagination is intensified during this phase, making it a great period to begin a creative project.
Răspunde Raportează
DurantLievChiminosear 11 February 2022  
 Ⓐ Astronomy Picture of the day I was born:

 Ⓑ Natal chart:
   · Sun              · Ascendant
   Leo, 16°45'18"          Scorpio, 1°11'19"
   tenth house            first house

   · Moon              · Mercury
   Aquarius, 3°52'26"          Leo, 29°39'55"
   third house              tenth house

   · Venus              · Mars
   Leo, 13°40'31"            Libra, 11°45'35"
   tenth house              twelfth house

   · Jupiter              · Saturn
   Sagittarius, 5°36'14"         Pisces, 23°47'34"
   second house            fifth house

   · Uranus              · Neptune
   Capricorn, 27°44'27"         Capricorn, 23°32'15"
   third house               third house

              · Pluto
           Scorpio, 27°48'43"
             first house       PIC:  ibb.co/7VFXgK2   

 Ⓒ My moon phase:
   ibb.co/44V8WjG -- that twist, ahaha, it looks like a penguin ^^.
Răspunde Raportează
NatsukiSaito 10 February 2022  
born on august 2nd 1997 around 3:37 am tokyo japan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
いち, astronomy pic: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap970802.html
に, natal chart: www.costarastrology.com/natal-chart/8031325
さん, moon phase: imgur.com/a/aQnE2d8 ...何てことだ!
Răspunde Raportează
ArnaudCathrine 10 February 2022  
Astronomy Picture of the day I was born: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap950712.html
Natal chart: www.costarastrology.com/natal-chart/8031210 Cancer Sun/Leo Ascendant/Capricorn Moon
My moon phase: imgur.com/a/V4l973h Full Moon, Illumination 100%
Răspunde Raportează
AxlMoore 10 February 2022  
oops wrong links
sorry fckers

I. astronomy picture of the day i was born
idk man i was born on august 9th 1988
but the hot lady in charge said i can give you this
II. natal chart
III. moon phase
Răspunde Raportează
DeniseDeRose 10 February 2022  
I was born in Lyon, France on October 16th 2000 at 01:13 AM.
Astronomy Pic. of the day I was born: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap001016.html
My natal chart - www.costarastrology.com/natal-chart/8030077 :
Sun in Libra: "Your Sun is in Libra, meaning you are fundamentally oriented towards fairness and justice. Your always-generous relativism allows you to see both sides of every situation, though this may sometimes come off as indecisive or insecure. You don't get tied down to a single view of things—you frequently question yourself and rethink your views; you're more impressionable than you appear. You do what you say and can get a lot done. Typically well-dressed. It's in your fourth house, meaning you feel the need to distinguish yourself from others through your home and family."

Leo ascendant: "Your ascendant is the "mask" you present to people. It can be seen in your personal style and how you come off to people when you first meet. Some say it becomes less relevant as you get older. It changes every two hours, so if it doesn't make sense, reconfirm your birth time to be sure. Your Ascendant is in Leo, meaning you come across as bright, good-natured, and magnetic. Your energy makes you seem either like a know-it-all or a live wire—but always the center of attention."

Moon in Taurus: "The moon rules your emotions, moods, and feelings. This is likely the sign you most think of yourself as, since it reflects your personality when you're alone or deeply comfortable. Your Moon is in Taurus, meaning your emotional self is very romantic and sentimental. You are deeply loyal to the people you care about, and try hard to maintain security and stability within those relationships. You often feel powerless to fix messy situations, but your way of thinking through those things is sensible and practical. It's in your eleventh house, meaning you find security and safety through your friendships, social life, and social status."

Moon phase: images2.imgbox.com/22/e2/uyFvUuQp_o.jpg
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 10 February 2022  
            ˓❦4thRoundː If it's written in the stars... can we read yours?
              Complete the following steps and show us your...
   1. apod.nasa.gov/apod/calendar/allyears.html; Astronomy Picture of the day you were born,
   2. www.costarastrology.com/natal-chart/; natal chart,
   3. www.moonglow.com/pages/moon-calculator; and your moon phase.
Răspunde Raportează
ArnaudCathrine 10 February 2022  
Love is about giving what you get

Atlas: cinnamon = You’re a really cool person and admire you from afar
Axl: cyan = We have very little in common
Amavi: saffron = I love your ideas
Gael: umber = I want to know more about you
Denise: honeydew = I want to call you by a nickname
Seks: scarlet = You have influenced my decision/thoughts on something
Natsuki: periwinkle = You make me laugh
Lucas: yellow = I don’t know you at all, but we can change it
Darling: timberwolf = I trust you
Durant: wine = You make me feel kinda funny, like when we used to climb the rope in gym class
Levi: arsenic = I don’t know how to describe the way I feel about you
Derrick: plum = I’d like to chat with you
Răspunde Raportează
LucasWard 10 February 2022  
Atlas — Scarler • You have influenced my decision/thoughts on something. About my fashion sense...
Axl — Crimson • We should collaborate on something! like rolling a blunt or sum yk.
Amavi — Blue • You’re my Tumblr crush, Regina George.
Gael — Umber • I want to know more about you.
Arnaud — Yellow • I don’t know you at all, but we can change it.
Denise — Green • I think you're cute, just like a baby.
Seks — Razzmatazz • I’d share my favorite food with you. And not only.
Natsuki — Fuchsia • Your blog content is gold.
Darling — Vermilion • You make me feel passionate.
Durant — Coral • You’re a meme.
Levi — Thistle • I just started following you.
Derrick — Cyan • We have very little in common.
Răspunde Raportează
GaelAnaya 10 February 2022  
atlas — wine; you make me feel kinda funny, like when we used to climb the rope in gym class 
axl — copper; your blog content is trash (and i love it)
amavi — fuchsia; your blog content is gold
arnaud — umber; i want to know more about you
denise — cinnamon; you're a really cool person and admire you from afar
seks — forget-me-not; you remind me offf— i bet you know who
natsuki — plum; i'd like to chat with you and share that favorite food of yours
lucas — timberwolf; i trust you with my heart you know
darling — sage; you make me cry you're heavenly
durant — coral; you're a meme and i'm loving it
levi — tangerine; i love your aesthetic
derrick — thistle; i only just started following you
Răspunde Raportează
NatsukiSaito 10 February 2022  
atlas, HONEYDEW, i want to call you by a nickname like virgin mary .&stuff
axl, COPPER, ur content is trash (& i love it) rokkunrōru!
amavi, RAINBOW, BED PLZ!¡!!
gael, RAZZMATAZZ, id share my favorite food with you cuz i have a feeling you'd like it
arnaud, WINE, あー!you make me feel kinda funny like when we used to climb the rope in gym class
denise, GREEN, i think ur cute like konpeitō cute
seks, BROWN, i dont like you its self explanatory 変人
lucas, ORANGE, i dont like ur content .& grow a beard next time
darling, BLACK, i would date you sugoi ne!
durant, CORAL, ur a meme (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ obvious reasons again
levi, ARSENIC, i dont know how to describe the way i feel about you lets meet up ..& rock it!
derrick, YELLOW, まじ? i dont know you at all
Răspunde Raportează
AxlMoore 10 February 2022  
wtf is this b.s?
are we all supposed to
hold hands and jerk
each others off now?
cant i just say bed to all?
fineee only because
the lady in charge is a hottie

• atlas °TIMBERWOLF°  i trust you
you know i do magic unicorn
• amavi °FALLOW ° i want to run through the Northern wilderness barefoot with you
not my style but i would for you mami
• gael °TANGERINE ° i love your aesthetic
i wouldnt say love but you are an interesting chick
• arnaud ° CYAN ° we have very little in common
idk love fcker maybe we do but idk yet
• denise °FUCHSIA ° your blog content is gold
boobies are always gold
• seks ° CHARTREUSE ° youre my homie
come on fcker you know it
• natsuki ° FORGET-ME-NOT° you remind me of somebody
the devil
fck thats hot
•lucas ° RAZZMATAZZ ° i would share my favorite food with you
or my blunts
• darling ° WHITE° you scare me.
no comment
• durant °COPPER ° your blog content is trash (and I love it)
fingered chicken man
fingered chicken
and not even a bit of white sauce:(
• levi ° TEAL ° we have a lot in common.
were both hot drummers
• derrick °RAINBOW ° BED PLZ.
or you know
your yacht
Răspunde Raportează
SeksJagger 10 February 2022  
milde moses aint no way doing that skide arsekissing for you
take the colors and pis af
virginradio CHARTREUSE youre my homie
tittybelch COPPER your tintype content is trash and i love it
lucas RAINBOW bed plz
mochi BLUE you are my tintype crush
derrick WHITE you scare me
cathy SCARLET you have influenced my decision/thoughts on something
levi TANGERINE i love your aesthetic
amavi YELLOW i dont know you at all
mowgli VERMILION you make me feel passionate
denise FUCHSIA your tintype content is gold
penguin CRIMSON we should collaborate on something
darling CYAN we have very little in common
Răspunde Raportează
AmaviRamirez 10 February 2022  
Atlas = TIMBERWOLF. You ride w me, I ride w you. You're the Clyde to my Bonnie. I appreciate your true self, you're a great guy, bestie!
Axl = CINNAMON. You just give me a vibe, ya know? ur look, ur style, you're just very different but in such a good and inspirational way. Even tho you look like a baddie, I know you're softie, deep down.
Lucas = BURGUNDY. B!TCH, YOU'RE MY SOULMATE. Meany Barbies for life, right Karen??? we basically share the same brain ngl...
Durant = BLUSH. YOU'RE SO GENUINELY CHEERFUL AND CUTE AND ALL THAT SH!T I love this. I really enjoy your company and your crazy being. We have to protect this baby at all costs!!!
Natsuki = BLUE. Gretchen, you're made for the catwalk. Sexiest foxy I've ever seen. MOVE WITH ME. MARRY ME. HAVE MY BABIES
Seks = TANGERINE. I need tickets in the first row at ur concert asap. thank you, bill kaulitz, call me!
Derrick = FUCHSIA. GREEK GOD vibes!
Denise = GREEN. Damn girl those curves...I MEEEEANNNN...??! you're unreal!
Darlington = LAVENDER. you're absolutely stunning and I'd love to work with you on my next projects. Having such a natural beauty would charm the hell out of everyone.
Arnaud = SAFFRON. Dr.Love, I need more info from you. MAYBE BETTER NEWS THIS TIME?
Levi = PLUM. You remind me of MGK. Funny how I'm brunette, just like Megan Fox.....;)
Gael = PURPLE. Aestethical, divine. That's all I can say.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 10 February 2022  
* Amavi is throwing a party and Durant, Natsuki and Lucas are attending. Everyone is invited!
Răspunde Raportează
DurantLievChiminosear 10 February 2022  
  Ⓐ. Ạṭḷạṣ  | MAROON, You taught me something new: to be flickerin' amazzzzin'.
  Ⓑ' Ạx̣ḷ   | RAZZMATAZZ, I would share my favorite food with you: wanna eat fingered chicken?!
  Ⓒ. Ạṃạṿị | BLUSH, Seeing you on my dash makes my day a little better:
                     that's why I always keep a polaroid of us in my pocket.
  Ⓓ. G̣ạẹḷ   | CINNAMON, You’re a really cool person and admire you from afar:
                          unfortunately, we never get a chance to speak.
  Ⓔ Ạṛṇạụḍ | WINE, You make me feel kinda funny, like when we used to climb the rope in gym class:
                              that time I asked to be your candle :D.
  Ⓕ' Ḍẹṇịṣẹ | GREEN, I think you’re cute: told you already.
  Ⓖ. Ṣẹḳṣ   | COPPER, Your blog content is trash (and I love it): you smell like chicken wings.
  Ⓗ なつき, ナツキ | FUCHSIA, Your blog content is gold:
                a mix between asian mythology and bloody mary, but the drink.
  Ⓘ. Ḷục̣ạṣ  | RAINBOW, BED PLZ: *waving the flag*
  Ⓙ/ Ḍạṛḷịṇg̣ | SCARLET, You have influenced my decision/thoughts on something:
                              searching for that parisian ring.
  Ⓚ. Ḷẹṿị   | MAUVE, You are really talented: still SWS is better.
  Ⓛ' Ḍẹṛṛịc̣ḳ | TANGERINE, I love your aesthetic:
                   your scent is definetly a base of concrete and rose petals.
Răspunde Raportează
DeniseDeRose 10 February 2022  
Aww, thank you, little pie❤️
Răspunde Raportează
LeviRainer 10 February 2022  
Atlas - R A I N B O W - Bed plz... No, like really... Please?
Axl - T E A L - We have a lot in common... More than I actually thought. Du bist ein interessanter Drecksack.
Amavi - T A N G E R I N E - I love your aesthetic... Ganz ehrlich gesagt, du siehst umwerfend aus! This basically means that you look stunning.
Gael - C I N N A M O N - You're a really cool person and I admire you from afar... Das ist alles. Keine Worte mehr nötig.
Arnaud - A R S E N I C - I don’t know how to describe the way I feel about you, kerl.
Denise - P L U M - I'd like to chat with you...
Seks - B L U S H - Seeing you on my dash makes my day a little better... You're awesome, digga!
Natsuki - U M B E R - I want to know more about you...
Lucas - C Y A N - We have very little in common... leider...
Darling - G R E E N - I think you are cute...
Durant - H O N E Y D E W - I want to call you by a nickname...
Derrick - B L A C K - I would date you... Just kidding, unless...?
Răspunde Raportează
DeniseDeRose 10 February 2022  
I’ll text you, then.. ;;)
Răspunde Raportează
DurantLievChiminosear 10 February 2022  
simply Spooks ;D.
Răspunde Raportează
AtlasEbner 9 February 2022  
Denise: GREEN = I think you’re cute.
You always make me smile and I love to tease you. I hope you know I do that just because I care about you and you're very sweet. I can't help it.

