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Exercise your right to vote today

                     ˓ ❦ParlorG̣ạṃẹː Build ʻyourselfʼ out of a story.
                       ...in which... ˒Anyone can be anyone˓                       
                        CENSUS: strawpoll.com/e6Z2Ae8DMgN
                        CENSUS: strawpoll.com/e6Z2Ae8DMgN
                        CENSUS: strawpoll.com/e6Z2Ae8DMgN
                        CENSUS: strawpoll.com/e6Z2Ae8DMgN
                        CENSUS: strawpoll.com/e6Z2Ae8DMgN
                        CENSUS: strawpoll.com/e6Z2Ae8DMgN
                        CENSUS: strawpoll.com/e6Z2Ae8DMgN
                        CENSUS: strawpoll.com/e6Z2Ae8DMgN
                        CENSUS: strawpoll.com/e6Z2Ae8DMgN
                        CENSUS: strawpoll.com/e6Z2Ae8DMgN
*Votes are anonymous (because thatʼs our thing) and are intended solely to gauge interest in the potential creation of another season. If youʼd like to see a new season of Tintype, click the button in the link above. Weʼll only consider moving forward with the project if we reach a certain number of votes.
accounts in danger of being deleted: the list extends; to defer this, log into the accounts.
accounts in danger of being deleted: the list extends; to defer this, log into the accounts.
I’m working lateee cause I’m a singerrrr; (I forgot that you have to post 3 pics to be taken seriously by the algorithm)
I’m working lateee cause I’m a singerrrr
Happy Census day.; strawpoll.com/e6Z2Ae8DMgN
Happy Census day.
We are happy to see you so enthusiastic.
We are happy to see you so enthusiastic.
Elliot has been promoted to the title of director.
Elliot has been promoted to the title of director.
Introducing a new producer to the team.
Introducing a new producer to the team.
Our host is so popular that he has to be nominated for every single category imaginable.
Our host is so popular that he has to be nominated for every single category imaginable.
I might secretly be running the show.
I might secretly be running the show.

Comentarii album • 243
Sunt afișate ultimele comentarii. Vezi toate
elliot 23 June 2024  
Am I still getting payed?
elliot 23 June 2024  
With this show I am scared a promotion might mean no money instead of more
Tintype 23 June 2024  
Certainly, a salary increase is forthcoming, potentially allowing you to afford a hotel room now.
breatheme 23 June 2024  
au trecut cateva luni eu zic sa mai auzim de la rhys si noorain !
Tintype 23 June 2024  
The showrunners are currently engaged in negotiations with the couple to arrange for the wedding to be televised.
RhysRemington 23 June 2024  
You guys know I love to be on Tintype! Make it a segment in the next season
Tintype 23 June 2024  
Should the competition proceed, the show's producer would be interested in a sample showcasing contestants' participation in wedding organization with your consent, or alternatively, in organizing the bachelor/bachelorette party.
breatheme 23 June 2024  
dar salariu e ac, da?
Tintype 23 June 2024  
The salary is contingent upon the season's performance and will be disbursed after filming concludes. Mr. Badgley, due to the financiers' dissatisfaction with the show's TV ratings, you have received no monetary compensation. However, you have been granted a bonus of free TV advertising.
Sprezzatura 23 June 2024  
breatheme 23 June 2024  
Sprezzatura 23 June 2024  
Sprezzatura 23 June 2024  
nici nu tre sa votezla poll ce ai facut
Tintype 23 June 2024  
This poll is designed to gauge interest in producing another season. We need to reach a specific number of votes to move forward with the project. Your participation is crucial—thank you for your support!
Sprezzatura 23 June 2024  
am dat deja oo
Sprezzatura 23 June 2024  
hei astept sa host uiesc de ani de zile alo
Tintype 23 June 2024  
We apologize, but priority access is reserved for our VIP host, Matty Healy, who plays a crucial role in securing funding for the reality TV show. Thank you for your understanding.
Sprezzatura 23 June 2024  
de inteles
sa ma notezi pt octombrie da
Tintype 23 June 2024  
I will take it into consideration.

Sprezzatura 23 June 2024  
bn ms te pup

Tintype 26 February 2024  
Update from Rhys:

Weird timing from an update during the off seasons. But if anyone is seeing this. Hi lady or mister host!!! This is my update:

Hi everyone! It's always good to be back on Tintype! The show always brings out lovely memories and a lot of nostalgia. I will try to be short, but I think we all know I don't really know how to do this. This, - This is an unusual type of update. Nothing major happened in my life. I mean, sure I might win my 4th Tony soon. But, it's nothing compared to what this update might end up meaning.
I knew from the moment the idea popped in my mind. I knew I wanted to do it here. Why here? Because we met on this show. We even fought on live television on the sequel shows. How could I not when Tintype means so much to our relationship?
No! I won't ask on live TV! I would never! I would like to tell myself I am more romantic than that. But, as you are seeing this me and Noorain are at my favorite Brodway stage, alone, watching the first thing we ever watched together( Yes, it was Wicked), champagne in hand and the Eevee plushy I Got her before our date started sitting next to us. And when the bootleg of Wicked finishes, I will get on the stage and ask.
But you guys at home should all know it's happening too. * Elliot behind the camera starts mumbling something, Rhys' eyes widened*
That's right! I forgot to tell you guys what am I even doing here! Thank's, buddy! I am going to ask Chibi to marry me! Isn't that exciting? I am a nervous wreck actually. Seen by me even forgetting to tell you why I am here.
Do you guys at home want to see the ring? Okay, here's a look at it. I really hoped she ends up liking it. Well Rhys from when you are actually seeing this already knows. Thank you Elliot and team from prefilming and airing it right when I ask. Yes, Yes. The ring. Right * imgbox.com/gWCCpk5P *
I already asked her parents weeks ago over dinner. My mom knows. She says Hi!!! What else? Oh, right. This would be the perfect time to also ask Aske a question.
Buddy, would you please be my best man? I can't get married without you. I have my whole wedding party in mind but I will announce more if she says yes. Why? I think we might have a small fight over Red and in who's wedding party she will be in.
With that being said. I love Noorain, losing her was the worst thing that ever happened to me. I could wake up tomorrow and lose all my Tonys and I would still be happy if I had her.
Now there is only one thing left to do: Hope she says yes.
NoorainZiadeh 26 February 2024  
Is Rhys…—are you proposing to me? Did I get that right? Oh my God, my anxiety level just went up to 1000. Wait until I tell Red the news! SHE’S GOING TO BE SO EXCI-! Oh right, OF COURSE I’LL MARRY YOU! You are literally my soulmate and I truly believe we were meant to be, Schoompy. I love you!
Tintype 20 February 2024  
  P̣ẹṛṣọṇạḷ Tintypes:  I'm happy to announce the winner of the competition:
    16ᵗʰ seasonʼs winner: Xīngxīng Lí, at the helm of Pemberley
     1. Reneé Rapp as Indra Beaufort, the Scholar Barbie/Student/Princess Academia (⊙).
     2. beourpower: İrem Kiziltac as Isidora Ariadna Hančar, Goddess Demeter (⊙).
     3. Sprezzatura: Jong Hoon Choi as Kira (키라) Kun, the Lost Soul (⊡).
     4. Mauriacs: Reuben Larkin as Charlie Paddington, the Enthusiast (⊡).
     5. Pemberley: Lin as Xīngxīng Lí, the Librarian (⊙).
     6. GiForce: Shasha Damsteegt as Kaile’a Manuwa, the Seductress (◬).
     7. aftertaste: Bianca Soler as Gianna de Santis, the Free Spirit (⊙).
     8. Nidaros: Theo James as Felipe Luiz de la Cruz, the Warrior (⊡).
     9. shiver: Benjamin Wadsworth as Addér Gávroche, the Traitor (◬).
     10. Maktub: Walid as Yusef Abuʽl Al-Qadi, the Best Friend (⊡).
     11. aftertaste: Evan Mock as Robbie Scott, the Charmer (◬).
IndraBeaufort 20 February 2024  
Charlie — 10.
Xingxing — 9.
Kaile'a — 8.
AlexandreGrimaldiCoste 20 February 2024  
Charlie Padington, 5,5—I can smell an air of refinement — the refinement of an elderly gent in his late 80s. Thus, a foul–smelling, malodorous air of refinement. Fie, I say!
Xingxing Lí, 5,4—I˞ve never seen such lifeless, monotonous, mundane whatsits in my entire life.
Kaile˞a Manwa,  3,2—5 out of 9 of your photos are almost identical, how on Patron Saint of Monaco˞s name can you call that a ˞moodboard˞! You˞re one of those aristocrats with lots of money and no personality! Shameful. Upsetting. Go buy one. Fie, I say!
Malina 20 February 2024  
Ai! ☼

Charlie, 8
Xingxing, 10
Kaile’a, 10
Maurice 20 February 2024  
bună seara!
speram să vă fie dor de mine și de insuflările pe care le fac acestei comunități.
pen... *strâmbă din nas*, mă rog... pariziene, nepariziene...
hai să acordăm punctaj,
charlie, 10... cel mai frumos personaj! te ador, spectral!
kaile'a, 10 pentru the nepo baby face! foarte bine conturat!
xingxing, cam șubred, sincer, mă așteptam la ceva mai mult, ceva mai... mhm, un 8. puteai mai bine și de-asta aș vrea să văd... mai bine!

o seară magnifique!
RenArquette 20 February 2024  
Bonjour — Charlie, 8 — XingXing, 10 — Kaile’a, 7
sylvink 20 February 2024  
Charlie — you look like you would get a random tattoo, 9
Xingxing — you look like you would get a heart or a sun tattooed, 4
Kaile’a — you look like you wouldn’t get a tattoo, 2
Raven 20 February 2024  
Charlie, 5
Xing, 4
Kaile’a, 4
ArnaudCathrine 20 February 2024  
  Good evenin', so what's the verdict on tonight's dating show? Am I still eligible to remain on the job?
Charlie, so, have you found your soul mate? Have there been any incidents that might alter your decision? 10.
Xingxing, you've solved other people's concerns rather than your own. Are you planning to steal my job? 7.
Kaile'a, not right!, Oftentimes, money doesn't bring you love! It's a void that can't be filled with anything else. 8.
MissPessina 20 February 2024  
Charlie, 5.
Xing, 7.
Kaile’a, 10.
BrinleyHarper 20 February 2024  
Kaile’a, 10
Xing, 9
Charlie, 8
KhairPrinceton 20 February 2024  
Charlie, 8.
Xing, 8
Kaile’a, 10
SylvieNoelle 20 February 2024  
Charlie — you look like you would get a random tattoo, 7
Xingxing — you look like you would get a heart or a sun tattooed, 4
Kaile’a — you look like you wouldn’t get a tattoo, 2
ArielEgilsdottir 20 February 2024  
  GoD I loathe dating shows.
  Charlie, 8   just hope you're just taking on the aesthetics of an old-timey man and not the behavior too.
  Xingxing, 10    I dig the fit––-quick question, can you block mail from someone?
  Kaile'a, 9    I'll give you 10 if you donate some cash to the Girls' Brigade.
LeviRainer 20 February 2024  
uuuuuf, ich werde nicht einmal etwas sagen…

charlie, 7
xingxing, 6 pls make axl shut up
kaile'a, 3 not my can of beer
PrudenceMerriweatherPost 20 February 2024  
Good evening, ladies, gentlemen, — Mr. Penn, I'm very fortunate to meet you at my Countess's own lodgings, at the Ritz Hotel. How have your Lordships' lives been? I hope you are all well. We shall chat more later, over a glass of champagne. I'll have one popping in a moment, while I have a look at at this season's finalists. Right:
— Charlie, Sir, you're rated 8 tonight. You exude an air of quaint bourgeoisness. I can see that you don't come from a noble family, but you've had a high quality education, and you've been around in genteel social circles.
— Xingxing, wholeheartedly, a grade of 7. Your modesty and simplicity radiate throughout your photo album. I have not been an escort on Her Ladyship's trip to Asian countries, but I can only long to travel to those lands.
— Kaile'a, I can't refrain from subjectively weighing in on this ruling, I was asked to give a passing grade, 5. Her Majesty was in long treaties to own the island state, Hawaii, if it wasn't for your father. But I hold no grudge!
AeraKaiPark 19 February 2024  
Hiiiiii, sugar-plums,

아름다운 소녀 Xing, 9
이국적인 소녀 Kaile’a, 8
곰 소년 Charlie, 7
OpheliaGilwraeth 19 February 2024  
bissssshhhhh feels soooooo good to be backkkkk

Xingxing girly 6 maybe you can find where the fck my gf is????
Charlie bear 6, sorry not sorry
Kaile’a ?¿ your parents named you with a ’ huh 5
SereiaAbrantes 19 February 2024  
♡⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹ ૮꒰⸝⸝> ̫ <⸝⸝꒱ა Óla
Xingxing ⋆˙⊹⁺♡ 10
Kaile’a ⋆˙⊹⁺♡ 10
Charlie ⋆˙⊹⁺♡ 9
MattyHealy 19 February 2024  
What was with that absolute low-spectacle circus of misfits parading on our screens? The dating show's antics had made me thank THE GODS for making me an asexual.

A 6 to the old boy, the train enthusiast who's taken fashion tips from the retirement home. I figured I'd throw him a bone since we're both Brits. But, trains, trains of all things! Forget Tinder, this bloke's probably swiping right on locomotives. Come on chap, all aboard the forward express – next stop, Pooooost-modernity.

A 4 to the Pooost-office girl. Your aesthetic takes me on a nostalgic trip back to the MySpace era. It's all rather unsettling, I can't decide whether I should be reaching for a pacifier or an aspirin to endure the sight. I would have given you a 5 if you'd put up glittery pictures. We <3 it! The cat, I mean.

A 2 to the rich girl from Hawaii who thinks she's Sharpay Evans. As if we hadn't had enough Prudences and Chambreys already. I mean, really, what on Earth are the wealthy doing on a money-prized show anyway? Haven't they squeezed every penny from their family trust funds, or are they just here to collect spare change for the helicopter pad at the summer estate? And NO I didn't date Taylor Swift. Don't fall for all the rubbish in the tabloids.

Well, isn't it a smashing achievement, Penn? You've orchestrated the one dating show in the annals of history with no actual dating being done. Quite the accomplishment, old chap.
ElineNessina 19 February 2024  
Charlie 7
Xing 8
Kaile’a 9
TrinidadLoughty 19 February 2024  
Xingxing, 9.
Kaile'a, 9.
Charlie, 10.
GiannadeSantis 19 February 2024  
¤ Charlie: 9 ; For it seems that maybe- just maybe, we are not quite the enemies in this life either. Friends? Mayhaps. Only time would tell. The woods told me to be less harsh about your activities.
¤ Xing: 10; With all my heart. This is my letter to you, sister. I can only hope the old Gods bless you with a win.
¤ Kaile`a: 8; For we haven't spoke that much. But in the end we are all Children of nature, connected.
SilviuFaiar 19 February 2024  
kailea 10.
xingxing 8.
charlie 8.
KiraKun 19 February 2024  
Xingxing, 10.
Charlie, 9.
Kaile'a, 9.
BlaiseDelacroix 19 February 2024  
Charlie, 9.
Xing, 9,
Kaile’a, 9.
RoninSato 19 February 2024  
Charlie, 9.
Kaile'a, 8.
Xing, 10.
MargarittaLidjiaEotvos 19 February 2024  
Charlie — 7.
Xing — 10
Kaile’a — 7.
GinervaLudovicaManon 19 February 2024  
Charlie • 10
Xing • 9
Kaile’a • 8
CalliopeLykaios 19 February 2024  
Charlie — 7
Xing — 7
Kaile’a 9
RobbieScott 19 February 2024  
Penn// 10. Charlie// 9. Kaile`a// 8. Xing//7.
AdderGavroche 19 February 2024  
Addér~ oop- I’m not here anymore

Charlie~ 10
Xing~ 7
Kaile’a~ 2
OttovandeHoek 19 February 2024  
⁄Charlie: 6⁄
⁄Xingxing: 3⁄
⁄Kaile'a: 10⁄
BenoitAntoine 19 February 2024  
Charlie 9
Xing 8
Kaile’a 7
FrancisBraque 19 February 2024  
kaileꫂa, ooh, the instagram beachy girl, soo authentic, best thing since sliced bread, 4
  xing, y4ea well, at least youꫂre beautiful, 6
charlie, look, i dig the vibe, but youꫂre a tad boring, 6
AkemiMinato 19 February 2024  
Charlie 6
Xing 7
Kaile’a 9
KaitoWatanabe 19 February 2024  
charlie ♤ 7
xing ♤ 7
kaile'a ♤ 5
FinleyDunne 19 February 2024  
Charlie ◇ 6
Xing ◇ 10
Kaile'a ◇ 10
Always here for my girlies
SeksJagger 19 February 2024  
3 charli thats so not rock n roll of you
10 xing cause maybe u re friends with my wife or ex wife who knows i never signed them peppers
10 kai my dream life after i retire from my solo career coming soon debut album the orphan in nov
IsabelleRossi 19 February 2024  
Charlie: 8
Xing: 8
Kaile'a: 10
ChambrayPessina 19 February 2024  
Ugh, do we really have to do this?

Charlie — 3
Xing — 8
Kaile’a — 9
elliot 19 February 2024  
Pretend I wasn't here the whole time— It's the first time I am seeing everyone, right?
Charlie; — 10 for my mate
Xing; — 10. Hello friend
Kaile'a — 10 too
NoorainZiadeh 19 February 2024  
10 for the girlies<3
5 for Charlie
RhysRemington 19 February 2024  
Hi, Chibi! Did you know tintype is a dating show, now? It means we absolutely have to go on a date now!!!! When in Paris..
KaidanMagalhaes 19 February 2024  
xingxing 10
charlie 7.
kailea 9.
HeathLynch 19 February 2024  
3 for the dude sorry man i like chicks
asina chick you have a 7
rich chick 9
GaepHawrn 19 February 2024  
xingxing: 8.
charlie: 9.
kailea: 8.
MaireaddulaGothiez 19 February 2024  
xingxing: 10
charlie: 10
kailea: 8.
SikCender 19 February 2024  
kailea 10
charli 2 poor
xinxin poor 5
DurantLievChiminosear 19 February 2024  
kailea 10
charlie 10
xinxn 10
AmosVolf 19 February 2024  
what am I even doing here?; 1 for all
AndresMarkeviciute 19 February 2024  
xingxing lol 6
kailea rich 9.
charlie poor 3
AzureRedford 19 February 2024  
 xingxing: 10.
 kailea: 9.
 charlie: 10.
AxlMoore 19 February 2024  
• grandma fcker- 3
• post office lady - 9 if ya make my darling darling forgive me
• rich chick - 3
JuliettelEplattenier 19 February 2024  
  ⊱ Charlie: 10,
 Xingxing: 10,
  ⊱ Kaile'a: 10.
LunaFernandezVidal 19 February 2024  
Charlie: 10 por el guapo❤️
xing: ¡hola! guapa! always good to see you, 10 and not just because you hold all my secrete ❤️
kaile'a: 10 por la guapa❤️
LucasWard 19 February 2024  
Ten to everyone guyssss you all rock i love it besties
SechsAlastor 19 February 2024  
charlie: 10 it reminds me of my uncleeeEEe~~ and i only have GOOD AND FUNN MEMories with him
xingxing: 2 lame but u r hot
kaile'a: 2 lame but u r also hooT
RhysRemington 19 February 2024  
Tintype is a dating show now? I LOVE LOVE! So excited to be back, guys!
Charlie: 10
Xing: 10
Kaile'a : 10
Tintype 19 February 2024  
The time has come. I invite as many past contestants as possible to rate each moodboard from 1-10. May the luckiest one win!
AdderGavroche 19 February 2024  
I look good in black and white~
Tintype 19 February 2024  
      ˓❦   ゚ ‘FinalṜound⁚ Moodboard. Watching our contestants
stumble through their futile attempts at love has been nothing short of agonizing. But luckily for me, today's
the day I'm parting ways with each of you. No, XīngXīng, don't hand me your handkerchief, I'm don't feel
doleful! I D-O-N-T. N-O. If anything, these are tears of happiness. Being the host of this show has inflicted
nothing but anguish upon me, and it was truly unbearable. I won't miss any of you. You were more dreadful
than most apprentices I've ever encountered in a kitchen. That and a ridiculous bunch, clearly unfit for love.
But at least you have friendship, right? Certainly, you're all nodding in agreement like a bunch of dummies.
You're all as nutty as a fruitcake! With that said, let the final round commence, so I can say goodbye, and
good riddance, at last!             ‘͟Ṫ͟a͟s͟k͟:͟ Flaunt your personality in 9 representative photos.
Tintype 19 February 2024  
Apart from Robbie, of course.
Tintype 19 February 2024  
Addér became ensnared in Romy's trap, and as a result, he is the one who has to leave instead of Kaile'a being eliminated. (for confusion: he was the initial proponent of eliminating Kaile'a.)
Tintype 19 February 2024  
Heath opted to give his points to Charlie, Xīngxīng, and Kaile'a.
shiver 19 February 2024  
1. Adder
2. Heath
3. Charlie
4. Xingxing
5. Kaile’a
Pemberley 19 February 2024  
 1ˢᵗ place: Heath,
 2ⁿᵈ place: Adder,
 3ʳᵈ place: Charlie,
 4ᵗʰ place: Xingxing,
 5ᵗʰ place: Kaile’a.
GiForce 19 February 2024  
1. Heath
2. Charlie.
3. Zing.
4. Adder.
5. Kaile’a
Mauriacs 19 February 2024  
1, adder
2, heath
3, charlie
4, xingxing
5, kaile’a
aftertaste 19 February 2024  
1. heath, okay deci cartea asta e undeva în top 5 preferate of all time, pur și simplu nu pot să nu te pun pe primul loc. ador din tot sufletul meu
2. charlie, nu e în top 5, dar undeva în top 20 sigur o găsești și îmi place paragraful ales
3. adder, la fel ca și la charlie, este undeva în top 20 and you can never ever ever go wrong with frankenstein in my book
4. xing, ador e efectiv genul de carte ce te vad să o citești tu față drăguță
5. kailea, sincer e o alegere interesanta, dar cumva nu ma așteptăm să fie vibeul tău? still love it, dar ca să fiu extrem de sincera nu am citit o și am mai multe sentimente legat de cărțile de mai sus
i like judging books as you can see=))
Sprezzatura 19 February 2024  
        1ˢᵗ place: Xingxing
        2ⁿᵈ place: Adder
        3ʳᵈ place: Kailea
        4ᵗʰ place: Charlie
        5ᵗʰ place: Heath
Tintype 19 February 2024  
        1ˢᵗ place:
        2ⁿᵈ place:
        3ʳᵈ place:
        4ᵗʰ place:
        5ᵗʰ place:
KaileaManuwa 19 February 2024  
 "Meet me at the museum" by Anne Youngson is absolutely my current obsession, I love how the novel captures the exchanged letters between Tina and Anders, the deep and meaningful connections, hopes, regrets, and reflections on on what might have been.

 "Our letters have meant so much to us because we have both arrived at the same point in our lives. More behind us than ahead of us. Paths chosen that define us. Enough time left to change."
HeathLynch 19 February 2024  
For the longest time, “The Great Gatsby” had its run on my top pick, something about its vibe just clicked with me. But then I crossed paths with “The Master&Margarita” by Mikhail Bulgakov. Guess why it shot straight to number one? Certain experiences, they just leave a mark.