Axl: CORAL = You’re a meme
And I love you for it. Your style is weird but in the best way possible. Bros for life!

Amavi: TIMBERWOLF = I trust you
So please don't betray me. You're one of my besties and I would do anything for you. I feel it's something magical between us.

Gael: RAZZMATAZZ = I would share my favorite food with you
And I would cook for you as well. Please don't think that Samara joke was bad intended. I think you're very cute.

Arnaud: CINNAMON = You’re a really cool person and admire you from afar.
And I want to watch a tv show about you as Dr. Love. Maybe we can arrange something after the hours Tintype is aired?

Seks: CHARTREUSE = You’re my homie
And my best friend, the cheese on my hot pizza, the banana to my peach. I love you, bro. I can't imagine a life without you, Seks.

Natsuki: WHITE = You scare me.
You remind of that chick from The Grudge. The one in white dress and long hair who makes an unsettling noise everytime she moves.

Lucas: HONEYDEW = I want to call you by a nickname
Maybe Luke or Aussie Boy? We should hang out sometime, man. You seem cool. Can you teach me to surf?

Darling: LAVENDER = You inspire me
To be less weird and not so chaotic. Your vibe is really calm and adorable. You seem like the type of friend you can always count on.

Durant: FALLOW = I want to run through the Northern wilderness barefoot with you
You said you're up for something sketchy, so let's go, man! Let's be the kings of the world!

Levi: PURPLE = I don’t talk to you but I really love your blog.
You seem really interesting and I would like for us to hang out more.

Derrick: FORGET-ME-NOT = You remind me of somebody
Of a TikTok-er. Not that I use that app or anything, but you just do. Anyway, you're dope af, man.
Răspunde Raportează
DeniseDeRose 10 February 2022  
That is so sweet, Atlas, now you made me smile. Wide! ❤️
Răspunde Raportează
DurantLievChiminosear 10 February 2022  
always wanted to see (aurora) borealis! what r we waiting f-for... ?!
Răspunde Raportează
DeniseDeRose 9 February 2022  
Atlas - TANGERINE = I love your aesthetic
Axl - BLUSH = Seeing you on my dash makes my day a little better.
Gael - UMBER = I want to know more about you
Arnaud - HONEYDEW = I want to call you by a nickname
Seks - CINNAMON = You’re a really cool person and admire you from afar.
Natsuki - GREEN = I think you’re cute.
Lucas - BLACK = I would date you.
Darling - BLUE = You are my Tintype crush.
Durant - RAZZMATAZZ = I would share my favorite food with you
Levi - YELLOW = I don’t know you at all.
Derrick - PLUM = I’d like to chat with you
Răspunde Raportează
DurantLievChiminosear 10 February 2022  
hope is chicken. -.-
anything else just sucks.
Răspunde Raportează
DeniseDeRose 10 February 2022  
Chicken nuggets?:x
Răspunde Raportează
DurantLievChiminosear 10 February 2022  
sound fun-freacking-tast(y)c.
Răspunde Raportează
DeniseDeRose 10 February 2022  
Then it’s settled, we’re gonna have lunch together.. ^_^
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 9 February 2022  
    ˓❦3rdRoundː Tag the players with a color and phrase you'd like from this list:
        At random to each phrase, there is a different score assigned.
             One different tag per person. 12 total.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 9 February 2022  
* Atlas invited S-E-K-S to his house for a sleepover.
Răspunde Raportează
SeksJagger 9 February 2022  
ill f@#ck you up lady hear me out
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 9 February 2022  
iti sterg contul.
Răspunde Raportează
SeksJagger 9 February 2022  
get lost i entertain you too much
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 9 February 2022  
taci ma si repara ti stramba aia dntre dinti pana nu ti o largesc eu
Răspunde Raportează
SeksJagger 9 February 2022  
ill bite you
Răspunde Raportează
AtlasEbner 9 February 2022  
Leave the supreme lady alone, it was me. It's always been ME!
Răspunde Raportează
SeksJagger 9 February 2022  
im literally in your house are you insane
Răspunde Raportează
AtlasEbner 9 February 2022  
I'm not insane, my mother had me tested!
Răspunde Raportează
SeksJagger 9 February 2022  
perhaps the disease has not yet been discovered
Răspunde Raportează
AtlasEbner 9 February 2022  
Maybe the next pandemic will be because of me.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 9 February 2022  
* Atlas and Jæäger are hanging in at Atlas’s place smoking some weed.
Răspunde Raportează
lesHydropathes 9 February 2022  
12: France.
10: Wales.
9: USA.
8: Mexico.
7: Denmark.
6: Australia.
5: South Africa.
4: CA.
3: Japan.
2: Spain.
1: Germany.
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 9 February 2022  
mai bine taceam cu Puerto Rico=)))
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 9 February 2022  
=))))))))))))) ia si fa scoru acm!!!
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 9 February 2022  
daca vrei il fac=)))
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 9 February 2022  
i was joking hun
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 9 February 2022  
............... imi vine sa te bat............facusem calculele deja.............................
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 9 February 2022  
Good evening ladies and gentlemen Romania is giving tonight
12 points to Australia
10 points to USA
9 points to Mexico
8 points to France
7 points to Japan
6 points to Denmark
5 points to Germany
4 points to South Africa
3 points to California
2 points to Spain
1 point to Wales
....cu mentiunea ca eu chiar le-am ascultat pe toate.
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 9 February 2022  
usa 12
california 10
mexico 9
denmark 8
wales 7
japan 6
france 5
australia 4
south africa 3
spain 2
germany 1
Răspunde Raportează
Temptress 9 February 2022  
12. USA
10. Australia.
9. Mexic.
8. France.
7. Japan.
6. South Africa.
5. Germany.
4. Denmark.
3. Wales.
2. Spain.
1. California.
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 9 February 2022  
12 : USA
10 : Wales
9 : Denmark
8 : Mexico
7 : Japan
6 : California
5 : Germany
4 : Australia
3 : France
2 : South Africa
1 : Spain, as fi pus mai sus dar Ricky e din Puerto Rico nu din Spania
Răspunde Raportează
entouragesprd 9 February 2022  
France: 12
Wales: 10
Denmark: 9
Mexico: 8
USA: 7
South Africa: 6
California: 5
Japan: 4
Germany: 3
Australia: 2
Spain: 1
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 9 February 2022  
Australia - 12
Spain - 10
USA - 9
Mexico - 8
France - 7
Denmark - 6
Japan - 5
California - 4
Germany - 3
Wales - 2.
South Africa - 1.
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 9 February 2022  
bune cântece sezonul ăsta Tintypvision.
12: mexico obv
10: usa
9: california
8: france
7: wales
6: denmark
5: australia
4: south africa
3: japan
2: spain
1: germany
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 9 February 2022  
    You have to give points to each country.
* The points are: 12, 10-1. The points can’t be repeated.
Răspunde Raportează
DurantLievChiminosear 9 February 2022  
      Baby's in Reno with the vitamin D [*alexa play my song*]
  “Loser” by Beck ˃ name me something better than this, I'm all (y)ears!
     ⁕ hyperlink to the masterpiece: youtu.be/YgSPaXgAdzE
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 8 February 2022  
* Atlas became besties with Axl, Seks and Amavi.
Răspunde Raportează
SeksJagger 9 February 2022  
jæäger¡¡ f@#cking pillock
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 9 February 2022  
de iti trag o palma you’ll got the moves like jagger
Răspunde Raportează
GaelAnaya 8 February 2022  
  Santanaʼs ʻblack magic womanʼ
Răspunde Raportează
LeviRainer 8 February 2022  
Für Deutschland ⸺ Apache 207 ─ 2 Minuten

Răspunde Raportează
NatsukiSaito 8 February 2022  
スキ for Japan: MIYAVI, The Others.
Răspunde Raportează
LucasWard 8 February 2022  
      Straight from Australia, my mate Gotye
Răspunde Raportează
DeniseDeRose 8 February 2022  