“The tongue can conceal the truth, but the eyes never! You're asked an unexpected question, you don't even flinch, it takes just a second to get yourself under control, you know just what you have to say to hide the truth, and you speak very convincingly, and nothing in your face twitches to give you away. But the truth, alas, has been disturbed by the question, and it rises up from the depths of your soul to flicker in your eyes and all is lost. Love leaped out in front of us like a murderer in an alley leaping out of nowhere, and struck us both at once. As lightning strikes, as a Finnish knife strikes! She, by the way, insisted afterward that it wasn’t so, that we had, of course, loved each other for a long, long time, without knowing each other, never having seen each other.”
AdderGavroche 19 February 2024  
I’ll always go with a classic~ I hate the way new books are being written, where’s the goddamn sense?

Anywaaaay~ I’m going for Frankenstein by Mary Shelley ❝It is true, we shall be monsters, cut off from all the world; but on that account we shall be more attached to one another

❝Even broken in spirit as he is, no one can feel more deeply than he does the beauties of nature. The starry sky, the sea, and every sight afforded by these wonderful regions, seems still to have the power of elevating his soul from earth. Such a man has a double existence: he may suffer misery, and be overwhelmed by disappointments; yet, when he has retired into himself, he will be like a celestial spirit that has a halo around him, within whose circle no grief or folly ventures.
XingxingLi 19 February 2024  
┆ ⮿ it was quite hard to find a book to read, although the library we went to was very extensive.
┆ 大部分书都是法文的, and i didn't want to ask addér to translate whole chapters for me ᴖ̈
┆ eventually, i came across the book 《 snow flower and the secret fan 》°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
┆ it is written by an author who sets the action of many of her books in china.
┆ this is the quote i found that describes love, 在我看来,无论是在友谊还是浪漫层面上。
┆《 a (laotong) relationship is made by choice ... when we first looked in each other's eyes
┆ in the palanquin, i felt something special pass between us--
┆ like a spark to start a fire or a seed to grow rice. but a single spark is not enough to warm a room,
┆ nor is a single seed enough to grow a fruitful crop. deep love--true-heart love--must grow. 》
CharliePaddington 18 February 2024  
″Me absolute favorite book? No question, it's 'Great Expectations' by Charles Dickens.
   Now, I'm a bit dyslexic, makes readin' a bit of a hurdle. But me nan, she's a real treasure, she is. Read that one to me when I was a ankle-biter, and she's been callin' me Pip ever since. Bless her cotton socks, she does.  A good ten years back, in me teenage years, caught that movie. No shame in admittin' it – had a bit of a crush on Estella, too.  Can't manage to read the quote meself, so I roped in Angela to give it a go for me:
   “You are part of my existence, part of myself. You have been in every line I have ever read, since I first
   came here, the rough common boy whose poor heart you wounded even then. You have been in every
   prospect I have ever seen since - on the river, on the sails of the ships, on the marshes, in the clouds, in
   the light, in the darkness, in the wind, in the woods, in the sea, in the streets.   You have been the
   embodiment of every graceful fancy that my mind has ever become acquainted with. The stones of which
   the strongest London buildings are made, are not more real, or more impossible to be displaced by your
   hands, than your presence and influence have been to me, there and everywhere, and will be. Estella, to
   the last hour of my life, you cannot choose but remain part of my character, part of the little good in me,
   part of the evil.”  The grannies used to bawl at that bit. I was a bit in the dark at first, but then I clocked
it – proper romantic. Especially 'cause Estella was a bit frosty to Pip, and yet he had a proper soft spot for her.″
MattyHealy 18 February 2024  
Azure, Heath, boring. Why don't you invite me? I have plenty to say.
Tintype 18 February 2024  
      ˓❦   ゚ ‘5thṜound⁚ A romantic interlude. Well, this is awkward.
Greetings, but you already know me as Angela, you're probably asking yourself why am I compering on
Penn's behalf, but, uh, he is... unavailable at the moment (Elliot's hollers can be heard from her earplug).
So therefore I will be the one announcing today's assignment. The contestants will be visiting the library.
Uhm, Penn... he, ah, had this written on his cue card: "Reading is sexy, right?" So, uhm, each of them is
required to select a romance book and read it aloud to their date partner. No! But I don't wanna say that!
(gives the camera a concerned look). Fine! Penn also had this written down... "Whisper in each other's ear
a steamy bit of the chapter." But that's... not necessar— apparently it is. That's it. Good luck on you dates.
Get me out of here.    ‘͟Ṫ͟a͟s͟k͟:͟ Let us know the book you've chosen and share your favorite quote from it.
Tintype 18 February 2024  
Once again, Rhys card has been put into play, resulting in Heath being invited to participate in this round's activities.
Pemberley 18 February 2024  
Marry Kaile’a,
Kiss Xingxing,
Kill Adder.
GiForce 18 February 2024  
Marry Kaile’a din același motiv ca și mauriacs
kiss Xing
kill adder
Mauriacs 18 February 2024  
marry kailea ca e filthy rich . money comes first
kiss xingxing desi m am gandit initial to kill her ngl ca sa nu ne mai faca publica corespondenta
si kill adder desi l as fi kiss pe el initial dar poate ii iese vreun gandac din maneca.
aftertaste 18 February 2024  
marry xing
kiss kailea
kill adder
iMysticFalls 18 February 2024  
Marry Xing
Kiss Kailea
Kill Adder
Tintype 18 February 2024  
     ˓❦ Now, letʼs give the audience the chance to play the game too.
  Marry (one person),     Kiss (one person),     Kill (one person).
Tintype 18 February 2024  
Charlie used Sylvester Card, so he's exempt from being listed.
KaileaManuwa 18 February 2024  
          Marry Xing,     Kiss Charlie     Kill Adder.
AdderGavroche 17 February 2024  
~this is gonna be short, no hate for Paris for now cause it’s not related~ finally

so here we go~
m̤̣̄̈̇͘ā̤̣̈̇͘r̤̣̄̈̇͘r̤̣̄̈̇͘ȳ̤̣̈̇͘ ~ Charlie, no further explanation
k̤̣̄̈̇͘ī̤̣̈̇͘s̤̣̄̈̇͘s̤̣̄̈̇͘ ~ Xing
k̤̣̄̈̇͘ī̤̣̈̇͘l̤̣̄̈̇͘l̤̣̄̈̇͘ ~ Kaile’a, no hard feelings
XingxingLi 17 February 2024  
┆ ⮿ i'm going to marry charlie because he's been so sweet and always there to lend a helping hand
┆ and because he let me wipe my tears on his sleeve ཐི❤︎ཋྀ‧
┆ i'm gonna kiss kaile'a because she's my best ★friend ˖⁺。˚⋆˙ →away from home ; my 闺蜜
┆ i'm gonna kill adder, i really didn't want to do that ˙◠˙ 我希望你不会因此而带我去任何可怕的地方。
AzureRedford 17 February 2024  
 Esteemed companions,
 How joyous it is to be enveloped in the tender embrace of nostalgic reminiscence,
 courtesy of your gracious company. ―Behold this magnificent competition,
      graced by the presence of such extraordinary individuals!
  Pen, your craft is a marvel to behold, as always, from my humble perspective.

    Marry: Xingxing, with fervor I confess, I am utterly smitten by you.
  Kiss: Kaile'a, a woman for a woman.  Kill: Robbie, sincerest apologies.

  May fortune smile upon each of you abundantly, and may I aspire to contribute,
              ―but a mere fragment of luck to one amongst you.