me and Arnaud chose this. -France: Feu! Chatterton - Boeing.
Răspunde Raportează
SeksJagger 8 February 2022  
i wont even like this shit of a page even though it says in the contract to do so
what are tou going to fo about it hum
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 8 February 2022  
alo mick jagger hai sa ti iei nebunu de copil
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 8 February 2022  
baiete te descalific mai taca ti fleanca aia mare
Răspunde Raportează
SeksJagger 8 February 2022  
i dont understand your language du ser mig ikke tale på dansk, gør du? disrespectful much
Răspunde Raportează
SeksJagger 8 February 2022  
there you go and repir my f@##cking account woman!¡
lots of slaps on the butts, denmark xx
Răspunde Raportează
AxlMoore 8 February 2022  
y'all fckeerz are not ready for us
team USA [ me, the magic fcker and the hot euphoric lady]
• Metallica- Enter Sandman
Răspunde Raportează
AmahleNaidoo 8 February 2022  
 ☿ For South Africa, Miriam Makeba singing Pata, Pata
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 8 February 2022  
                  ˓❦2ndRoundː Tintype ʻEurovisionʼ            
    Fiecare concurent trebuie să nominalizeze o melodie pentru a-și reprezenta țara
          în competiție. Artistul trebuie să fie nativ din țara respectivă.
       Dacă ai țară comună cu un alt concurent se formează o echipă
     care va nominaliza o singură piesă. Stabiliți în privat împreună ce alegeți.
    Echipele sunt: Durant, Atlas, Axl, Amavi, Chanel [CA, USA] și Arnaud, Denise [FR].
      Restul sunteți pe cont propriu. Răspunsurile se dau direct la album.
Răspunde Raportează
lithium 8 February 2022  
            Iˢᵗ place: seks desi puteai sa alegi si tu alt nume zicc
            IIⁿᵈ place: gael ft exotic
            IIIʳᵈ place: darling draga de eaaaaaa
            IVᵗʰ place: axl ca mi rascolesti amintirile cu acest nume...
            Vᵗʰ place: arnaud dr love ia sa ma ajuti si pe mnn
            VIᵗʰ place: atlas :p pt ca mi amintesti de jesse eisenberg
            VIIᵗʰ place: amahle
            VIIIᵗʰ place: durant
            IXᵗʰ place: levi
            Xᵗʰ place: natsuki
            XIᵗʰ place: lucas
            XIIᵗʰ place: amavi
            XIIIᵗʰ place: derrick ca pt mn ai față de nordic
            XIVᵗʰ place: evangeline
            XVᵗʰ place: denise
            XVIᵗʰ place: chanel
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 8 February 2022  
            0 place: Luna
            Iˢᵗ place: Durant
            IIⁿᵈ place: Darling
            IIIʳᵈ place: Atlas
            IVᵗʰ place: Gael
            Vᵗʰ place: Amahle
            VIᵗʰ place: Levi
            VIIᵗʰ place: Lucas
            VIIIᵗʰ place: Arnaud
            IXᵗʰ place: Amavi
            Xᵗʰ place: Derrick
            XIᵗʰ place: Natsuki
            XIIᵗʰ place: Evangeline
            XIIIᵗʰ place: Axl
            XIVᵗʰ place: Seks
            XVᵗʰ place: Denise
            XVIᵗʰ place: Chanel
Răspunde Raportează
entouragesprd 8 February 2022  
            Iˢᵗ place: Axl e doar Bucky cu machiaj
            IIⁿᵈ place: Atlas parcă semeni cu gagicu unei prietene
            IIIʳᵈ place: Arnaud
            Vᵗʰ place: Gael
            VIᵗʰ place: Darling
            VIIᵗʰ place: Amahle
            VIIIᵗʰ place: En to tre fire fem seks
            IXᵗʰ place: Natsuki
            Xᵗʰ place: Durant
            XIᵗʰ place: Amavi
            XIIᵗʰ place: Lucas
            XIIIᵗʰ place: Derrick
            XIVᵗʰ place: Denise
            XVᵗʰ place: Eva
            XVIᵗʰ place: Chanel
Răspunde Raportează
Temptress 8 February 2022  
1. Amavi pentru ca trăiesc după maddy’s rules now.
2. Gael.
3. Evangeline.
4. Darling.
5. Lucas.
6. Axl.
7. Natsuki.
8. Chanel.
9. Durant.
10. Seks.
11. Derrick.
12. Amahle.
13. Levi.
14. Arnaud.
15. Atlas.
16. Denise.
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 8 February 2022  
a si faceti liste ca va crap.
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 8 February 2022  
1. gael cea mai interesanta tipa hands down what a queen aztec dancer wow wow dont know whats that but i c o n i c periodttt
2. darling cel mai qt nume ever si job asa dragalas si totusi ft preppy o dulcica
3. atlas hocus pocus preparatus welcome to our witchy circus
4. amahle nsh sa ti pronunt numele dar pari si qt si badass we stan:x
5. arnaud n am inteles nimic din jobu tau dar de aia te si pun asa de sus ptc wow the brain the creativity chef’s kiss haha kiss see what i did there alright
6. spooks cel mai dragalas nickname also tot asa n am inteles nimic din jobu tau dar keep it going king
7. seks glumita cu 6 nu mai are haz dar te pun sus ptc tac tu seamana cu heri desi e un pedo
8. hai ca daca tot intram in sfera rockerilor sa le facem cinste, natsuki ptc seamana cu numele meu de familie
9. axl dada am inteles iti plc axl rose sper ca ai intalnit in inchisoare pe cnv mai interesant de atat
10. levi misterios tare esti baiete, name the band
11. derrick ai fata de tiktoker dar job fain
12. lucas ce puii mei surfer profesionist pf kids these days with their weird ass jobs
13. amavi ce fashion fa ca esti mai mult goala in euphoria hai ma lasi cu peticele tale de “haine”!!!!!
14. eva evanghelia te suna mgk isi vrea sangele inapoi
15. chanel pt nume penultimu loc pt fata scz tanti lumanare
16. denise credeam ca esti alex din modern family=)))))))))))))))))))))))((((

lista ca a mea n are nimeneaaa
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 7 February 2022  
1: darling
2: atlas
3: gael
4: amavi
5: lucas
6: amahle
7: durant
8: natsuki
9: arnaud
10: evangeline
11: levi
12: denise
13: derrick
14: chanel
15: seks, imi pare cunoscut numele :-?
16: axl, scuze dar am avut deja un axel.
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 7 February 2022  
1. Amavi
2. Derrick
3. Atlas
4. Chanel
5. Axl
6. Lucas
7. Darling
8. Natsuki
9. Gael
10. Seks
11. Amahle
12. Arnaud
13. Evangeline
14. Durant
15. Levi
16. Denise
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 7 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 7 February 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
iMysticFalls 7 February 2022  
Iˢᵗ place: Amavi
            IIⁿᵈ place: Axl
            IIIʳᵈ place: Evangeline
            IVᵗʰ place:Chanel
            Vᵗʰ place:Denise
            VIᵗʰ place:Lucas
            VIIᵗʰ place:Levi
            VIIIᵗʰ place:Durant
            IXᵗʰ place:Gael
            Xᵗʰ place:Derrick
            XIᵗʰ place:Arnaud
            XIIᵗʰ place: Amahle
            XIIIᵗʰ place:Darling
            XIVᵗʰ place:Seks
            XVᵗʰ place: Natsuki
            XVIᵗʰ place:Atlas
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 7 February 2022  
            Iˢᵗ place:
            IIⁿᵈ place:
            IIIʳᵈ place:
            IVᵗʰ place:
            Vᵗʰ place:
            VIᵗʰ place:
            VIIᵗʰ place:
            VIIIᵗʰ place:
            IXᵗʰ place:
            Xᵗʰ place:
            XIᵗʰ place:
            XIIᵗʰ place:
            XIIIᵗʰ place:
            XIVᵗʰ place:
            XVᵗʰ place:
            XVIᵗʰ place:
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 5 February 2022  
            ...You have to create a character; as if you create one for a book or a movie.
            You’ll be both the writer and the actor of your creation. You’ll have to pick for
            your creation: f̣ạc̣ẹ-̣c̣ḷạịṃ ̣(̣c̣ẹḷẹḅṛịṭỵ)̣, ̣f̣ụḷḷ ̣ṇạṃẹ, ̣c̣ịṭy, ̣ạgẹ,̣ ạṇḍ his ̣ọc̣c̣ụp̣ạṭịọṇ.
            After the first round, when you will take a first look at the other competitors,
            you’ll receive your personal account. There you'll find your public 'instagram'
            which you'll have to take care of, and your private board. After that, you are
            free to talk with the other players, comment on their ‘Tintype page' whatever.
            To aid you in building your character’s personality, each round you'll have to
            answer my questionnaire according to his aesthetics; you&the other players
            will be judged by the ‘Audience’ of the game (sunphoto accounts, including
            yours, but try not to get caught! A player can get rid of you if they find out it
            is you who's behind your character's mask); So that's about it. It's the game
            about popularity, strategies, aesthetics, charisma, friendships, love, snakes.
            And the fun part?            ...You get to pick your weapons...
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 30 January 2022  
Veniti si la mn la joc
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 30 January 2022  
o trm eu in societatea thule
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 30 January 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 30 January 2022  
:********** acm ne am impacat
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 30 January 2022  
ca zici tu?
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 30 January 2022  
taci fa nu strica mom asta frumos
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 30 January 2022  
A zis mimi ca ai destule persoane
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 30 January 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 30 January 2022  
spune i la mimi ca o trm in era lui freud ca sa fie nefericita
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 30 January 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 30 January 2022  
ce ai fa nebuno n ai destui
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 30 January 2022  
bda voiam sa fie mesaj subliminal dar trb tu sa comentezi :-j
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 25 January 2022  
in ritmul asta vreau sio un fezco???
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 25 January 2022  
tu sa ramai cu ester:-?
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 25 January 2022  
ce i cu atatea cereri bro
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 25 January 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 25 January 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 25 January 2022  
ceau bau
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 25 January 2022  
best meme
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 25 January 2022  
=))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) the perfect lover doesnt exi-
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 25 January 2022  
ati auzit de policrush,metro crush si tot ce mai exista
ei bine...acum avem suncrush se pare=)))))
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 25 January 2022  
am io o cerere vreau concurenti multi ca sa se simta premiul mai heavy in mainile mele woo woo wooo
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 25 January 2022  
daca mai st concurenti care au cereri astept un dm ;)
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 25 January 2022  
in feb doamnelor calmați va si totusi nu va dati de gol zic
Răspunde Raportează
Temptress 25 January 2022  
hai odată
Răspunde Raportează
entouragesprd 24 January 2022  
Bill sau văru?
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 24 January 2022  
=)))))))))))) let's let the public decide
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 24 January 2022  
nsh frt da ma bazez pe tn sa reusesti!!
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 24 January 2022  
da hai
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 23 January 2022  
cheama loome
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 21 January 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 21 January 2022  
bn ma gandeam la tineee
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 21 January 2022  
si pe mn nu ma intrebi ce fac?
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 21 January 2022  
nu dar revin o maine ca poate te intreb atunci
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 21 January 2022  
acum e cazul sa ne despartim te rog sa nu suferi
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 22 January 2022  
da du te sau o te ineci in lacrimile mele
Răspunde Raportează
Mauriacs 21 January 2022  
eu st carrie
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 21 January 2022  
da esti:-?
Răspunde Raportează
entouragesprd 20 January 2022  
Hai fato ca ești rea
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 20 January 2022  
dc rea..... o chema dalton it's a pun girlie
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 13 January 2022  
juji thomas o asteapta pe ginerva la intalnirea aia=))) promit ca vin cu cartea semnata si o idee misto de date
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 13 January 2022  
hai ca am ghicit 7/11=)))))
Răspunde Raportează
entouragesprd 13 January 2022  
Dont be shy show us your list
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 14 January 2022  
enjoy=)) am si explicatie pt fiecare desi tom nu a vorbit cu unele persoane eram atenta la liste si la orele la care se dadeam commuri=))
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 14 January 2022  
imi plc ca m ai pus pe mine la ala cu marijuana =)))))))
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 14 January 2022  
you give me that vibe=)))
Răspunde Raportează
entouragesprd 14 January 2022  
You always sniff me
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 14 January 2022  
defect profesional,prea atenta la detalii:))
initial nu te suspectam pana mi-ai bagat-o pe aia ca nu tre sa stie nimeni daca ma abonez la only fansu tau=))))( which i still wouldn't sorry)
Răspunde Raportează
entouragesprd 14 January 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 14 January 2022  
tocmai de asta=)) i know you love tom
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 13 January 2022  
de ab astept sa va bat
Răspunde Raportează
entouragesprd 13 January 2022  
Îmi plc ca aici pui varianta cenzurata
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 13 January 2022  
curuuuuu* na poftim
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 13 January 2022  
in februarie te asteptam mark your calendars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :X
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 13 January 2022  
da luna viitoare vii
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 13 January 2022  
sper ca primim cizme sage green gratis toti
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 13 January 2022  
merch drop soon
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 13 January 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 13 January 2022  
mai mergem la mec?
Răspunde Raportează
entouragesprd 13 January 2022  
Sure hun' leggo
Răspunde Raportează
entouragesprd 13 January 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 13 January 2022  
there are two types of girls in this world: f*cked up b!tches with serious mental illness attracted to sechs, and normal healthy girls attracted to syx; pick your 6 besties
Răspunde Raportează
entouragesprd 13 January 2022  
Stop exposing me like that bestie
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 13 January 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 13 January 2022  
cred că acum pot să mor liniștită mi-am îndeplinit toate scopurile pe planetă
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 13 January 2022  
dacă pici examenele măcar poți spune că ai câștigat tintype s8 bestie
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 13 January 2022  
asta scriu în loc de răspuns să se oftice și ele
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 13 January 2022  
fe li ci tariiiii!!!!!!!
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 13 January 2022  
mersiiiiiiiiiiiiii ♡ și că ai ieșit să mi faci loc
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 13 January 2022  
       Ist place: Text A, Triin Karu [22p]
       IInd place: Text B, Syx Toftgard [20p]
       IIIrd place: Text C, Kayleigh Dalton [18p]
  ³P̣ẹṛṣọṇạḷ Tintypes:  I'm happy to announce the winner of the competition:
    8ᵗʰ seasonʼs winner: Triin Karu, at the helm of gaudium.


                1. lithium: Connor Tingley as Francis Braque.
                2. Ouroboros: Hailee Steinfield as Caitlyn Hunt.
                3. shiver: Sylvie Noelle as Zoe Kravitz.
                4. gaudium: Marion Pascale as Triin Karu.
                5. breatheme: James Cunningham as Sechs Alastor.
                6. GiForce: Taylor Lashae as Ginerva Ludovica Manon.
                7. Maktub: Lucas White Smith as Syx Toftgard.
                8. aftertaste: Tom Hiddleston as Thomas Huntington.
                9. Nidaros: Sydney Sweeney as Kayleigh Dalton.
                10. infinite2inhibit: James Franco as Dougal Skelton.
                11. lesHydropathes: Erik Otto as Cyprian Bingley.
                12. Complicated: Eiza González as Antônia Silva.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 13 January 2022  
 Final❦℟ᵒᵘᶰᵈ ... I invite the public to pick their favorite answer:

 a) The most important thing everyone should know about me is that I run on tiny moments that put smiles on my face and make me realize I am happy to be experiencing life the way I do. It’s these moments that inspire me on a daily basis and keep me going, keep me creating. I am sensitive, like that. I am moved when a dog picks me out of everybody on the street to pet him. When it comes to my work, confidence is the key word that defines me, even though I can be very messy. I have a million ideas per second and can’t catch even half of them. I like trying new things, seeing new places, meeting new people. I like falling in love with the endless possibilities of life. I like how everyone’s view of the world is unique. And I love mine.

 b) One thing I never liked doing was finding the right words to introduce me and my personality to an audience cause I be envisioning myself as a tedious person. In a way I'm sure my qualities make up for it, I'm just too lazy to try and shove a certain impression down others' throats. But hi, I'm here to tell you that I'm a bunch of other different things in addition to being lame without my consent. I'm a big envisionary, risk taker and bad humor on two legs. I speak 4 languages and I'm a sucker for intelligence, —I once read Being and Time and couldn't think straight for a month. Polite in time of need, sometimes impulsive and thrill-seeking. Somebody told me once that I am way too chill for my own good so I guess they were right.

 c) I get what I want cause I ask for it, not because I'm really that deserving of it. An imagine of distortion on a silver screen, living life like I'm in a dream. But that dream is a void which knows no bounds and it's meant to fill the emptiness of my spirit. I guess you could say that my life's a mess, but I'm still looking pretty. I'm the image of deception. The image of life without anguish, but I've learned to embrace the other side of existence. Skittish, clumsy, glutton, alluring, gregarious and sometimes erratic.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 12 January 2022  
 You granted immunity to Satan's graffiti. The artists behind the artwork are Syx and Triin, congrats!   
   Now, I once again call upon the public to exercise their right to vote.
     Between Francis and Kayleigh, who do you vote off?
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 12 January 2022  
Votul este anonim. Trimiteți-mi mesaj cu numele celui pe care îl eliminați.
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 12 January 2022  
satans graffiti
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 12 January 2022  
Strawberry... Lipstick (State of Mind)
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 12 January 2022  
i'm feeling devious..you're looking glamorous
nu m-am putut abtine:)) ador❤
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 12 January 2022  
let’s get mischievous and polyamorous!!
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 12 January 2022  
cine știe melodia asta are gusturi
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 12 January 2022  
yessssssssss!!!!!!! i love it :x
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 12 January 2022  
satan's graffiti
Răspunde Raportează
lithium 12 January 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 12 January 2022  
satan’s graffiti
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 12 January 2022  
Satan's graffiti
Răspunde Raportează
entouragesprd 12 January 2022  
strawberry lipstick mood
Răspunde Raportează
Temptress 12 January 2022  
Satan’s graffiti.
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 12 January 2022  
strawberry... lipstick (state of mind)
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 12 January 2022  
 IXth❦℟ᵒᵘᶰᵈ ... I invite the public to pick their favorite artwork:
 Satan's graffiti: imgbox.com/1Qa61mdS
 Strawberry... Lipstick (State of Mind): imgur.com/rGdaE7t
Răspunde Raportează
SechsAlastor 11 January 2022  
satan has his penchants, fellow-devils; to admire and encourage self-distruction and chaos, so i will; it is my gift to you; let that be the gift for me. i'll standby and watch it all collapse... and i'll grin at the glory of destruction.
i wasn't born, i was unleashed, see you in hell
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 11 January 2022  
 IXth❦℟ᵒᵘᶰᵈ ... This round is a little special. First, you will have to form teams. Each pair has to make their own artwork to present later to the public. The public will then bid for your paintings, and the art who collects the most money will provide immunity to the winning team.

..you fall into a painting- as easily as you would a puddle- and become a part of it. what painting would you most want to be a part of ?

Q: How are we going to make our paintings? First, the head of the team will start the project on his own, but he will not finish it. He has to leave space for you. After he uploads his version to imgur, you will take the unfinished piece of art and you will finish it on your own, then you will upload it here, in the comments. [talk to your partner about how you're going to name it too]

The Teams are: Francis (C) & Kayleigh, Syx (C) & Triin.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 11 January 2022  
Sechs used Dimitri Card to resuscitate Syx back to life. (6 pe 6 la greu se ajuta) As a result, Sechs is eliminated and Syx returns in his place.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 11 January 2022  
The votes are in…
Francis: 105
Sechs: 107
Kayleigh: 121
Syx: 123
Triin: 117
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 11 January 2022  
* The votes are closed.
Lydia Card has been activated by one of the players.
When I’ll be revealing the votes, they will be upside down. The first place will be eliminated.
Răspunde Raportează
entouragesprd 11 January 2022  
1. group dances
2. hot shower cine a zis aici cold e psycho
3. right side of bed
4. necklaces
5. excited for snow
6. window closed
7. video games
8. red wine
9. submissive
10. terrible speech?
11. seeking help bitcc you know it
12. low expectations
13. take the lift
14. read the whole book in one sitting
15. keeps their mouth shut
16. order the same meal chimken nuggets
17. disney-style fairytale?
18. attend a party
19. see the future
20. slowly growing fond of someone
Răspunde Raportează
lithium 11 January 2022  
1: group
2: hot ca mn lololol
3: left
4: rings
5: :-? nush ce sa zic, imi place la munte da nu mocirla de aici de la ct deci dislike.
6: open
7: board
8: red pt ca e afrodisiaccc
9: submissive :-)
10: terrible speech
11: depinde:-? de ob by myself
12: high hopes din pacate pt mn.
13: stairs ca mi e frica de lift:-)
14: take a year din pacate din nou mai ales cartile pt fac.
15: says it how it is
16: depinde dar daca merg la ac restaurant the same :-?
17: dark
18: host ca nu ma simt bn la altii acs.
19: change the past
20: love at first sight
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 11 January 2022  
1. group
2. hot
3. right cn naiba doarme pe stanga
4. necklaces mai mult
5. ALWAYS EXCITED pacat ca nu mai avem
6. open
7. video games
8. red
9. dominant
10. handwriting
11. trying to solve
12. low expectations
13. lift
14. take a year man
15. keep my mouth shut
16. the same meal
17. disney
18. attend a party
19. change the past
20. slowly growing fond of someone
Răspunde Raportează
Temptress 11 January 2022  
1. goup dancing always ca n ai cum să slow dance sus pe mese la Loft.
2. hot showers.
3. left side always.
4. ringssss ca o matroană ce sunt.
5. excited.
6. window open.
7. board games.
8. tequila, bineînțeles. da’ na hai white wine.
9. dominant.
10. handwriting.
11. trying to solve them by myself.
12. high hopes.
13. take the lift.
14. in one sitting.
15. says it how it is always.
16. something new every time.
17. disney fairytale.
18. attend a party.
19. see the future.
20. love at first sight.
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 11 January 2022  
1: slow dancing
2: hot shower
3: right side
4: rings
5: excited for snow
6: window open
7: video games
8: red wine
9: both :-? dominant
10: terrible handwriting
11: seeking help
12: high hopes
13: climb the stairs
14: take a year
15: says it how it is
16: order the same meal
17: dark fairytale
18: attend a party
19: see the future
20: slowly growing fond of someone
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 11 January 2022  
1. slow dancing ca e mai romantic
2. hot shower
3. right side of bed
4. necklaces
5. excited for snow
6. window open
7. board games
8. red wine
9. dominant
10. ..... niciuna sincer x_x dar hai terrible handwriting
11. trying to solve them by myself.
12. low expectations ...
13. take the lift
14. in one sitting
15. says it how it is
16. order the same meal ptc taurilor le e frica sa iasa din rutina.
17. disney-style fairytale
18. attend a party
19. change the past
20. love at first sight
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 11 January 2022  
speak for yourself im ALWAYS ordering new things
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 11 January 2022  
1. slow dancing
2. hot shower
3. right side
4. rings
5. disliking snow
6. window open
7. video games
8. red wine
9. dominant
10. terrible speech
11. solve them by myself
12. low expectations
13. lift
14. one year
15. says it how it is
16. same meal
17. dark fairytale
18. attend a party
19. change the past
20. growing fond of someone
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 11 January 2022  
1. group dance
2. hot shower
3. righ side( a trebuit sa ma uit pe ce oarte sunt)
5. always excited for snow
6.window open
7.board game
8. red wine
10. handwriting
11. by myself
12.high hopes
13. lift
14. one sitting
15. keep my mouth shut pana nu se mai poate
16. same meal
17. dark fairytale
18. host a party
19. past
20. growing fond of someone
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 11 January 2022  
    ˓❦ Invit publicul să completeze același chestionar:

1. group dances or slow dancing?
2. hot shower or cold shower?
3. left side of bed or right side of bed?
4. rings or necklaces?
5. excited for snow or disliking snow?
6. window open or window closed?
7. video games or board games?
8. red wine or white wine?
9. dominant or submissive?
10. terrible handwriting or a terrible speech?
11. seeking help or trying to solve your problems by yourself?
12. high hopes or low expectations?
13. climb the stairs or take the lift?
14. read the whole book in one sitting or take a year to finish it?
15. says it how it is or keeps their mouth shut?
16. order the same meal or something new every time?
17. dark fairytale or disney-style fairytale?
18. attend a party or host a party?
19. see the future or change the past?
20. love at first sight or slowly growing fond of someone?
Răspunde Raportează
SyxToftgard 11 January 2022  
1. group dances
2. hot shower
3. right side
4. necklaces
5. excited
6. open
7. video games
8. red wine
9. dominant
10. handwriting
11. trying to solve them by myself
12. high hopes
13. take the lift
14. take a year to finish
15. says it how it is
16. something new every time
17. disney-style
18. attend a party
19. see the future
20. love at first sight
Răspunde Raportează
KayleighDalton 11 January 2022  
1. group dances;
2. hot shower;
3. right side of bed;
4. necklaces;
5. disliking snow;
6. window open;
7. board games;
8. red wine;
9. dominant;
10. terrible handwriting;
11. trying to solve your problems by yourself;
12. low expectations;
13. take the lift;
14. take a year to finish it (the book);
15. says it how it is;
16. order something new every time;
17. disney-style fairytale;
18. attend a party;
19. see the future;
20. love at first sight.
Răspunde Raportează
SechsAlastor 11 January 2022  
1. group dances
2. hot shower
3. right
4. rings
5. disliking
6. closed
7. board games
8. red
9. dominant
10. terrible handwriting
11. solving them by myself
12. low expectations
13. lift
14. in one sitting
15. says it how it is
16. something new
17. dark fairytale
18. host a party
19. see the future
20. love at first sight
Răspunde Raportează
FrancisBraque 11 January 2022  
1, group dances
2, cold shower
3, left
4, rings
5, disliking
6, open
7, video
8, white
9, /dominant ? both ? depends on the context
10, terrible handwriting
11, trying to solve them by myself
12, low expectations
13, the stairs
14, a year to finish it
15, says it how it is
16, the same meal
17, disney-style
18, attend
19, focus on the present i'd say but fine, change the past
20, love at first sight
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 11 January 2022  
    ˓❦9thRound: This or that.