                 With heartfelt regards and eager anticipation,
                          ℓady Redford.
XingxingLi 17 February 2024  
啊啊啊 ₊˚⊹♡ i admire you very much
RobbieScott 17 February 2024  
I am already dead
AzureRedford 17 February 2024  
Oh, oh― your unique aura has ensnared my attention.
 My deepest appreciation, meant to say Addér.
RobbieScott 17 February 2024  
It`s the pink hair, right?
AzureRedford 17 February 2024  
 Not only!
Tintype 17 February 2024  
    ˓❦   ゚ ‘BonusṜound⁚ Choose only three characters from this season for the following game.
          Marry (one person),     Kiss (one person),     Kill (one person).
                 I would kill all of you if given the chance.
Tintype 17 February 2024  
Andres card was used by a player, triggering a bonus round for the next play. Additionally, Rhys card was also activated, leading to Azure's invitation to join in. At the end of the round, she will donate all her points to a special someone.
Tintype 17 February 2024  
Okay, here's the (spoon) scoop: Addér got eliminated from the show, but then one of the contestants played the Dimitri card, swapping him back in, and bumping Robbie out of the picture.
Tintype 17 February 2024  
RobbieScott 17 February 2024  
Call me
Tintype 17 February 2024  
The Tate Card has just been put into play, and only Mauriacs' list will be taken into consideration for the ranking.
Pemberley 17 February 2024  
votez pe baza filmelor??
 1ˢᵗ place: Xingxing,
 2ⁿᵈ place: Kaile’a,
 3ʳᵈ place: Charlie,
 4ᵗʰ place: Robbie.
aftertaste 17 February 2024  
1. xing
2. kailea
3. robbie
4. charlie
GiForce 17 February 2024  
1. Kailr’a
2. Xing
3. Charlie.
4. Robbie.
Mauriacs 17 February 2024  
1, kaile'a
2, xingxing
3, robbie
4, charlie
Sprezzatura 17 February 2024  
        1ˢᵗ place: Xing
        2ⁿᵈ place: Charlie
        3ʳᵈ place: Robbie
        4ᵗʰ place: Kailea
Tintype 17 February 2024  
        1ˢᵗ place:
        2ⁿᵈ place:
        3ʳᵈ place:
        4ᵗʰ place:
Tintype 17 February 2024  
Adder used Sylvester Card, so he's exempt from being listed.
KaileaManuwa 17 February 2024  
Hey, sugar plums! For this movie date, I've decided to go with my all-time fave, “Clueless”, even though I'm pretty sure no guy has ever put it on their favorite list. I was also tempted by “Pretty Woman” but I wasn't sure if my date would be into it either. So, “Clueless” it is! And for snacks, we’re going all out—pizza, cheeseburgers, Cheetos, popcorn, nachos loaded with cheese and guac, plus chocolates and candies! files.fm/u/5mffqe3uds
CharliePaddington 17 February 2024  
″Last night, me and Xingxing 'ad a proper chat on the dog and bone while watchin' the first Paddington movie.   Reckon that's me choice for our date, then.  Right, so listen up, mates. Paddington, the bear from darkest Peru, ends up in the big smoke, London, yeah? The Browns, a top-notch family, take him in, but it ain't all plain sailin'.  Now, Paddington's on a mission to find this antique pop-up book for his Aunt Lucy's birthday. Trouble is, there's this shady bird named Millicent on 'is tail, and she's got it in for our furry mate, reckonin' he'd make a dandy addition to 'er stuffed collection.  Cue a proper load of antics, mix-ups, and a sprinkle of marmalade magic. In the end, Paddington sorts the whole bleedin' mess out, finds 'imself a solid family in the heart of the city, and they're all 'avin a right knees-up.  That's the long and short of it.  As for the snacks, I grabbed a bag of good ol' salt and vinegar crisps and a packet of Jammie Dodgers for a sweet treat.″ imgur.com/a/8tzOC0O
RobbieScott 17 February 2024  
I`m in the mood for Scooby Doo. Are you in the mood for scooby do? Team, we have a mystery in our hands. Which movie to watch* first, which movie to watch first I want them alllll * Ideas might include: Aloha, Scooby Do! Scooby Doo and the Loch Ness Monster. Scooby Do and the Alien Invaders. Scooby Doo and the Cyber Chase. Zombie Island, and more.
And we are eating sushi, I might have bought a bit of everything the Sushi place had. Sure it`s not too much, right?
And something sweet for later, a scooby snacks. If scooby snacks were macarons from Ladurée.
// imgur.com/a/9TNAH1J //
* p.s: Penn, I found your poster. Come find it in my room*
XingxingLi 17 February 2024  
┆ ⮿ the film i chose is 花樣年華。i hear it's quite popular on other continents as well.
┆ it is a beautiful, romantic movie with many symbols that signify the lives and love between the protagonists.ᐟ
┆ ♡⸝⸝the colorful cheongsam worn by mrs. chan are the item every chinese girl has wanted at least once
┆ in fact, clothing and food play a big role in the movie. “她穿成这样是为了出去吃面条吗?”
┆ we can also eat noodles while watching the movie, but i was thinking of something sweeter, tofu pudding.
┆ it's made with homemade soy milk, and on top are taro balls and tapioca boba, and ginger syrup ପ( づ づ )ଓ
┆ (Yum!) imgur.com/a/lNC5dH5 吃美味的食物可以给家庭和人际关系带来和谐和亲密。
Tintype 16 February 2024  
      ˓❦   ゚ ‘4thṜound⁚ Drive-in theater date. Is that a sigh, you ask?
No, it isn't. I feel fine, nifty even. No, I'm not staring blankly; I was trying to recall if Angela had unplugged
the curler this morning. Yes, of course I curl up my hair. Do you think this is how it typically looks like? No,
I spend like three to four hours in the makeup chair. I surely do, I'm high maintenance! No, I don't have a
certain undertone! I'm fine. I'm completely unbothered!  ...If you insist. Today's challenge has me feeling
a bit wistful, there, you've heard it. I want to go to a drive-in theater too, scoff, yes Charlie, you can drive
the ladies around now, what was I on about... ah, and to pick a sexy man (you know, someone from the
cast... Robbie) to go with. No, Elliot, not you, it wouldn't be the same! I'll just get over with it quick. Have a
themed movie night. B͟u͟t͟ ͟m͟a͟k͟e͟ ͟i͟t͟ ͟a͟ ͟t͟h͟e͟m͟e͟.͟ Choose a flick and add snacks to match. Think The Godfather
and cannoli or Ratatouille and, well, you know. That's it. If you need me, I'll be in my suite, very unavailable,
so don't need me. Wait, before I go, have you seen my poster of the pink haired guy? ————What, NO?!
     ‘͟Ṫ͟a͟s͟k͟:͟ Tell us the movie you decided on, and which snacks are you pairing with it.
Tintype 16 February 2024  
   ˓❦ Update from The Host:
Absurd regulations! Just a heads-up, Robbie inquired with me initially! The couples selected for today's date are Robbie and Kaile'a, as well as Charlie and Xīngxīng. I NEED UPDATES FROM ROBBIE'S DATE!
Pemberley 16 February 2024  
 1ˢᵗ place: Robbie, ok Chuck Bass nici mie nu-mi plc no. 5…..
 2ⁿᵈ place: Yusef
 3ʳᵈ place: Charlie
 4ᵗʰ place: Xingxing
 5ᵗʰ place: Adder
 6ᵗʰ place: Kaile’a
aftertaste 15 February 2024  
1. charlie
2. robbie
3. xing
4. adder
5. yusef
6. kailea
Sprezzatura 15 February 2024  
        1ˢᵗ place: Robbie
        2ⁿᵈ place: Xing
        3ʳᵈ place: Charlie
        4ᵗʰ place:Adder
        5ᵗʰ place:Yusef
        6ᵗʰ place: Kaile’a
GiForce 15 February 2024  
1. Charlie m ai cucerit cu ursuletul
2. Robbie ca mademoiselle miroase frumos și bratara tiffany deși n am mi as dori
3. Kaile’a ca e cute ideea am mai vz sio pe tiktok
4. Xing ca ești drăguțică așa
5. Yusef uratel inel
6. Adder de al tău nici nu mai zic
Mauriacs 15 February 2024  
idk st prea materialista ca sa pot judeca....... cam saracele cadouri eu ma desparteam :/
1, charlie cutie patootie
2, robbie ptc m-ai amuzat
3, adder I like weird jewelry ig
4, yusef frumusel opal
5, xingxing ce prietenie visezi fetito esti la dating show trezirea!!!!!!!
6, kaile'a simt ca s angajatul tau cu tichetele alea... finley ma simt, bf to hire
Tintype 15 February 2024  
        1ˢᵗ place:
        2ⁿᵈ place:
        3ʳᵈ place:
        4ᵗʰ place:
        5ᵗʰ place:
        6ᵗʰ place:
Tintype 15 February 2024  
   ˓❦ Update from The Host:
24 hours might seem like plenty, but they often fall short of what's needed.
KaileaManuwa 15 February 2024  
Hey sugar plums, you won't believe what I've got in store! I've just created the most glamorous coupon book ever! Yup, you heard me right! And these aren't your average coupons; they're your golden tickets to unforgettable moments with yours truly. Dreaming of a romantic getaway to Tuscany? Just flash one of my coupons. Longing for a sweet kiss on the cheek? Oh, I've got you covered, darling. If this doesn't scream 'Kaile'a reigns supreme,' then what possibly could? imgur.com/a/mhr1tNm
RobbieScott 15 February 2024  
Right into it, am I right? I like you, Penn. My first day here and I already have to put in the cash. Maybe I should give you my gift just because I like a direct man. Or woman *wink* *wink* * cries in bisexual crisis am I right?*
Enough with the small talk, let me show you the gifts:
Private booth in any club in Paris for a night. Just have to give a few calls. As many french 75`s as the club can give us for the night. Dimonds by the Yard bracelet from Tiffany & Co. The sale lady said it was her favvvvv. Chanel Coco Modemoiselle perfume. I actually hate number 5. I said it. Come at me. Smells like my grandma and only Charlie would like that * Love you granny you smell amazing shhh back to sleep on your water bed*
// imgur.com/a/HIfruNF //
Tintype 15 February 2024  
Oh, wow, is it hot in here...
XingxingLi 15 February 2024  
┆ ⮿ i would have given a gift to a special person even if i hadn't been asked, ᡣ •。ꪆৎ ˚
┆ 这就是为什么我从家里拿了一些东西。but also, today i went shopping with kaile'a
┆ i found a lovely plant to make a perfect gift for my partner ─⋆⋅☆⋅⋆─
┆ all right, i haven't been taken out on a date yet ... but it's okay 爱就像风,你看不见它,但你能感觉到它。
┆ we can also talk about the partner in a friendship, it doesn't have to be romantic
┆ i'll gladly give them to kaile'a, the only friend i have left here of the girls: a silky scarf imgur.com/a/V08uhki
┆ the lucky bamboo plant imgur.com/a/mOb8Uw3 ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
┆ and a chinese stamp imgur.com/a/4CvFv15 (你的信在我这里很安全。)
YusefAbulAlQadi 15 February 2024  
 الإثارة آخذة في الارتفاع،
 On a more unpaved alley، I came across a location that inspired me فريدة من نوعها تماما!
 An old fashion workshop on the ground floor of a Haussman building brought me into
  contact with the owner، a nice old man، a jeweller. We talked a lot and learned just
 as much، and I can take pride in the fact that I infiltrated his deft hands managing to
 put my mark on one of the most beautiful rings Iʽve ever seen imgur.com/a/Jwh90XM
 Now I think I know what I want to do with it، وآمل أنها سوف تستمتع به
AdderGavroche 15 February 2024  
~I’ll keep it simple this time, no mean comment about this filthy city we’re in… yet. So here we are~ with a cicada necklace that has a small hidden locket imgbox.com/PQQifrte