1. group dances or slow dancing?
2. hot shower or cold shower?
3. left side of bed or right side of bed?
4. rings or necklaces?
5. excited for snow or disliking snow?
6. window open or window closed?
7. video games or board games?
8. red wine or white wine?
9. dominant or submissive?
10. terrible handwriting or a terrible speech?
11. seeking help or trying to solve your problems by yourself?
12. high hopes or low expectations?
13. climb the stairs or take the lift?
14. read the whole book in one sitting or take a year to finish it?
15. says it how it is or keeps their mouth shut?
16. order the same meal or something new every time?
17. dark fairytale or disney-style fairytale?
18. attend a party or host a party?
19. see the future or change the past?
20. love at first sight or slowly growing fond of someone?
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 10 January 2022  
1. sechs
2. syx
3. francis
4. triin
5. sylvie
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 10 January 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
entouragesprd 10 January 2022  
            Iˢᵗ place: Sechs
            IIⁿᵈ place: Syx
            IIIʳᵈ place: Triin
            IVᵗʰ place: Francis își vrea tataie ciocatele inapoi
            Vᵗʰ place: Sylvie
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 10 January 2022  
1. Sechs
2. Syx
3. Triin
4. Francis
5. Sylvie
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 10 January 2022  
1. Sechs
2. Triin
3. Francis
4. Syx
5. Sylvie
Răspunde Raportează
Temptress 10 January 2022  
1. Syx.
2. Triin.
3. Sylvie.
4. Francis.
5. Sechs.
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 10 January 2022  
            Iˢᵗ place: Sechs bc Scorpio ♥️____♥️
            IIⁿᵈ place: Syx
            IIIʳᵈ place: Francis
            IVᵗʰ place: Triin
            Vᵗʰ place: Sylvie
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 10 January 2022  
* Kayleigh activated Sylvester Card. She won’t participate in this round, but she is free from elimination.

            Iˢᵗ place:
            IIⁿᵈ place:
            IIIʳᵈ place:
            IVᵗʰ place:
            Vᵗʰ place:
Răspunde Raportează
SylvieNoelle 10 January 2022  
1) ❝Maybe the two different worlds we lived in weren’t so different. We saw the same sunset.❞ ─ The Outsiders, S. E. Hinton › imgbox.com/TixP8p1r.
2) Sagittarius ♐︎, sky is the limit › imgbox.com/K0Z2Klbu.
Răspunde Raportează
SyxToftgard 10 January 2022  
⑴ the art of looking sideways: imgur.com/a/CErz5w0.
⑵ capricorn: imgur.com/a/ilAM12T.
Răspunde Raportează
FrancisBraque 10 January 2022  
q1: adventures with bananas in pajamas:  imgur.com/uNEMS9S.
q2: aquarius: imgur.com/httzob6.
Răspunde Raportează
SechsAlastor 10 January 2022  
ⅰ. imgur.com/a/3dDJg4b, the gashlycrumb tinies.
  ״s is for sechs who died of syphilis.״
ⅱ. imgur.com/a/60lYi1t, scorpio vibez.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 10 January 2022  
    ˓❦8thRound: ‘what would you wear- ?’ ask game~
    .. if you lived in your favourite book ? (specify the book)

    ..that fits your zodiac sign ? (specify the zodiac)
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 10 January 2022  
Alright that’s it thank you for coming I’ll see you next season bye muah muah
Răspunde Raportează
FantinoBentivoglio 10 January 2022  
Sechs, Pantalone: 9.
Kayleigh, Columbina: 9,5.
Triin, Pulcinella, 8.
Cyprian, Il Capitano, 8.
Syx, Cucurucu: 8,5.
Francis, Zanni: 9.
Răspunde Raportează
NarioVincenzo 10 January 2022  
Sechs: 4.
Kayleigh: 8.
Triin: 7.
Cyprian: 7.
Syx: 7.
Francis: 6.
Răspunde Raportează
RomyElssler 10 January 2022  
Sechs: 5,
Kayleigh: 9,
Triin: 8,
Cyprian: 8,
Syx: 6,
Francis: 7.
Răspunde Raportează
HarrietLensbury 10 January 2022  
         Sechs: 6.
         Kayleigh: 8,5.
         Triin: 9.
         Cyprian: 10.
         Syx: 8.
         Francis: 7,5.
Răspunde Raportează
WinnieLynx 10 January 2022  
Sechs: 7.
Kayleigh: 8.
Triin: 8,5.
Cyprian: 8,5.
Syx: 7.
Francis: 6.
Răspunde Raportează
KenzoWoodward 10 January 2022  
 Sechs: Demeter, Funeral Home... 8.
 Kayleigh: Miss Dior... too niche... 7.
 Triin: Chanel ,Eau Fraîche... 7.
 Cyprian: Lipstick On, Maison Margiela... 8,5
 Syx: Bull's Blood, Imaginary Authors... 6.
 Francis: Flame by BK... 7.
Răspunde Raportează
FantinoBentivoglio 10 January 2022  
am pus virgula gresit............. pot sa mi sterg comu ?
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 10 January 2022  
nu in puii mei ca am calculat
Răspunde Raportează
ValerianLeSieg 10 January 2022  
ok chuckie
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 10 January 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
ValerianLeSieg 10 January 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 10 January 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 10 January 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 10 January 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 10 January 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 10 January 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 10 January 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 10 January 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 10 January 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 10 January 2022  
n am aceasta zodie odioasa in chartul sau viata mea .
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 10 January 2022  
nici eu din fericire ...
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 10 January 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
AndreasMilosevic 10 January 2022  
Sechs: 10, unmatched.
Kayleigh: 5, passable.
Triin: 4, pedestrian.
Cyprian: 9, bygone.
Syx: 6, futuristic.
Francis: 7, misconstrued.
Răspunde Raportează
AxelVaughn 10 January 2022  
  Sechs: 10—Mainly for the Goya.
 Kayleigh: 5. Too Pink.
  Triin: 5. Too Basic.
 Cyprian: 5. Too Boring.
  Syx: 5. Too Childish.
 Francis: 8. 'Cause I like the Yellow,
for —obvious
Răspunde Raportează
ValerianLeSieg 9 January 2022  
 ౹: Sechs, you remind me of Chuckie’s aesthetic. I can’t tell if it’s drool or puke. 7.
 ੨: Kayleigh, Is that a flower or. Ahm, all right, 6.
 ੩: Triin, Sage green is not a personality trait, 3.
 ੫: Cyprian, Do you happen to be my grandfather Seuss? 9.
 Ƽ: Syx, Filthy. Nasty. Skeevy. 10.
 Ϭ: Francis, You wish you were me. 9.
Răspunde Raportează
CapucinedeVargnes 9 January 2022  
Sechs: 6…
Kayleigh: 8.
Triin: 9.
Cyprian: 8.5.
Syx: 7.
Francis: 7.5.
Răspunde Raportează
ViggoVanEyck 9 January 2022  
Francis, Eh for a mediocre contemporary artist with a vision, 10
Syx, I get a buzz out of disorder, 7
Cyprian, ‘ve got a few antiques that I think you might like, 10
Triin, you couldn’t have picked an uglier color? 4
Kayleigh, perverse, I have a poem for you:
on, 6
Sechs, hark back to “Lost,
they say that hell is crowded,” 10
Răspunde Raportează
AnubisElnabawy 9 January 2022  
Sechs: 9. That's quite intriguing.
Kayleigh: 7. Too much pink, chill.
Triin: 4. Dull.
Cyprian: 7,5.
Syx: 8. Meh.
Francis: 6 for the hippo.
Răspunde Raportează
EricSchweizer 9 January 2022  
sechs, 9 craziest dude yo
kayleigh, 10 she cute
triin, 8 my ex had the same lingerie set
cyprian, 5 idk nice time traveler?
syx, 7 share some figurines bro
francis, 7 skating is dangerous
Răspunde Raportează
AkemiMinato 9 January 2022  
Sechs: 9.
Kayleigh: 6.
Triin: 5.
Cyprian: 5.
Syx: 10.
Francis: 8.
Răspunde Raportează
SylvesterBryant 9 January 2022  
Sechs: 1, the hell? You need a psychologist? I’ve got contacts, my guy, I can do something for you… for free.
Kayleigh: 6, I respect businesswomen, that’s all I have to say.
Triin: 4, New York’s streets are full of this stereotype of a woman.
Cyprian: 7, my man was just ripped from the novels I never liked reading as a child.
Syx: 7, though you seem lost in your own multiverse kiddo.
Francis: 2, one of the reasons why I’m unsure if I wanna have kids one day.
Răspunde Raportează
CalliopeLykaios 9 January 2022  
Sechs: 2.
Kayleigh: 8.
Triin: 10.
Cyprian: 9.
Syx: 6.
Francis: 3.
Răspunde Raportează
BonnieFitzgerald 9 January 2022  
Sechs: 10 cuz i love weirdos
Kayleigh: 10 you are so pretty and i root for you!
Triin: 4 basic white girl
Cyprian: 2 go back to the plague
Syx: 7 meh
Francis: 9 but not 10 cuz too much yellow bleah
Răspunde Raportează
IngridSodergran 9 January 2022  
Sechs – 5 ╰(◣﹏◢)╯
Kayleigh – 6, but only for the pink aestethic \(`0´)/
Triin – 9 ♥(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)
Cyprian – 7 ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Syx – 6 ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
Francis – 6 (︶︹︺)
Răspunde Raportează
MagnusGunnarsson 9 January 2022  
Sechs – 5 ✞✞✞✞
Kayleigh – 5 ✞✞✞
Triin – 8
Cyprian – 7
Syx – 8, mostly for baby Yoda
Francis – 10 kudos, brother
Răspunde Raportează
BasilRenard 9 January 2022  
Sechs – 10, I see you're a man of culture as well
Kayleigh – For doing Satan's work, in another way, 7
Triin – 5
Cyprian – 6
Syx – 9,5
Francis – The f*ck's this, 6
Răspunde Raportează
FelixColumbeanu 9 January 2022  
Sechs: 1 arată ca un covor d-ăla de pe pereții caselor rurale din Maramureș
Kayleigh: 9 ți-aș fi dat 10 dar prea mult roz
Triin: 5 din punct de vedere cromatic nu îmi dau seama dacă îmi aduce aminte de înghețată de mentă sau o flegmă
Cyprian: 7 că îmi dai vibe de Henry al VIII-lea constant și nu vreau sa îți decapitezi colegele
Syx: 8 că îmi dă un feeling de comics
Francis: 2 ce plm de chestie gen Z e asta?
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 9 January 2022  
=]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] best comment
Răspunde Raportează
RedMcIntosh 9 January 2022  
Sechs – 4 just because there is... red, and a lamb [or two?];
Kayleigh – 5 just because... pink is red + white;
Triin – 8 just because... it is very earthy to me;
Cyprian – 8 just because... I like your vintage aes;
Syx – 7 just because... I like the creativity behind it;
Francis – 7 just because... it is genuine and offbeat.
Răspunde Raportează
BlaiseDelacroix 9 January 2022  
Sechs: 4.
Kayleigh: 9.
Triin: 8.
Cyprian: 7.
Syx: 7.
Francis: 6.
Răspunde Raportează
NasrinOnyango 9 January 2022  
Sechs: 1.
Kayleigh: 9.
Triin: 10.
Cyprian: 4.
Syx: 4.
Francis: 1.
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 9 January 2022  
unde e sylvie iubita
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 9 January 2022  
ce sylvie visezi mă că n-are lucrare
Răspunde Raportează
BlaiseDelacroix 9 January 2022  
lesin stai refac ca eu m am luat după altceva=))))))))) acm am văzut runda de mai jos
Răspunde Raportează
TateZeitgeist 9 January 2022  
Francis: Rad, 10.
Syx: Not bananas, but not not rad, 8.
Cyprian: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, 7.
Triin: Not terre verte, —not rad, 5.
Kayleigh: Rad, 7.
Sechs: I have some Sympathy for the Devil, rad, 6 + 66 —I'm still learning basic math.
Răspunde Raportează
CapucinedeVargnes 9 January 2022  
I can confirm you are a terrible, terrible elementary student.
Răspunde Raportează
TateZeitgeist 9 January 2022  
My teacher is busy making out with me.
Răspunde Raportează
CapucinedeVargnes 10 January 2022  
Take ten, bébé.
Răspunde Raportează
TateZeitgeist 10 January 2022  
No, I convert back.
You take ten, baby.
Răspunde Raportează
ElinaBuhler 9 January 2022  
If i vote can I talk about my new single after?
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 9 January 2022  
du te la grammys si lasa ne !!!
Răspunde Raportează
ElinaBuhler 9 January 2022  
Maybe I should write about you insted of Gabe
Răspunde Raportează
EmilieAtangana 9 January 2022  
Sechs: 2
Kayleigh: 5
Triin: 7
Cyprian: 7
Syx: 3
Francis: 3
Răspunde Raportează
PoppyRenard 9 January 2022  
And yes, I can vote too.
What spiritless magna opera... and, seeing as I heap praise on no one, my voting would betide as a delicious spin of Russian roulette. Fun.
Francis: mymy you are Andy Warhol dazed and confused. I like the banana, you all know I do, the banana is the highlight of your... thingy. Should I give you a solid 7? I wild for unhinged potheads like you. Call me.
Syx: I am a creature fascinated with the art of witchery. And you are the enemy to me, dearless, you thrive on... wires. To me, Nature si sacred, and your Industry abuses such powers. The power of the Earth is of my people, cease that... technology thingy. I should give you a 6. Ha, funny. 6.
Cyprian: you remind me of the spirits I often gossip with. Surely you must have been reincarnated many times, but I wish you'd stay dead for the sake of my career. The less dead, the less silver I acquire to pay my... kinks. I should give you a 7.
Triin: your boots were made for walking. From this art piece the color stands out, and it is the color of MotherlyNature and I, half green sorceress of the wild, half red enchantress, can respect that. The lingerie is wafer-thin, as all lingerie should be. I should give you a 7.
Kayleigh: you are very dear to me, lustful soul. Your carnal and unchaste handiwork excites me, if you know what I mean, and you surely do. I personally prefer Red, it's more passionate, but your hot pink aphrodisiacal aesthetic works too. It's a 9 from your salacious girlfriend.
Sechs: I see, I know creatures like you. You found you hold powers in an angered state, and that eremetic plight guided you towards forces of evil. It would be hypocritical of me to spurn you, I pity you instead. I sometimes charge my sortilege with black power too, but not as pitch-black as yours. My brother fell into this demonianism too, but he treads a path much, much safer. You, dearless, stand inside the kisser of diablerie and should be very careful where you'll step further with your art. But, and there's a but, seeing that you are one of my own, I should grant you a 9.
Răspunde Raportează
JamesLauder 9 January 2022  
idk why my old account won't work..anyway happy to be back

Sechs: 4
Kayleigh: 4
Triin: 4
Cyprian: 10
Syx: 5
Francis: 4
Răspunde Raportează
LunaFernandezVidal 9 January 2022  
neither one is my aesthetic but everybody is so creative and unique in their own way that I would feel bad to choose between them so..10 for everybody
Răspunde Raportează
LydiaWheeler 9 January 2022  
Let's be clear, I'm not here because I want to.
1: Cyprian, that aesthetic is that bygone in the past that even Jesus forgot about it, BO-RING, take your shirt off, play some modish music and give your Reverend John Wesley bust a striptease show. Note: 3.
2: Speaking of ungodly things, Sechs, (what mom names their kid after their favorite activity? Are you my son? You can't be. I'm too young) what a heinous depiction of ???? Your dad leaving you to get milk at the age of 4? There are better coping mechanisms than joining a cult. Anyway. Ugly. I only like the demon feeding from the dismembered body. (it reminds me of Sylvester and I) Ugly. Note: 3.
3: Syx, is that boring that I can't even comment on it. I guess you just hit puberty. Note: 2.
4: How subtle, miss Bimbo. Note: 6.
5: Francis, I love everything about it. So inspiring!!!!!!!! 10!!!!!
6: I didn't thought I can be more bored after Syx, but apparently I can. Uno dos tres quatro, no, no, Uno d̶o̶s̶ ̶t̶r̶e̶s̶ ̶q̶u̶a̶t̶r̶o̶ for miss Triin.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 9 January 2022  
still iconic I see
Răspunde Raportează
GabrielRyser 9 January 2022  
Sechs: 1
Kayleigh : 1
Triin: 4
Cyprian: 4
Syx: 10
Francis: 10
Răspunde Raportează
IsabelleRossi 9 January 2022  
Sechs: 1
Kayleigh: 5
Triin: 10
Cyprian: 4
Syx: 3
Francis: 2
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 9 January 2022  
* Sylvie activated Sylvester Card. She won’t participate in this round, but she is free from elimination.
    ˓❦7thRoundː INFORMATION ABOUT THE VOTING SYSTEM [A mandatory read]
This round, instead of your regular sunphoto accounts, I’m calling past Tintype characters to vote, and they have to give a mark [from 1 to 10] according to their aesthetic. Hahahahahaah, that’s right, it doesn’t matter if you have multiple characters, you can vote multiple times, but make sure to switch your taste according to theirs. Cause I’m watching, and if I know your OC liked girly stuff, and you vote higher for smth gore, I’m not taking your vote into consideration and vice versa. There is no capacity limit this time, I’ll end the vote when I feel like it; so I’m expecting a lot of marks [I repeat, from 1 to 10] because there were many of you, and I want to see yall back, even if it is for a brief contribution. Bring in the Chaos, cause I’m bored.
Răspunde Raportează
SechsAlastor 9 January 2022  
imgur.com/a/VTPVeTp, divine omnipotence created this (me)
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 9 January 2022  
    ˓❦7thRoundː Make a mood board: pick nine random pics that describe your aesthetic.
    (you can make your own mood board or you can find plenty online, mostly on Tumblr)

    ˓e.g. imgbox.com/YCUscnXz
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 9 January 2022  
ok pun pe privat că nu se mai poate așa ceva
Răspunde Raportează
lithium 9 January 2022  
1: Triin
2: sylvie
3: cyprian
4: sechs
5: syx
6: francis
7: kayleigh
8: thomas ca nu e adev
Răspunde Raportează
lesHydropathes 9 January 2022  
            Iˢᵗ place: Thomas.
            IIⁿᵈ place: Sylvie.
            IIIʳᵈ place: Syx.
            IVᵗʰ place: Triin.
            Vᵗʰ place: Sechs.
            VIᵗʰ place: Kayleigh.
            VIIᵗʰ place: Francis.
            VIIIᵗʰ place: Cyprian.
Răspunde Raportează
entouragesprd 9 January 2022  
și acum să vă numărați sg punctaju că îmi e lene
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 9 January 2022  
eu am incercat ceva dar nu stiu daca am numarat bine=))
is it
francis/ thomas
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 9 January 2022  
well not anymore but yes you were right cred
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 9 January 2022  
sorry about that:))
i tried my best to help :o3
Răspunde Raportează
Temptress 9 January 2022  
1. Francis.
2. Thomas.
3. Kayleigh.
4. Syx.
5. Cyprian.
6. Sylvie.
7. Sechs.
8. Triin.
Răspunde Raportează
entouragesprd 9 January 2022  
stați liniștiți nu mă iau în calcul dar it felt nice to make fun of you urîților.
Răspunde Raportează
entouragesprd 9 January 2022  
ca sa il citez pe al 3lea invitat la show-ul tau, fitoaso
Răspunde Raportează
entouragesprd 9 January 2022  
            Iˢᵗ place: Triin
            IIⁿᵈ place: Syx
            IIIʳᵈ place: Cyprian
            IVᵗʰ place: Kayleigh
            Vᵗʰ place: Sechs
            VIᵗʰ place: Sylvie
            VIIᵗʰ place: Thomas
            VIIIᵗʰ place: Francis
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 9 January 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 9 January 2022  
1. sylvie
2. triin
3. syx
4. cyprian
5. kayleigh
6. sechs
7. thomas
8. francis
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 9 January 2022  
1: syx
2: sylvie
3: cyprian
4: triin
5: thomas
6: kayleigh
7: francis
8: sechs
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 9 January 2022  
1. Sylvie
2. Kayleigh
3. Triin
4. Syx
5. Cyprian
6. Thomas
7. Francis
8. Sechs
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 9 January 2022  
1. triin
2. cypri
3. silvi
4. syx
5. francis
6. sechs
7. kayleigh
8. thomas
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 9 January 2022  
nu fac listă că nu s urâtă da văd că te descurci și singură
Răspunde Raportează
entouragesprd 9 January 2022  
fă llista, frumoaso
Răspunde Raportează
entouragesprd 9 January 2022  
pt prima dată în viață face și admina listă ia hai că vă distrug
deci nu am văzut niciun film deci mă voi lua după relevanța alegerii
1. triin, simplu sleek catchy phrase the movie was integrated nicely in the lil joke like
2. syx, mai amuzant e că eu știu ceva ce tu nu știi pentru că vă citesc conversațiile lmao
3. sylvie ptc și eu m-am gândit la același film pt tommy
4. kayleigh ptc e un mod de a spune: you had the Nerve să nu răspunzi data trecută
5. cyprian ptc chiar seamănă sechs cu ăla mor
6. sechs ptc ai zis că ți se pare băiat emotiv syx și acum îl faci robot, ce te contrazici așa.
7. thomas ptc filmul ăla îi aparție lu bella și lucy și dau copyright scz i dont make the rules
8. francis ptc știu ce voiai să faci dar ești off de tot și mdr,