~some might say cicadas represent longevity and everlasting happiness in the living world; some say it is the symbol of rebirth; others associate it with immortality, spiritual realization and spiritual ecstasy, take it as you want to take it and voilà
CharliePaddington 15 February 2024  
″Me and Elliot 'ad a proper wander 'round Paris, tryin' to suss out the perfect gift, we did. After yonks of nosin' about, I only went and stumbled upon the bleedin' ideal pressie. imgur.com/a/mifIfVc We all know bears have a thing for berries, and this Paddington teddy bear I snagged for me date is a bit of a spittin' image of meself.″
Tintype 15 February 2024  
   ˓❦ Update from Kaile'a:
Kaile'a has gracefully sidestepped Charlie, who's obviously under Penn's spell. Why rely on him when you can dial Daddy for a deluxe chauffeur service? So, with Charlie out of the picture, she's sketched out a day of decadence with Xing—luxury shopping, indulging in matcha, and a deep dive into the latest gossip. Now, isn't that just the epitome of fabulous?
Tintype 14 February 2024  
   ˓❦ Update from The Host:
Gianna? Where's Gianna? She took off barefoot into the woods? She signed a contract! What are we going to do now? Should we get in contact with the forest rangers? No, there's no need? She's being replaced by this new suitor? Fine by me.
Tintype 14 February 2024  
      ˓❦   ゚ ‘3rdṜound⁚ Gifts for Valentine's Day. You see, I had high
expectations from our contestants, considering the nature of our dating show. I anticipated sparks flying,
hearts racing, and maybe even a dramatic declaration or two. Yet, what I'm witnessing feels more like a
casual hangout than a quest for love; and you have made more friends than a middle school sleepover!
So, in a desperate attempt to kick things up a notch, or several notches, today, in the grand tradition (as
a middle-aged man, I still appreciate its significance) of Valentine's Day, the contestants will be selecting
gifts for the person they fancy. Whether they choose to go thrift shopping or simply "borrow" something
from the hotel's room —those towels always seem so plush and pristine!    —is entirely up to them.
       ‘͟Ṫ͟a͟s͟k͟:͟ What's the gift you're planning to give to your special someone?
Tintype 14 February 2024  
˓❦   ゚ ‘TheṜesults⁚
  Kira was given one candy:
  – imgur.com/a/mpzWQLK
  Charlie was given four candies:
  – imgur.com/a/pZbBTTW
  Xīngxīng was given four candies:
  – imgur.com/a/hiaL8Q9
  Kaile’a was given two candies:
  – imgur.com/a/3sr3rE4
  Gianna was given two candies:
  – imgur.com/a/z5tDiaj
  Addér was given two candies:
  – imgur.com/a/5XrSU4J
  Yusef was given two candies:
  – imgur.com/a/try9Bqu
Considering the fact that each of them received at least one candy, no one will be facing elimination.
Tintype 14 February 2024  
   ˓❦ Update from Charlie:
Charlie got the coolest drawing from his good mate Kira: imgur.com/a/nVvn1sA. He's about to finally give kimchi a try. He loooooves cabbage so he's pretty stoked. He has also made friends with Adder and they plan to play video games together. But no more bugs, please! Gianna is teaching him about bears. He didn't know there were any bears in the Amazon rainforest, and now he feels a bit silly. As for Kaile'a, she insists he be her driver for a shopping spree, but Charlie is reluctant to break Penn's rules.
Good boy!
Tintype 14 February 2024  
      ˓❦   ゚ ‘BonusṜound⁚ To sweeten things up for Valentine's Day,
contestants will privately send a piece of candy, via text message to me, to someone (or multiple ones) they're
interested in. The results will be shared anonymously, and the player with the fewest candies received faces
potential elimination.  I wonder if there is going to be one for me... my beloved Travis, where could you be?
Tintype 14 February 2024  
   ˓❦ Update from The Host:
The couples selected for today's date are Yusef and Xīngxīng, as well as Kira and Charlie. Let's hope we will get some updates this time around...
Tintype 14 February 2024  
   ˓❦ Update from The Host:
Felipe had to depart from the show due to personal matters, but he is not the only one saying goodbye, Dora Card was used, so I invite the public to eliminate someone between Xīngxīng, Charlie, Addér, Kaile'a, Gianna or Isidora.
shiver 14 February 2024  
        1ˢᵗ place: Kira
        2ⁿᵈ place: Yusef
        3ʳᵈ place: Charlie
        4ᵗʰ place: Adder
        5ᵗʰ place: Gianna
        6ᵗʰ place: Kaile’a
        7ᵗʰ place: Isidora
        8ᵗʰ place: Xingxing
Sprezzatura 14 February 2024  
        1ˢᵗ place: Kira
        2ⁿᵈ place: Yusef
        3ʳᵈ place: Charlie
        4ᵗʰ place: Xing
        5ᵗʰ place: Adder
        6ᵗʰ place: Kaile’a
        7ᵗʰ place: Isidora
        8ᵗʰ place: Gianna
GiForce 14 February 2024  
1. Yusef ca ești tu hottie
2. Kira ca suna romantic
3. Kaile’a ca poate îmi cumperi și mie cv
4. Xing sa încerc chestii noi
5. Adder, îmi pare foarte rău dar m-ai pierdut la catacombe :( i mean i saw the tiktoks and its not very safe scz
6. Charlie, e date prea de baieti
7. Isidora ca nush csz
8. Gianna scz da nu pot cu cimitirul ala
beourpower 14 February 2024  
        1ˢᵗ place: yusef
        2ⁿᵈ place: kira
        3ʳᵈ place: xingxing
        4ᵗʰ place: adder ca mereu am fost fascinata de catacombe, ma iertați, simt nevoia sa ma scuz ca eu nu s sănătoasă cu aceasta pasiune=))))
        5ᵗʰ place: ididora
        6ᵗʰ place: kailea
        7ᵗʰ place: charlie
        8ᵗʰ place: gianna
x7Captivate 14 February 2024  
1ˢᵗ place: Yusef, poti sa vii maine sa ma iei te astept :*
2ⁿᵈ place: Kira vreauuu
3ʳᵈ place: Charlie ca am fost cu un tren de genul si mi a placut mai vr:x
4ᵗʰ place: Xingxing chiar vreau sa mananc de la un magazin d alaa
5ᵗʰ place: Isidora cute :x
6ᵗʰ place: Kaile'a
7ᵗʰ place: Adder .............nu catacombe de la prima intalnireee
8ᵗʰ place: Gianna, not the cemetery ......!
aftertaste 13 February 2024  
1. kira
2. xingxing
3. yusef
4. charlie
5. adder
6. kailea
7. isidora
8. gianna
Pemberley 13 February 2024  
 1ˢᵗ place: Yusef, m-ai castigat csz sa vii cu bani multi la tine sa cumparam toate vechiturile.
 2ⁿᵈ place: Kailea, mna imi plc bogatia csz :((((((
 3ʳᵈ place: Kira, n- as fi zis ca esti asa romantic????????
 4ᵗʰ place: Xingxing, eu m-as duce la picnic…,,.,,
 5ᵗʰ place: Adder??????? doar ptc sunt mai terifiata de ceilalti….. dmn m-ar speria asa baieti irl.
 6ᵗʰ place: Charlie dragut si etc dar….. dc facem ceva ce ii place lui???? care e aportul fetei??? ii plac si ei masinile?? poate se plictiseste…. so many questions! imi plc doar ca s de epoca…
 7ᵗʰ place: Gianna, daca as fi invitata la cimitir……….as fugi mancand pamantul. fie el si cu atatea personalitati….. imi imaginez cum ar fi la Bellu.
 8ᵗʰ place: Isidora, FRATEEEEE suntem la prima intalnire si ma cere sau nu inteleg io????
Mauriacs 13 February 2024  
1, kira o experienta imersiva!
2, yusef yessss to flea markets
3, xingxing pari tu inocenta dar esti nebunatica vad! i love the grocery store concept tho
4, kaile'a thats a long ass date hawaii
5, isidora and then they made you ♥︎
6, charlie boy are you dating yourself or what thats kinda selfish¡
7, adder nu vizitez catacombele nici sa ma platesti am auzit prea multe horror stories pe tiktok
8, gianna i~~~~~~i~~~~~~im weirded out
Tintype 13 February 2024  
        1ˢᵗ place:
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Tintype 13 February 2024  
Felipe used Sylvester Card, so he's exempt from being listed.
KaileaManuwa 13 February 2024  
So, I totally planned the most amazing date. It was all about giving my date a sneak peek into my fabulous life, but I also wanted to sprinkle in some fun and adventure. And for the evening, I thought of something more relaxing to have the chance to get to know each other better.

We explore the city’s iconic sights on a rented Vespa, cruising through the streets of Paris, and we make a quick stop at a patisserie to spoil ourselves with croissants, macaroons, and a toast with champagne! imgur.com/a/uH1MjrE

Then, Charlie—if he’s up with it and free from his date, swings by in a vintage Rolls-Royce to take us to the boutiques. I want to share my world with my date because, hello, who wouldn’t want a taste of this life? And, oh my gosh, maybe I’ll get my hands on a Birkin too, one more never hurts. imgur.com/a/sb8DQuz

Ending the night? Our own private cinema on a rooftop, under the stars. Cozy blankets, all the sweets we could dream of, a catalog of movies to choose from, and of course, the best part—me. imgur.com/a/q7UlXsZ
IsidoraAriadnaHancar 13 February 2024  
My parents once told me about the time my father proposed to my mother.
A romantic date that was arranged on the dock of my old house. //imgur.com/a/qUAFP50
     After a romantic dinner cooked by my father, they took the boat to
the middle of the lake. //imgur.com/a/rxmJTov
                    Nature was on their side.
Perfect weather. The calm lake. Fireflies dancing around them. //imgur.com/a/Z7yiyZc
Dad began to confess how he fell in love with Mom at first sight. Her smile changed his life.
               Her eyes lit up his world.
And that evening left with many happy tears. The heartfelt "yes" echoed throughout the forest.
That night was the most wonderful day of their lives.     Their story still echoes among
the people of Minsk. And that evening I was conceived with my twin sister through the green
          layers of the forest. //imgur.com/a/feiigCz//imgur.com/a/gQIdYff
That's my idea of a romantic date, and that's where I'd take my partner because
               I'm pretty sure we'd have at least half my parents' luck.
      I've heard that Lake Saint-Mandé near Paris is very beautiful.
A beautiful lake, the forest full of life surrounding it. Maybe the magic happens that night.
KiraKun 13 February 2024  
  愛とバイクnani so, imagine this⍩ we kick things off smack dab in the♥ of the city.
  no cliché Efferutō//Rūbā for us, oh no ),( we're diving deep into the hidden nooks and
  crannies of this overly-touristed パリpari. picture us ~(˘▾˘~)pedaling away on vintage
  bicycles/weaving through secret alleyways and cozy cobblestone streets.
    imgur.com/a/HdzfbyJ binkan'naꃼ as vioretta evergarttten
  最初の停留所, adding a pinch of wasabi to your sushi, you know? makes things pop.
   a hidden gem ),( Square Jehan Rictus, Pl. des Abbesses, 75018 Paris, France
   imgur.com/a/gdkrOJp a canva to unfold a story, just like carving a tree in third grade
  +250 languages [...] そうです. a glimpse of us woven into a 愛 city~~
  二位, Parc André Citroën, 75015 Paris, France, ballon de paris。゜(`Д´)゜。
  hop in holding hands and here's where we take it up a notch  imgur.com/a/zSJnIDk
  with a playful wink, I pull out a strip of paper, a traditional Japanese omikuji, filled with
  fortunes and wishesƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ together we whisper our dreams into the paper, our hopes&
  aspirations for the future.  we can watch upon the streets filled with those pigeons
   that our hostギボウシ was ranting over and over again~sorry, Pen-san. it all started
  with our initials  a 素敵なcarved ℂ next to a K.  (•◡•) /⤹imgur.com/a/76ppu6H
  最後の場所, as the night falls and those fireflies go to their gravesホタルの墓 we are
  back on the mighty earth running our bikes on rue de l’Abreuvoir 18th arrondissement
  with a fresh batch of beigne~ or how ohimesama tiana calls her delicious sugarrry--
  powderrry dessert(っ˘ڡ˘ς) between nightlights, cicadas hum their ancient song, like
  an old wise redi... symphony of our shared delight, melody of summer's embrace,&
  with a gentle look googly eyed soshite kashikoi egao~ well your lips are 私に触れて.
YusefAbulAlQadi 13 February 2024  
 Iʽd like to believe that Iʽm a hopeless romantic myself، and I would go beyond for
 my date to have a great time alongside yours truly باريس هي الحب، أليس كذلك؟
  The streets have that je ne sais quoi that cannot be matched، and strolling along the banks of the Seine
 together would resemble lovers in a painting of Monet
 الجزء الذي أفضل... Quaint flee markets, the experience is like traveling back in time
 from antique to vintage pieces، they speak of a bygone era and itʽs an enjoyable and relaxing thing to do،
  especially with the thrill of a bargain hunt adding fun to the journey
 Ending the day with Paris at night، walks under the glow of streetlights، live music
 echoing through the air، laughter and chatter from cafes and bistros، revealing its beauty رومانسية أود أن أقول
XingxingLi 13 February 2024  
┆ ⮿ we cycled a lot on the huge boulevards and the charming gardens of the city …
┆ after all that cycling, ᨒ the thing i'm thinking about is again... food
┆ i've wanted to go to tang frères, the asian grocery store, since i landed hereᝰ.ᐟ
┆ i'm very curious if we're gonna find 果丹皮 or 山楂卷 and rabbit creamy candies ꪔ̤̥
┆ then we cycle some more and rent a room at paris boutique l'épicerie. imgur.com/a/hGNFol4
┆ it's a very interesting hotel concept, they have rooms that look like a grocery store as well
┆ we can also get products from there and do a taste test together. it will be so much fun!
┆ or go for a picnic? we can spread a blanket somewhere around the lady of iron ✧˚༘⋆。˚
GiannadeSantis 13 February 2024  
¤ I am new to this thing called dating. To my understanding it's two people connecting.
  What better place than Père Lachaise Cemetery? The death have as many stories as the woods.
  We might even find ourselves. The old us.
¤ Much later I would like to take a walk down the
Seine. Shoes optional.
¤ And the perfect ending. Splash! I can only hope that wasn't Elliot's portal into the soul, the camera.
  I am sorry, my gentle friend, the water was calling my name. It was a subtle whisper.
CharliePaddington 13 February 2024  
″I was thinking, maybe...  'ow about taking a trip to the Musée de Transports Urbains? We'll start our adventure by hoppin' on the tube or catchin' a double-decker bus to get there. It'll be a proper laugh.  Once we arrive at the museum, we'll be surrounded by all sorts of old-school buses, trams, and underground trains. We can stroll down memory lane, check out the vintage transport memorabilia, and even try our hand at some old ticket machines. It's like steppin' back in time, innit? imgur.com/a/u40ehep   We can explore the museum at our own pace, check out the quirky exhibits, and maybe even reenact a few scenes from old-school train movies. Proper good times, I reckon!   After we've had our fill of transport history, we can saunter back to Jardin d'Acclimation, maybe grab a cheeky snack or a cuppa at a nearby café, and reflect on our train-tastic adventure.   We can take a ride on the train there too.   imgur.com/a/BtpAFty   Picture this – wind in our hair, the rhythmic clackety-clack of the tracks, and a proper chat while watchin' the world go by.″
Tintype 13 February 2024  
   ˓❦ Update from Kaile’a:
Kaile’a is orchestrating a petition for signatures, hoping to secure permission for a shopping spree and a matcha stop chauffeured by Charlie, all because Penn is putting a stop to their plans of leaving the hotel together.
A no is a no, obviously not something you ever had to hear from your rich daddy.
Tintype 12 February 2024  
   ˓❦ Update from Ámos:
i lied; of course i love you. i even listened to gospel for you; you infurating woman
AdderGavroche 12 February 2024  
cette sale ville… v͈̤̄̌̾ī͈̤̌̾l͈̤̄̌̾l͈̤̄̌̾ē͈̤̌̾ ͈̤̄̌̾d͈̤̄̌̾'͈̤̄̌̾ā͈̤̌̾m͈̤̄̌̾ō͈̤̌̾ū͈̤̌̾r͈̤̄̌̾ ͈̤̄̌̾m͈̤̄̌̾ō͈̤̌̾n͈̤̄̌̾ ͈̤̄̌̾c͈̤̄̌̾ū͈̤̌̾l͈̤̄̌̾ ~ moving on from ma haine très évidente towards this city where pigeons can kill you, rats are dancing, scammers can’t wait to take your money and filth covers every bit of the main boulevards~ our first stop will be Catacombes de Paris, where we’ll see history more alive than some parts of this city
next up we’ll bike our feet off (just kidding, it’s only 2 kilometres) towards the Room of Endangered and Extinct Species~ haunting and educational ~and since we are there we can walk all over Jardin des Plantes~ the main botanical garden in France
it’s a date after all and this city can offer some nice things sometimes so I’m trying to be nice ~and if we get hungry we can stop at Victoria Garden which is nearby, have a poke bowl and call it a day ~ voilà