ce aveți că e fun să faci liste ia să le fac pe toate de acum 8-}
Răspunde Raportează
SechsAlastor 9 January 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
entouragesprd 9 January 2022  
taci mă satanistule
Răspunde Raportează
entouragesprd 9 January 2022  
vreauuuuuuuuu listeeeeeee hai să le tăiem capu urâților ăstora
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 9 January 2022  
naspa toate ce lista vrei
Răspunde Raportează
entouragesprd 9 January 2022  
dați liste urâților
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 8 January 2022  
            Iˢᵗ place:
            IIⁿᵈ place:
            IIIʳᵈ place:
            IVᵗʰ place:
            Vᵗʰ place:
            VIᵗʰ place:
            VIIᵗʰ place:
            VIIIᵗʰ place:
Răspunde Raportează
FrancisBraque 8 January 2022  
hitler meets christ (2007)
Răspunde Raportează
SyxToftgard 8 January 2022  
Triin, can’t think of anything cooler other than a cat and some crazy boots so Puss in Boots it is.
Răspunde Raportează
ThomasHuntington 8 January 2022  
Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you a movie I can only hope that will do Miss Dalton justice : Gentlemen Prefer Blondes [1953]
- youtu.be/knLd8bfeWtI Need I say more?
Răspunde Raportează
CyprianBingley 8 January 2022  
FOR MISTER ALASTOR, Hellraiser: Hellseeker. You bear a resemblance to Mr.Pinhead.
Răspunde Raportează
SechsAlastor 8 January 2022  
syx toftgard, i happen to be of the opinion that you're not a part of what they call 'mortal', but no, no, no, not a berserker either, more like a badly fabricated robot, therefore Robots (2005)
Răspunde Raportează
KayleighDalton 8 January 2022  
Sylvie, I think that Nerve (2016) would be a film you'd fit in.
Răspunde Raportează
SylvieNoelle 8 January 2022  
✨ Mr. Huntington - Dead Poets Society (1989)
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 8 January 2022  
    ˓❦6thRoundː What movies do you associate with your fellow players? There are no teams this time,
      each one of you will have at random a player assigned to you, to recommend them a movie.
                     Sechs will assign a movie to… Syx
                     Syx will assign a movie to… Triin
                     Triin will assign a movie to… Francis
                     Francis will assign a movie to… Cyprian
                     Cyprian will assign a movie to… Sechs
                     Kayleigh will assign a movie to… Sylvie
                     Sylvie will assign a movie to… Thomas
                     Thomas will assign a movie to… Kayleigh
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 8 January 2022  
1. Thomas
2. Triin
3. Ginerva
4. Syx
5. Kayleigh
6. Sylvie
7. Francis
8. Sechs
9. Cyprian
Răspunde Raportează
Pemberley 8 January 2022  
            Iˢᵗ place: Cyprian
            IIⁿᵈ place: Triin <3
            IIIʳᵈ place: Francis
            IVᵗʰ place: Thomas
            Vᵗʰ place: Ginerva
            VIᵗʰ place: Sechs
            VIIᵗʰ place: Kayleigh
            VIIIᵗʰ place: Syx
            IXᵗʰ place: Sylvie
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 8 January 2022  
1. francis omgggggg vreau
2. thomas omggggg vreaux2
3. ginerva
4. cyprian
5. sechs
6. kayleigh
7. triin
8. syx
9. sylvie
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 8 January 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
entouragesprd 8 January 2022  
            Iˢᵗ place: Syx
            IIⁿᵈ place: Francis cred ca stati și vă uitati unu la altu, I love it
            IIIʳᵈ place: Kayleigh
            IVᵗʰ place: Triin
            Vᵗʰ place: Cyprian
            VIᵗʰ place: Thomas
            VIIᵗʰ place: Sylvie
            VIIIᵗʰ place: Sechs
            IXᵗʰ place: Ginerva
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 8 January 2022  
1. kayleigh
2. cyprian
3. francis
4. sechs
5. triin
6. ginerva
7. syx
8. thomas
9. sylvie
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 8 January 2022  
1: ginerva
2: syx
3: sechs
4: francis, mor
5: cyprian
6: triin
7: thomas
8: sylvie
9: kayleigh scuze e gelos victor
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 8 January 2022  
            Iˢᵗ place:
            IIⁿᵈ place:
            IIIʳᵈ place:
            IVᵗʰ place:
            Vᵗʰ place:
            VIᵗʰ place:
            VIIᵗʰ place:
            VIIIᵗʰ place:
            IXᵗʰ place:
Răspunde Raportează
SylvieNoelle 8 January 2022  
1) Trinidad Loughty, Lydia Wheeler, Raven Harlow.
2) Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
3) hotelthecraftsmen.com/.
Răspunde Raportează
FrancisBraque 8 January 2022  
q1: viggo van eyck, valerian lesieg, tate zeitgeist.
q2: cottonwood, idaho, USA.
q3: the dog bark park inn, imgur.com/e0wLdJo.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 8 January 2022  
vin sho
Răspunde Raportează
FrancisBraque 8 January 2022  
no thanks
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 8 January 2022  
e jocu meu bugetu meu vin
Răspunde Raportează
FrancisBraque 8 January 2022  
fine then sleep on the stairs
Răspunde Raportează
CyprianBingley 7 January 2022  
a. Her Ladyship Harriet Lensbury, His Highness The Prince, and Sir van Eyck.
b, c. The Newt in Somerset, United Kingdom. thenewtinsomerset.com
Răspunde Raportează
GinervaLudovicaManon 7 January 2022  
1. three past Tintype-characters to take with us: Viggo van Eyck, Poppy Renard, Winnie Lynx.
2. what city are we visiting: Porto, Portugal.
3. the hotel we’re staying at: Torel Palace Porto.
Răspunde Raportează
SyxToftgard 7 January 2022  
⑴ three past Tintype-characters to take with us: Tate Zeitgeist, Sabrina Durand, Winnie Lynx.
⑵ what city are we visiting: Doha, Qatar.
⑶ the hotel we’re staying at: Hotel W Doha, imgur.com/a/FyI0TDh; it's like entering a never-ending party: chill-out music plays in the sleek lobby and the staff is handing each arriving guest a mocktail.
Răspunde Raportează
KayleighDalton 7 January 2022  
a) I would take... Poppy Renard, Alvaro Garcia and Andrés Markeviciute.
b) We're visiting Las Vegas, baby. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.
c) We're staying at the Bellagio Hotel & Casino, at my expense.
Răspunde Raportează
SechsAlastor 7 January 2022  
ⅰ. anubis elnabawy, winnie lynx & bonnie fitzgerald, so here you are, tied to an altar made from outdated scriptures, about to get sacrificed to the dark powers by a cult of evil bald men, isn't that fun??? *wink wink*
ⅱ. luxor, egypt
ⅲ. valley of the kings (didn't got the budget for a hotel)
Răspunde Raportează
ThomasHuntington 7 January 2022  
      a) three past Tintype-characters to take with us,
      - Romy Elßler
      - Andreas Milošević
     - Red McIntosh

      b) what city are we visiting,
      - Edinburgh ,Scotland

      c) the hotel we're staying at.
      - The Witchery by The Castle
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 7 January 2022  
    ˓❦5thRoundː We’re going on a Trip. You are in charge of picking:
      a) three past Tintype-characters to take with us,
      b) what city are we visiting,
      c) the hotel we’re staying at.
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 7 January 2022  
1. Kayleigh
2. Ginerva
3. Syx
4. Francis
5. Triin
6. Sechs
7. Sylvie
8. Thomas
9. Caitlyn
10. Cyprian
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 7 January 2022  
1. sechs
2. kayleigh
3. cyprian
4. francis
5. triin
6. ginerva
7. syx
8. thomas
9. sylvie
10. caitlyn
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 7 January 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 7 January 2022  
1. francis love that for u
2. kayleigh
3. sechs
4. cypri
5. thomas cam uratzel costumul
6. syx
7. ginerva
8. triin
9. sylvie
10. caitlyn
Răspunde Raportează
GiForce 7 January 2022  
1. Kayleigh.
2. Syx.
3. Triin.
4. Ginerva.
5. Cyprian.
6. Sechs.
7. Sylvie.
8. Caitlyn.
9. Thomas.
10. Francis.
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 6 January 2022  
1: triin
2: thomas
3: cyprian
4: kayleigh
5: syx
6: ginerva
7: sechs
8: caitlyn
9: sylvie
10: francis
Răspunde Raportează
entouragesprd 6 January 2022  
            Iˢᵗ place: Kayleigh, darnică bunica ta :-)
            IIⁿᵈ place: Cypri, dacă erai Darcy te puneam pe 1 ;)
            IIIʳᵈ place: Thomas (deși mă cam sperie cadoul tău...)
            IVᵗʰ place: Francis, chiar acm mâncam o banană
            Vᵗʰ place: Caitlyn, îmi plc mult vinyl playeru
            VIᵗʰ place: Sechs, dc ai pus semnu de taur:))))))
            VIIᵗʰ place: Syx, nu înțeleg prea multe da cool :-?
            VIIIᵗʰ place: Triin, culoarea zodiei mele aparent...
            IXᵗʰ place: Ginerva, sunt certat cu bella hadid :@
            Xᵗʰ place: Sylvie, tu pari o artistă simpatică.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 6 January 2022  
iconic, spiderman's multiverse got nothing on us
Răspunde Raportează
entouragesprd 6 January 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
entouragesprd 6 January 2022  
eee sunt prt buni.
spală-te n auzi.
Răspunde Raportează
entouragesprd 6 January 2022  
            Iˢᵗ place: Francis mood
            IIⁿᵈ place: Syx ptr pozele 2&3
            IIIʳᵈ place: Kayleigh
            IVᵗʰ place: Cyprian
            Vᵗʰ place: Triin
            VIᵗʰ place: Ginerva
            VIIᵗʰ place: Thomas
            VIIIᵗʰ place: Sylvie
            IXᵗʰ place: Caitlyn
            Xᵗʰ place: Sechs
Răspunde Raportează
entouragesprd 6 January 2022  
am dat com în ac timp -.-
Răspunde Raportează
entouragesprd 6 January 2022  
Am vz <3
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 6 January 2022  
            Iˢᵗ place:
            IIⁿᵈ place:
            IIIʳᵈ place:
            IVᵗʰ place:
            Vᵗʰ place:
            VIᵗʰ place:
            VIIᵗʰ place:
            VIIIᵗʰ place:
            IXᵗʰ place:
            Xᵗʰ place:
Răspunde Raportează
SylvieNoelle 6 January 2022  
y e l l o w ✨

꧂ Yellow is absolutely invigorating. It stimulates our nerves, glands, and brain, making us more alert and energized. Yellow boosts our memory, and it encourages communication. It’s a color that promotes activity and interaction. ꧁

My favorite things are yellow.

My tattoo shop: ibb.co/WHTFhv3.

My first tattoo machine: ibb.co/nr3mTYQ.

A notebook in which I wrote all of my thoughts and I draw my best designs: ibb.co/4ZBkhZK.
Răspunde Raportează
FrancisBraque 6 January 2022  
I. m.imgur.com/a/YynxcSd.
II. imgur.com/a/pIEUgzV. that’s a lamp
III. imgur.com/a/uYgmiOz. (no those are not drugs)
Răspunde Raportează
KayleighDalton 6 January 2022  
First, my legacy. My vintage vanity mirror inherited from my grandmother... imgur.com/5xDroNo
Second, my pleasure. Diamonds are a girl's best friend right?... imgur.com/xRmrefU
Third, my seduction. This is what I'm wearing while I'm stealing your man and run down the stairs of your trashy apartament building... imgur.com/4IJc2Q6
If you were thinking, only for a second, that I'll show you my pink lingerie, you have to... say it with me, pay the fee.
Răspunde Raportează
CyprianBingley 6 January 2022  
GENTLE READERS: Dirty Beige, The Color of Champagne:
Dan&Co MAKERS Early 20th-Century Pen. imgur.com/a/zszz7AM
MY Tattered-Postcards Collection. imgur.com/a/5yW0R7B
Most of myAntique, hoarded from Various Flea-Markets. imgur.com/a/NQKzUrA
Răspunde Raportează
SyxToftgard 6 January 2022  
⑴  imgur.com/a/RT2fvFk; this sick rug a New Yorker artist gifted me on a trip to San Francisco last summer.
⑵  imgur.com/a/mPUaFcV; where I usually do my breathing exercises and have 2 mental breakdowns a day.
⑶  imgur.com/a/Uy95Fg8; few years back, I got these figurines from Kews after a digital collab for his brand.
Răspunde Raportează
ThomasHuntington 6 January 2022  
    of a colour produced by mixing red, yellow, and blue, as of dark wood or rich soil.

- This dagger was a gift I revived 10 years ago from one of my fans at a meet&great. The story behind it is that a dagger like this was used in one of my book to kll the prime minister and the whole mystery of the book revolved around this weapon.

- My most cherished object. As a writer I think it is rather obvious why.

- I usually wear black suits but my daughter insisted I must buy one in brown and since then it has become my favorite.
Răspunde Raportează
GinervaLudovicaManon 6 January 2022  
“Black is not sad. Bright colors are what depresses me. They’re so… empty. Black is poetic. How do you imagine a poet? In a bright yellow jacket? Probably not.” Ann Demeulemeester.
1. imgur.com/a/dHWKd6k
Truth be told, I almost killed for this dress after I saw it on Bella Hadid. And... I used my rent money to buy it. Apologies to my landlord.
2. imgur.com/a/60ulWIg
3. imgur.com/a/2WZm82Z
Present from mio nonno when I turned 18. What Italian does not own a Vespa?!
Răspunde Raportează
SechsAlastor 5 January 2022  
 ♉︎  alien green ♉︎
ⅰ. imgur.com/a/PqH5F47
ⅱ. imgur.com/a/1rR4U6T
ⅲ. imgur.com/a/CScLz7l
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 5 January 2022  
    ˓❦4thRoundː The basics of the basics: your favorite color, but you have to show me
      any three things you own in that specific color which you hold dear to your heart.
Răspunde Raportează
CyprianBingley 5 January 2022  
Sechs, I'm concerned about you
YOU LOOK LIKE you'd fall into a bog on a drunken hunt for ghosts
Kayleigh, You seem like you would be fun to hang with
YOU LOOK LIKE you'd fling yourself from the window of the continental countess with whom you have an understanding in anticipation of her husband's early return home; tear across the piazza half-dressed
Thomas, You're really smart
YOU LOOK LIKE you'd send your children away to the foundling hospital as you require silence to finish your book on a child's education
Triin, We're on chats together
YOU LOOK LIKE you'd never let it fall from your mind that men are plentiful and easily replaced, whereas sumptuous cloth-of-gold gowns with pearl embellished embroidery are not
Ginerva, I admire you from afar
YOU LOOK LIKE you'd be treated with suspicion for taking up the strange Italian habit of using the Fork
Sylvie, I don't know you
YOU LOOK LIKE you'd teach your daughters the black arts along with their alphabet
Caitlyn, We're mutuals
YOU LOOK LIKE you'd engage in the lucrative enterprise of becoming a widow
Syx, We don't talk
YOU LOOK LIKE you'd stub your toe, go into hysterics, and refuse to leave your chaise for three days
Francis, I see you like a child
YOU LOOK LIKE you'd keep coming back to court in the hopes that eventually they will have to get tired of exiling you
Răspunde Raportează
FrancisBraque 5 January 2022  
sechs, i’m concerned about you
cyprian, yo annoy me
thomas, you make me sad
triin, i see you like a mum
ginerva, i don’t love your blog or you
sylvie, i don’t know you
kayleigh, i love your blog not you
caitlyn, you bore me
syx, i don’t know why i follow you
Răspunde Raportează
SylvieNoelle 5 January 2022  
Sechs... Oh, mein Freund... Für dich möchte ich dieser Satz geben: I want to talk to you.
Cyprian... You're really smart.
Thomas... I admire you from afar.
Triin... Follow me?
Ginerva... I have a crush on you.
Kayleigh... I'm a fan of you.
Caitlyn... You seem like you would be fun to hang with.
Francis.. I don't know you.
Syx... I don't think you notice me.
Răspunde Raportează
SyxToftgard 5 January 2022  
Sechs, I'm concerned about you, you need some Jesus in your life.
Cyprian, you amaze me cause you seem like a real erudite.
Thomas, you're really smart and you look smart.
Triin, I admire you from afar... not like the Joe Goldberg way tho.
Ginerva, you're too cool to be following me.
Sylvie, I'm a fan of you so... free tat soon?
Kayleigh, I see you like a mum, a 2 years older one.
Caitlyn, you deserve happiness and a free ticket to Heaven.
Francis, you seem like you would be fun to hang with.
Răspunde Raportează
ThomasHuntington 5 January 2022  
Mr Alastor - I don't know you.
Mr Bingley - You amaze me, my dearest friend.
Miss Karu - I want to talk to you.
Miss Manon - I admire you from afar. Hopefully
from up close soon, my lady.
Miss Noelle - You seem like you would be fun to hang with.
Miss Hunt - I see you as a child, my child.
Miss Dalton - You are one of a kind.
Mr Toftgard - You deserve happiness.
Mr Braque - I don't think you notice me.
Răspunde Raportează
GinervaLudovicaManon 5 January 2022  
Sechs: You’re one of a kind. I mean, your job says everything.
Cyprian: You’re really smart.
Thomas: I want to know you better.
Triin: I admire you from afar.
Sylvie: You seem like you would be fun to hang with.
Kayleigh: Follow me?
Caitlyn: I see you like a child.
Syx: I stalk you.
Francis: I don’t know you.
Răspunde Raportează
SechsAlastor 5 January 2022  
ⅰ. yo' annoy me, cyprian (flattering?)
ⅱ. i love both your blog and your content... on the onlyfans, kayleigh.
ⅲ. you bore me, thomas, and your prosaic convey of life too, bores me, i hope your books are more interesting than that.
ⅳ. i want to talk to you, triin, well more than a phrase, less than three maybe.
ⅴ. i see you like a mum, in a grotesque kind of way, caitlyn.
ⅵ. i see you like a child, like chucky, francis.
ⅶ. you seem like you would be fun to hang with, sylvie, you seem bold & a lil' bit psycho.
ⅷ. i'm concerned about you, syx, you seem like you need a group therapy or an orgy, i can't decide.
ⅸ. follow me, ginerva? join my cult?
Răspunde Raportează
KayleighDalton 5 January 2022  
Sechs, I think... I don't know why I follow you (just because we're very different).
Cyprian, I think... you're really smart.
Thomas, I think... I love seeing you on my dash.
Triin, I think... you seem like you would be fun to hang with.
Ginerva, I think... I wanna talk to you.
Sylvie, I think... we're mutuals.
Caitlyn, I think... you sometimes like my stuff and I love you for it.
Syx, I think... I see you like a child.
Francis, I think... I don't know you.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 5 January 2022  
    ˓❦3rdRoundː Tag the players with any phrase you'd like from this list:
     At random to each phrase, there is a different score assigned.
         One different tag per person. Nine total.
Răspunde Raportează
GiForce 4 January 2022  
1. Ginerva.
2. Dougal.
3. Sechs.
4. Triin.
5. Syx.
6. Cyprian.
7. Sylvie.
8. Francis.
Răspunde Raportează
entouragesprd 4 January 2022  
            Iˢᵗ place: Estonia
            IIⁿᵈ place: UK wow prima data când nu iei 0
            IIIʳᵈ place: Philadelphia such a vibe tnx
            IVᵗʰ place: NYC
            Vᵗʰ place: Denmark
            VIᵗʰ place: France such chaotic
            VIIᵗʰ place: Germany
            VIIIᵗʰ place: Italy?!
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 4 January 2022  
1. Ginerva!!!!!!
2. Sechs
3. Dougal
4. Triin
5. Syx
6. Cyprian
7. Sylvie
8. Francis
Răspunde Raportează
x7Captivate 4 January 2022  
1) cyprian
2) sechs
3) ginerva
4) dougal
5) francis
6) sylvie
7) syx
8) triin
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 4 January 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 4 January 2022  
1. ginerva
2. cyprian
3. sechs
4. francis
5. triin
6. sylvie
7. dou G A L am vz ca m ai criticat ca ti am scris numele gresit :-j se mai intampla douglas csz obisnuieste te :-j
8. syx
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 4 January 2022  
1. sechs
2. cyprian
3. triin
4. francis
5. nyc girls
6. dougal
7. syx
8. ginerva
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 4 January 2022  
            Iˢᵗ place:
            IIⁿᵈ place:
            IIIʳᵈ place:
            IVᵗʰ place:
            Vᵗʰ place:
            VIᵗʰ place:
            VIIᵗʰ place:
            VIIIᵗʰ place:
Răspunde Raportează
CyprianBingley 4 January 2022  
GENTLE READERS: From the United Kingdom
Oh! You Pretty Things by David Bowie.
Răspunde Raportează
SyxToftgard 4 January 2022  
Just the encounter with the best feeling.
Răspunde Raportează
SechsAlastor 3 January 2022  
the blend of hellish Gothic bombast with truly twisted humour
well if you find cutting d!cks and eating them funny
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 3 January 2022  
                  ˓❦2ndRoundː Tintype ʻEurovisionʼ
    Fiecare concurent trebuie să nominalizeze o melodie pentru a-și reprezenta țara
          în competiție. Artistul trebuie să fie nativ din țara respectivă.
       Dacă ai țară comună cu un alt concurent se formează o echipă
     care va nominaliza o singură piesă. Stabiliți în privat împreună ce alegeți.
   Echipele sunt: Kayleigh, Sylvie, Ginerva, Caitlyn [NYC, USA] și Cyprian, Thomas [UK].
      Restul sunteți pe cont propriu. Răspunsurile se dau direct la album.
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 3 January 2022  
Sylvie, Kayleigh & Caitlyn* (NYC)
Răspunde Raportează
aftertaste 2 January 2022  
Răspunde Raportează
Temptress 2 January 2022  
1. Sylvie.
2. Dougal.
3. Syx.
4. Kayleigh.
5. Ginerva.
6. Thomas.
7. Sechs.
8. Triin.
9. Francis.
10. Cyprian.
11. Caitlyn.
12. Antonia.
Răspunde Raportează
Maktub 2 January 2022  
1. Sechs
2. Syx
3. Triin
4. Ginerva
5. Cyprian marica
6. Dougal
7. Caitlyn
8. Antonia
9. Kayleigh
10. Thomas
11. Sylvie
12. Francis
Răspunde Raportează
gaudium 2 January 2022  
1. syx
2. kayleigh
3. cyprian
4. sechs
5. triin
6. sylvie
7. ginerva
8. francis
9. thomas
10. antonia
11. dougal
12. caitlyn
Răspunde Raportează
entouragesprd 2 January 2022  
1. Thoms te pup :-*
2. Cyprian
3. Syx
4. Kayleigh
5. Ginerva
6. Antonia
7. Sechs
8. Triin
9. Sylvie
10. Douglas
11. Francis
12. Caitlyn
Răspunde Raportează
entouragesprd 2 January 2022  
-Nidaros :')
Răspunde Raportează
breatheme 2 January 2022  
1. sechs
2. syx
3. kayleigh
4. cyprian
5. triin
6. ginerva
7. thomas
8. francis
9. caitlyn
10. sylvie
11. antonia
12. douglas
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 2 January 2022  
            Iˢᵗ place:
            IIⁿᵈ place:
            IIIʳᵈ place:
            IVᵗʰ place:
            Vᵗʰ place:
            VIᵗʰ place:
            VIIᵗʰ place:
            VIIIᵗʰ place:
            IXᵗʰ place:
            Xᵗʰ place:
            XIᵗʰ place:
            XIIᵗʰ place:
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 26 December 2021  
            ...You have to create a character; as if you create one for a book or a movie.
            You’ll be both the writer and the actor of your creation. You’ll have to pick for
            your creation: f̣ạc̣ẹ-̣c̣ḷạịṃ ̣(̣c̣ẹḷẹḅṛịṭỵ)̣, ̣f̣ụḷḷ ̣ṇạṃẹ, ̣c̣ịṭy, ̣ạgẹ,̣ ạṇḍ his ̣ọc̣c̣ụp̣ạṭịọṇ.
            After the first round, when you will take a first look at the other competitors,
            you’ll receive your personal account. There you'll find your public 'instagram'
            which you'll have to take care of, and your private board. After that, you are
            free to talk with the other players, comment on their ‘Tintype page' whatever.
            To aid you in building your character’s personality, each round you'll have to
            answer my questionnaire according to his aesthetics; you&the other players
            will be judged by the ‘Audience’ of the game (sunphoto accounts, including
            yours, but try not to get caught! A player can get rid of you if they find out it
            is you who's behind your character's mask); So that's about it. It's the game
            about popularity, strategies, aesthetics, charisma, friendships, love, snakes.
            And the fun part?            ...You get to pick your weapons...
Răspunde Raportează
Tintype 23 December 2021  
new year new us, dar aduceți și cadouri!
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