C̈̇͘ä̇͘ẗ̇͘ä̇͘c̈̇͘ö̇͘m̈̇͘b̈̇͘ë̇͘s̈̇͘ ̈̇͘d̈̇͘ë̇͘ ̈̇͘P̈̇͘ä̇͘r̈̇͘ï̇͘s̈̇͘~ imgbox.com/8YbzPgCs // imgbox.com/gZ6u38XH //imgbox.com/Bi6DVA1O
T̈̇͘ḧ̇͘ë̇͘ ̈̇͘R̈̇͘ö̇͘ö̇͘m̈̇͘ ̈̇͘ö̇͘f̈̇͘ ̈̇͘Ë̇͘n̈̇͘d̈̇͘ä̇͘n̈̇͘g̈̇͘ë̇͘r̈̇͘ë̇͘d̈̇͘ ̈̇͘ä̇͘n̈̇͘d̈̇͘ ̈̇͘Ë̇͘ẍ̇͘ẗ̇͘ï̇͘n̈̇͘c̈̇͘ẗ̇͘ ̈̇͘S̈̇͘p̈̇͘ë̇͘c̈̇͘ï̇͘ë̇͘S̈̇͘~ imgbox.com/OmwTPVtK // imgbox.com/qcpFR1z6 // imgbox.com/bUIbnOif
J̈̇͘ä̇͘r̈̇͘d̈̇͘ï̇͘n̈̇͘ ̈̇͘d̈̇͘ë̇͘s̈̇͘ ̈̇͘P̈̇͘l̈̇͘ä̇͘n̈̇͘ẗ̇͘ë̇͘s̈̇͘~ imgbox.com/2x8rx6Rk // imgbox.com/9q8oqCkc //imgbox.com/ErqozAND
V̤̣̈̇͘ï̤̣̇͘c̤̣̈̇͘ẗ̤̣̇͘ö̤̣̇͘r̤̣̈̇͘ï̤̣̇͘ä̤̣̇͘ ̤̣̈̇͘G̤̣̈̇͘ä̤̣̇͘r̤̣̈̇͘d̤̣̈̇͘ë̤̣̇͘n̤̣̈̇͘~ imgbox.com/XnYbAywX // imgbox.com/NOu7CP7P
Tintype 12 February 2024  
      ˓❦   ゚ ‘2ndṜound⁚ First date itinerary. I know that tourists often get
bad looks from the french, but we have to overlook the glaring impression of being unwanted and just go
city hopping. But for once their hate towards foreigners could be warranted, obviously you are an obnoxious
bunch, causing public disturbance and blinding the locals with your camera flashes, taking a trillion pictures
in front of the Eiffel Tower. Charlie, put the camera down! Help the grandma pass the street! Oh, and Felipe.
Hi... Elliot, stop whispering in my ear, I'm aware I can't chat up the contestants. I was just being nice with a
fellow senior. Anyway. Paris, so romantic, even the pigeons are dancing, kissing, going in circles, mounting
each other, it sure is the city of love, even for the birds. How is it going to be for you? What are you planning
for a first date? H͟i͟r͟e͟ ͟c͟i͟t͟y͟ ͟b͟i͟k͟e͟s͟ ͟a͟n͟d͟ ͟t͟e͟l͟l͟ ͟u͟s͟ ͟w͟h͟a͟t͟ ͟y͟o͟u͟r͟ ͟r͟o͟m͟a͟n͟t͟i͟c͟ ͟h͟o͟p͟ ͟i͟s͟, it can be an ice cream parlour, a tattoo
shop to write each other's initials on your body or you can go to a phone booth to call the soon to be inlaws.
       ‘͟Ṫ͟a͟s͟k͟:͟ Where are you taking your partner for a romantic date around town?
Tintype 12 February 2024  
   ˓❦ Update from The Host:
The pairings were decided: Yusef picked Kaile'a while Felipe got with Gianna, they will now go and enjoy their respective dates. Let's hope it's not gonna be too awkward, but if it is, Elliot, come here, make sure to shove a camera in their face to capture the intensity. The audience loves unbearable moments like this, I would know, I recently watched Single's Inferno and I took notes. The date will play out in in private (chats) and they can choose to update their doings or keep it away from the prying eyes of other contestants.
Tintype 12 February 2024  
   ˓❦ Update from The Host:
Those who want to, can say their final goodbyes to Indra, but I can't blame you if you choose not to. Finally she is gone. That troll was starting to be more annoying than Ester, and that's hard to beat.
beourpower 12 February 2024  
        1ˢᵗ place: yusef, pâinea aia... salivez la ea de cand am vazut o
        2ⁿᵈ place: Isidora, daca veneai cu sushi 1 erai....
        3ʳᵈ place: indra, curry ul ălaa (l as mânca cu pâinea de la yusef)
        4ᵗʰ place: felipe, cartofii, iubirea romanilor
        5ᵗʰ place: gianna, tot pentru painea de casa esti asa sus :))))
        6ᵗʰ place: adder, iubesc conopidaa
        7ᵗʰ place: xingxing
        8ᵗʰ place: kailea
        9ᵗʰ place: charlie
        10ᵗʰ place: kira
aftertaste 12 February 2024  
1.charlie consideram ca e vot și de la elliot nu doar de la mine
2. yusef
3. xingxing
4. felipe
5. adder
6. kira
7. gianna
8. indra
9. isidora
10. kailea
shiver 12 February 2024  
        1ˢᵗ place: Yusef
        2ⁿᵈ place: Felipe
        3ʳᵈ place: Adder
        4ᵗʰ place: Isidora
        5ᵗʰ place: Gianna
        6ᵗʰ place: Indra
        7ᵗʰ place: Charlie
        8ᵗʰ place: Xingxing
        9ᵗʰ place: Kira
        10ᵗʰ place: Kaile’a
Mauriacs 12 February 2024  
1, kailea oh to be you
2, indra cause curry might be my fav food
3, adder tbh looks filling and nutritious
4, felipe yes potato yes raspberry
5, gianna ca am mancat linte azi
6, yusef idc i like hummus man
7, isidora bubble tea!!!!!!<3333
8, xingxing yum dumplings
9, kira st veg dar prob not for too longgg
10, charlie …noroc cu colonizatii csz
Seductress 12 February 2024  
1. Yusef ca mănânc des la libanez și ce ai tu acolo e din filmul ăla
2. Isidora you had me at bubble tea
3. Indra ca îmi place orezul
4. Kaile’a ca îmi plac trufele și îmi place și zmeura și mănânc si tartaruri deci ești mai ok decât ceilalți
5. Felipe
6. Xing
7. Gianna
8. Adder ca nu sunt fan legume așa înrăit
9. Charlie ca urăsc english breakfastul
10. Kira doar nu
Sprezzatura 12 February 2024  
        1ˢᵗ place: yusef imi plc painea
        2ⁿᵈ place: charlie
        3ʳᵈ place: adder
        4ᵗʰ place: felippe
        5ᵗʰ place: kira
        6ᵗʰ place: xingxing
        7ᵗʰ place: indra
        8ᵗʰ place: isidora
        9ᵗʰ place: gianna
        10ᵗʰ place: kailea
Nidaros 12 February 2024  
        1ˢᵗ place: Charlie ce bine arata fasolea aia fratilor
        2ⁿᵈ place: Yusef
        3ʳᵈ place: Adder sincer chiar daca mancam cu ratatouille
        4ᵗʰ place: Felipe ca stiu ca as manca cartofii
        5ᵗʰ place: Kira
        6ᵗʰ place: Isidora
        7ᵗʰ place: Xingxing
        8ᵗʰ place: Gianna
        9ᵗʰ place: Indra
        10ᵗʰ place: Kailea girly, mai bine ma minteai
Tintype 12 February 2024  
        1ˢᵗ place:
        2ⁿᵈ place:
        3ʳᵈ place:
        4ᵗʰ place:
        5ᵗʰ place:
        6ᵗʰ place:
        7ᵗʰ place:
        8ᵗʰ place:
        9ᵗʰ place:
        10ᵗʰ place:
KaileaManuwa 12 February 2024  
  So, like, realizing I totally lack the kitchen skills and training needed for this task, because, hello, never really had to whip up anything fancier than a smoothie, I was kinda freaking out about the whole cooking date thing. Obviously, I wouldn’t want to accidentally make my date sick—that's just not cool. So, I did what any sensible person would do and called up my makua kāne for some backup. I mean, it's not like anyone said we couldn't get a little help, right? I'm just playing by the unspoken rules here. Super early this morning, Dad had our private chef and his team jet over to Paris on our family's private plane. The chef totally gets my food preferences, so he made sure to whip up some of my absolute faves from his menu!
  Oh my gosh, guys, let me just spill about the ultimate wine pick for our totally upscale soirée—it's the Château d'Esclans Garrus Rosé. Seriously, this isn't your run-of-the-mill rosé; it's like the Chanel of wines.
 Picture this: sipping on what might as well be the sun setting over the French Riviera, with every taste.
  Kicking off our dinner date with something absolutely fab—Ceviche de Saumon. imgur.com/a/vEVMcqx
  Lobster Pasta with Truffle Cream Sauce—as our main course, it's the showstopper. imgur.com/a/feKccGL
 Matcha Macaron with Raspberry Filling—a fusion of Hawaiian chill and Parisian chic. imgur.com/a/SNdI5Tl
  And there we have it, our feast of dreams, ready to be devoured under the stars or the sparkle of city lights. From the first bite of our chic starter to the last spoonful of our lush dessert, each dish is a nod to my travels, my roots, and the sheer joy of sharing good food with good company. E ʻai kāua! Let each flavor whisk you away on a culinary journey like no other.
GiannadeSantis 12 February 2024  
¤ In the kitchen , we reconnect with the essense of nature, blending it's gifts to creat a symphony of
tastes that sings of the fields, forests and oceans.
I dabble in the kitchen from time to time, but nothing compares to my mother. She hears the ingredients
calling her, wishpering a new recipe everytime she touches a pan. I dedicate this meal to her, and mother nature.
     Fresh ingredients, imgur.com/a/Dhu9Xx0
     And the finished meal: Deep Green Lentil Stew with
Spinach,Tahini & Lemon imgur.com/a/D4vmmRl
     Homemade bread,imgur.com/a/ajRnbs6
     Elderflower lemonade, imgur.com/a/GCRHfh1
A̩̍ ɢ̩̍υ̩̍ι̩̍d̩̍e̩̍ ғ̩̍o̩̍r̩̍ e̩̍х̩̍p̩̍l̩̍o̩̍r̩̍ι̩̍ɴ̩̍ɢ̩̍ т̩̍н̩̍e̩̍ w̩̍o̩̍o̩̍d̩̍ѕ̩̍ ғ̩̍o̩̍r̩̍ м̩̍y̩̍ p̩̍α̩̍r̩̍т̩̍ɴ̩̍e̩̍r̩̍ т̩̍o̩̍ r̩̍e̩̍α̩̍d̩̍ в̩̍e̩̍ғ̩̍o̩̍r̩̍e̩̍ w̩̍e̩̍ r̩̍e̩̍α̩̍c̩̍н̩̍ т̩̍н̩̍e̩̍ F̩̍o̩̍r̩̍ê̩̍т̩̍ d̩̍o̩̍м̩̍α̩̍ɴ̩̍ι̩̍α̩̍l̩̍e̩̍ d̩̍e̩̍ M̩̍e̩̍υ̩̍d̩̍o̩̍ɴ̩̍:̩̍
¤ Only go in the summer. The winter court will do you no favours. The summer court is less malevolent,
 but no safer. Unless you go with me, for some reasons the winter court is gentler with me.
¤ When you enter, know that time will not work in your favour. You may lose entire lifetimes within hours.
¤ Choose a new name, but don’t keep it for too long, otherwise you will belong to it.
  I am choosing "Ivy" for the evening.
¤ Bring cold iron, wear red.
¤Carry red berries from a rowan, mountain ash, or holly tree. St. John’s Wort or red verbena flowers
  are acceptable as well. They will keep you safe, but not for long.
¤ To see through the glamours, place four-leaf clovers in a pouch around your neck. It may help.
¤ Leave the same way you entered, but never return through the same entrance.
 The second time, they will know enough to keep you.
¤ Do not stand in the mushroom rings. If someone you know enters a ring, you cannot save them.
¤ Never accept a gift. They will want something in return.
¤ Be polite, but do not say thank you.
¤ The food will be the best you have ever tasted. Only eat it if you wish to never leave.
  My food is not included. Or maybe it is.
¤ If you must stay the night, sleep under the rowan, holly, or ash tree. The elder wood will make you tired.
 Do not close your eyes.
¤ If you hear music, you are running out of time. If you hear harps, your time is up.
¤ Don’t join the dancing unless they give you a token.
¤ You cannot become one of them, however much you desire to leave your life behind.
¤ If you see an alder tree, know you will not be lucky enough to go home unscathed.
¤ Place salt on your windowsills if you make it back, otherwise they will follow you home.
¤ If you meet other explorers in the woods, do not help them. They have been there too long.
 Do not let them know you can leave, otherwise they will try come with you.
 Do not let them help you, they will try make you stay.
CharliePaddington 12 February 2024  
                           imgur.com/a/lY4vSVV Me and Chef Miguel ❍
″Today I'm making the one recipe I know best down to a T, and that is good old English Breakfast.  As for dessert, classic jam pennies, served with tea.  I've already prepared them while you set up the camera, see: imgur.com/a/kdqEXvG   With butter and rhubarb marmalade.  Now, I will be starting with, um, the bread, that's getting in the toaster.    And then, on with the proteins. After frying the eggs,    sorry Elliot, beware of hot oil mate,   we will be frying the ham and the sausage. Now, I know what a lot of you are thinking ʼBut Charlie, oily food is unhealthyʼ and I agree, which is why I bought pre-cooked plant-based meat. Not sponsored. What, what are you yelling about Elliot? Bollocks, the eggs. imgur.com/a/pevowLf I guess, I guess no eggs for us today. But lots of vegetables. Let this be a healthy version of an English Breakfast.   Right. So we have mushrooms, tomatoes, and beans. I am going to stir fry them and,   can you hand me that plate over there Elliot? Yes, that one, thanks mate.   There you have it, folks.  imgur.com/a/3LfQgtN Enjoy.″
KiraKun 12 February 2024  
かわいい ( ),(
but stop playing-- go with the kimmcccchi
CharliePaddington 12 February 2024  
Kira, seriously now, don't pull my leg. What is that?
KiraKun 12 February 2024  
    こんにちはYūjō   a meAL??? ...nandayOꐦ...
   no much cooking skill--  japanesse street food trunk is,
     imgur.com/a/v1uygtd yakitori-- delicious to the licking
   side with corn and fishy--- fishy(ꈋ) fish. mr. 末津-chan, Arigatō Gozaimasuෆ
            with his amazing truck ),( imgur.com/a/OplICD2
IsidoraAriadnaHancar 12 February 2024  
  Dobry dzień. Hmmmm, I love asian food. Can my date love it as much?
My baćka cooks perfectly and taught me all the sacrety in his kitchen.
Noodles with chicken and vegetables are liehiendarny. //imgur.com/a/dVykQmp
I'm not good at desierty, but I know a place with lots of Pocky's. //imgur.com/a/meMXety
      We can have a Bubble Tea too. //imgur.com/a/Qs9z3kG
YusefAbulAlQadi 12 February 2024  
 أهلا –، فن الطهو يوصيني بكل فخر as Iʽm hoping people are still delighted by tradition
  and the idea of branching out، my Kunāfah is my secret cookery weapon،
 itʽs made with Hatay، Urfa، or Antep cheese and usually topped with pistachios
  However، a Palestinian will never serve a meal without their خبز طابون Láfa،
 a flatbread baked in a clay oven؛ could be stuffed with falafel، meat، or hummus
  I would love to mention that my mom، بارك الله لها! is an ardent fan of sweets
  and a wonderful baker، therefore I had time to steal and learn over the years،
 theyʽre called Ma'amoul، basically cookies filled with fruits and sometimes nuts
  And let me not forget my favorite addition، black tea، to seal the meal properly
                          يجب الاستمتاع به.
XingxingLi 12 February 2024  
┆ ⮿ hello everyone!
┆非常感谢 mr. penn for the cute apron (i got the one with the strawberry print and i love it˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
┆could you tell me where you got it from?)
┆what a beautiful evening it is! i decided to make some dishes in celebration of the lunar new year.
┆./づ~ the main dish i'm bringing to the table are dumplings. imgur.com/a/EpUC6JC
┆their filling is seafood, chinese chives, carrot, daikon and cucumber.
┆but i've also made some with vegetables only. they look like 金 ingots.
┆their significance is wealth and fortune for the coming year.
┆⋆⑅˚₊then i made peanut cookies. imgur.com/a/YQX89EJ i had fun rolling the dough into balls!
┆i hope my partner doesn't have a nut allergy. i'd be very sad if he couldn't taste them. ˙◠˙
┆in the end, we drink niánjiǔ for 持久的 happiness.
┆i brought a bottle of chrysanthemum wine from home.
┆吃饭了, i really hope you like it!
Tintype 12 February 2024  
   ˓❦ Update from The Host:
2 hours left before time runs out, answer the task promptly or you're at risk of being eliminated due to inactivity.
IndraBeaufort 12 February 2024  
      ● I would rather cook than buy fast food but I do have my guilty pleasures. (Pizza) So cooking for the date is not a challenge for me. Mr. Gordon Ramsay, you can rate my skills anytime. Although I'm not vegan or anything like that, I rarely eat meat. It's just a personal preference of mine. If my date is disappointed by this we can ditch the restaurant and go stuff our faces in some greasy steak or whatever.

      ● I choose to serve red curry with vegetables Thai style (allegedly): images2.imgbox.com/04/18/E9RHrR4a_o.jpg. If it's too spicy for you, it's a deal-breaker. If you can't handle the food being spicy, how can you handle me? My second dish will be something sweet, a glutten free apple crisp: images2.imgbox.com/6a/66/OgVMc1Rh_o.jpg. I'm not allergic to glutten or anything else, but I know a lot of people are. I can't have my date choke and die on the first date. (I like to take my time.)

      ● Drinks? Whatever they want. We can even go to a bar afterwards, dance a little, play darts where the target is a picture of Penn... (I'm kiddin', don't worry. The only picture of him I want to see is a funeral one.)
AdderGavroche 12 February 2024  
ouiiii ouiii, je saisss, juste parce que je suis français, tu t'attends à ce que je sois un connard prétentieux, mais je ne le suis pas~ I don’t even know how to cook /// dare to say anything about eating escargots and your d̸͈̞̘̤̅̔̈́̈i̸͈̞̘̤̅̔̈́̈s̸͈̞̘̤̅̔̈́̈a̸͈̞̘̤̅̔̈́̈p̸͈̞̘̤̅̔̈́̈p̸͈̞̘̤̅̔̈́̈e̸͈̞̘̤̅̔̈́̈a̸͈̞̘̤̅̔̈́̈r̸͈̞̘̤̅̔̈́̈a̸͈̞̘̤̅̔̈́̈n̸͈̞̘̤̅̔̈́̈c̸͈̞̘̤̅̔̈́̈e̸͈̞̘̤̅̔̈́̈ won’t even be noted :)
anyyyyyyway~~ I’m a peaceful human being sometimes soooo instead of the herbes I usually eat cause I’m a vegetarian~ sue me I can’t let go of cheese and pudding~ I asked a chef (he’s not a chef he just knows how to cook) friend of mine to make a nice dinner/lunch meal:
we’ll diggggg in right away with a roasted cauliflower in a coconut tomato sauce that’s just a biiiiit s͓͈̞̘̤̅̔̈́̈p͓͈̞̘̤̅̔̈́̈i͓͈̞̘̤̅̔̈́̈c͓͈̞̘̤̅̔̈́̈y͓͈̞̘̤̅̔̈́̈~ like everything in life sugar spice and everything nice
aaand then we have aaaaa (w⃫h⃫a⃫t⃫ ⃫t⃫h⃫e⃫ ⃫f⃫u⃫c⃫k⃫ ⃫i⃫s⃫ ⃫t⃫h⃫i⃫s⃫) «French-style» potato and green bean salad and everything else you see in there~~~ we can eat it on a random restaurant since our food is to go and just sit down at a random table or eat on the grass like a romantic couple next to the homeless people, the rats and la tour Eiffel // splendid ~ and if we get thirsty we can get a can of Perrier from the vending machine nearby ~ voilà imgbox.com/3zpWN8qN // imgbox.com/M4YDGano
elliot 12 February 2024  
Is it too late to quit?
Tintype 12 February 2024  
I give up. Why even book a nice restaurant if you're going to eat outside, on the street anyway. Enjoy the company of the rats, I don't think anyone will pick you for a date.
IndraBeaufort 12 February 2024  
Some of us need a fresh breath of air after spending time around you.
Tintype 12 February 2024  
Are you trying to imply that I have a certain... smell? A bad smell?
IndraBeaufort 12 February 2024  
Do you need a drawing?
Tintype 12 February 2024  
IndraBeaufort 12 February 2024  
What's the point of having expensive shower gel if your stentch covers the scent?
AdderGavroche 12 February 2024  
Penn, mon cher~ it’s a picnic
FelipeLuizdelaCruz 12 February 2024  
     ⸺ Me encanta comer, pero odio preparar la comida. No soy muy bueno cocinando, pero me gusta
     dar lo mejor de mí para mi cita, así que esta noche hago una excepción. Tengan paciencia conmigo.
     ⸺ I pray that I avoid having the restaurant staff resent me in the next morning as I'll make sure
     everything is cleaned up after we leave. I decided upon something rather relatively easy, Tartiflette.
   ❝A a winter dish made up of layers of potato, cream and lardons, as well as reblochon, a soft smear-
     ripened cheese with a washed rind. This hearty dish is best served with a green salad, a glass of
      white wine, and cornichons.❞             imgur.com/a/ekyU11W
     ⸺ Tengo una sorpresa para ti. Tarte Framboise, not prepared by me, but it's certainly more delicious
      than nothing whatsoever.                imgur.com/iDLgXKJ
Tintype 11 February 2024  
   ˓❦ Update from Addér:
ohhhh mon Dieu, je suissss désolé – nous avons une situation, je ummm… non, actually… s̛̙̘̃̈́̕ỡ̙̘̈́̕m̛̙̘̃̈́̕ẽ̛̙̘̈́̕ỡ̙̘̈́̕ñ̛̙̘̈́̕ẽ̛̙̘̈́̕ ̛̙̘̃̈́̕d̛̙̘̃̈́̕ĩ̛̙̘̈́̕d̛̙̘̃̈́̕ñ̛̙̘̈́̕’̛̙̘̃̈́̕t̛̙̘̃̈́̕ ̛̙̘̃̈́̕c̛̙̘̃̈́̕l̛̙̘̃̈́̕ỡ̙̘̈́̕s̛̙̘̃̈́̕ẽ̛̙̘̈́̕ ̛̙̘̃̈́̕m̛̙̘̃̈́̕ỹ̛̙̘̈́̕ ̛̙̘̃̈́̕d̛̙̘̃̈́̕ỡ̙̘̈́̕ỡ̙̘̈́̕r̛̙̘̃̈́̕ ̛̙̘̃̈́̕and some of my f̎̈͞r̎̈͞i̎̈͞e̎̈͞n̎̈͞d̎̈͞s̎̈͞s̎̈͞s̎̈͞s escaped into the building… leshorreursdetravailleravecdesAméricains……..bordel de merde…….I believe they went separate ways and each of them found their place into the contestants’ room… I would like them back. Please let me know if you have them:

Whiskers probably found his way towards Kaile’a’s room……imgbox.com/tbMdpJUE
Beaujambes certainly went towards Kira’s room… she liked his hair……imgbox.com/k3XGaW64
Millie perhaps went to dig into Yusef’s room……imgbox.com/QDp9eNUS
Bolek and Lolek are rarely separated… I think they got lost into Charlie and Felipe’s rooms… s'il te plaît, réunis-les imgbox.com/Mz2P47JP
Same goes for Ernest et Bart…… Penn, Elliot… I think they went your way imgbox.com/FpWZT0dc
Ma Reine went towards Gianna… please be gentle with her imgbox.com/OaAaFk1H
I saw Moche going set towards Indra’s room… he’s friendly, don’t be scared imgbox.com/nQZVl06O
Reine du Mal liked Xingxing… don’t let the name fool you, she is a sweetheart imgbox.com/WLe2iHAj
And Rhino… is most likely at Isidora’s place……Please be careful, he likes to sleep on pillows imgbox.com/xIFOMjVG

Je m'excuse encore une fois. Ce n'était pas ma faute…
Tintype 11 February 2024  
      ˓❦   ゚ ‘1stṜound⁚ A one-on-one dinner. The Tintype team reserved the
whole L'Espadon, the far-famed restaurant of the Hôtel Ritz for the night to be. But the chef and the staff were dismissed early, and I gave up my apron to be the host, so ‘you‘ will have to be the one serving a dish to your date partner. You can choose to cook in the back room kitchen, buy from street food trucks or as a last resort, the supermarket has a lunchable aisle. That if you know how to use a microwave... because some of you look like you barely know how a fork operates.      ‘͟Ṫ͟a͟s͟k͟:͟ Show us what appetizing meal you came up with.
Pemberley 11 February 2024  
 1ˢᵗ place: Xingxing, those eyes like a deer’s!!! omg ce au sa citeasca!
 2ⁿᵈ place: Yusef, let’s dig into this field of yours! :’)…haha…
 3ʳᵈ place: Gianna, as planta oricati copacei mi-ar spune!
 4ᵗʰ place: Felipe, I mean…,… how could I not like him???
 5ᵗʰ place: Kira, am mai rasfoit si eu cateva carticele cool!
 6ᵗʰ place: Charlie, also a butler???
 7ᵗʰ place: Kaile’a, eu cand ma visez :(((((
 8ᵗʰ place: Adder! he’s just a baby.
 9ᵗʰ place: Indra, eu inca nush pe ce sa ma uit la mean girls?
 10ᵗʰ place: Isidora….mna….. nush….daca tie iti place….
elliot 11 February 2024  
Did I miss anything? — I was getting crossaints from Benoit's place. Lights, camera, action; I guess
Tintype 11 February 2024  
Why that place, I didn't have time to thoroughly examine the restaurant's kitchen, and for all we know the cutlery isn't even properly cleaned, or God forbid they don't have a separate scullery and the food is infected! Elliot, I don't want to fire you but you're giving me no choice right now. I need a five minute break to get over this. Angela, dispose of the food.
elliot 11 February 2024  
That wasn't for you boss, — Already got a list of pre approved restaurants. It was for me& Angie.
Fire me?— I just started getting payed; 5 bucks a day
Tintype 11 February 2024  
Fine. Do whatever you want. If you two get indigestion don't expect free days.
Nidaros 11 February 2024  
        0... nd? place: penn
        1ˢᵗ place: Indra, prima data am crezut ca e o poza cu sydney lmao
        2ⁿᵈ place: Gianna frumy
        3ʳᵈ place: Kira
        4ᵗʰ place: Charlie ca ursul hehe
        5ᵗʰ place: Felipe ca #four
        6ᵗʰ place: Xingxing
        7ᵗʰ place: Kaile
        8ᵗʰ place: Yusef
        9ᵗʰ place: Isidora
        10ᵗʰ place: Adder
Tintype 11 February 2024  
Is that a compliment, candy?
shiver 11 February 2024  
        1ˢᵗ place: Xingxing
        2ⁿᵈ place: Kira
        3ʳᵈ place: Indra
        4ᵗʰ place: Felipe
        5ᵗʰ place: Gianna
        6ᵗʰ place: Adder
        7ᵗʰ place: Charlie
        8ᵗʰ place: Yusef
        9ᵗʰ place: Isidora
        10ᵗʰ place: Kaile
beourpower 11 February 2024  
        1ˢᵗ place: kaile
        2ⁿᵈ place: yusef
        3ʳᵈ place: xingxing
        4ᵗʰ place: kira
        5ᵗʰ place: gianna
        6ᵗʰ place: isidora
        7ᵗʰ place: adder
        8ᵗʰ place: charlie
        9ᵗʰ place: indra
        10ᵗʰ place: felippe
Sprezzatura 11 February 2024  
        1ˢᵗ place: xing
        2ⁿᵈ place: kira
        3ʳᵈ place: gianna
        4ᵗʰ place: kaile
        5ᵗʰ place: yusef
        6ᵗʰ place: isidora
        7ᵗʰ place: adder
        8ᵗʰ place: charlie
        9ᵗʰ place: indra
        10ᵗʰ place: felippe
aftertaste 11 February 2024  
1. yusef
2. xingzing tintype workers united baby
3. kaile
4. gianna
5. adder
6. kira
7. felipe
8. charlie
9. Indra
10. isidora
aftertaste 11 February 2024  
waaa ce lume mișto pe aici
hey siri how can i date 10 people at the same time
Tintype 11 February 2024  
You can't, you're not a participant in this season.
aftertaste 11 February 2024  
damn it, penn! you want them all to yourself:(
Tintype 11 February 2024  
I'm contractually obligated not to wanton with any of them, otherwise I wo― dd lik t...*muffled noises*, Angela, why are you covering my mouth?! I'm allowed to have free speech!
Mauriacs 11 February 2024  
1, xingxing cause im scared of ur power
2, kira it's ✨ the hair ✨
3, yusef free palestine!!
4, kaile'a goddamnit i hate u i want ur life
5, gianna we love smart women
6, adder co-worker ?
7, indra you are a what now–--
8, charlie uber sau bolt
9, felipe ptc sunt inca supi pt Sanditon
10, isidora girl, that job of yours,,,bless ur heart
si 11, penn pa
Tintype 11 February 2024  
        1ˢᵗ place:
        2ⁿᵈ place:
        3ʳᵈ place:
        4ᵗʰ place:
        5ᵗʰ place:
        6ᵗʰ place:
        7ᵗʰ place:
        8ᵗʰ place:
        9ᵗʰ place:
        10ᵗʰ place:
Tintype 8 February 2024  
  ˓❦   ゚ ‘ịnfo⁚
Is the angle good? Does the right side of my face looks duly? Is my cheek round and pump? Of course
these are important questions, Angela, we have such a broad audience, many people will get to see my
promotional billboards, and so the opportunity present itself. What if my true one is part of that particular
group of people? I need to look proper just in case. Powder my cheek, come on, more, more! You never
know when love is coming your way, and that is something I want to tell participants too. Be open for it,
because this season will guarantee at least a chance at it, but ultimately the outcome relies on you. This
edition will implement some new features. The regular task is going to be replaced by a d͟a͟t͟e͟ ͟p͟r͟o͟p͟o͟s͟a͟l͟,
each round will have its own theme and you will need to fill in the blank spaces, but to pick a partner for
the respective arrangement... well, there's a catch! Only the f͟i͟r͟s͟t͟ ͟t͟h͟r͟e͟e͟ ͟h͟i͟g͟h͟ ͟a͟c͟h͟i͟e͟v͟e͟r͟s͟ will be granted the
opportunity of s͟e͟l͟e͟c͟t͟i͟n͟g͟ ͟t͟h͟e͟i͟r͟ ͟p͟a͟i͟r͟, and they will do so by following the o͟r͟d͟e͟r͟ ͟i͟n͟ ͟w͟h͟i͟c͟h͟ ͟t͟h͟e͟y͟ ͟w͟e͟r͟e͟ ͟p͟l͟a͟c͟e͟d͟ ͟i͟n͟
t͟h͟e͟ ͟r͟a͟n͟k͟i͟n͟g͟ (ex. 1st place picks first, 2nd next, 3rd last), so try your hardest to be at the top or make use
of your bestest cards, otherwise you're at risk of crying alone in your hotel room. Once the leaderboard is
revealed, the couples are going to move on with the prompted dates, and can share their doings through
a series of updates, or keep it under wraps and have the other contestants wonder. Jealousy, oh jealousy.
MattyHealy 31 January 2024  
I hope you're aware you only got the job 'cause I refused.
Tintype 31 January 2024  
Angela, apple of my eye, remind Mr. Healy what one of the Tintype’s head directors had to say about his performance as a host.
Tintype 31 January 2024  
“He’s got no charisma of any kind, but I can imagine him being mildly useful to direct a low-rank porn.”
MattyHealy 31 January 2024  
Angela, you traitor! Snitch! B**ch! Well, ratings beg to differ, honey. You're not even gonna get to the pilot. And for bloody’s sake, I'm an asexual you w**ker!
Tintype 31 January 2024  
Decadent youth, you don't cease to surprise me. Take an Atenolol and please leave the premise, I wouldn't want you to collapse on the set and have us pay punitive damages.
AtlasEbner 31 January 2024  
Wanna date? <3
Tintype 31 January 2024  
Of course, I want to date everyone. Angela keeps saying that this message isn't for me but I don't believe so.
Tintype 26 January 2024  
         ও  The matchmaking begins as a group of single "Tintypers" come together in
        the Tintype's Real Estate Complex, this time located in the Heart of Paris, ready
        to plunge into a series of dates, leading to fruitful romances, hardships, situation
        ships, and lastly relationships. Everyday the Tintypers pair up and those who are
        not couples are at risk of being dumped― not only by their chosen one, but from
        the competition. The competitors are on the lookout for romance, but the road to
        love doesn't always run smoothly. Challenges abound with intriguing past players
        arrivals and dramatic twists and friendships and relationships form. In addition to
        choosing their partners wisely, they must also win the hearts of viewers who have
        the opportunity to shape events on screen and ultimately crown one lucky person
        the winner, giving the chance to walk away with both love and the money reward.
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